New Beginnings (closed)

I knew the moment that I lifted my hips to let Mike pull my panties down that it was going to happen, that I was making it happen, and then the feeling of his penetration, almost shocking in its violence, his cock deep inside me and yet it wasn’t the physicality of what was happening, it was the knowing of what I was doing.
At last I’d broken the chains of convention, my body was my own again and if Mike hadn’t pushed the air from my lungs as he thrust, harder and harder, I’d have laughed out loud at the outrageousness of what I was doing.
I was letting a man who wasn’t my husband fuck me and soon he’d be filling me with his semen, with his seed, and it was that last notion that was the crime against society, and told me that my husband no longer had control over me.

And now I could enjoy the sex, the pounding of Mike as he thrust into me, almost as if he couldn’t believe that he was fucking the mature student who’d sat quietly and attentively at the back of the lecture hall and how I wanted this, squeezing my vagina round his cock, needing him, my clit alive and tingling, telling me that my body knew this was right.

My hands found his butt, pulling him into me, wanting the deepest penetration possible, in readiness for his orgasm.
I gave little thought to the ramifications of what I was doing as I pounded into her. The violation of her vows that I was complicit in, breaking university rules, none of it mattered as I found myself consumed by my lust in that moment.

Her muscles tightened around me as I thrust sending me closer and closer to the edge. As she gripped my ass pulling me deeper into her I could feel my body start to tremble. It started subtly then built in waves until, with a final thrust deep inside her, it consumed me. My cock twitched inside her as it sent jets of my thick seed into her depths. My teeth gritted tightly together as I emptied into her then fell still, gasping, as lowered myself gently to her chest and kissed her.

"This is going to be complicated." I whispered into her neck as we laid there. It was probably presumptuous to assume this was anything more than a one night stand but in the moment I had hoped to see her again.
I knew Mike was close to cumming, it’s not difficult for a woman to tell, the way he lost his rhythm as if by instinct he timed his thrusts so that at the moment he ejaculated he was at his deepest penetration, the primitive urge to impregnate, and I felt his heat inside my vagina and I held him to me, wanting all of his seed.

We lay still for a while, Mike coming down from his high and me, bathed in the most wonderful knowledge that I had finally broken free. I was me, a free woman, beholden to nobody, full of another man’s seed.
We kissed, not the abandoned kissing of pre-intercourse but the gentle kissing of two people who had just been as intimate as it’s possible to be.
"This is going to be complicated."

I smiled before answering.
“Complicated? Why? Are you feeling a little guilty about what you’ve helped me do, guilty about having sex with another man’s wife”?
I rolled onto my side so we were facing each other.

“This isn’t complicated. We’re both adults, you haven’t seduced me. If anything, I enticed you. I needed to do what I’ve just done and you helped me, and don’t worry, I won’t tell anyone or make a complaint, if anything I shall say what in impressive tutor you are.”
As I said this I squeezed his cock with my vaginal walls.
“And you are impressive … very.” I said with a laugh, “and f you like we can do this again but I don’t want a relationship. What I, we, have just done has got me out of a relationship.”
I paused for a moment.
“And don’t worry, I won’t be leaving my husband or my children but I am now free to enjoy myself when and with whom I choose.”

I rolled onto my back again.
“And now I need to cum. Fingers or mouth, I don’t mind but I need my orgasm.”
I lay there listening as she spoke and realized maybe I had been a bit presumptuous in what all this meant. She was clearly not looking for a relationship and it made perfect sense why she wouldn't want one. She already enough on her plate with her family and clearly didn't need the complications that anything serious would bring. Whether it was just tonight or not this was clearly going to be casual. Thinking more about it, that suited me just fine.

"How about both." I said as I slipped down the bed and between her parted thighs. Planting a kiss on her middle thigh I slipped my fingers into her. The wetness of our shared fluids eased their entry as my kisses trailed up her thigh then focused on her sensitive nub. My tongue flicked across her clit then sucking it between my lips I curled my fingers and drove them into her, probing her g-spot as I did.

"Cum for me!" I said breathlessly as I released her clit from my mouth for a moment then pressed my tongue hard against it as her body writhed beneath me.
I heard Mike say something about cum but I wasn’t really listening, focussing on what he was doing with his fingers and his tongue and I’m not sure I can stand any more, my clit is on fire but I know I must for just a little longer and I can feel my belly tensing, my hands gripping the sheets and then suddenly it’s here, my orgasm rushing through me, a blinding white light behind my eyes and I let go, not caring that it’s Mike between my legs, just knowing that this is the most intense orgasm Ive had in years and I can feel the wet flooding out of me.

“Oh fuck, yes, yes.” And I have to push his head away from me, my clit is just too sensitive and I start to chuckle, a low throaty chuckle.
“Oh my god Mike, are you always like this? You must have desperate ladies queuing at your door for your services.”

I pull him up the bed to kiss him, wanting to taste the mixture of his cum and my juices. His face is wet, I must have cum so much.

I hold him to me, wanting his strength and his warmth as I come down, reliving every moment of what I’ve just done, allowing another man to fuck me, to cum in me and I finger myself, feeling the slickness of our combined juices, my juices from my orgasm and Mike’s semen and I wonder idly how my husband would react if we made love and I was still full of another man’s cum.

I reach for his cock which is flaccid but still thick and then push down the bed taking him into my mouth, tasting again the combined tastes of out juices. Even in this state he’s big but he feels comfortable in my mouth, not a rod pushing towards my throat, and I suckle him, licking and sucking on him until I feel him starting to stiffen again and then I pull away.

“So Mike, no matter how the exams go, this will have been the best semester of my life. Thank you.”
I give him a kiss.
" And there will be other times."
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I could sense her orgasm approaching as her hips started to buck and she pressed more firmly into my tongue. There’s nothing more satisfying then sending a woman off into a mind blowing orgasm and as the rush of her juices came I knew I’d given her just that.

Curled up against her I’d wished we could spend the rest of the night holding each other but I knew she’d have to get home soon.

“Sadly the queue of ladies hasn’t started to form yet. I keep checking each morning though.” I said with a laugh as I pulled her a little tighter to me.

I’d expected she might grab her panties and go at any moment but was surprised when she slithered down the bed and took me into her mouth. Her lips felt amazing wrapped around my cock as I ran my fingers through her hair. I could feel it stir then begin to stiffen just as she withdrew it from her mouth.

“It’s been one of my favorite semesters as well.” I said reaching over to the nightstand to get my phone. “If you give me your number I can give you a call about tennis or whatever else you might want to do.”
Mike and I exchange numbers and promise to keep in touch but as I remind him, the exams are the day after tomorrow and even though I feel confident, I want to spend tomorrow reading through my notes. I feel very relaxed about the exams and even if I fail, I’ll have achieved something far more important than another qualification.
I’ve gained my freedom.
I was never a bra-burning feminist. All I wanted was to be treated in the same way men are treated. Men can be philanderers with relative impunity but women are sluts.

We spent a while just lying there in a a post-coital calm but I have to get home. I‘ll pass off my late arrival as the drinks session that we’d all enjoyed.
My husband would accept that and if he wanted to make love, so be it. I doubt that he’d notice that someone had been there before him and if he did? So what. But I doubted he initiate anything.

”Mike, no doubt I’ll see you on Thursday at the exams but I’m sure there’ll be another drinks session afterwards. Would you join us again?”
"I'd love to." I said as she asked about going out for drinks again after the exam.

The night had certainly been full of unexpected twists and turns but what I really couldn't predict was the return of my sense of confidence. The end of my marriage had left me feeling inadequate and insecure in a lot of ways. I'd written it off as somewhat of a mourning period for the relationship and the life I'd thought I was building. Having spent the evening with Amy seemed to have given me a little of my mojo back and perhaps might help me embark on resuming my life a little more secure in who I am.

The next day I had my normal day classes and thankfully it was exam day for them too because I found it difficult to concentrate between my hangover and the memories of the night before. I was definitely going to lay low that night and probably be asleep by 8:00. It's kind of sad how difficult hangovers were getting as I got older.

When Thursday came I found myself spending quite a bit longer standing in the doorway of the closet choosing what to wear. I knew there was a possibility that Amy would have had regrets about our night together in the light of day but I was hoping that she wouldn't. I walked to campus that evening with a bit more spring in my step then normal looking forward to seeing her again.
My husband gave me a hug and a kiss as I left the house.
“Good luck today, I know it’s been a lot of work for you but I’m sure you’ll be fine.”

I smiled and thanked him, giving him a kiss on his cheek.
“Thanks, I’ve enjoyed it, very interesting content.”

“How are you feeling about the exam?”

“Oh, quite relaxed. I’ve done the work I need to so unless there are questions about subjects not covered in the course, I’ll be fine.”

I turned to leave but then stopped.
“I might be late tonight. We’re certain to be going for a drink and a meal so don’t wait up.”
I blew him a kiss and left and I wondered fleetingly if he had any inkling of what I was thinking or how the course had changed me.

For a moment I wished he was having an affair, it would make things so much easier. We could continue as a conventional core family while freeing ourselves from the restraints but I didn’t think that was going to happen. Even if I knew he was having an affair and confronted him with it, I doubted very much that he’d agree to me going down the same route.
So for the moment, my new found freedom would have to be handled clandestinely.

At the college, we registered for the exam and I found myself at a table next to a woman I knew by sight but not by name. She introduced herself.

“Hi, I’m Carrie – not really but my surname is Fisher so I kind of got saddled with it.’

I smiled.
“Hi Carrie, I’m Amy. How’re you feeling about the exam?”

“A little nervous but I’ve done all the work I can so …”

I took her hand across the aisle.
“Me too but don’t worry, so long as we do our best that’s all we can do.”

I looked her. She was an attractive lady, about the same age as me I guessed and wasn’t wearing a wedding band and after the momentous changes of Tuesday night, she’s the kind of lady I’d like to get to know better.

“A few of us are going for a meal and a drink later by way of celebrating., would you like to come along?”
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I'd noticed her on the first day of class. She seemed to be about my age and there was just something about the way she carried herself that made me think she'd be fun to get to know. Being my shy self I never talked to her or introduced myself. It's been something I've dealt with all my life really. A lot of times people take it as me being aloof but in reality I just have trouble introducing myself to strangers.

I'd heard her and some of the other ladies talk about grabbing drinks after class and wished I could have brought myself to meet them and come along but there I was in my corner like always while everyone else has a good time. It's strange honestly, once I meet someone the shyness goes away and I can relax. It's just that first hurdle that gets me every time.

When she sat next to me for the exam and introduced herself I was disappointed we hadn't met sooner in the class so I could get to know her. When she asked about joining them for drinks I was elated. The prospect of making some new friends was just what I needed at the moment. Used to be that meeting new people was easier but the older I got people's friend groups seemed to get more and more insular. It was always far easier when I was dating and I'd be able to integrate myself into my girlfriend's friend group but invariably those relationships would end and I'd find myself right back where I started.

"I'd love to! Thanks for asking!" I said gladly accepting her invitation.

As I walked into the classroom it didn't take me long to spot Amy sitting towards the back as she normally did. She'd already signed in, gotten her test and appeared ready to go. I gave her a reassuring smile and took my seat behind my desk before giving everyone the go ahead to get started.

The next hour and a half passed slowly as one by one they finished, brought their test to the front and filtered out of the classroom. Not surprisingly, Amy and Carrie finished their tests in no time. As Amy left the classroom I pulled out my phone and sent her a text.

"Still ok if I meet you at the bar? Will be a while." I asked making sure she hadn't had second thoughts since Tuesday night.
The sound of Carrie pushing her chair back made me glance across the aisle. She smiled and made a ‘see you outside gesture’ so I smiled back and nodded. The paper had been ok, one or two questions that I had to think a little harder about but I was pleased with how I’d done and after a final read through I flicked my pen shut, handed in my paper and left the hall.
Carrie was waiting.

“Hi, how did you get on?”

“Fine thanks, one or two made me scratch my head a bit but ok and you?”

As Carrie began to answer, my phone buzzed in my pocket.
“Sorry, can I get this?”
It was Mike.
"Still ok if I meet you at the bar? Will be a while."
I text back.
“Sure that’s fine. I’m bringing a friend. See you later.”

I apologised again to Carrie.
“Sorry, that was Mike, our tutor. He’s joining us later for a celebratory drink.”
She gave me a sort of ‘oh really?’ look but then dismissed it.

We walked to the bar where there was already a few of the other mature students gathered and I ordered our drinks. Carrie was new in town and easy to talk to. She told me that she’d been in a relationship but for various reasons it hadn’t worked out.
“I think she was looking for something different so we decided to end things.”
I noted the ‘she’ and took her hand, rubbing her ring finger with my thumb.

“Never married huh?”
She smiled.
“No, never met the right person. But you’re married,” she said, in turn rubbing my wedding band with her thumb.

“Yes, I am, but this course has opened my eyes, made me look at my life in a different way. You could say that I’m starting over.”

“Are you separating?”

“No, my children are too important for that but I’m looking at my marriage differently now. I want to try new things, to be more my own person, not to be restricted by being married.”
Carrie looked at me with an intensity I hadn’t seen for a long time and I smiled at her.
“I think you understand.”

She gave my hand a squeeze.
“Yes, I think I do.”

At that moment the was a cheer from the other students as Mike walked in to cries of ‘Hail Professor’ He smiled broadly and I caught his eye and beckoned him over.
“Carrie, you know Mike of course. He’s really helped me to open my eyes over the course of the semester, perhaps even changed the course of my life.”
When the last of the class had wrapped up their exam I made a quick stop by my office to drop them on my desk to be graded later then headed out to the bar to meet Amy. When she said she was bringing a friend I wasn't quite sure that that meant. I'd sort of been hoping for a couple of drinks and maybe a quick, discreet exit to go back to my place and possibly have more time together. If she was brining a friend that probably wasn't happening though. It occurred to me that she might have sought out a friend to bring to keep that from happening because she had second thoughts about what had happened before. Either way, I lowered my expectations on the night and decided that I'd just enjoy the company of the people I was around and whatever happens, happens.

The cheers when I entered the bar were a little embarrassing because I really tend to shy away from attention like that but it felt really good to be appreciated. Amy waved me over and introduced me to Carrie.

"Glad you joined Carrie." I said with a smile. "That's awfully generous of you Amy but I don't think I deserve nearly that much credit. The material does most of the work getting people thinking more broadly about the world around them and their place in it." It was clear she wasn't talking about the course content but I did my best to keep the impression that there was nothing more than a teacher/pupil interaction that had taken place.

I went to the bar and ordered a drink glancing back as I waited for it. I'd never been great at reading female interactions but the way Amy and Carrie were talking seemed almost flirtatious to me. Women tend to be that way with each other so I didn't pay too much attention to it. With my beer in hand I made my way back over to them.

"So any big plans for the summer Carrie?" I asked as I took a sip of my beer.
Carrie watched Mike walk to the bar for his drink and turned back to me.
“Mike’s a very attractive man.”
She took a sip of her drink and continued.
“Just now, when you said that Mike had changed the course of your life, what did you mean?”

I glanced towards the bar and saw that Mike was in a crush of other students. He wouldn’t be back for a few minutes.
I took Carrie’s hand.
“I think that we’re both unconventional in our relationships. Am I right?”

I looked at her waiting for her response. She was deciding how much to reveal about herself, whether she could trust me. She put her drink down on the bar so she could concentrate on me.
“Yes, you’re right, from what you’ve told me we are both unconventional, but in different ways I think. I haven’t had a relationship with a man since …” she paused to think … “Well, for quite a long time, at least since my middle twenties. I suppose people might describe me as a lesbian although I’m not fond of the word. It’s just that I’ve found relationships with women less of a struggle, less competitive, men can be so … well, you know what I mean.”
She took a drink and replaced her glass on the bar, giving me her full attention again.
“But you, you’re married with children so …?”

I looked down at our hands and then back at Carrie.
“I guess I’m a bit of a rebel. I’ve never really liked the authority gradient in a conventional marriage with the man at the top and the wife somewhere down the slope and my husband is well, very conventional, like his parents, and it was crushing me.
But this course and Mike’s interpretation and explanation of the subjects has let me see things differently, let me re-evaluate my values and priorities and I came to see that there was no reason for me to be bound by convention or the social construct of my wedding vows so I decided that I’d throw off those shackles and …”

I glanced across the bar and saw Mike returning with his drink.
“So on Tuesday night I slept with Mike, had sex with him.”

There wasn’t any more time to talk so I smiled and squeezed Carrie’s hand and whispered “later” before turning to greet Mike.

“Welcome back, what kept you?”
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“Just some last ditch efforts to convince me to grade the exam on a curve.” I said laughing. They were really just saying how much they enjoyed the class but that wasn’t a fun story.

I got the sense that I had interrupted a conversation when I walked up. Carrie had just had a surprised look pass across her face before it looked like Amy curtailed the conversation.

I hadn’t really noticed during the semester how attractive Carrie was. The way she dressed was always sort of understated and she hadn’t worn a lot of make-up to draw a lot of attention to herself so she wasn’t someone that jumped out at you but when I actually paid attention there was a simple elegance to her. Somehow I managed to corner 2 of the prettiest ladies in the bar.

“So do you have any big plans for the summer Carrie? Exotic trips oversees?” I asked not wanting to direct all of my attention to Amy and raise suspicion.
Carrie removed her hand from mine when she saw Mike returning with his beer and looked a little startled when he addressed her directly, asking about her summer plans but she recovered quickly, as if spotting an opportunity.

“What a coincidence. I just asked Amy the same question, didn’t I.” She looked directly at me as she said this and then at Mike as she answered.
“We thought it would be good to spend some time together going over the course work again but this time seeing it from a more personal perspective, didn’t we.”
This last was directed at me and obviously begged an answer and she took my hand so that Mike could see her do it, as if confirming our conversation.
“We’ve hardly spent any time together during the course and it would be a pity to let the opportunity of a new friendship slip away.”

She turned to me as if saying ‘your turn now’.
“Yes,” I said as brightly and enthusiastically as I could, trying to cover my surprise at what Carrie had just said.
“As I was telling you on Tuesday Mike, I found the course so valuable to me on a personal level so to compare notes with Carrie will be fascinating and also making a new friend of course.”

As I answered Carrie squeezed my hand. It felt as if the tectonic plates of my life were moving, driven by forces that I had little control over: Mike my tutor and perhaps occasional lover and now Carrie, pushing our yet to be formed relationship out into the open and I realised that what at first had seemed an easy change of attitude to my marriage vows and my husband had now evolved into two relationships that would need attending to if they weren’t to blow up in my face.”
I took a long pull on my drink to steady myself.

“What about you Mike? Any plans, places to be, people to see? Any plans for the rest of the evening?”
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As I listened to them it was obvious something was going on. Sociology is interesting and all but I had trouble believing that these two were so taken with the course that they’d want to study it more independently. I watched as Carrie took Amy’s hand and looked at her. Yeah, something was up.

I took another sip of my beer and set it down on the table. “Well, I made a resolution to myself that I’d get out more and make some friends. I haven’t really done that yet since I got into town so this summer is going to be all about that.” I said then reached out and took one of their hands into each of mine. “Maybe getting to know the two of you is the start of that. And that sounds like a good plan for this evening as well.”

Officially the class was over and the worries I had about being social with students seemed far less worrisome now that it was.

“Maybe when we’re done here we could go somewhere quieter and get to know each other better.” I followed up giving each of their hands a squeeze.

I knew it was quite possible that I was misreading the situation entirely and I was trying to insert myself into something where I wasn’t wanted but there was something about how they were both talking that led to believe I wasn’t.
“Maybe when we’re done here we could go somewhere quieter and get to know each other better.”

After Tuesday night it was understandable that Mike hoped that he and I would have sex again, and that was quite possible but now with Carrie included and after what she’d told me about her personal life, I didn’t think that she wanted a relationship with a man, even Mike, and certainly not a sexual relationship but I hardly knew her and could have been completely wrong about this.
When I suggested that Carrie join us for a drink after the exam it was just a friendly gesture and I’m glad she came along because, although complicating things between Mike and me, she’s added an extra dimension to my new life.
Of course if she hadn’t joined us it’s probable that Mike and I would have finished up in bed together this evening. He’s younger and fitter than my husband and is just what I need to cement my new feelings about my marriage and I’m hoping he’ll be a reliable if occasional sexual partner going forward but now for tonight at least that seems off the agenda and, in any case, I’d like to know more about Carrie.
From the way she manipulated the conversation earlier it’s obvious she wants to spend some time with me and not just on a conversational level and I’m intrigued and excited.
Does she see me as a possible sexual partner? I just can’t tell but I want to know.

“Where do you have in mind Mike. There’s there a piano bar downtown that has cosy booths and a great wine list. How does that sound?”

Carrie and I headed to the rest rooms and we were standing in front of the mirrors fixing up our makeup. It’s an intimate setting for women, private, away from men.
Carrie watched me as I touched up my lipstick.

“Will you have sex again with Mike?”

I stopped, hand suspended mid-air, my lips still pursed. It was such an intrusive question but somehow didn’t seem that way coming from Carrie, as if we’d already formed a bond of intimacy.
I looked at her in the mirror, making direct eye contact with her reflection.

“Yes, probably, why?”

“Would you have had sex with him tonight if I hadn’t been here?”

I put my lipstick down and turned to face her, holding her hands.
“Carrie you mustn’t think that. I’m glad you’re here. The way Mike is I think we could have sex whenever we want and it would only be sex, not a relationship, you’re not intruding at all.”

We stood there, facing each other, close enough to feel each other’s breath and I leant forward and kissed her, feeling the warmth and softness of her lips on mine and Carrie responded, pulling me to her and kissing me back, our mouths opening to each other, tongues teasing each other.
We broke and stood there looking at each other and in that moment I knew that Carrie was going to be a very important part of my new life.
Our laughter broke the tension.

“We’re going to have to start over with our lipstick.”

In the bar we walked over to Mike, each of us planting a lipstick kiss on his cheeks.

“Ready to go?”
When Carrie chimed in with the idea of the piano bar downtown I had a pretty good idea that things weren’t going my way that night with Amy. Whether Carrie was there as a buffer to prevent it from happening or Amy was further exploring her new liberation in different ways it didn’t matter. After a year alone I’d learned something about myself though. I’m not a needy man and whatever does or doesn’t happen I’m fine with that.

“Yeah, I think I know the place. Sounds good.” I said taking another gulp of my beer.

When they went to the bathroom together I had a feeling they might have been coming up with a way to ditch me. When they came back out I was prepared to bow out for the evening and live to fight another day with Amy. I was very surprised, however, when they both gave me a kiss on the cheek when they got back. Thoroughly confused but relieved that they didn’t seem to see me as someone they’d rather not have around at the moment.

“Yeah, let’s do it. I’ll get us an Uber.” I said pulling out my phone and ordering one up.

We were only on the street for a minute when the Uber pulled up and we jumped in the back with Amy squeezed in the middle between Carrie and I.
The bar is just perfect, low-level lighting, large comfy booths, lushly upholstered and affording a lot of privacy, just what we want.
The ride down was fun with me squeezed between Mike and Carrie and it was an exciting feeling knowing that I was sitting between two people who desired me and I fantasised for a moment about being like this but in bed, between Mike and Carrie.

I needed to find some time to talk with Carrie. After her very blunt question in the bathroom about me having sex with Mike I knew she’d be open to a frank discussion with me. The only problem was Mike. How would I find time to talk to Carrie? Perhaps I should just wait to see how things turned out in the intimacy of the booth and I needed to make sure we were seated differently, this time with Mike between us.

We sat down with Mike between us and ordered a bottle of wine.
“So Mike, here you are with two beautiful ladies. If a genie pops out of the bottle when the cork is pulled, what will your three wishes be?”
I was surprised when Amy situated me between her and Carrie. All indications so far was that they had a budding friendship and I’d have assumed she’d want to sit next to her to be able to talk more easily. I’d been content with the idea of being more of a listener for the evening.

“So Mike, here you are with two beautiful ladies. If a genie pops out of the bottle when the cork is pulled, what will your three wishes be?” Amy asked.

The sudden attention turned towards me made me squirm a little. If there ever was a loaded question, this was it. I couldn’t very well say what actually came to mind off the bat.. Had the wine already been in front of us I’d be taking a long sip to stall as I thought of an answer. There wasn’t though and I couldn’t very well ask to get back to her on that.

“Let’s see….. Three wishes…..” I said thinking some more. “I’d wish for the gift of their affection, the wisdom to let them lead and the stamina to keep up.”

It wasn’t the best answer I could have come up with but there was an obvious expectation that I at least partially address the elephant in the room. It seemed at least better than some of the more blunt alternatives.
Mike’s answer to my question was very diplomatic, leaving far more unsaid than said and I suspected that if he’d answered truthfully his answer would have included having a threesome with Carrie and me but I didn’t know if Carrie would be interested in that or even after so long if she’d be interested in having sex with a man at all and that was something I wanted to know, but the time and place for that conversation hadn’t arisen so far.
But after our kiss in the bathroom I was certain that she’d like to have sex with me and I felt the same way about her.

It had been a very long time since I’d been with a woman, not since college and then it had just been experimenting. Sure, I’d done everything back then and had everything done to me and I’d enjoyed it but it was more of something to try to see how it felt rather than a burning desire to be with a woman.
But now with my decision to be free of the constraints of my marriage and after having sex with Mike on Tuesday, everything seemed possible. Carrie was a very attractive woman with a smouldering sexuality about her and I could feel myself getting aroused with the thought of being with her and what we’d do.
Mike’s answer made me laugh and I put my hand high on his thigh and leant across to Carrie.

“Mike doesn’t need to wish for the stamina to keep up unless he’s hoping for more than one lady, he’s already got it, he showed me on Tuesday night.”

I’d been a little nervous on Tuesday when I’d got home. What if my husband had wanted to have sex? Surely he would have realised that I’d already had sex? My panties were sticky with Mike’s cum and my pussy was still oozing with it but in a way, I didn’t care.
I didn’t want to have a confrontation with my husband but there was something very arousing about lying next to him, knowing that I still had another man’s semen in me, confirming that I’d started my new life, and in a moment of madness I knew that if Mike had walked into our bedroom I’d have let him fuck me as I lay alongside my husband.

But tonight, as I leant across Mike with my breasts pressing against him there was the dilemma of what to do.
I was sure that Mike would invite us both back to his place if I suggested it but I just didn’t know about Carrie.
All these thoughts were rushing through my head as I leant across to Carrie.

“I think Mike wants both of us,” I said and then I leant in closer and whispered to Carrie “and I want you, just you and me … soon.”

I waited breathlessly to hear what Mike would say and then it would be down to Carrie.
My jaw just about hit the table when Amy disclosed that I’d fucked her on Tuesday. I trusted that, if she felt comfortable telling Carrie, it was all good. She clearly had more to lose than I did but it shocked me none-the-less.

It was also clear that Amy read between the lines of my evasive answer but I wasn’t entirely sure what Carrie thought about it. When Amy leaned across putting her hand on my thigh it was inches away from my cock and I could feel it stiffen slightly at her touch.

“She, not wrong.” I said to Carrie when Amy spelled it out for her. “If that’s something you might be interested in.”

Carrie looked uncomfortable for a second that we put her on the spot but then Amy leaned in closer to her and whispered something else and her expression changed. Almost like somehow Amy sweetened the offer somehow.

I could see Carrie eyes move down looking at Amy’s hand on my thigh then she bit her lower lip slightly sliding her hand up my other thigh.

“I think I need an idea of what I’m dealing with.” She said as her hand moved between my legs and pressed against my stiffening cock.

“Hmmm, might be willing to play. After we have our wine though.” She said as she saw the waiter return with the bottle we’d ordered.

All three of us fell silent for a moment as the waiter poured our glasses. It was obvious all of us were thinking about the fact that we’d just agreed to a three way.

As the waiter walked away I turned to Amy and kissed her deeply. As our lips parted and our tongues brushed against one another’s my hand caressed her upper thigh. When our lips parted I turned to Carrie and kissed her the same way before leaning back to make room for them to lean across me and share their own kiss.
Carrie surprised me. I thought she would have been far more reticent when Mike explained exactly what he had in mind for the evening.
I had thought that this evening might have been a social precursor for Carrie to get to know Mike a little before we moved on to whatever came next, if anything.
I knew that what I wanted was to spend some time with Carrie on our own and I was sure that she wanted to do the same and for Mike to throw the idea of a threesome into the pot so soon seemed a risky move on his part but then, perhaps I had misjudged Carrie so although she’d only been in in relationship with women for a long time, that didn’t necessarily mean she hadn’t spent the occasional night with a man and perhaps she saw this evening as one of those.
And when she groped Mike’s erection I knew for sure that she wanted him as well as me.
Perhaps we’d uncovered a little sexual cauldron bubbling away below Carrie’s surface and the thought of being with her made my core tighten.

The wine came and we sat in a pregnant silence for a moment, each of us wondering what came next but Mike broke the spell by kissing me and then Carrie who accepted his kiss eagerly.
Then it was our turn and Carrie leant across Mike and kissed me, her tongue slipping into my mouth.
She made me feel desperate for her. I wanted to fondle her, to kiss her breasts and to bury my face between her legs to taste her, so many feelings, so many desires.
At last we broke and I took a big slug of my wine, needing the hit to still my racing pulse and then I stood.

“Move along Mike,” and I swapped places with him so I was next to Carrie, turning to face her, my back to Mike, and holding her hands.

“You do know what we’re getting into with Mike, don’t you. It’ll be the three of us in his bed and he’ll want to have sex with both of us, you as well as me. Are you certain about this?”

Carrie squeezed my hands.
“Yes, I’m fine. It has been a long time since I’ve been with a man but I think I can remember how to do it.” She said with a giggle.
“In any case, you’ll be there and you’ll look after me won’t you?”

I hugged her and kissed her cheek.
“Yes of course I will, we’ll look after each other won’t me and there’ll be another time for just you and me. Promise.”

I turned back to Mike.
“It seems we have a deal. Now let’s enjoy the wine and you can think up ways to please two very lovely sexy ladies.”
As they leaned in and kissed in front of me I was mesmerized for a moment as I watched them. Seeing two women kiss is just so sensual.

When Amy swapped places with me I couldn’t really hear them but I got the sense she was making sure Carrie was sure of what she was getting herself into. It was a nice gesture from her to make sure Carrie wasn’t just letting inertia sweep her along with it.

“It seems we have a deal. Now let’s enjoy the wine and you can think up ways to please two very lovely sexy ladies.” Amy said looking back towards me.

Based on the kiss I witnessed it was clear they weren’t going to be waiting around to only share me.

“I definitely have my ideas but I don’t get the sense that it’ll be all on me to please you two.”

When we finished the wine I took care of the check then looked back over at them.

“Shall we?”

When we got into the Uber I let the girls get in first so they could sit next to each other. This was definitely something new for me but I wasn’t diluted enough to believe that I was the main attraction here. It was obvious that there was just as much if not more attraction between Carrie and Amy as there was toward me. I just happened to be in the right place at the right time.

Being a fly on the wall watching the back seat of the Uber would have been amusing. Everyone was trying to act casual within view of the driver through the rear view mirror while belied what was going on below his view.

As Amy sat between us both Carrie’s and my hand crept beneath Amy’s skirt and met at her damp pantie. Reaching down I lifted Amy’s leg to drape it over my knee. Having seen this, Carrie followed suit. I could hear Amy’s breathing become labored as she bit down on her lips as our hands stroked her moistening folds.
While we finished the wine Carrie and I held hands and it felt so good, so exciting, the promise of things to come and soon we were in an Uber on the way to Mike’s apartment with me sitting between Mike and Carrie.
It didn’t take long for things to move along.

At first, when I felt Mike’s hand moving beneath my skirt I was a little concerned that if Carrie saw, she might feel left out but I needn’t have worried as Mike’s hand was soon joined by Carrie’s, their fingertips touching my damp panties and then lifting my legs over theirs so that I was totally exposed to them. I had to bite my lip to stop myself from gasping as their fingers slid along my labia and Mike slipped a finger into me while Carrie found my clit.
Whether the driver could see what was happening, I just didn’t care but I was sure that this wasn’t the first time he’d had people making out in the back of his cab.

Mike let us in to his apartment.
“Mike, can you get us a drink please? Carrie and I are going to freshen up.”

We went into the bathroom and Carrie pushed me back against the door, kissing me hard and pressing herself against me, her hands roaming across my breasts and belly and then lower.
“I don’t mind what you do with Mike and I don’t mind what he does with me so long as I can have you. I’ve never felt so on fire for anybody. I want you.”

I kissed her back and then eased her away from me.
“You do understand Mike wants to have sex, penetrative sex, with both of us don’t you and are you ok with that? He’s very good but I’ll be here with you and whatever happens with Mike, we’ll have fun and then perhaps tomorrow you and I can have some time together, just us ok?”

“Yes I understand and although it’s been a long time I don’t mind having sex with Mike.”

We freshened up and with just a towel each wrapped around us went into the bedroom.
“Here you are lover boy.” And I opened my towel to reveal my naked self.