MLP~Mystic Lake Poetry


I did not know there were men fairy's that messes with my mouth ful fairy theory, but...I can always play this in the tale a matter of fact...the girls in the story will be on their own hunt <grin>
hunting male fae

Semicaper Pan
Nunc tenet, at quodam tenuerunt tempore nymphae,
- Ovid, Met. xiv. 520.

Pan ibi dum teneris jactat sua carmina nymphis.
Ov. Ib .xi. 153.

There Pan among the Faire-elves, that daunced round togither.
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bluerains said:
Semicaper Pan
Nunc tenet, at quodam tenuerunt tempore nymphae,
- Ovid, Met. xiv. 520.

Pan ibi dum teneris jactat sua carmina nymphis.
Ov. Ib .xi. 153.

There Pan among the Faire-elves, that daunced round togither.

huh? it's greek aint it <smile>
My Erotic Tale said:
"How to Hunt a Nymph-O"

Nymphs are lured by heroes and song,
each element contains a rehlm of Nymphs, Wood Nymph, water nymph, tree nymph. Nymphs are usually young ladies with an exceptionally larger appetite for seduction and erotic joinings. They have a reputation for excessive sexuality. The word nymphomaniac is a bedical term for a woman with an enormous sexual appetite, which is derived from the name of these Greek nature faeries.

"I say we catch a bussel of these Nymphs and keep a couple and sell the rest of them on E-bay!" Billy said with eyes like fire flys, all lit up like a drunk on saturday night. He closed the book; How to Hunt Nymphs.

"Get the Truck, we're going huntin'"

"Do you have to have a Hunting License to Hunt a Nymph-o?"

seriously how do you capture one?

I saw where..

How to Contact: Depends on the type of Nymph. Go to the place where you want to find one and call to them.

any thing else.
My Erotic Tale said:
"Do you have to have a Hunting License to Hunt a Nymph-o?"

seriously how do you capture one?

I saw where..

How to Contact: Depends on the type of Nymph. Go to the place where you want to find one and call to them.

any thing else.


you will need
some bait.



I shall think on this,
and see what I can come up with.
My creative juices needed stimulation,
so here goes ... ~

RhymeFairy said:

you will need
some bait.



I shall think on this,
and see what I can come up with.
My creative juices needed stimulation,
so here goes ... ~


okay RF....thanks

I may have to read some greek to find a tale where these nymphs were pursued and the boys a way to try and catch one <grin>...thanks
Are Love is like a River

our love is like a river
that runs forever deep

unseeing around the next bend
knowing together we'll keep

somedays are so very blue
basking in a beautiful hue

while other days are grey
reflecting the clouds that grew

some days are lazy
like a slow moving stream

other days choppy
we both just want to scream

are love is like a river
long and running strong

are love is like a river
natures living song​
My Erotic Tale said:
Are Love is like a River

our love is like a river
that runs forever deep

unseeing around the next bend
knowing together we'll keep

somedays are so very blue
basking in a beautiful hue

while other days are grey
reflecting the clouds that grew

some days are lazy
like a slow moving stream

other days choppy
we both just want to scream

are love is like a river
long and running strong

are love is like a river
natures living song​

I ache for you.

Day and night, this feeling
takes over. Sends me crashing,
into the currents. Desires embrace,
taking my breath, holding it captive
with the wild beast, of need.

I craving your touch. Your mouth
on my moistened skin. Thinking
of our love, entrapping my body.
Binding embrace. No need for escape,
I am yours. Carrying you to heaven,
and time again.

Take my mind, feeble thoughts.
Wanton wishes, two bodies entwined.
My heart beats, races for you.
Body trembles, shakes wanting you.
My soul, full of love, dedicated devotion.

Inhale all that I am. Inhaling you,
I tasted hot silky sexiness, dripping,
from your manliness. Dined on erotica
delight, dessert, puddingly sweet.
A spread fit for a queen,
your queen
of the night, my love.

Come, King of my heart.
you own me body-
soul. Rule this body of want,
need ... Chastise this wicked
queen, of your heart.
Love me. Your queen,
as I do all this and more,
for you,
My Love...
RhymeFairy said:
I ache for you.

Day and night, this feeling
takes over. Sends me crashing,
into the currents. Desires embrace,
taking my breath, holding it captive
with the wild beast, of need.

I craving your touch. Your mouth
on my moistened skin. Thinking
of our love, entrapping my body.
Binding embrace. No need for escape,
I am yours. Carrying you to heaven,
and time again.

Take my mind, feeble thoughts.
Wanton wishes, two bodies entwined.
My heart beats, races for you.
Body trembles, shakes wanting you.
My soul, full of love, dedicated devotion.

Inhale all that I am. Inhaling you,
I tasted hot silky sexiness, dripping,
from your manliness. Dined on erotica
delight, dessert, puddingly sweet.
A spread fit for a queen,
your queen
of the night, my love.

Come, King of my heart.
you own me body-
soul. Rule this body of want,
need ... Chastise this wicked
queen, of your heart.
Love me. Your queen,
as I do all this and more,
for you,
My Love...


a ray of sunshine just before the dawn <grin>
very nice RF
Too much sorrow, too much pain
Selfishness offers only tears
of that day
Relaxed within razors.
baby, lick the prickly pear juice off my chin,
dashed shoreward
Nothing soothes the night
And the swing creaks
Pens, the paintbrush of imagination
time to go
in dreams
Night mouth mumbling incoherently
in that moment
first pourings
in the mornings
and the clock struck
in your heart.
Purple lipstick smears
paper music reads the piano march
Rationalized and Institutionalized
I slowly rock.
Jennifer C said:
Too much sorrow, too much pain
Selfishness offers only tears
of that day
Relaxed within razors.
baby, lick the prickly pear juice off my chin,
dashed shoreward
Nothing soothes the night
And the swing creaks
Pens, the paintbrush of imagination
time to go
in dreams
Night mouth mumbling incoherently
in that moment
first pourings
in the mornings
and the clock struck
in your heart.
Purple lipstick smears
paper music reads the piano march
Rationalized and Institutionalized
I slowly rock.

purple lipstick? wear purple lips stick...hehehe this I gotta see.
you ROCK JC~
good to see ya back <and your back side AV too>
I saw a picture it would not let me snip
that was a lil fairy
bent over and ready for a <peter pan?> finger (the size of the fairy)
about to press it into her <grin> oh how naughty
My Erotic Tale said:
purple lipstick? wear purple lips stick...hehehe this I gotta see.
you ROCK JC~
good to see ya back <and your back side AV too>

Thanks hun :rose:

Glad u like the new av ;)


A smiling dewdrop wishes petulantly
wishing in lustful impulse
and purring loudly in love.
And winter disappears
in shades of time,
and day grows with presence.
The sky casts dark blue tendrils ,
fruit ripens
and nature rises majestically.
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Jennifer C said:
Thanks hun :rose:

Glad u like the new av ;)


A smiling dewdrop wishes petulantly
wishing in lustful impulse
and purring loudly in love.
And winter disappears
in shades of time,
and day grows with presence.
The sky casts dark blue tendrils ,
fruit ripens
and nature rises majestically.

the mystic lake sparkles in the moon light
swirls of fog move to the side
rowing across rippled waters
finding that mystique is even odder
toss out the sword to lighten the load
row row row

a lady is waiting with sultry skin
on the shores of an enemies bed
take me dear lady and love me this night
for tomorrow our soldiers will begin a new fight
I may meet the day but not the night
love sweet lady
love me this night
was it the wind that carried your name
or the crows call
of the dark birds nature to be insane

did the sand cross my feet
while traveling
stepping over the snails in passing

looking at a mountain
I will never climb
for gazing at it brings me joy

the mist shields my view
but I knew you were there
for your the Du
The floating spring day dreams audibly
frowning in flamed dismay
and sluggish in pain.
Silvery winter whispers softly
in chilly realms,
and life decays in glorious symphony.
Morning reflects in reddened tinges ,
that bluster in the wind
and clouds billow and blow across blue skies.
Jennifer C said:
The floating spring day dreams audibly
frowning in flamed dismay
and sluggish in pain.
Silvery winter whispers softly
in chilly realms,
and life decays in glorious symphony.
Morning reflects in reddened tinges ,
that bluster in the wind
and clouds billow and blow across blue skies.

I wake each morn
and feel the need
to touch the dew

that which washes
the earth each morn
making it new

I reach and touch
the wet grass form
marveled by the Du
MLP~ Rythme walking

A Heron steps
in water lightly
it's long legs
in a slow pace

along the river's
greeting shore
this long neck bird
rythme walking

hunting the water
its only chore
to end the rumblings
of it's stomache's roar
...........neck recoils

My Erotic Tale said:
I saw a picture it would not let me snip
that was a lil fairy
bent over and ready for a <peter pan?> finger (the size of the fairy)
about to press it into her <grin> oh how naughty

naughty fairy
oh naughty fairy,
come touch
her wispy wings.

slip of finger.
tongue of talent.
sing this fairy
a song.

willfully worship
this fairy.
bow down
your avid

take a dip
in her
bounteous brooke,
in this fairys'

ty Art for sharing this with us... beautiful...du :rose:

My Erotic Tale said:
was it the wind that carried your name
or the crows call
of the dark birds nature to be insane

did the sand cross my feet
while traveling
stepping over the snails in passing

looking at a mountain
I will never climb
for gazing at it brings me joy

the mist shields my view
but I knew you were there
for your the Du
Mystical attributes of Dew

Dew is symbolic of divine incarnation or manifestation from Above. Alchemists believed natural dew contained the divine Salt (thoughts of the One Mind) that could transform the Sulfur and Mercury of the First Matter. In many ways, dew represented the Elixir or contents of the cup of God, the Holy Grail.

Ros is Latin for 'dew' and in alchemical terms, 'dew' is the purity of essence refined through transcendent processes of working the power of vitriol in its highest state. Ros is the perfected result of grosser existence

Dew (Seet)

Dews are formed when humidity in the air is condensed and is caused by the change in temperature. When the temperature is cold, the air condenses and forms dew; when it is warm, it evaporates. The whole process is elusive to the people; it is visible at one moment and gone the next. In Bungamatiís life world, this elusive quality of natureís trajectory is regarded as Amrita -- potion of immortality possessed only by the gods. The Newars told me that they regard dew as amrita, and if one is able to drink it, one gains immortality. Amrita is regarded as having high medicinal values, and when taken, death can be avoided and illnesses cured, which is equivalent to gaining immortality like the gods; but it is elusive. In Buddhist terms ìthe world of dewî is that of appearances, and is a sign of the ephemeral nature of material things and the brevity of life.

While the Newars in Bungamati spin an elusive, mystical quality into water in its form as dew, Barth (1975) shows a different web of significance woven around dew among the Baktamans of New Guinea. The boys in this community use dew to wash their body in the initiation rites. The significance of washing the body with dew instead of running water is the belief that it retains the growth and strength of the initiates while the use of running water will wash away, instead of retaining, the growth. While Newars have made one attribute of dew, i.e. its short time of existence as the salient feature in the meaning they confer on it, the Baktamans have made another attribute of dew -- its contrast with flowing water salient in their dew symbolism.

In the Newar community the contrast between the mortality of men and the immortality of gods is expressed in a contrast between those who are not able to collect dew, i.e. man, and those who constantly carry it, i.e. the gods.

This amrita symbolism is then associated with another highly visible water related symbol in Newar villages, namely a small container (kamandalu or tumbi); this container usually made of brass or copper has a narrow neck and a wider body and can be carried easily (Please see Plate 18). The container is a particular insignia of the yogin -- a person who is both mortal and divine. The mortal yogis transport the waters of renowned tirthas for long distances, so as to prolong the contact with the sacred substance. It is in these types of containers that gods carry amrita.
New Life Experiences

I was sitting here thinking on how new life experiences can influence what and how we write. Yesterday for the first time in my life I shot a long bow. Morgan gave me lessons in the ancient art and I found a joy in the dance of the bow, my body, my mind and the arrow flying into the sun. Although this is all part of the research for my book I find myself drawn to writing about the Long bow in my poetry. I plan on doing so soon... as you know I need to research on it first!

So my question to you is.... what new life experience have to grasped and how does or what does it inspire in you?

Du~ :rose:
so glad you

Du Lac said:
I was sitting here thinking on how new life experiences can influence what and how we write. Yesterday for the first time in my life I shot a long bow. Morgan gave me lessons in the ancient art and I found a joy in the dance of the bow, my body, my mind and the arrow flying into the sun. Although this is all part of the research for my book I find myself drawn to writing about the Long bow in my poetry. I plan on doing so soon... as you know I need to research on it first!

So my question to you is.... what new life experience have to grasped and how does or what does it inspire in you?

Du~ :rose:

are having a great experience vistas...learning new life...never staying the same...tis whats is all about...enjoy your new life dear...luvfromtheblue... :heart:
Du Lac said:
I was sitting here thinking on how new life experiences can influence what and how we write. Yesterday for the first time in my life I shot a long bow. Morgan gave me lessons in the ancient art and I found a joy in the dance of the bow, my body, my mind and the arrow flying into the sun. Although this is all part of the research for my book I find myself drawn to writing about the Long bow in my poetry. I plan on doing so soon... as you know I need to research on it first!

So my question to you is.... what new life experience have to grasped and how does or what does it inspire in you?

Du~ :rose:

Every morning I cross the river and every day I find what differs from the day before. Mostly the water line is higher or lower, or the clouds are thicker or thiinner. Some times the water color is changed or changing. But most of all there is always a different animal, birds, cranes, heron, egrets, alligator, dog, squirrel, nutra, beaver and much more. The difference of the day, unique in every way. This is not actually new, but a new day daily <grin>

Good to see ya hun
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