Moochie’s Mementos (and a pic or two)

It’s rad week here for my wife. 🩺🪄✨✨✨ and it’s#tbt so I’m recycling a poem , writing ✍️ piece of your work to show her when she gets home tonight.
Three, two, one
Run down the flights
Lives wait at the bottom
Push the bed, pole, vent
Take the elevator
One, two, three
Push again, but faster
Halls echoing with upset monitors
Deep breaths
Opening doors
Opening abdomens, chests
Find the problem and fix it
Ligate the vessels
Remove the ruptured bowels
Fix the broken bones
Take care of them
Tell them it’s okay to cry
Tell them ‘no’ when it will save their life
Tell them you have them
Tell them to fight
Even when they might not hear you
Hold their hand
Keep them warm
Keep them safe
Keep them alive
Every day
Every night
From behind a mask, a respirator, and a face shield
You do your job
This month documenting pantslessness is accidentally also producing an irrepressible smile diary; that shout of wind today coaxed a lovely one.