NaNoPoMo Challenge Support Thread

oh damn, I already have about 30 poems about these hands
and this room
the things on the floor of this room

my mind has already gone
and my heart has been out
for about 2 months now

I might pick something else
that sticks out
and butter it like a roll
but I will need a partner
for that endeavor

certainly I can write
and write and write it is all I do

about how so many women
in my church kept their last name
and in my friends house
there are three
and oh how ordinary this life
this name
this domesticated existence

I need an adventure.

wildsweetone said:
you can write dear.

sit down, focus on the moment. write about your hands poised above the keyboard and typing. write about the room you are sitting in. let your mind go wherever it wills and write your heart out. i guarantee within ten minutes you'll be on a roll with something. if you stop then, look over what you've written, pick something that sticks out and expand on it.

relax and enjoy what happens.

- dial a random phone number in the phone book and strike up a conversation with the person that answers.

- go for a walk and open your eyes to what's happening around you.

- instigate that adventure.

I'm seriously impressed with all of you who have been able to stay true to this challenge. Very well done. :rose:
to all of us!!!
we stuck it out.

thanks Lauren, i think we all did really well (even when we slipped up a little for various reasons ;) , bung computers, no brains, no time, chaos surrounding etc).

what on earth are we going to do with all these poems?

anyone got any ideas?

keep them and use them for editing over the next little while?

sift through and publish some/all?

is there anything you'd like to do with them? (and i don't want to hear the fire engine siren going anytime soon either, so be warned).
wildsweetone said:
to all of us!!!
we stuck it out.

thanks Lauren, i think we all did really well (even when we slipped up a little for various reasons ;) , bung computers, no brains, no time, chaos surrounding etc).

what on earth are we going to do with all these poems?

anyone got any ideas?

keep them and use them for editing over the next little while?

sift through and publish some/all?

is there anything you'd like to do with them? (and i don't want to hear the fire engine siren going anytime soon either, so be warned).

Thank you for the challenge.....wild~

I enjoyed it...

I don't know how much outside support you'll get for a challenge few may have read so a thought....<grinin'> each poet in the contest draws a name of another poet in the contest...each poet reads all the poems of the poet drawn (30) and in a time set presents a NOTE of the three best poems by said poet and small personal presentation if wanted <grin> any way that was the thought, let it grow or put a torch to it, cause either way...I enjoyed it.

thanks wild~

bows humble (~_~)
Art, i think that's a great idea! i'm just not sure i've enough skill to be able to choose another poet's three best works... i could choose the three i liked the most though.

do you mean a critique/feedback kind of thing when you say 'note'? Anna will have to let us know which ones she's got published so we're not giving feedback on poems that is not needed... (yes i saw it before you altered your post anna lol - well done by the way! :rose: )

hey Liar, well done to you too! where are you? is your computer up and running okay again now?

does anyone want to have a go at carrying on writing another poem a day for december?
wildsweetone said:
does anyone want to have a go at carrying on writing another poem a day for december?

oh my god woman you are a sadist


How about a writing prompt challlenge? Where you put up a writing prompt every other day for a month and see what happens. You know, the kind where you are in class and have 5-10 minutes to write all that you can....? I dunno. I guess this was good for me to do, but I am Christmas Crazy already.

of course I love it, insist on doing everything homemade for the only time all year, we are making snowflake cards right now (okay I took a break)

Thanks for the congrats, I got a wave of humility and took it down-- there was only one published, the wooden slat one, and I sent out a bunch of others, the ones in the challenge were (damn titles) sugar in a metal sink and the phone call with the french.... at any rate, they are out there but that does not mean they are finished :)

oh come on, how long does it take to write a poem?

you'll have plenty of time to bake and make you know (i do it too :D), quit procrastinating :p
wildsweetone said:
Art, i think that's a great idea! i'm just not sure i've enough skill to be able to choose another poet's three best works... i could choose the three i liked the most though.

do you mean a critique/feedback kind of thing when you say 'note'? Anna will have to let us know which ones she's got published so we're not giving feedback on poems that is not needed... (yes i saw it before you altered your post anna lol - well done by the way! :rose: )

hey Liar, well done to you too! where are you? is your computer up and running okay again now?

does anyone want to have a go at carrying on writing another poem a day for december?

I am not sure how you would draw names so perhaps the creator of the challenge designates a poet to each poet and then allow them time to read and filter and prepare a (personal) opinion of the 30 poems by said poet on THE thread.

I am up for either or, like I said at this stage of my learning to write poetry, I write most every night and the nights I do not I usually have a poem or two I am tinkering with <grin> it does seem that if it is not for the writers month.. then perhaps a 12 days of christmas where we only have to write 12 poems by christmas with a theme <grin

oh wow now that is a heck of an idea too!

each to write 12 poems by christmas with hmm a christmas theme? *grin*


okay Art. would you like to set up the new challenge or would you like me to?

Liar, where are youuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu? we need to hear what you'd like to do with regard to the November poems? are you up for giving and receiving some awesome feedback?
wildsweetone said:
oh wow now that is a heck of an idea too!

each to write 12 poems by christmas with hmm a christmas theme? *grin*


okay Art. would you like to set up the new challenge or would you like me to?

Liar, where are youuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu? we need to hear what you'd like to do with regard to the November poems? are you up for giving and receiving some awesome feedback?

Oh hun, I am busier than a three legged dog on the highway but I would be as excited as a turtle on a hard hat to participate <grin>

I can only add that with christmas being the 25th...that would be a poem every second day in Dec. <grin> to make 12> yep it is that close by tomorrow the 2nd, would be poem one? okay and about the twelve days or any christmas theme? well set it up and Ill follow the format you propose <grin>
a turtle on a hard hat?

good grief, you get 20 extra points if you can fit that line into any one of the 12 poems. :D

i'll go set something up now.

(i must be nuts)

hey, you're on the same day as me? now that's pretty rare i have to say!
wildsweetone said:
a turtle on a hard hat?

good grief, you get 20 extra points if you can fit that line into any one of the 12 poems. :D

i'll go set something up now.

(i must be nuts)

hey, you're on the same day as me? now that's pretty rare i have to say!

<grinin..> turtle on a hard hat was created in my BOOK
"Portal to the Vixen Planet" that was just published <grin>
will be approximate two weeks till available. <smilin>

yeah turtle would be a fittin entry with a partridge humpin a pear tree <grinin

okay so I better put my thinking cap on <grin> here we go again
check it out Art. it's there in black and white. actually, green and red and black... :D

again - two threads, one for poems only and one for support. so much easier to find poems that way.

hope you like.

let me know if there's anything you'd like me to change.
In all honesty I am not up for giving feedback on all 30 poems, and so would not ask anyone else to do that for 30 of mine-- If others are up for it I think that is GREAT-- WSO I know you are a cheerleader in encouraging me which is very sweet-- but this time, please no "come on you can do it!" :) I know I can, just like I know I can write a poem a day, or two or three, but I would have to Not do many things I must do and want to do more. It is nothing personal, I am just being honest. :) I am not in a position to agree to that committment at this time.

If anyone else would like to do a 3-4 exchange, I would be happy to work with you. Maybe exchange a list of poems the writer would be interested in having reviewed, and the reader selecting 3-4 from that list as a possibility.

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i am purposely ignoring the 30 poems part. lol (I'd rather write *grin*)

i was thinking along Art's original lines of maybe 3. i think i could fit that in by christmas time.

30??? :rolleyes:
My Erotic Tale said:
I am not sure how you would draw names so perhaps the creator of the challenge designates a poet to each poet and then allow them time to read and filter and prepare a (personal) opinion of the 30 poems by said poet on THE thread.


I swear I was not hallucinating.


That was what I was referring to~
