My thoughts on Dream

Humming theme song from "Twilight Zone"

Yes, bit weird, Siren, but then great minds and all that?
Gil_T2 said:
LANCE you continue to show how stupid you really are :mad:
do some research on conditions that people have or would that strain you petty brain to much ?

BiPolar Disorder doesn't command you or Dream to fill the forum with your jabber.

So please don't.

So what your excuse for your dickhead comments ?



If we want respond to every idiot that posts here, like the one above, this will just keep going. Dream is not here and her friends will just keep coming here. Dream wants this drama because then she can play the martyr, and run around the board and complain about how she is being flamed. I think MissT said the same thing but much more eloquently on another thread.

All I would ask is for everyone to keep it here on this one thread, and to not go to the Aussies thread. I had a long conversation via pm with someone from that thread who doesn't want this ugliness to ruin their one thread. We have a lot of threads and I for one will respect their wishes.

I know it is not easy to read this stuff and not respond, and as you all know, I have been pretty vocal about it. Everyone is free to do whatever they want to, but do we really think that anything we say to someone like the one who posted above is going to make a difference in the way they think?
Sandia said:
I hope Artful's friends are telling him to steer clear.

Actually Sandia, I would say the exact opposite. Dream posts on all sorts of flirty threads on the playground. Artful really only has the BDSM forum.

In the past, I think we, as a forum, have not bashed Artful for Dreams' antics. I for one, would encourage him to come back and post with us, whenever he is ready.
zipman7 said:

If we want respond to every idiot that posts here, like the one above, this will just keep going. Dream is not here and her friends will just keep coming here. Dream wants this drama because then she can play the martyr, and run around the board and complain about how she is being flamed. I think MissT said the same thing but much more eloquently on another thread.

All I would ask is for everyone to keep it here on this one thread, and to not go to the Aussies thread. I had a long conversation via pm with someone from that thread who doesn't want this ugliness to ruin their one thread. We have a lot of threads and I for one will respect their wishes.

I know it is not easy to read this stuff and not respond, and as you all know, I have been pretty vocal about it. Everyone is free to do whatever they want to, but do we really think that anything we say to someone like the one who posted above is going to make a difference in the way they think?

Do they think?

Siren said:
Now aint that weird.

Cirrus's answer is posted on page 2, before my question above.

Yeah...I just now noticed that. How the hell did THAT happen? Is this forum alphabetizing now?

I didn't see the notes here about a diplomatic solution to Dream's Martyr 2002 Tour Australia before popping over there to say a few words.

zipman7 said:
Actually Sandia, I would say the exact opposite. Dream posts on all sorts of flirty threads on the playground. Artful really only has the BDSM forum.

In the past, I think we, as a forum, have not bashed Artful for Dreams' antics. I for one, would encourage him to come back and post with us, whenever he is ready.

No, no, no.. Steer clear of Dream, not the BDSM forum!
