new poems

If you could walk the road with me.
The road of lifes past memories.
you'ld be led through darkness into light.
from fire to ice.
From land into sea.
Many dreams ruins youre eyes shall behold.
Rainbows leading to fortunes in gold.
A thrown for a queen, her king locked in jail
an ocean of ships, with no wind for there sail.
Every word softly spoken, line for line
every step ever taken, eyes open yet blind.
The careless moods and attitudes bringing fortunes of no need.
Times when i alone was more than enough.
and of course the bitter times of greed.
My pre planned moves of precision.
My stumble and dont give a damn days
A mind working as a well oiled machine.
the times i was lost in a haze
The times i laughted at darkness
Then cursed the light of day
I was a god in my own mind
Through the tears i cried out as i prayed
This twisting, turning ,rutted road I;ve paced my life along.
Has. made me the man I know I am .
With peace of mind and simple song.
Drisinger said:
If you could walk the road with me.
The road of lifes past memories.
you'ld be led through darkness into light.
from fire to ice.
From land into sea.
Many dreams ruins youre eyes shall behold.
Rainbows leading to fortunes in gold.
A thrown for a queen, her king locked in jail
an ocean of ships, with no wind for there sail.
Every word softly spoken, line for line
every step ever taken, eyes open yet blind.
The careless moods and attitudes bringing fortunes of no need.
Times when i alone was more than enough.
and of course the bitter times of greed.
My pre planned moves of precision.
My stumble and dont give a damn days
A mind working as a well oiled machine.
the times i was lost in a haze
The times i laughted at darkness
Then cursed the light of day
I was a god in my own mind
Through the tears i cried out as i prayed
This twisting, turning ,rutted road I;ve paced my life along.
Has. made me the man I know I am .
With peace of mind and simple song.

Welcome here. :rose:
'scuse me, people, but is this the place to post work in need of crit help and for the offering of opinions on others posted? still finding my way around the labyrinth :eek:
'scuse me, people, but is this the place to post work in need of crit help and for the offering of opinions on others posted? still finding my way around the labyrinth :eek:

Hello and welcome to the poetry forum. :)

I see that you posted a poem in the "Poetry in Progress" thread. Short of starting a thread of your own with your poem, asking for feedback, Poetry in Progress is the best place here to get help. It may take a few days: this forum moves more slowly than some of the others here because there are fewer people posting. That and the American holiday weekend that is upcoming may keep you from getting much feedback for a few days, so give it a little time.

If you want to recommend/review someone else's poem, the best place to do it is in the "New Poems" thread at the top of this page. We don't really do critique there, just rather brief recommendations usually. More full critique usually happens in that Progress thread.

I'm one of the moderators on this forum, so if you need help with anything here or have questions, feel free to pm me. Or just start a thread--we're an opinionated bunch and you will get answers.
cheers, Angeline :D

and opinionated bunches are right up my would be a boring place without any opinions making it spin.

i'm not fussed about the speed of the boards, just wanted to make sure where i ought to be posting and offering my own home-grown brand of opinions. glad to meetcha :rose:
cheers, Angeline :D

and opinionated bunches are right up my would be a boring place without any opinions making it spin.

i'm not fussed about the speed of the boards, just wanted to make sure where i ought to be posting and offering my own home-grown brand of opinions. glad to meetcha :rose:

Ditto. :rose:

This is usually a nice little refuge in the Literotica swamp. Lots of good poets here, and we're always happy when new folks wander in.
love comes quietly

there is no grand parade, no clarion call
for magic happens in quiet quarters
small gestures, in the catching of an eye
back alleyways, the vistas of a sigh
in dusk's cool plums - that backdrop to starlight
and mists across the moon on autumn nights.

laughter, warm and fresh, can swell a heart
enmesh it, happily, and two hands held
in firelight's soft red and embered glow
will hold the memory of that touch although
the snow lays all around, and freezing hail
vies with the bitter wind to no avail.

Time teaches us best listen to the breeze
for truths are small and love comes
in dark delicious silence
torpid grubs burrow
their soft slow way

umber juices atrail
they inch upwards
swollen with intent to hatch
in hot, expanded skulls