More opinions needed

Remec said:
Coolness. Lemme dig out my viola. It's a deeper sound than your typical fiddle, but I can move the bow just as quickly 'cross her strings. <BG>


Have you scrolled up and read, Remmie? ee's already got it put to music on a 12 string and something about a 'D'.
BooMerengue said:
Have you scrolled up and read, Remmie? ee's already got it put to music on a 12 string and something about a 'D'.

Will do so directly. Is there a link to hear it up there, or just the lyrics I saw quoted?

(And, I was actually jiving. I play viola, but only own an old violin that belonged to my grandfather. It's in storage--unstrung and most likely in need of dusting and oiling. <sigh>)
BooMerengue said:
TY, hellbaby! "Owls and eagles"? lol I doubt it. Only in my imaginary world.
Imaginary worlds have a beauty and quality impossible in the physical world, that's why literature,music,art & all things creative exist and are so powerful. It is a nice setting, an eagle soaring across a moonlight sky, calling to a tree-perched owl below...
(or maybe they're in air, fighting over a fresh caught mouse or rabbit :eek: )
~hellbaby~ said:
Imaginary worlds have a beauty and quality impossible in the physical world, that's why literature,music,art & all things creative exist and are so powerful. It is a nice setting, an eagle soaring across a moonlight sky, calling to a tree-perched owl below...
(or maybe they're in air, fighting over a fresh caught mouse or rabbit :eek: )

Actually I just googled them and found out eagles are awake at night, sometimes when food has been scarce and when they're brooding. So...

Thats one mistake I won't have to fix. lol

I'll give birth to you at midnight
tween the winter and the spring
on a bed of piny needles
while the owls and eagles sing

I will suckle you at dawning
fill you full of my desires
we will dance sky clad at midnight
'round the roaring Beltane fires!

...........................................with your sinews I will weave
...........................................and bind you with my blood
...........................................I will weave you
...........................................never leave you

I will keep you as my soulmate
teach you ancient secret things
You will guard me and anoint me
You will be my pulse, my wings

And when time is finished with me
you will lie down by my side
I will slay you with my dagger
in your blood I will reside.

...........................................with your sinews I will weave
...........................................and bind you with my blood
...........................................I will weave you
...........................................never leave you

Ange and ee? Is this really bad? I couldn't get certain words/visions/sounds out of my head. This is about the 30th rewriting and I keep coming back to it. The other song I hear w/ this is the Siren Song from Oh! Brother, Where Art Thou. Am I way off?? Can you name a song I would know that sorta sounds like where you're going with this?

Anyone else is welcome to chime in.
I've been waiting 3 months for an answer, but I think I got it. LOL Soon as I posted that chorus y'all went silent.


Any better ideas??
It looks like you got some good suggestions on this one and had some fun too. I had read them and did not have anything to add.
annaswirls said:
It looks like you got some good suggestions on this one and had some fun too. I had read them and did not have anything to add.

I never had any complaints about this one. Did I say I did? The 2 threads that offended me have been deleted. Let it go, Anna.