New Poem Categories

Lauren.Hynde said:
Was there any reason offered for it, Rybka?

i've never had any submission rejected, but I understand that "rejected", like "pending" is a link and often leads you to some kind of explanaition for it.

I suspect it could have something to do with the size...
There were two statements, but neither was checked. One said there was nothing in the text box. The other that maybe the file was garbled or un-uploadable. (Which it isn't.) I had put the file URL in the "note" box along with an explanation. I have resubmitted with a note in the text box.
It now has 5 views. - SENNA & WE take note! Here's a way to boost your view count. :)

Regards,                                 Rybka

O.K. I give up! "Transitions" was rejected again. :( Below is the "rejection" message, and below that an e-mail I received as well.

Dear Writer,
Thank you for your submission to Literotica. We appreciate the time and effort you've taken to write a story and submit it to our site. However, we've found that we cannot post your submission in its current form. The checklist below may help you in re-examining your manuscript.
 Thanks for writing! The answer to your question can most likely be found in our FAQ, located at
 The file is not one we can open, came through garbled, or the text field is blank.
Please feel free to re-submit the story after a Volunteer Editor has examined it, or after you've made revisions. You can find a list of Volunteer Editors here.
Please consult our Writer's Resources section and make sure you read our submission guidelines:

And in an e-mail

If you have any questions on these, please let us know.
Thanks for your time, and look forward to reading you again!
Laurel & Manu

>>Could you post the proper method for submitting such works on Lit. (somewhere easy to find)?



Thanks for writing! The answer to your question can most likely be found in our FAQ, located at

Need I mention that I have done all of that and more? I have even submitted illustrations as an e-mail attachment.

Rybka :mad:
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Message from Laurel

Laurel PMed:

Hi again,

Thanks for writing! If you could pass this on to anyone who wants to submit an image as a poem: please make a note in the body of the poem submission noting that the poem is entirely an image and that no text is involved. Otherwise, we can't know if the poet meant to submit the image without text or not.

Also be aware that images are larger than text, these poems do take up more bandwidth than text poems.

Thanks again, and take care!
I have asked her for more clarification on exactly where the note is to be placed.

Regards,                                 Rybka
I take it that it's in the body of the poem, where you would otherwise paste the poem.

That's where I write most of my notes, as it seems to be the surest way of having them read.
I submitted

my graphic epic Gimme Gimme Time Zone last night by emailing it to the Lit submission address with a note saying this is an illustrated poem and following that up with a pm to Laurel that linked to my posting of it here on the boards.

We shall see....
I don't know

Lauren.Hynde said:
I take it that it's in the body of the poem, where you would otherwise paste the poem.

That's where I write most of my notes, as it seems to be the surest way of having them read.
I have posted stuff there, if you don't have anything there, apparently you get rejected if there is nothing in the upload box. I think the problem is getting a human to read your request and understand what you want.

Regards,                                 Rybka
I have posted stuff there, if you don't have anything there, apparently you get rejected if there is nothing in the upload box. I think the problem is getting a human to read your request and understand what you want.

This is precisely why I pmed Laurel. My experience has been that she is accessible via pm, but generally not via email. I don't want to upload text using the traditional poem submission route because the graphic is the poem, and I don't want both to appear, which I suspect might happen even with clear instructions.

In any case, it's posted here on the pic-a-thon thread and linked there from my sig line, so it's getting seen one way or another. :)
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Finally Posted!

Lauren's and my joint effort finally got approved. Transitions is up and on display. Thank you Laurel and Thank You Lauren!! :) :rose: :)

So, it can be done! But it CAN be a hassle. If it took any longer it would be out of season and we would have to post it upside down for Fall! :D

The way it finally got approved (on the third try) was by uploading a Word file in the upload box that stated that the file was NOT the poem and that the illustration was the poem. You also have to get the image to Lit. In this case Laruel had previously uploaded the GIF file. She also mentioned that poems like this require greater bandwidth than ordinary submissions. I told Laurel to change the file type and/or shrink the poem as she saw fit as long as it remained readable. - It was supposed to be center justified, but what the heck... something always gets screwed up. :D

Regards,                                 Rybka
Congratulations, Rybka. I think it turned out really good.

As for the bandwidth, it can't take up more than a regular illustrated poem... :confused:

Lauren.Hynde said:
Congratulations, Rybka. I think it turned out really good.

As for the bandwidth, it can't take up more than a regular illustrated poem... :confused:

I am not a computer guru, but I understood Laurel to be saying that a picture large enough to contain embeded and legible words as well as the picture takes more space than plain text and a smaller picture. :confused:

Regards,                                 Rybka

ps: I think you did a very good job with a poem of average words. :rose: So far it has one vote, one nice feedback, and nine views. :)
I just found something in the FAQ section I hadn't seen before:
All illustrations must be submitted as .gifs or .jpgs, and must be less than 450 pixels wide and less than 40k in size
Your poem was very long, but only 200 pixels wide and a little over 12KB in size.

Anyway, I just submitted my first graphic poem and made sure it stayed within these parameters, so I hope there won't be any problems. ;)
do we read normal sized, to large NON-eritoc poetry here? if so, do they post it because if it's content? or should i jsut throw it up on here?

i figured this is catagory based.
There are no size or theme limitations for Non-erotic poetry, Khad. Usually, anything you submit will be posted.

You can do that, or simply post it around here in a new thread asking for feedback; we can help you to fine tune it before you submit. Your choice. :D
excelent.... i'll just throw it up on here, Lit doesn't let me submit anything, believe me, i've tried.

stuff it in the new poems thread, or somethig else?
Start a new thread. We use the new poems thread mostly to discuss the new poems posted on a given day.
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thanks Lauren, i know you've already seen one, still love that.