new poems

hey, did any of you ever have a relative, perhaps an older aunt or maybe your grandma, who let you play in her "junk" room whenever you went to spend the night or visit?

I always loved my granny's junk room, I found something new everytime I went, my treasure box. I hope the powers that be cant permanently remove this because it was here before me and I am still peeking into the older pages to see wat happened looking through an old box of faded pics. they tell so much....

I like the new thread, its easier to get to the reviews, but please dont lock me out of my granny's treasure room :) :rose:
we're at perfect liberty to do both

this is like finding an abandoned house and being at liberty to do anything we want in it

but that doesn't stop us also having sex in other people's houses

infinite choice is the hallmark of the perfect market economy

You best obey Lauren. She carries a gun.:eek:

slinks off to play New Poetry chit chat

then I went and looked at it, as it was really small on my computer and read what it said....

note: the writing on it refers to NO ONE! :confused:

just what kind of bullets it used :D
geeez humor went for a ride with rhyme i take it.
i hope they're naked together atleast!:D
i give up!
so spank me for being a baddy..who started it anyhow??
fawnie said:
geeez humor went for a ride with rhyme i take it.
i hope they're naked together atleast!:D
i give up!
so spank me for being a baddy..who started it anyhow??

Syn.....shhhh :kiss:
normal jean said:
I like the new thread, its easier to get to the reviews, but please dont lock me out of my granny's treasure room :) :rose:
I wasn't suggesting locking anyone out. ;)

Until now, we managed to keep a very healthy level of chit-chat on most of the threads, and in the 2+ years I have been a regular presence here, there has rarely been a problem. Conversation naturally spurts and we all get to talk and know each other better, make friends, and there's no reason for it to interfere with the natural flow of threads.

This thread was dead the moment people felt the necessity of starting the New Poetry Chit Chat thread. It had imploded under its own weight. Since then we have been trying to get it back in line, but it's clear it won't happen.

So, let us all just let it die already and start anew. If it's a Chit Chat Thread you want, go to the Chit Chat thread.

Having two 'New Poems' threads active at the same time is confusing to those who don't come here every day.


Rybka emailed some of us today, suggesting that the first post on the new reviews' thread included links to both the past defunct threads. That would make it easier for everyone in the mood to reminisce, I think.

Personally, I think Eve was too soft with the new thread. I think the way things are in this thread right now, the only way to go with it is a tightly enforced rule, temporarily, of absolutely no off-topic posts. That means no chit chat, no thank you notes, no nothing except poetry recommendations, on the new thread. Any other posts would be moved to Chit Chat.

It may seem excessive, but this is out of control, and maybe a tightly controlled thread for let's say a month will help us all get back on track.

edited to correct:
That means no chit chat, no thank you notes, no nothing except poetry recommendations and/or comments on posted poems, made by the author or anyone else. Call it a loophole on the 'no thank you notes' clause, if you like, but keep it relevant. ;)
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Lauren Hynde said:
I wasn't suggesting locking anyone out. ;)

Personally, I think Eve was too soft with the new thread. I think the way things are in this thread right now, the only way to go with it is a tightly enforced rule, temporarily, of absolutely no off-topic posts. That means no chit chat, no thank you notes, no nothing except poetry recommendations, on the new thread. Any other posts would be moved to Chit Chat.

It may seem excessive, but this is out of control, and maybe a tightly controlled thread for let's say a month will help us all get back on track.

edited to correct:
That means no chit chat, no thank you notes, no nothing except poetry recommendations and/or comments on posted poems, made by the author or anyone else. Call it a loophole on the 'no thank you notes' clause, if you like, but keep it relevant. ;)

having that one thread strictly moderated I think would be a good thing. (Of course put the rules up in the header).

Don't want to be a surly fuddy duddy (just using that term probably makes me one, but I digress... ), it's sorta silly to have a reviewer mention ten poems, then see ten "thank you" posts and the banter that results. ...

a little structure to our lives is good.

If everyone hates the new (and only one) strictly moderated thread, then "everyone" should boycott it and don't post there.
If it dies, it dies. (I'm betting it will survive).

Since the one strict thread is a "special" thread, can you also maybe make it sticky ? Then "locking" this one becomes less of a concern, since newbies can always see that one at the top)
Lauren Hynde said:

Personally, I think Eve was too soft with the new thread.
Yes, I'm soft. Squeeze my... never mind.
If you want, post something on the new thread about the rules--posting of reviews only. Then we can all gather elsewhere to chat about the new poems. We can even move the thank you posts to poetry chat.
make friends

and sometimes get laid--or if too old to get laid--cuddle and grope in various mutally consensual ways


why do we have to do ANYTHING about this thread

if ppl feel like posting in it they will

if ppl don't feel like posting in it they won't

it is a self-regulating mechanism

it does not require the intervention of an oversight committee

this topic is wasting bandwidth - a scarce resource in the global ether

I know I haven't been contributing poetry as of late, but I agree whole heartedly with Lauren. I use this thread simply for catching reviews of poems posted, and to thank anyone who has reviewed one of mine. Off Topic posts are a pain in the ass... like junk mail. Some folks here may need to tuck their egos away and go along with what already works, and has worked, for a long time.

Lauren... when a post is out of place here, why can't a moderator move it? It will probably only take one time...

And then we can get back to how it should be.

*steppin off my soap box

(and of course, if someone REALLY gets obnoxious- there's always that little Ignore button. I use it; it's great!)
wow. no one has really posted here in a while. um...... i hope that no one minds if i say something about a poem or two. um..... yea.
i would just like to tell wyo_girl that her poem Loneliness is very good. it reminds me of how my mom used to be and how i'm turning out to be. thanks for writing what i had no idea on how to put to words.
You can post here all you want Zell

zell19861986 said:
i would just like to tell wyo_girl that her poem Loneliness is very good. it reminds me of how my mom used to be and how i'm turning out to be. thanks for writing what i had no idea on how to put to words.

this thread has been abandoned

it's anarchy

I like anarchy ( to a certain extent)

there should always be a place with no rules provided their are other places where rules apply

keep talking

ya never know
really? that sucks this board was awesome. i would try and get new people to come and join this board but i don't really have enough time. lol. oh well.
it's the thread that refused to die

Lauren Hynde said:
Zell, this thread was declared dead. Its activities were tranfered to a new one, which is now a sticky at the top of the Poetry Feedback & Discussion forum page:

New Poems Reviews

there are certain natural forces that we do not quite understand which are impossible to resist--no matter how many times the thread is shot, beaten or clubbed--it wakes up the next morning--shakes its head--rises to its knees--and crawls on
Re: it's the thread that refused to die

there are certain natural forces that we do not quite understand which are impossible to resist--no matter how many times the thread is shot, beaten or clubbed--it wakes up the next morning--shakes its head--rises to its knees--and crawls on

Sounds like me after a night at Doyle's Pub
da nite of da livin' thread

there once was a thread
for new poem reviews
where poets could gather
and chat as they choose
but the thread became hulky
idle chit chat, too bulky
so now theres a sticky
at the top, to peruse :D
Re: Re: Re: it's the thread that refused to die

that's what inspired the thought

Funniest thing I ever heard there.......the cops come in to bust this young Irish lad and they walk up to his table and read him his rights and all and take out the handcuffs and he says..

" Can I finish my pint first?"

Drunkenly in Love with an impossible Angel

I soon found I couldn't live without her
her breath filled my lungs
her smile creased my cheeks
her presence made me there

When she was gone I was missed
If she starved I went hungry
her silence made me quiet
and her laughter filled my heart

I could not conceive of love
when my heart filled
air lifted me
and took me to her

The western part of all my mind
is taken up by her
and thoughts of tomorrow.