NaNoWriMo 2003

Thank you, Pops. :kiss:

The fact that so many of us are doing this, and being very supportive of each other is reward enough for me.

Lou :rose:

PS. 1 minute to go!
Tatelou said:
Thank you, Pops. :kiss:

The fact that so many of us are doing this, and being very supportive of each other is reward enough for me.

Lou :rose:

PS. 1 minute to go!

Shit! It's only after seven here. Five hours...
Y'know, I haven't figured out how to tell what time zone i was supposed to click on for the registration process. Anyone help me?
Quiet_Cool said:
Shit! It's only after seven here. Five hours...
Y'know, I haven't figured out how to tell what time zone i was supposed to click on for the registration process. Anyone help me?


Choose GMT -5, eastern time in US, same as NY.

Pacing and impatiently,
Re: Well

pop_54 said:

I'd like to take this opportunity to raise three cheers for Lou for all her efforts and dedication setting this all up.

Hip hooray, Hip hooray, Hip hooray:nana: :nana: :nana:

Second that Pops, thank you Lou!


sailorm72003 said:

Choose GMT -5, eastern time in US, same as NY.

Pacing and impatiently,

So long as it lets me make the correction...

Well, thanx anyway, but...

You know what I mean.

You're probably in a writing induced trance right now, or having a block already and chewing your nails on one hand while the other pours a fourth cup of coffee, but when you get around to reading this, I've finally dedicated myself to an idea and title.

Wasteland, which will be a work of Sci-Fi/Futuristic fantasy. It's an idea that started out on the RP board and has just refused to leave me alone.

Good luck to those who've already started. :)

And the rest of you...Clock's tickin.' ;)
I'm glad I'm none of you. I've learned that it ain't worth getting all worked up about until it actually comes time. I'll start worrying when midnight gets here in about three hours. Until then, I'm sitting around watching TV, relaxing and reading about how nervous you all are. It's really kind of funny. hehe.

Honestly, I've got about a page of notes. Enough to get me through about the first five pages and then I'll work off the top of my head. I'll get really nervous at the END of the month, not the beginning.
Still three hours away on the East Coast. I'm ready, and I'm going to go watch Underworld in the meantime. Gotta get in the frame of mind.

Talk with you all tomorrow my friends-

-FF (in the immortal words of Ork - nanu nanu
Minutes to go...

With just a mere 30 minutes to go, and way past my bedtime, (since I have to wake up for work in a 5 hours), I have gotten an idea for my novel. So I will go to sleep with at least an idea. Tomorrow, I will write will a passion and zeal not seen since the first time I discovered how scrumptious Butterscotch Schapps tastes with Hot Chocolate.
Who needs notes? Shudder.
Who needs characters? Shudder, spinechill.
Who needs more than a month to write a 50,000 word novel? :( Gasp, shudder, spinechill and dizzyspell.

Ready as I can be, good luck all.

Thanks for the inspiration Tatelou!

Dingus Guy