
I have this to say about that:

James Blandings said:

WD, I respect your opinion, particularly since you bring a unique perspective to this particular issue.
But I fail to see what is open for discussion here. Risia has made the issues quite clear, in my opinion. If people don't like the system, they need to either take it to Laurel and Manu, shrug it off and live with it, or find a site more to their liking. As you know, Risia and I do not decide how the Mod system here operates, and it is not up for a vote, so I fail to see the benefit of further discussion of that aspect of the issue. If I am missing something, I am perfectly willing to engage in reasoned discourse about it.
If someone has a personal complaint about how a particular moderator is behaving, that is another matter. But cym is gone and I know of no outstanding complaints against either Risia or myself, and if someone does have a problem, I would hope they would bring it to us and give us a chance to explain ourselves before they would make a public issue out of it.

.......I love the Moderators.

They are beautiful and wise in their ways.

Lance "Stepford" Castor
MissTaken said:

For me, I have had enough of the issue and the ramifications in a public forum.

I am getting back to the business at hand, BDSM.

Anyone care to join me? ;)

I have been silent throughout all of this shit lately. I believe that it was wise to do so. All I can do is shake my head in disgust.

I'm with you on this one MissT
Koolaid, anyone?

P. B. Walker said:
oh shit... everyone run.. he's got a following...


I love the Moderators.

They are beautiful and wise in their ways.

Lance "JimmyJones" Castor
Serously, I don't think there are a long list of lit mod rules. I didn't get any. And if we as board wanted to have mod rules, it could be done the same way the forum rules were made. Sounds like your passing the buck when you tell people to take their complants to Laurel and Manu. Just my opinion.
oh come on Himmy...

ya gotta mix it up... or you'll sound like a broken record in no time. And then well... I'll be left to my own devices... and we all know what happens then... lol


P. B. Walker said:
oh come on Himmy...

ya gotta mix it up... or you'll sound like a broken record in no time. And then well... I'll be left to my own devices... and we all know what happens then... lol


You have devices?!

Damn...where were YOU when the lites went out?

I could have used some devices!

Lance "Your mother was a hamster" Castor, Just goin with it....

WriterDom said:
Sounds like your passing the buck when you tell people to take their complants to Laurel and Manu.

Exactly. Pure unadulterated unhelpful chicken shit to send us off to go see mommy & daddy.

Okay, so I'm adding some local color order to help make the board a more fun place to be.

WriterDom said:
Serously, I don't think there are a long list of lit mod rules. I didn't get any. And if we as board wanted to have mod rules, it could be done the same way the forum rules were made. Sounds like your passing the buck when you tell people to take their complants to Laurel and Manu. Just my opinion.

I don't mean to pass the buck, I just don't know what it is that people want. If they want a different system, such as invisible Mods, that's something they have to take up with Laurel and Manu.
If you are suggesting a forum only list of rules as to how Moderators can post or something of that nature, that is a different manner. But I will say, without meaning to be inflammatory in any way, because I believe your intentions are to find the best options for the forum, that I doubt very seriously that you will find anyone who will accept an unpaid Mod position if it means any substantial curtailment of their rights as a board member.
So the self-proclaimed Alpha Dom takes out the submissive and sets his sights on the Switch. Didn't take nearly as long as I had originally given him credit for.
I don't have any thoughts on Mods right now. My only reason for posting was to say that perhaps this wasn't the best time to open a discussion.

What you have now might be the best system. But when someone suggests change I don't think the mods need to throw up a line of defense. There is always the chance someone might have a better way of doing things.
KillerMuffin said:
So the self-proclaimed Alpha Dom takes out the submissive and sets his sights on the Switch. Didn't take nearly as long as I had originally given him credit for.
Oh, gods, KM. That actually made me laugh out loud, spraying Diet Dr. Pepper all over my screen. You caused me housework, dammit! Isn't all this stuff entertaining sometimes?

I just read a truly baffling yayati-esque post on another thread, too. Who needs tickets to the circus when you've got Lit? :devil:

Oh, and WD--I agree with you that in principle, the system should be adaptable and accesible to posters. Also, that right now is a piss-poor time to start any attempt at a rational discussion of potential change. The proposed change had already been discussed, at length, and with site administration, almost a month ago. That particular system isn't feasible at this time, something that didn't seem to be getting across. Who can say what the future will bring? Not me.
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RisiaSkye said:

Who needs tickets to the circus when you've got Lit? :devil:

May I, please use that as a sig line on a day when I feel like the clowns are threatening to stumble and spill their pail of confetti on me?

Awesome line!
I have tried to stay out of most of this.... I personally find the whole situation upsetting and unsettling.

I do have to say that I see no need to change the way the Moderators do their job. In fact we are all moderators to a degree. When I see something that violates the four forum rules, I report it. We all have an option to police ourselves and I think we should do that.

Now having said that I am going to say that I am truly sick of all this bickering. The door is over there if you don't like it. It is a free choice to make. Those of us who hang out here do so because we happen to like the people here and the content. I am only sorry that certain people felt the need to remove themselves from this board. But again that is their choice.

Now I have had a really bad day personally and this stuff just pisses me off so I am going to join Miss T and the rest of the community in the business of BDSM. The rest of you can debate this issue forever but this is the last I am posting about it.

Get over it..... Stay or go... But this is a BDSM Forum not the What's Wrong with the Moderator System Forum.... Take it to the General Board... They should be about ripe for ressurection by now!
RisiaSkye said:

Oh, gods, KM. That actually made me laugh out loud, spraying Diet Dr. Pepper all over my screen. You caused me housework, dammit! Isn't all this stuff entertaining sometimes?

I just read a truly baffling yayati-esque post on another thread, too. Who needs tickets to the circus when you've got Lit? :devil:

I'm totally with you there Risia... I'm LMAO all the way. You just don't make people like that... <shaking my head>.

Unfortunately it does have a downside (people leaving).. but I figure it's their loss.

Uh,...I love the Moderators. They are beautiful and wise in their ways, and I love the board members,(past, present and future).

I also love Laurel and Manu,(but it really is THEIR duty), to communicate freely and enlighten those wishing a full explanation of how Moderators function, and Forum specific policies.

Surely there is a post SOMEWHERE on Lit that will answer the questions of all, a non-threatening way.(I just don't know where it is)

I wrote an E-mail to Laurel some time ago,(and sent a copy to one of our Moderators). The Moderator answered as best they could my inquiry.
As of this post,...I still have not received a response from Laurel.

The policies in effect at THIS Forum are NOT the fault of the Moderators, but yes, there are issues that SOME people want to have addressed,...and they should be addressed,...I just don't know how to participate in a meaningful manner.

I am not interested in being a Forum Moderator, and wouldn't take it, if it was offerred to me, but I did inquire as to how Forum Moderators were chosen,...and I STILL don't know.

art "Stepford" ful :D
Your email is lost in the slush of literally thousands of emails. She gets tons of email.

PM Laurel instead, you'll get a better response.

KillerMuffin said:
Your email is lost in the slush of literally thousands of emails. She gets tons of email.

PM Laurel instead, you'll get a better response.

Slush. Yeah right.

The dog ate my email.

I love the Moderators.

They are beautiful and wise in their ways.

Lance "Stepford" Castor
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Uh oh... they are firing it up again...

PBW gets his popcorn and watches from the sideline. Who wants to join me?

P. B. Walker said:
Uh oh... they are firing it up again...

PBW gets his popcorn and watches from the sideline. Who wants to join me?

Nah...I got work to do, and I'm tired of being online. I'm off for the night. But, have some popcorn for me and let me know what happens, willya?

Moths to Flame

P. B. Walker said:
Uh oh... they are firing it up again...

PBW gets his popcorn and watches from the sideline. Who wants to join me?


I've realized that They enjoy this stuff....because, no matter how much they protest, they always come back looking for another round.

Keep in mind....these are the very same people who say they're sick of the bickering.

They're not sick of the bickering....they love to bicker! They live for it!

I love the Moderators.

They are beautiful and wise in their ways.

Lance "Stepford" Castor
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I'll probably join ya soon... there's a good movie coming on... but I'll be sure to catch up tomorrow hopefully.

PB "Switch Bitch" W
A whole thread for bait. You make it sound as if it's more difficult than simply pressing the "New Thread" button and typing up some recycled moderator innuendo. It was a lot harder to go back and hide your original posts behind this ridiculous Stepford crap. Nicely two-faced of you. Must applaud that really courageous move.

You put on the tighty-whities over the moderators and kept 'em on for weeks now. Why? Not for any sincere forward-movement in this forum. If that had been your intention this thread never would have happened and rather than sarcasm and evasiveness you would have been straightforward from the beginning. Pissy cause they passed you over for James?

Now we get to the heart of the matter. The self-proclaimed Alpha Dom doesn't want to be Topped by anyone.

Boo fuckin' hoo.
And the referree raises his arms... "3 pointer for KM!!!"

the crowd goes wild... more to follow hopefully :)

KillerMuffin said:
A whole thread for bait. You make it sound as if it's more difficult than simply pressing the "New Thread" button and typing up some recycled moderator innuendo. It was a lot harder to go back and hide your original posts behind this ridiculous Stepford crap. Nicely two-faced of you. Must applaud that really courageous move.

You put on the tighty-whities over the moderators and kept 'em on for weeks now. Why? Not for any sincere forward-movement in this forum. If that had been your intention this thread never would have happened and rather than sarcasm and evasiveness you would have been straightforward from the beginning. Pissy cause they passed you over for James?

Now we get to the heart of the matter. The self-proclaimed Alpha Dom doesn't want to be Topped by anyone.

Boo fuckin' hoo.

I love the Moderators.

They are beautiful and wise in their ways.

Lance "Stepford" Castor
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