NaNoWriMo 2003

Icingsugar said:
12 hours and 6 minutes left until I let the first key sink in. I hath decided. It shall be the Shift-key.
Sugar, you're an inspiration, I'm going to follow your lead.

Pops, you're the best always. :kiss:

Que todos vamos bien,

Perdita :heart: :rose: :heart:
Icingsugar said:
12 hours and 6 minutes left until I let the first key sink in.

I hath decided. It shall be the Shift-key.


That's so traditional!

I'm leaning more towards starting with a


and then some catchy line, like: "Do you want me to hit him for you?"
Starting a story with a provocative line grabs the readers and makes them want to read more.

Though I may have to take my previous post back. I'm seriously considering starting my story with the line:

After 20 minutes, it was obvious that he wasn't coming back.
Bet y'all are wishin' yous were in NZ right now.


(Actually, I'm only online for another minute. And I'm not going to get the chance to start NaNo until Monday 3rd. *groaning*)
wildsweetone said:
Bet y'all are wishin' yous were in NZ right now.


(Actually, I'm only online for another minute. And I'm not going to get the chance to start NaNo until Monday 3rd. *groaning*)

Yes, I am. These hours aren't going by fast enough for me. 4 hrs, 30 mins, and counting. I'm just relieved to be going dog training tonight, Halloween or not, at least the time will go by quickly.

And, eek, WSO! How will you cope?

Lou, being unbearable. :D
2h 48 minutes to go. I've got a possible opening line ready:

The day it all began, his royal highness king Carl XVI Gustav of Sweden sat in his royal nakedness in the privacy of his porcelain throne, battlling an impending constipation while he read the morning paper.

(if I use it, I'll retype it, so that I don't cheat :) )
Icingsugar said:
(if I use it, I'll retype it, so that I don't cheat :) )
Sugar, if one thing gets me through November I think it will be your humour and integrity.

bessitos, Perdita :kiss:
7 hours to go on the East Coast - still have some fingernails left.
Either I will get an enormous amount of typing done, or not nearly enough.

Pierce, we'll be around, and around and up and down all over the place here (slipping and sliding through our words and research - lots of research). We'll need lots of encouragement, so I'm assuming we'll be back :eek: looking for shoulders to cry on and breasts of wisdom at which to suckle. :)

Hey, great opener, Ice.

Good Luck all.

perdita said:
Sugar, if one thing gets me through November I think it will be your humour and integrity.

bessitos, Perdita :kiss:

:) 'dita, if we don't giggle through the month, we'll all collapse in heart attacks within a week from now... If I take all this too seriously I'm going to find myself on the wrong side of a padded cell.

But it's a little scary when one of my own muses relies on ME to get through this.

:rose: /Ice - hits Shift in 54 min

ps. Trow the lapdog a bone from me.
Did I say...

54 minutes?!?

Oh phuck.

(50 now... does this mean that I'll have to start with out a good luck kiss from Lou? :( )
Icingsugar said:
ps. Trow the lapdog a bone from me.
Icey, my lapdog has a velvet pillow, a satin slipcover and "my" side of the bed.

'dita :heart:
perdita said:
Where the fuck is Lou? I want my Loulou!


I'm here!

I've just been doggy training with my 'Buona' and I'm back at my keyboard with 1 hour and 45 minutes to spare.

Ice, I will get the support thread started before midnight where you are... just about to go do it right now.


Edit, I ballsed up the tags, it must be my wet knickers getting to me. :eek:
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Tatelou said:
I ballsed up the tags, it must be my wet knickers getting to me. :eek:
Your wet knickers are probably getting to all of us!

Alex (listening to Dinah Washington on BBCi)

Well I must admit to cheating, I wrote down a title and a few words of intro yesterday evening to inspire a story of kinds, and see if the genre seemed Ok.

Now of course I too having suddenly got the bug and having wound myself up with an idea, am itching to begin in earnest with the real thing.

So tempting to start he real thing today, but I've held firm, and shall not begin the text of the tale until the stroke of midnight.

One hour to go here.:D

Has anyone else done their story to death in their head while waiting, I fear I shall have so many ideas on the tale that I shall confuse myself in the first few pages until I settle in.

This will be the first time ever I've worked out a story before I started writing it, I usually sit down and make it up as I go along.:D


perdita said:
Knickers? I knew I forgot to do something this morning!

Perdita :eek:

Don't forget your knickers darling, Perdita will get cold:devil: :rose:

I have two solid pages of notes, and my head is buzzing - has been for days. I probably won't start until about 10am tomorrow, because I'll be offline shortly. Like you, I won't cheat myself.


Good luck Alex, I shall start on the stroke of midight, I have a stock of Stella and will continue until I'm too pissed to see the screen.:D

I have an empty as luck would have it, daughter's at her mates for the night, luny wife's out with her mate and whether or not she'll materialise again before morning is doubtful, boy one's upstairs with his girlfriend won't see them til about 11am, boy two's in town with his wild Goth girlfriend, he'll be too freaked to appear before tomorrow.

So pops has the house to himself to write without disturbance.:D

I'd like to take this opportunity to raise three cheers for Lou for all her efforts and dedication setting this all up.

Hip hooray, Hip hooray, Hip hooray:nana: :nana: :nana: