Most embarrassing moment?

I was doing my last real girlfriend from behind one time, and we were really into it. When I blew a mind-melting load, I also squeezed out a little dollop of shit onto my bed. After a few moments, I pulled out and she rolled over, saying how great it had been. I pointed at the stain on my sheet and said it was maybe a bit TOO good. 😬

That fitted sheet went into the laundry within 60 seconds.
I had my first wet dream this weekend, it was nice except that i was at a coworker cabin's with him 4 feet away. My brief where soaked, really soaked...
Not my story. But a buddy of mine was banging his girlfriend, she came and when she did she shit herself. She sent him into the bathroom for something, and when he got back there were no sheets in the room. She threw them all out the second story window. She was living with her parents at the time! I don't know what happened next, but she wasn't dealing with it right then.
I had my first wet dream this weekend, it was nice except that i was at a coworker cabin's with him 4 feet away. My brief where soaked, really soaked...
God, I wish I could still have wet dreams. Loved them when I was going through... changes. Sometimes I'll get so close during a sexy dream, but I can't get over the hump anymore, so to speak.
I've never had an actual wet dream. Woke up more than a few times with a raging hardon, but never wet dream. For some reason I always wake up before I cum in my dreams.
I've never had an actual wet dream. Woke up more than a few times with a raging hardon, but never wet dream. For some reason I always wake up before I cum in my dreams.
I have only ever had two wet dreams, both a long time ago. I don't often have sex dreams, but when I do I usually wake up before intercourse. On the rare occasions when I do achieve penetration, I always wake up before cumming.
A couple of decades ago I briefly dated a girl that was well above my station. By anyones standard she would truly have been looked as a beautiful young lady!

After she broke up with me I always held out hope that we might be able to rekindle things and see what might happen long term.

One night she called me and needed some floppy disks to create a backup or to install some virus software. Whatever the hell it was she needed floppy’s.
I agreed to get them to her somehow.

About two weeks later she calls me and asks me what the hell was on those disks. I was like “Oh shit.” She then proceeded to ask what the hell would ever compel me to keep images like that?

I had a number of enema related photos and some of them were messy. lol Talk about a sinking feeling! I was totally deflated!

At the end of the day I married a great gal and had great kids. My regret is that every moment with this gal was me trying to spoil her and be a gentleman, but that disk stuff is probably what she remembers most. đŸ˜«
Does the great gal you married know about and get the interest in enemas?
I have only ever had two wet dreams, both a long time ago. I don't often have sex dreams, but when I do I usually wake up before intercourse. On the rare occasions when I do achieve penetration, I always wake up before cumming.
I miss them terribly
Looks like most of the stories in this thread are embarrassing and arousing at the same time. Mine isn’t an exception. Years ago my wife and I have been in Istanbul, just one day stop on a Mediterranean cruise. It was hot July and my wife decided to wear her short denim skirt. Nothing overtly extravagant, just a normal miniskirt but Turkey is Turkey. We split off our excursion group preferring to explore the city on our own and every now and then met wows, whistles and other expressions of excitement. However almost all of them were quite friendly and we enjoyed our trip. At some point I noticed a group of boys probably of a high school age who were following us a few steps back. My wife didn’t pay attention but I did. They were really funny with their clumsy attempts to pretend they’re just going the same way. Several times they dropped some objects on a ground to have a reason to squat trying to catch a glimpse of my wife’s ass up her skirt. She was wearing her usual g-strings by the way. I didn’t mind, in fact I enjoyed the situation feeling proud of my wife’s look.
In a minute we’ve reached some old bridge with several high stair flights. We started ascending and the boys were happy to follow us. Their position a few steps below now allowed them to have a great view up my wife’s skirt without any tricks. My wife slowed down to find something in her bag and I was some steps higher when I heard her hysterical shriek. I turned around and the boys turned to flight. I asked my wife what happened, she just pointed to them. I tried to pursue them thinking they’ve stolen something but they were too fast. She later told me that one of the boys reached out his hand up her skirt, caught her panties’ crotch and in one swift movement pulled it aside and grabbed her naked pussy from behind.
Well, that’s it. My wife is not a shy person at all. She has got a lovely body and knows it perfectly well, and she usually gladly welcomes men’s hands inside her panties but never against her will. But that was a kind of rape and she was totally shocked and embarrassed. As for me I was embarrassed because I was unable to protect her or to punish that fucking son of a bitch. But looking deeper I understood that it was my fault. Of course I didn’t know what that boys were going to do. But I did know they were following us and I did know why. But instead of kick them away I allowed them to look up my wife’s skirt caring of my own pleasure and not of my wife’s safety. Really embarrassing feeling. Anyway describing this experience I feel it a bit arousing. And it also should be embarrassing, shouldn’t it?
The first time I had sex, I was still living at home. My parents were gone for the weekend. My girlfriend was in town staying at her sister‘s house. She came over and we spent the entire afternoon kissing and doing a lot of foreplay. When we eventually got to PIV sex, I was so worked up from all of the hours of foreplay. I got on top of her and before I could slide my cock in, I came all over her leg and stomach. I was mortified and thought she was going to be mad. But she was much more experienced than me and said that things like that happen. So she got cleaned up and went to her sister’s house. And the next day I went over there and we had amazing sex.