Moronic Feedback

MG is right, BigB. I received that bludder as a feedback to my illustrated poem Forbidden Love.

Aparently, some people believe that there is something bad about me having a husband whose skin is darker than my own. :confused:

You'll find these red neck bigots everywhere Svenska, thumb your nose at them and get on.

Racism will always rear it's ugly head in all walks of life and in all cultures, no way of stopping it unfortunately, human nature.
I've been called a creeping limey shit here on lit., that's racism from one white to another in effect.

As long as your happy with your lot, ignore them and don't let it get you down, you're probably a lot happier than them.
anteros said:
Just a bit of a rant if you will permit me. It is really directed towards someone that probably won't read this message.

A few weeks ago someone started a thread called "Inexplicable Feedback". This is more about "Moronic" than "Inexplicable".

I've gotten both good and bad feedback. I've had people DEMAND that I tailor the next chapter of my story to their particular needs.

I had someone write and tell me he was trying some of the things he read in my story. I wrote back and advised him against it. I hope he didn't get hurt.

Eventually I had to block his email because he started sending me chain emails and I got tired of deleting them.

I don't have a problem with any of those kinds of feedback. In fact, I respond to every non-anonymous feedback with a thank you, even if they didn't like my story. I really appreciated the guy that told me that I made several typos. I hate typos so I corrected them and resubmitted the story.

What I can't stand is MORONIC feedback. When I write a story that I call a fantasy, I don't need to hear that I have the FACTS messed up. Wake up and smell the coffee. IT'S A FANTASY. That means I MADE IT UP!
(I'd like to have heard Sam Kinison read that!)

I'm perfectly aware that the iron age came AFTER the bronze age. If you bothered to read the first 3 paragraphs of the story, you'd see that the story takes place thousands of years before recorded history. Bronze wasn't invented yet and no one was working with iron then. You must have missed that.

There is also no hard evidence that Atlantis ever existed. You missed that too.

There probably was no warrior race of women called Amazons. Oops. You missed another factual error you could have criticized.

Even if there were, I'll bet they couldn't effortlessly launch arrows into a man's head from 100 yards away. You missed that one too.

I doubt there were marble floors or indoor baths 100,000 years ago either. You missed two more. You should be ashamed of yourself! Did you pass high school history?

You forgot to mention that my characters are speaking English and that language didn't exist that long ago.

Did you know that the earliest flush toilets known to exist were in a palace in Minoa and were constructed about 1500 BC? I was going to put flush toilets in my story, but since it takes place long before that, I didn't want to make a factual error and ruin the story for someone.

If you'd like to read a history lesson, send me your email address and I'd be happy to send you some of my history essays.

Thank you for reading my rant! Have a great day! :cool:

sounds like a damn good story/ how about a link?

My theory on the Amazons- they where all near pygmies at 4ft 10inches or so, but the men who got there asses kicked by them couldn't very well go home and tell people that!
I was informed that a woman would not really enjoy being raped. (Duh!)

of course a female responder said she "was" that girl- she totaly loved it.

I put a disclaimer on my story, but I'm not going to do it everytime.
This may not quite be "moronic" feedback, but I received one a while back (anonymous, obviously) saying that one of my stories was a CLASSIC! Move over, Robert Louis Stevenson and Victor Hugo, there's a web story about a woman who has men ejaculate on her face that is vying for your title.
My all time favorite email came in response to a second or third chapter of a slow starting series. It said, and I quote exactly because I memorized it:

"urs is the best storey I ever red that din't have sex in it since i was 13... i'm 17 now."


jfinn said:
"urs is the best storey I ever red that din't have sex in it since i was 13... i'm 17 now." Jayne

That guy would be an intellectual savant amongst my readers.
hi math girl. R U up for that little mud wrestling contest?

seriously, hows that thesis of your coming? (no pun, no pun I swear!) and I've been wanting to know if the pic in your av is you.

sweetnpetite said:
hi math girl. R U up for that little mud wrestling contest?

seriously, hows that thesis of your coming? (no pun, no pun I swear!) and I've been wanting to know if the pic in your av is you.

Let's see.......
MG, Feeling Terse Today
Ambiguous reader feedback

Here's a reader comment on a little essay I wrote about fellatio:

This message contains feedback for: MathGirl
About the submission: World Class
This feedback was sent by: Anonymous


This story SUCKED!!!!

*DO NOT hit the REPLY button to respond to this email.*

Considering the subject of the essay, I don't know whether the reader liked it or disliked it.

Svenskaflicka said:
MG is right, BigB. I received that bludder as a feedback to my illustrated poem Forbidden Love.

Aparently, some people believe that there is something bad about me having a husband whose skin is darker than my own. :confused:

I think the pic is lovely. If you are a fan of India Ari she has a song called "Brown Skin" on her CD. She's singing about how she loves her lover's brown skin. She does say "I can't tell where yours ends and mine begins" but even from your pov, it's a nice song, very soulfull and sexy at the same time.
sweetnpetite said:
I think the pic is lovely. If you are a fan of India Ari she has a song called "Brown Skin" on her CD. She's singing about how she loves her lover's brown skin. She does say "I can't tell where yours ends and mine begins" but even from your pov, it's a nice song, very soulfull and sexy at the same time.

Thank you!

Hey, how did you get both Moony AND Padfoot?:confused:

Svenskaflicka said:

Hey, how did you get both Moony AND Padfoot?:confused:


Some of the questions, I was stuck between two answers so I pasted the url or whatever its called to my profile, then I went back and chose my other answers and cut and paste that one. I'm more moony, but I see some padfoot in me too:)
Back when I used the name Tiggs, I had feedback from anonymous (who else would it be? :rolleyes: ) on my A Romp in the 100 Acre Woods saying:

"Ever one nos tigger is a boy u dummy" :rolleyes:

Of course, to anyone who knew/knows Poohlive and myself (he was my co-author in this tale) knew/knows that the story was actually more of a "romantic tale between two friends".
I'm a Strawberry . . .

Several days ago a reader sent me a poem about how I was a "strawberry".

It was a nice gesture - lol - the poem was sappy and sweet.

Unfortunately, I shared it (not the author's name, of course, just the poem) with a few friends and they promptly wrote wild and nasty parodies of it (bad boys, Thesandman and bearlee! Bad boys!!!)

Is nothing sacred????

sweetsubsarahh... I'm not trying to spoil the compliment for you, but my ex told me once that I was like a strawberry. Me, not being used to such sweet talk, replied:

-What? You think I'm red and full of yellow dots?
Svenskaflicka said:
sweetsubsarahh... I'm not trying to spoil the compliment for you, but my ex told me once that I was like a strawberry. Me, not being used to such sweet talk, replied:

-What? You think I'm red and full of yellow dots?

Laughing -

The poem embarrassed me, actually - but I'll have to PM you the parody bearlee wrote! Too funny!

(let's just say that STD's and sweat and other hideous things were a big part of it!)

If there was a Non-English Poetry section, I have a really great parody of "Last Night I Had The Strangest Dream".:(
Re: I'm a Strawberry . . .

sweetsubsarahh said:
Unfortunately, I shared it (not the author's name, of course, just the poem) with a few friends and they promptly wrote wild and nasty parodies of it (bad boys, Thesandman and bearlee! Bad boys!!!)

Darn, sorry I missed out on that. It could have been "Bad boys and girl."
Re: Re: I'm a Strawberry . . .

MathGirl said:
Darn, sorry I missed out on that. It could have been "Bad boys and girl."

You should see the poem that I wrote and sent back to Bearlie! LOL

(Dildos and strap-ons and whips, oh my!)


(I'm thinking of submitting it for real - lol)
In another thread, Earl was asking how dumb his readers really were. Well, after receiving this so called "feedback", I'll have to ask the same thing about my own readers.

About the submission: Woman with Blue Balls
This feedback was sent by: Anonymous


How ironic that you have a "poem" about you having blue balls.
You really should stop your charade about being a woman. It's getting old
and people with half a brain know you're a man.

Remember that avatar you had with the kitty "floating" in air
because you edited the body out? Well, it was obvious that the hands and
arms belonged to a man.

It's obvious that there ARE people with half a brain out there, if they think I'm a man. :D

I bet I can guess who this "Anonymous" is, though. I mean, look at the clues: half a brain, dislikes me, doesn't know that I'm a woman and not a man (and hence always refer to me by the boyname Sven), and is too chicken to use her real name.

Can only be one...:devil:

It never ceases to amaze me how many half brains there are out there, so many who actually take it all to heart and believe the crap some of us write, (include me in that section).

IT'S FICTION MR/MRS/MS ANON..................................................

Recent feedback called me a sicko for my fantasy forced story, for degrading women I suppose.
I was going to give the last chapter a happy ending, I may well change that now, hehe.

I just got feedback on my latest that was fairly positive, except the reader said he would have enjoyed it more (and would have given me a higher score) if the man had climaxed WHILE the woman was sucking him.

'Cause, apparently, nothing else works for him.

Bles ...... Oh, my.

Svenskaflicka said:
In another thread, Earl was asking how dumb his readers really were. Well, after receiving this so called "feedback", I'll have to ask the same thing about my own readers.
It's obvious that there ARE people with half a brain out there, if they think I'm a man. :D

Dear Svenska,
I suppose the ... odd reader could think your writings might be those of a man. If they were drunk or deranged enough. You write from different perspectives, sometimes the male. Nobody who knows you would think that, though.

That's probably the only type of feedback I haven't had. I guess it's because my stuff is all so disgustingly girly.

Svenskaflicka said:
In another thread, Earl was asking how dumb his readers really were. Well, after receiving this so called "feedback", I'll have to ask the same thing about my own readers.

About the submission: Woman with Blue Balls This feedback was sent by: Anonymous
Comments:How ironic that you have a "poem" about you having blue balls. You really should stop your charade about being a woman. It's getting old and people with half a brain know you're a man.
Remember that avatar you had with the kitty "floating" in air because you edited the body out? Well, it was obvious that the hands and arms belonged to a man. It's obvious that there ARE people with half a brain out there, if they think I'm a man. :D

I bet I can guess who this "Anonymous" is, though. I mean, look at the clues: half a brain, dislikes me, doesn't know that I'm a woman and not a man (and hence always refer to me by the boyname Sven), and is too chicken to use her real name.

Can only be one...:devil:
OK, I just had to jump into this. First, this mentioned AV must have been before my time? I don't remember any cat with male arms.

And, do we know you are a woman. There is only one way to tell for sure. We can solve this once and for all. Stand up and STRIP!

WAIT! I need to get the camera ready...OK, all set! SMIIIILE! :D