My Milky Journey

Haven't heard from you for a while, Sally. Everything going well? No setbacks?
Haven't heard from you for a while, Sally. Everything going well? No setbacks?

Hello there. Everything is going just fine. :) I'm not pumping as much and have decreased the amount of milk I'm producing, but I'm okay with that for now. It's enough to continue to have fun with. :D
Hello there. Everything is going just fine. :) I'm not pumping as much and have decreased the amount of milk I'm producing, but I'm okay with that for now. It's enough to continue to have fun with. :D

there's that sexy lady ; )
I just read your story on Lit, sparrow.
Very hot!

The bike ride.
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So how are things progressing, Sally? It's been a while since you last posted. I hope all is well.
So how are things progressing, Sally? It's been a while since you last posted. I hope all is well.

Sorry it's been a while. August and September were bad months for me in real life. During that time I had a head injury that left me with a severe concussion. I wasn't able to work for a few weeks and started having some relapsing neurological issues related to my MS.

Because of this, and another very mentally and emotionally stressful event, my milk supply tanked. I haven't had the energy or will to re-establish supply. I will do it again eventually, but now isn't the time.

Thanks for checking in and hopefully one day I'll be back at it. :)
Because of this, and another very mentally and emotionally stressful event, my milk supply tanked. I haven't had the energy or will to re-establish supply. I will do it again eventually, but now isn't the time.

Thanks for checking in and hopefully one day I'll be back at it. :)

Sorry to hear that. I hope that you heal well, both mentally and physically, and that you can find someone to give your breasts the love they need.
So sorry you got sick and had all that work ruined
You know you can do it again someday when you are ready

To keep the TRY THIS and the MILKING threads together for easy ref.
Funny that this thread got bumped. I was just considering posting here again. I'm thinking about re-lactating. Still just thinking about it, as it is popping into my thoughts more often than it has over the last few months.

I found out something amusing last night. A friend of mine... whom, I always assumed was a very conservative mother of 5, told me and a few others yesterday that she has an OnlyFans account. She films herself pumping, and gets paid... So many things to consider now :D

Have a nice weekend!
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