New Poem Recommendations

second ishtat's recommendations, but greenmountaineer's especially (i'd already commented on neo's and mistaken his intent, sorry neo :D )

everything fits, and i love the accents.

maybe what i like most about this is your own use of contrast - of subject/narrator, art/(psuedo)science, the elevated v the base, the act depicted v 'gutmensch'.

well worth anyone unfamiliar with the painting in question to go take a good long look and read up about it.
second ishtat's recommendations, but greenmountaineer's especially (i'd already commented on neo's and mistaken his intent, sorry neo :D )

everything fits, and i love the accents.

maybe what i like most about this is your own use of contrast - of subject/narrator, art/(psuedo)science, the elevated v the base, the act depicted v 'gutmensch'.

well worth anyone unfamiliar with the painting in question to go take a good long look and read up about it.
I second Butter's recommendation of GM's " Stoning of St. Stephen " . Still feel this would have gone better with a 4-colour lithographic reproduction of Rembrandt's original Masterpiece as an Illustrated Poem !

Can anybody in this thread help me with this question, please?
Some people advise that if you have a very long poem to publish it is better to break it down into parts because the length of it will dissuade readers.
Well, that's what I did with my long ballade "ALL-DRUNK". I broke it down into 16 thematic unities as far as that was possible and I posted the whole to this site, adding in the 1st part the information that it is not 16 but 1 song.
In the first day LITEROTICA published nos. 11, 16, 10, 12, 15, in this order.
Today I see published nos. 01, 04, 03, 02, 05, again in this order.
Tomorrow I hope to see the remaining numbers published in whatever order.
Meanwhile readers have started reading, voting and commenting on some parts.
I think that the way this ballade is been published is very confusing to the readers and puts them off. Butters said as much in her (his) very helpful comment to part 16 for which I give my thanks.
I feel that my poem is been butchered and my readers misguided by this way of presentation.
Does anybody actually read any submission before approval in order to decide how a work should be presented, taking into account what the author explains in the beginning?
Is there a better way to go about this whole process?
Thanks for any help or advice you can give.
Can anybody in this thread help me with this question, please?
Some people advise that if you have a very long poem to publish it is better to break it down into parts because the length of it will dissuade readers.
Well, that's what I did with my long ballade "ALL-DRUNK". I broke it down into 16 thematic unities as far as that was possible and I posted the whole to this site, adding in the 1st part the information that it is not 16 but 1 song.
In the first day LITEROTICA published nos. 11, 16, 10, 12, 15, in this order.
Today I see published nos. 01, 04, 03, 02, 05, again in this order.
Tomorrow I hope to see the remaining numbers published in whatever order.
Meanwhile readers have started reading, voting and commenting on some parts.
I think that the way this ballade is been published is very confusing to the readers and puts them off. Butters said as much in her (his) very helpful comment to part 16 for which I give my thanks.
I feel that my poem is been butchered and my readers misguided by this way of presentation.
Does anybody actually read any submission before approval in order to decide how a work should be presented, taking into account what the author explains in the beginning?
Is there a better way to go about this whole process?
Thanks for any help or advice you can give.
all i could suggest would be for you (in future) to submit one piece per day in order of reading, having made it clear they're all part of one longer event. this would give readers time to view each as they arrived and not feel swamped or that you were spamming. you're welcome, btw. and 'she'. :)
if you read anything today, read greenmountaineer's My Children, Of Course, Are Grown Now - a slowing down of time, pressure, and short-term memory as age or even dementia claim us. and yet this isn't a sad piece, but a quiet one, where the small moments get their space, and the world rushes on with the morning train crammed with life's hurly-burly stress.

susan snow's Boat Beneath Bridges
i've not yet left a comment as i'm trying to get a better understanding of it before i do. i hope others read it, though, because it's left me thinking and i like a poem that leaves its mark on me.

Lions Lament by LeopoldNicholas... it's different, as these things go. far deeper reaching and more meaningful than most i've ever read on the topic.
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"Woman" by Janerochester and "Going Home" by Koba are well worth your time to read them.

Koba, of course, is a familiar and accomplished poet on Literotica. I noticed Janerochester is new and this is her first submission. I don't think I've ever seen a new poet write something as good as this is in the first first submission.
I would like to recommend pelegrino's Legal-Like Letter. It has a musical effect (in my mind), which I thought was amusing when contrasted with what is actually written.
I was going to recommend the above two poems but butters and greenmountaineer were there first.

I strongly second, and happy St Valentine's to all.
On the erotic or "pornographic" side of things, nasty-cunt by TheChameleon is one of the best reads for today.

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withdrawn or did you mess up the link, P?

withdrawn or did you mess up the link, P?

There is a </BR> HTML tag on the link. If you right click it, copy, paste into the address bar, and remove the tag, it will work.

...nevermind, it's easier if I just link it here.
Thanks, Tsotha, I was not quite sure of what to do, I thought I followed the instructions correctly.
also this, by lucy1970harker - you want some?

refreshing avoidance of cliché, and she spells wanton correctly :D

especially liked this:

Look at my mouth.
Waiting for your words
Frantic to be filled,

a far cut above your average 'erotic' poem and makes me want to check out more from their pen