My thoughts on Dream

Ladybird said:

1. This forum was started for a reason other than you and I hurling sarcasm at each other.

2. I have no desire to spend anymore time in this 'caring' environment.

1. That's right...this Forum is about BDSM, something you've said Zero about. This Thread is entitled "My Thoughts On Dream" and mine are that she spends too much time typing drivel about her mood swings both here and at the Playground. This is not the Bi-Polar Support Forum. The Sticky clearly states that if you need Therapy that you should look elsewhere. So, look elsewhere.

2. Goodbye. You have nothing to offer other than your self-absorbed, self-indulgent and paltry efforts to excuse your behavior and Dream's. This is not an aviary for victims of self-inflicted wounds (take your meds!) who seek attention, nor is it a place for those who seek to draw attention to themselves and their problems by whining about the trials of others as a transparent ploy to whine about themselves. It takes more than a normal amount of personal strength to be involved in BDSM, so given your posts to the Suicide thread in particular, I suggest you pack up your hearts and flowers and victim complex and head back to the Playground. You are in the wrong place here.

There is nothing sarcastic or mean in any of's just the way it is.
jimmi said:
It is quite strange that I would stumble, literally, on this thread tonight.
Yes, it is a painful reality that has been the subject here, tonight. Your
general commentary regarding this, Kayte, is human and quite refreshing.
This is a cross that many bear, perhaps someone near and dear.

Thank you for taking the time to read this post. As always,



jimmi ~ Thank you for your warm and kind post on this thread. Just hoping we can all help each other heal when the trials of life become a bit to much. Hope you have a wonderful day. :)
Lancecastor said:
1. That's right...this Forum is about BDSM, something you've said Zero about. This Thread is entitled "My Thoughts On Dream" and mine are that she spends too much time typing drivel about her mood swings both here and at the Playground. This is not the Bi-Polar Support Forum. The Sticky clearly states that if you need Therapy that you should look elsewhere. So, look elsewhere.

2. Goodbye. You have nothing to offer other than your self-absorbed, self-indulgent and paltry efforts to excuse your behavior and Dream's. This is not an aviary for victims of self-inflicted wounds (take your meds!) who seek attention, nor is it a place for those who seek to draw attention to themselves and their problems by whining about the trials of others as a transparent ploy to whine about themselves. It takes more than a normal amount of personal strength to be involved in BDSM, so given your posts to the Suicide thread in particular, I suggest you pack up your hearts and flowers and victim complex and head back to the Playground. You are in the wrong place here.

God your worse than the person you scorn. Your right the title was "MY" thoughts on dream, So don't flame people for their thoughts. I was seeking a positive dialog and if you insist on being negative leave. Your thoughts carry no more weight than any one elses and it's that speaking down to others that has stunted the growth of this thread. I am asking nicely to let this die it has become what i don't want a negative thread.

Thank You

There is nothing sarcastic or mean in any of's just the way it is.
Please let this thread die it has become negative and I don't want My name attached to a flame thread.

Thank You
snoozebutton said:
Please let this thread die it has become negative and I don't want My name attached to a flame thread.

Thank You

This thread is negative because it has NOTHING to do with BDSM. It should not have been started in the first place, but since it has, then the person who started it should not be surprised that it has become out of control.

If you have BDSM topics to bring up then do it. If you want to talk about Bipolar Disorders and Dream, go the the General Board and the Playground.

Ebony <Get a grip people!>
Vitamin B Anyone . . .

Lancecastor said:
1. That's right...this Forum is about BDSM, something you've said Zero about. This Thread is entitled "My Thoughts On Dream" and mine are that she spends too much time typing drivel about her mood swings both here and at the Playground. This is not the Bi-Polar Support Forum. The Sticky clearly states that if you need Therapy that you should look elsewhere. So, look elsewhere.

2. Goodbye. You have nothing to offer other than your self-absorbed, self-indulgent and paltry efforts to excuse your behavior and Dream's. This is not an aviary for victims of self-inflicted wounds (take your meds!) who seek attention, nor is it a place for those who seek to draw attention to themselves and their problems by whining about the trials of others as a transparent ploy to whine about themselves. It takes more than a normal amount of personal strength to be involved in BDSM, so given your posts to the Suicide thread in particular, I suggest you pack up your hearts and flowers and victim complex and head back to the Playground. You are in the wrong place here.

There is nothing sarcastic or mean in any of's just the way it is.

Hi Lancecastor, there is growing evidence that manic depression (bipolar disorder for the politically correct) is linked to an inherent disability to absorb or synthesise the vitamin B group . . . the high-low behaviour pattern seems to relate to local deficiencies /oversupply in the brain, especially the forebrain(?) . . . there may even be a connection between Type A personality . . . ADD/ ADHD . . . Manic Depression . . . and possibly Tourette's Syndrome . . . as recognisable stages on a continuum of symptom expression between properly functioning vitamin B metabolism and dysfunctional vitamin B metabolism (by many unspecified causes). Regular exercise also helps moderate the expresion of the behaviours . . . family support for kids expressing these behaviours is critical . . .
Re: Vitamin B Anyone . . .

Don K Dyck said:
Hi Lancecastor, there is growing evidence that manic depression (bipolar disorder for the politically correct) is linked to an inherent disability to absorb or synthesise the vitamin B group . . . the high-low behaviour pattern seems to relate to local deficiencies /oversupply in the brain, especially the forebrain(?) . . . there may even be a connection between Type A personality . . . ADD/ ADHD . . . Manic Depression . . . and possibly Tourette's Syndrome . . . as recognisable stages on a continuum of symptom expression between properly functioning vitamin B metabolism and dysfunctional vitamin B metabolism (by many unspecified causes). Regular exercise also helps moderate the expresion of the behaviours . . . family support for kids expressing these behaviours is critical . . .

I repeat, what does this have to do with BDSM?


snoozebutton said:
God your worse than the person you scorn. Your right the title was "MY" thoughts on dream, So don't flame people for their thoughts. I was seeking a positive dialog and if you insist on being negative leave. Your thoughts carry no more weight than any one elses and it's that speaking down to others that has stunted the growth of this thread. I am asking nicely to let this die it has become what i don't want a negative thread.


Next time you start a thread, if you want to limit the discourse to only those things you find pleasant then please state so at the outset.

Your thread, being a series of naval gazes inside Dream's head, was a no show from the get go...primarily because a thread about what you think about what another person is thinking is just plain risky territory at the best of times.

As proof this thread was "trouble", it's become a pissing contest wherein Dream has been PM-ing her pals from the Playground to come over and post about how mean we are to her.

In fact, each time one of these boobs comes over to explain to us the ins and outs of Vitamin B deficiencies, etc....I get a PM from Dream gloating about how she's "showing" us what for.

Would you like me to post them?

Snooze, if you want to be the latest maroon to be manipulated by this band of hearts & flowers fantasy role-playing flakes and their never-ending soap opera.....fill your boots buddy.

But don't expect me for even half a nanosecond to express anything but total disdain for this pack of nutbars and the little game they play on anyone who will listen or take their victim bait.

Wake up and smell the lithium, started this mess and it's a bit late now for you to be whining that you now don't want a "negative" thread after opening the barn door to a pack of misguided wackos.

This is all your doing, buddy boy.

Welcome to the BDSM Forum, Snooze....and've just been subbied in your first mind-fuck scene by Dream, by proxy even!


And I think it's all a moot point anyway, because I guess now they're trying to get back together....again. Go look in the "finding each other" thread. Yeesh. Hopefully we've ALL learned our lesson, and I know I'm not the only one sick to death of the drama. Can we start talking about kinky sex again please? Or better yet, log off our computers and start HAVING some.
Cirrus said:
Or better yet, log off our computers and start HAVING some.

great idea.....where is that off button again and where is My some new clamps to try :devil:
Lancecastor said:
I have trouble with people using their conditions as blanket excuses for bad behavior at the keyboard.

If I had Tourettes Syndrome and was spewing curse words at you constantly, eventually you'd point out that TS doesn't make me log on to Lit and type.

BiPolar Disorder doesn't command you or Dream to fill the forum with your jabber.

So please don't.


COVER yourself your ignorence is showing :mad:
Originally posted by Dream
comes in to give
sexy as hell Gil a kiss to hopefully make him feel ALL BETTER (weg) and To say Omg@ Oz those dragon pics kick ass! lol and I'm Not allowed to talk about "certain things right now but I am so happy that Ladybird did at least TRY to 'eduacte the uneducatable!! lmao psst by the way..

I see that Dream sent you over here as well.

You silly dupe.

What happens IRL when I woman wiggles her ass at you?

Wait...I know...."Whatever she wants."...right?


Nicely done, Dream....way to go, Art. You got a helluva gal there.
Gil_T2 said:
COVER yourself your ignorence is showing :mad:

If there is ignorance here, you are the exhibitor buddy. This is a BDSM Forum, not Jerry Springer.

Now drag yourself back to the Playground, lightweight!

What a hard choice it was...

to figure out which one of the Dream's drama threads I should post this on.

Lately there have been a lot of Dream's friends coming over and trying to "defend" her. The reason for this is that Dream has made negative comments about this forum to them, so they feel that this is what they should do. Here's an example that Dream posted on the "Aussies" thread on the playground:

~Dream~ said:
...and I'm Not allowed to talk about "certain things right now but I am so happy that Ladybird did at least TRY to 'eduacte the uneducatable!! lmao psst by the way..

*Ladybird is sexy..pass it on!! good luck on your "date' sweety!:rose:

Too be honest, I'm really pissed off about this latest development in the Dream saga. Recently, we have seen friends of hers from 2 different threads on the playground come over here to bash us as a group. In other words, instead of just having Dream hijacking threads, and making it about her, we now have her friends coming from all over Lit to do it.

So Dream, Ladybird was trying to "educate the uneducatable?" I for one am pretty sick and tired of the way you throw out negative, generalized comments about the BDSM forum all over Lit. You try and couch your little attempts at flaming in this generalized way so that when challenged, you can say "oh, I wasn't talking about you." You do this all the time with things like "and SOME people here...blah, blah, blah!

When is it enough Dream? Artful may buy into your bullshit and your manipulations. Personally, using your son the way you did to try and make him feel bad was as despicable an action as I have seen in a long time.

And how long until the next time Dream? How long until you break up again? What's it been, twice in two weeks? I see you decided to go back and edit out all of your negative posts about Artful. What a wonderful sub :rolleyes:
Re: What a hard choice it was...

zipman7 said:
to figure out which one of the Dream's drama threads I should post this on.

Lately there have been a lot of Dream's friends coming over and trying to "defend" her. The reason for this is that Dream has made negative comments about this forum to them, so they feel that this is what they should do. Here's an example that Dream posted on the "Aussies" thread on the playground:

Too be honest, I'm really pissed off about this latest development in the Dream saga. Recently, we have seen friends of hers from 2 different threads on the playground come over here to bash us as a group. In other words, instead of just having Dream hijacking threads, and making it about her, we now have her friends coming from all over Lit to do it.

So Dream, Ladybird was trying to "educate the uneducatable?" I for one am pretty sick and tired of the way you throw out negative, generalized comments about the BDSM forum all over Lit. You try and couch your little attempts at flaming in this generalized way so that when challenged, you can say "oh, I wasn't talking about you." You do this all the time with things like "and SOME people here...blah, blah, blah!

When is it enough Dream? Artful may buy into your bullshit and your manipulations. Personally, using your son the way you did to try and make him feel bad was as despicable an action as I have seen in a long time.

And how long until the next time Dream? How long until you break up again? What's it been, twice in two weeks? I see you decided to go back and edit out all of your negative posts about Artful. What a wonderful sub :rolleyes:

I second this whole post!

Re: Re: What a hard choice it was...

Ebonyfire said:
I second this whole post!


Is there such a thing as "third"? Well, if not, I agree with Zipman, entirely.
Re: Re: Re: What a hard choice it was...

SexyChele said:
Is there such a thing as "third"? Well, if not, I agree with Zipman, entirely.

We can invent one.

CatEyes said:
[To make you stable so you don't hit these highs and lows? If you know that you'll lose control if you don't take your meds why do you stop?

I'm not attacking here, I'm questioning because for the life of me I can't understand it. If all it takes is taking a pill or two everyday for the rest of your life why can't you just do it?

Hi everyone,

I am new here but just had to respond to this discussion of Bi Polar disorder. I have a daughter who was diagnosed with this at the age of 10. She has been on her meds faithfully since that time, but this does not STOP the manic phases or her unruly behavior at times. Medications do help but they do not solve the disorder. Mental illness such as Bipolar has yet to be cured by any means, people with this disorder will most likely suffer with it in some way or another throughout their entire lives. I am only speaking of my personal experiences with my daughter for the last 8 years, and I can tell you medications do not always make her stable. Granted her undesirable behavior is not acceptable in the least, but I just have learned to deal with that through counseling and educating myself about the disorder.

silkee_A said:
CatEyes said:
[To make you stable so you don't hit these highs and lows? If you know that you'll lose control if you don't take your meds why do you stop?

I'm not attacking here, I'm questioning because for the life of me I can't understand it. If all it takes is taking a pill or two everyday for the rest of your life why can't you just do it?

Hi everyone,

I am new here but just had to respond to this discussion of Bi Polar disorder. I have a daughter who was diagnosed with this at the age of 10. She has been on her meds faithfully since that time, but this does not STOP the manic phases or her unruly behavior at times. Medications do help but they do not solve the disorder. Mental illness such as Bipolar has yet to be cured by any means, people with this disorder will most likely suffer with it in some way or another throughout their entire lives. I am only speaking of my personal experiences with my daughter for the last 8 years, and I can tell you medications do not always make her stable. Granted her undesirable behavior is not acceptable in the least, but I just have learned to deal with that through counseling and educating myself about the disorder.


I am not attacking you, so don't take this the wrong way.

The issue is not the bi-polar ailment. The issue is a) how it was used as an everlasting excuse, and b) it's irrelevance to the subject of this forum, BDSM.

This is not a mental health discussion Forum.

Ebonyfire said:
I am not attacking you, so don't take this the wrong way.

The issue is not the bi-polar ailment. The issue is a) how it was used as an everlasting excuse, and b) it's irrelevance to the subject of this forum, BDSM.

This is not a mental health discussion Forum.



I am sorry you and your daughter have to deal with her Bi-Polar disorder. But as Ebonyfire said, this is not about being Bi-Polar. Dream has used a variety of excuses for her immature and disrespectful behavior on this forum.

She's used her past history of abuse, her Bi-Polar disorder, her frustration at being in a LDR, her frustration at being away from Artful after meeting him in person. It goes on and on.

I am willing to believe someone's words up until I see those words proven false by someone's behavior. Is it her Bi-Polar disorder that induces her to make negative generalizations about people so she claim innocence when someone is offended. No, it is not. It is manipulative bullshit that I and many others do not and will not buy into.

Then she complains to her friends so they come over here to bash us for Dream. This is simply juvenile behavior designed to manipulate people and I for one, am not so easily duped.
Hi everyone, My only point I was trying to make was that medication is not always the answer for controlling a Bipolar Disorder. It was a question asked by someone, " that if all it takes is to take a pill every day then why not do it?" I didn't mean to post anything that was unsuitable for this forum, was only answering a question that I believe I knew the correct answer to.

silkee_A said:
Hi everyone, My only point I was trying to make was that medication is not always the answer for controlling a Bipolar Disorder. It was a question asked by someone, " that if all it takes is to take a pill every day then why not do it?" I didn't mean to post anything that was unsuitable for this forum, was only answering a question that I believe I knew the correct answer to.


silkee, it was my question and thank you for answering it. I appreciate the information.

Lancecastor said:
I have trouble with people using their conditions as blanket excuses for bad behavior at the keyboard.

If I had Tourettes Syndrome and was spewing curse words at you constantly, eventually you'd point out that TS doesn't make me log on to Lit and type.

BiPolar Disorder doesn't command you or Dream to fill the forum with your jabber.

So please don't.


LANCE you continue to show how stupid you really are :mad:
do some research on conditions that people have or would that strain you petty brain to much ?

BiPolar Disorder doesn't command you or Dream to fill the forum with your jabber.

So please don't.

So what your excuse for your dickhead comments ?
