Moochie’s Mementos (and a pic or two)

Nurse’s week - Day 1

I self-sabotaged this morning
But I’m not mad about it

Had a call with my therapist -
I have only been talking to one
The last couple years
(wonder why 🙄)
So we have never seen each other in person.

I always drive somewhere
With good cell reception
And sit in my car
While we chat

During my chat this morning,
I got a text from work -
I should preface it’s content
With this knowledge for you:
My unit is currently down so many people due to a mixture of
* burnout
* feeling underpaid/appreciated
* management’s lack of empathy and/or thankfulness
* crazy hours
* high workload (I worked 11 nights in a row recently)

We don’t have enough staff to care for the patient volumes
And management won’t decrease our workload
For fear of missing out on profits

So, with that in mind, I get this text:

“/ no subject / Looking for any RN willing to work today...any hours would be appreciated. Please please please call the front desk if you’re available!!! We need you! Thank you!”

I actually thought about it
And read the message to my therapist
Who asked what would happen
If I did go in and help?
What would happen if I didn’t?

I started to say that I feel so bad
For my fellow coworkers
And know what it is like
To be in their shoes
With zero support
On a hopeless-looking day…

But I quickly realized
I made my own decision for myself!

I left the house
Without a bra
And I can’t go to work
Without a bra
Because that would not only be unprofessional
But it would be absolutely uncomfortable

Self-sabotage never felt so good!
You look spectacular,
Nurse’s week - Day 1

I self-sabotaged this morning
But I’m not mad about it

Had a call with my therapist -
I have only been talking to one
The last couple years
(wonder why 🙄)
So we have never seen each other in person.

I always drive somewhere
With good cell reception
And sit in my car
While we chat

During my chat this morning,
I got a text from work -
I should preface it’s content
With this knowledge for you:
My unit is currently down so many people due to a mixture of
* burnout
* feeling underpaid/appreciated
* management’s lack of empathy and/or thankfulness
* crazy hours
* high workload (I worked 11 nights in a row recently)

We don’t have enough staff to care for the patient volumes
And management won’t decrease our workload
For fear of missing out on profits

So, with that in mind, I get this text:

“/ no subject / Looking for any RN willing to work today...any hours would be appreciated. Please please please call the front desk if you’re available!!! We need you! Thank you!”

I actually thought about it
And read the message to my therapist
Who asked what would happen
If I did go in and help?
What would happen if I didn’t?

I started to say that I feel so bad
For my fellow coworkers
And know what it is like
To be in their shoes
With zero support
On a hopeless-looking day…

But I quickly realized
I made my own decision for myself!

I left the house
Without a bra
And I can’t go to work
Without a bra
Because that would not only be unprofessional
But it would be absolutely uncomfortable

Self-sabotage never felt so good!
You look spectacular. Unprofessional be damned.
I'm glad that you put yourself first yesterday. It's so frustrating when hospital administration does so little to correct the conditions that put their staff and patients into these situations. I've never had to work 11 days in a row. No one should. It doesn't matter how good one is at their job, being exhausted and overworked, both mentally and physically, interferes with quality patient care and staff well-being. Even if they only truly care about profits, how do they not see how these issues affect their profits... employee attrition, constant hiring, increased worker's comp cases, bad publicity, etc. Those were some of the main issues that I saw in veterinary nursing, especially working in an emergency/specialty facility. I can't imagine that you aren't seeing similar issues in human hospitals.

Sorry for venting a bit, but I hate seeing other people, especially ones I care about, being treated like this. I am impressed and happy that you have been taking steps to take care of yourself. Sending you the biggest hug, a virtual dram of Dalwhinnie, and the hope that the situation improves. 💜🌷💜
Nurse’s week - Day 1

I self-sabotaged this morning
But I’m not mad about it

Had a call with my therapist -
I have only been talking to one
The last couple years
(wonder why 🙄)
So we have never seen each other in person.

I always drive somewhere
With good cell reception
And sit in my car
While we chat

During my chat this morning,
I got a text from work -
I should preface it’s content
With this knowledge for you:
My unit is currently down so many people due to a mixture of
* burnout
* feeling underpaid/appreciated
* management’s lack of empathy and/or thankfulness
* crazy hours
* high workload (I worked 11 nights in a row recently)

We don’t have enough staff to care for the patient volumes
And management won’t decrease our workload
For fear of missing out on profits

So, with that in mind, I get this text:

“/ no subject / Looking for any RN willing to work today...any hours would be appreciated. Please please please call the front desk if you’re available!!! We need you! Thank you!”

I actually thought about it
And read the message to my therapist
Who asked what would happen
If I did go in and help?
What would happen if I didn’t?

I started to say that I feel so bad
For my fellow coworkers
And know what it is like
To be in their shoes
With zero support
On a hopeless-looking day…

But I quickly realized
I made my own decision for myself!

I left the house
Without a bra
And I can’t go to work
Without a bra
Because that would not only be unprofessional
But it would be absolutely uncomfortable

Self-sabotage never felt so good!
This narrative brought a smile to my face in knowing that you allowed yourself to enjoy the day and not be coierced into going to work on your day off. What nurses are having to cope with is appaling and I can see why early retirments or change of careers would be appealing.
Mental note then, give up wearing bras at all unless absolutely going to work. It clearly is much healthier for you to be selective. Give up the bottom half at the same time and your laundry will be reduced, a bonus!
I fully support this advice !!!!
Nurse’s week - Day 1

I self-sabotaged this morning
But I’m not mad about it

Had a call with my therapist -
I have only been talking to one
The last couple years
(wonder why 🙄)
So we have never seen each other in person.

I always drive somewhere
With good cell reception
And sit in my car
While we chat

During my chat this morning,
I got a text from work -
I should preface it’s content
With this knowledge for you:
My unit is currently down so many people due to a mixture of
* burnout
* feeling underpaid/appreciated
* management’s lack of empathy and/or thankfulness
* crazy hours
* high workload (I worked 11 nights in a row recently)

We don’t have enough staff to care for the patient volumes
And management won’t decrease our workload
For fear of missing out on profits

So, with that in mind, I get this text:

“/ no subject / Looking for any RN willing to work today...any hours would be appreciated. Please please please call the front desk if you’re available!!! We need you! Thank you!”

I actually thought about it
And read the message to my therapist
Who asked what would happen
If I did go in and help?
What would happen if I didn’t?

I started to say that I feel so bad
For my fellow coworkers
And know what it is like
To be in their shoes
With zero support
On a hopeless-looking day…

But I quickly realized
I made my own decision for myself!

I left the house
Without a bra
And I can’t go to work
Without a bra
Because that would not only be unprofessional
But it would be absolutely uncomfortable

Self-sabotage never felt so good!
Good for you!
Mental note then, give up wearing bras at all unless absolutely going to work. It clearly is much healthier for you to be selective. Give up the bottom half at the same time and your laundry will be reduced, a bonus!

A no-pants summer ahead for me?! Sounds appealing - especially since I’ve been a bit stressed, so exercise hasn’t been top on my list (and thus, neither is fitting into my pants).

This is typical of organisations that rely on staff feeling guilty at not covering patient needs. It is worse when hospitals are profit driven. Our hospital staff get similar treatment, but management will usually call in agency nursing first even though this costs more. Don’t get me wrong, they have budgets to work to, but it’s not the same a making profit a priority.

I like the self satisfied grin you have whilst flashing your beauties in a public, busy parking lot.

Sadly, we don’t have the luxury of calling in agency nurses here. Travelors have to be on contract with a specific hospital for their duties. They cannot work over their contract, and because of the economic climate, they’re getting much more pay than the house nurses (even when we’re working on overtime). This causes a bunch of unsaid resentment.

Thanks for understanding, Todger. 🌷

Self care during this high volume time is critical! Especially for those who take care of us, thank you for what you do for others.

That’s very kind of you. Thank you for saying so, Awaywego. 🌷

You look spectacular. Unprofessional be damned.

Haha! Thanks, hb 😊

I'm glad that you put yourself first yesterday. It's so frustrating when hospital administration does so little to correct the conditions that put their staff and patients into these situations. I've never had to work 11 days in a row. No one should. It doesn't matter how good one is at their job, being exhausted and overworked, both mentally and physically, interferes with quality patient care and staff well-being. Even if they only truly care about profits, how do they not see how these issues affect their profits... employee attrition, constant hiring, increased worker's comp cases, bad publicity, etc. Those were some of the main issues that I saw in veterinary nursing, especially working in an emergency/specialty facility. I can't imagine that you aren't seeing similar issues in human hospitals.

Sorry for venting a bit, but I hate seeing other people, especially ones I care about, being treated like this. I am impressed and happy that you have been taking steps to take care of yourself. Sending you the biggest hug, a virtual dram of Dalwhinnie, and the hope that the situation improves. 💜🌷💜

I’ll take that dram as long as I’m sharing the tasting with you, Lovely. 💜💜💜

Your words hit home and I will read them when I’m tempted to pick up more hours than my already tight schedule allows. 🌷

This narrative brought a smile to my face in knowing that you allowed yourself to enjoy the day and not be coierced into going to work on your day off. What nurses are having to cope with is appaling and I can see why early retirments or change of careers would be appealing.

I’m working on some education pieces so I’m not pulled so thin anymore. It will be wonderful (I hope), once my next step is done… and then the next. I will still be an integral caregiver, but with less weight on me working for the hospital. Oh, and I’ll still be making enough money with less hours to support my family. Doesn’t that sound pretty fabulous?

I fully support this advice !!!!


Good for you!

Thank you, wilderness! 💜

Won’t someone please think of the children?!

Kidding. Never hurts to put yourself first!

Right?!??! What about the littles?! We deserve more! 😉😂
Nursing week day 3

Warning!!! Gross nurse curiosity alert!!!

I pulled this from someone’s bellybutton today. We call the things we pull out of bellybuttons while cleaning “potatoes” because we often have to dig for them. 🤢🤢🤢

You’re welcome. 😂


  • 1443818E-5B5E-4047-A28B-854EA1104809.jpeg
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Nursing week day 3

Warning!!! Gross nurse curiosity alert!!!

I pulled this from someone’s bellybutton today. We call the things we pull out of bellybuttons while cleaning “potatoes” because we often have to dig for them. 🤢🤢🤢

You’re welcome. 😂
Lost my appetite ... But you did warn me. :ROFLMAO:
Nursing week day 3

Warning!!! Gross nurse curiosity alert!!!

I pulled this from someone’s bellybutton today. We call the things we pull out of bellybuttons while cleaning “potatoes” because we often have to dig for them. 🤢🤢🤢

You’re welcome. 😂
I have a fetish for sexy bellybuttons but not for what's lodged inside them!
Nursing week day 3

Warning!!! Gross nurse curiosity alert!!!

I pulled this from someone’s bellybutton today. We call the things we pull out of bellybuttons while cleaning “potatoes” because we often have to dig for them. 🤢🤢🤢

You’re welcome. 😂
Looks very like a fungal infection growth. I’ve seen and had to deal with overgranulation around stoma’s, but they usually look more jelly like.
Nursing week day 3

Warning!!! Gross nurse curiosity alert!!!

I pulled this from someone’s bellybutton today. We call the things we pull out of bellybuttons while cleaning “potatoes” because we often have to dig for them. 🤢🤢🤢

You’re welcome. 😂
Needs Ranch dressing on that potato
Nursing week day 3

Warning!!! Gross nurse curiosity alert!!!

I pulled this from someone’s bellybutton today. We call the things we pull out of bellybuttons while cleaning “potatoes” because we often have to dig for them. 🤢🤢🤢

You’re welcome. 😂
Is there a museum? Someone probably has a collection.
Nursing week day 3

Warning!!! Gross nurse curiosity alert!!!

I pulled this from someone’s bellybutton today. We call the things we pull out of bellybuttons while cleaning “potatoes” because we often have to dig for them. 🤢🤢🤢

You’re welcome. 😂
Yuck... I went through EMT IV training a long time back and I won't forget the hospital practical I did. One dementia, street person patient I had to assess and get cleaned up who took a piss in the garbage can. Another street person who'd been released with a fractured tib/fib held together with pins that had gone septic with maggots. Oh... there were more. It sure convinced me that working in a hospital wasn't for me.
Nurses week day 4

I was never tempted
To become a doctor.

Even when I was told
That I’d be great at it.

If that was in my cards,
I would know - right?

Instead, I stuck to my guns
And am doing more
Than I ever thought when I started.

The beauty of nursing
Is I could change my job
Almost completely
Without doing more than simply applying.

If I had become a doctor
All those years ago,
I’d feel rather pigeonholed right now,
Doing what I was boarded to
And not the new and exciting things
I’m currently certifying in.

My English professor
During my first year of college
Spoke about what his wife did
One time
And I was convinced.

Thank you to her,
The nameless CRNA
Who made crazy goals seem achievable
To this girl still in her senior year
Of high school.

This got out of hand…
And here I wanted to say
The best things
I’ve pulled out of a colon

- a toothbrush
- a pencil
- a 50” double-ended, purple dildo
- a peeled potato
- a whole eggplant
- so very many shampoo bottles

- oh, and your cock out of mine 😏
❤️ happy Thursday, Darling.


  • 723FB483-7FEF-4600-B676-2BBA371E6E47.jpeg
    489.1 KB · Views: 160
Nurses week day 4

I was never tempted
To become a doctor.

Even when I was told
That I’d be great at it.

If that was in my cards,
I would know - right?

Instead, I stuck to my guns
And am doing more
Than I ever thought when I started.

The beauty of nursing
Is I could change my job
Almost completely
Without doing more than simply applying.

If I had become a doctor
All those years ago,
I’d feel rather pigeonholed right now,
Doing what I was boarded to
And not the new and exciting things
I’m currently certifying in.

My English professor
During my first year of college
Spoke about what his wife did
One time
And I was convinced.

Thank you to her,
The nameless CRNA
Who made crazy goals seem achievable
To this girl still in her senior year
Of high school.

This got out of hand…
And here I wanted to say
The best things
I’ve pulled out of a colon

- a toothbrush
- a pencil
- a 50” double-ended, purple dildo
- a peeled potato
- a whole eggplant
- so very many shampoo bottles

- oh, and your cock out of mine 😏
❤️ happy Thursday, Darling.
Thank you again for your Beauty and the nice laughs along the way. Your service is Amazing!:kiss::kiss:
Nurses week day 4

I was never tempted
To become a doctor.

Even when I was told
That I’d be great at it.

If that was in my cards,
I would know - right?

Instead, I stuck to my guns
And am doing more
Than I ever thought when I started.

The beauty of nursing
Is I could change my job
Almost completely
Without doing more than simply applying.

If I had become a doctor
All those years ago,
I’d feel rather pigeonholed right now,
Doing what I was boarded to
And not the new and exciting things
I’m currently certifying in.

My English professor
During my first year of college
Spoke about what his wife did
One time
And I was convinced.

Thank you to her,
The nameless CRNA
Who made crazy goals seem achievable
To this girl still in her senior year
Of high school.

This got out of hand…
And here I wanted to say
The best things
I’ve pulled out of a colon

- a toothbrush
- a pencil
- a 50” double-ended, purple dildo
- a peeled potato
- a whole eggplant
- so very many shampoo bottles

- oh, and your cock out of mine 😏
❤️ happy Thursday, Darling.
BAHAHAHA Pulls out the tape measure... 50 inches??? Double ended and Purple dildo...
Is there a hospital sponsered record book out there somewhere.. Like competing with other hospitals.. I mean you just may have the record there !!!
Dare I say
OMG !!!
Thank you again for your Beauty and the nice laughs along the way. Your service is Amazing!:kiss::kiss:

It’s funny, butt you can’t make this shit up! 😂🤣😜🤣😂

BAHAHAHA Pulls out the tape measure... 50 inches??? Double ended and Purple dildo...
Is there a hospital sponsered record book out there somewhere.. Like competing with other hospitals.. I mean you just may have the record there !!!
Dare I say
OMG !!!

When I tell this particular story, I talk about how the doc, after anesthesia has relaxed the bowels, was able to grab the end of the dildo with a kocker. The teeth caught and I started to see this dildo… and that thing kept coming, and coming… and holy fuck did it keep coming out of that bumhole!!

I’m not kidding when I say, when this patient was emerging from anesthesia, I was golf clapping in awe.
It’s funny, butt you can’t make this shit up! 😂🤣😜🤣😂

When I tell this particular story, I talk about how the doc, after anesthesia has relaxed the bowels, was able to grab the end of the dildo with a kocker. The teeth caught and I started to see this dildo… and that thing kept coming, and coming… and holy fuck did it keep coming out of that bumhole!!

I’m not kidding when I say, when this patient was emerging from anesthesia, I was golf clapping in awe.
I am laughing so fucking hard right now.. I can only imagine the quiet exchanges and laughs that filled that hospital.. And I know you have to be careful because of Hippa..
Nurses week day 4

I was never tempted
To become a doctor.

Even when I was told
That I’d be great at it.

If that was in my cards,
I would know - right?

Instead, I stuck to my guns
And am doing more
Than I ever thought when I started.

The beauty of nursing
Is I could change my job
Almost completely
Without doing more than simply applying.

If I had become a doctor
All those years ago,
I’d feel rather pigeonholed right now,
Doing what I was boarded to
And not the new and exciting things
I’m currently certifying in.

My English professor
During my first year of college
Spoke about what his wife did
One time
And I was convinced.

Thank you to her,
The nameless CRNA
Who made crazy goals seem achievable
To this girl still in her senior year
Of high school.

This got out of hand…
And here I wanted to say
The best things
I’ve pulled out of a colon

- a toothbrush
- a pencil
- a 50” double-ended, purple dildo
- a peeled potato
- a whole eggplant
- so very many shampoo bottles

- oh, and your cock out of mine 😏
❤️ happy Thursday, Darling.
I love nurses stories! At least you get a laugh out of it, some people's fun, lol. I can imagine that last part....mine out of yours! Thank you, Moochie
Nurses week day 4

I was never tempted
To become a doctor.

Even when I was told
That I’d be great at it.

If that was in my cards,
I would know - right?

Instead, I stuck to my guns
And am doing more
Than I ever thought when I started.

The beauty of nursing
Is I could change my job
Almost completely
Without doing more than simply applying.

If I had become a doctor
All those years ago,
I’d feel rather pigeonholed right now,
Doing what I was boarded to
And not the new and exciting things
I’m currently certifying in.

My English professor
During my first year of college
Spoke about what his wife did
One time
And I was convinced.

Thank you to her,
The nameless CRNA
Who made crazy goals seem achievable
To this girl still in her senior year
Of high school.

This got out of hand…
And here I wanted to say
The best things
I’ve pulled out of a colon

- a toothbrush
- a pencil
- a 50” double-ended, purple dildo
- a peeled potato
- a whole eggplant
- so very many shampoo bottles

- oh, and your cock out of mine 😏
❤️ happy Thursday, Darling.
A nurses life is never dull. I’m gobsmacked, just over four feet of dildo, and that was inserted deliberately I assume, and not forced in as revenge.

I won’t mention your predilection for anal sex. Oops I just did. 😇
It’s funny, butt you can’t make this shit up! 😂🤣😜🤣😂

When I tell this particular story, I talk about how the doc, after anesthesia has relaxed the bowels, was able to grab the end of the dildo with a kocker. The teeth caught and I started to see this dildo… and that thing kept coming, and coming… and holy fuck did it keep coming out of that bumhole!!

I’m not kidding when I say, when this patient was emerging from anesthesia, I was golf clapping in awe.
Wow...always in awe of nurses and what they deal with daily. And of all the things you mentioned, a pencil seems the scariest just because of the risk of puncturing the colon. Wow...

On a side note, when I was in college I had a cop buddy that lived in my building who moonlighted at the local ER on weekends and had all kinds of wild stories. I remember one story where a dude showed up with the top end of a freaking bowling pin stuck in his ass. Yikes!