New Poet

If I may
I've come to say
a do rum de do
a do rum rum de rum de do
a do rum rum
My sweet lord
he's so fine
Be up before the beak
it's only a dumb ass song

have you ever thought of trying to write poetry some day? I mean you might not be any good but you could try
have you ever thought of trying to write poetry some day? I mean you might not be any good but you could try
nah, on both counts
I'm just expressin myself
Writin what I feel
That and 20,000 alts might get me an H some day
The perch I deserve
I already won MIP
nah, on both counts
I'm just expressin myself
Writin what I feel
That and 20,000 alts might get me an H some day
The perch I deserve
I already won MIP
*in preachy tone...

what the alts giveth, the alts can taketh away.... let us pray

for alts before the altar of art
are no more artisan than
sweepers of highways

or the digger of ditches
the posters of most yootoobs....

let us rise above!
i say
rise A-buv!
and e-god in e-wisdom will e-smite
...or not
*in preachy tone...

what the alts giveth, the alts can taketh away.... let us pray

for alts before the altar of art
are no more artisan than
sweepers of highways

or the digger of ditches
the posters of most yootoobs....

let us rise above!
i say
rise A-buv!
and e-god in e-wisdom will e-smite
...or not

don't forget the emptiers of latrines
Ignore Senna. He's a dick who gets his jollies off insulting others.
Oh, c'mon Tek. He's done worse. That's barely a four on the offend-o-meter.
Of course, Senna's barely a four on the dick-o-meter.

Ignore Senna? Of you want to write poetry, ignore at your own peril. Even when he's dead wrong (as everybody is from time to time) it's always worth considering what he has to say.
Oh, c'mon Tek. He's done worse. That's barely a four on the offend-o-meter.
Of course, Senna's barely a four on the dick-o-meter.

Ignore Senna? Of you want to write poetry, ignore at your own peril. Even when he's dead wrong (as everybody is from time to time) it's always worth considering what he has to say.
When it shall post relevant criticism, be it constructive or otherwise, perhaps it will be worth listening to (I doubt it, though.)
Get a degree in lit crit if it's so important to you. *hat tip*
When it shall post relevant criticism, be it constructive or otherwise, perhaps it will be worth listening to (I doubt it, though.)
Get a degree in lit crit if it's so important to you. *hat tip*

senna is always worth listening to. and then it's up to the individual to weigh his words and make up their own mind. they have had significant contribution to the forum, posting information as well as 'judgements'. take an opinion as just that, though always ... always ... consider the source. senna's comments do not come from a place of ignorance, even if his manner can sometimes be brusque and bordering on churlish. he has offered a lot of wisdom alongside his less-edifying posts. now when senna posts as if he gets that his opinions on others' writes are just that, opinions, then there'll be fewer ruffled feathers all round.

at the end of the clichéd and proverbial day, tek, he has contributed a whole lot more than you have (so far) and ... and this is the important part ... you are perfectly free to disagree with his interpretations/style of delivery.

seempuls. :rose:
senna is always worth listening to. and then it's up to the individual to weigh his words and make up their own mind. they have had significant contribution to the forum, posting information as well as 'judgements'. take an opinion as just that, though always ... always ... consider the source. senna's comments do not come from a place of ignorance, even if his manner can sometimes be brusque and bordering on churlish. he has offered a lot of wisdom alongside his less-edifying posts. now when senna posts as if he gets that his opinions on others' writes are just that, opinions, then there'll be fewer ruffled feathers all round.

at the end of the clichéd and proverbial day, tek, he has contributed a whole lot more than you have (so far) and ... and this is the important part ... you are perfectly free to disagree with his interpretations/style of delivery.

seempuls. :rose:
I get it.
His contributions pay for his right to be a dick for no reason. Good to know. What's the going rate? Is there a season pass? Are there discounts for noobs?
I get it.
His contributions pay for his right to be a dick for no reason. Good to know. What's the going rate? Is there a season pass? Are there discounts for noobs?

no. you don't get it.

le sigh.

sometimes people are dicks. it's because they are people.

you have the right to express your opinions, as does he. it's ok to not agree with another's pov. when someone behaves too much like a dick, they tend to get ignored. this has happened before, and no doubt will again. when a writer gets ignored, it can be frustrating. they either leave or ameliorate their posting attitude, or continue blithely, certain that they are right and everyone else is wrong. it happens.

nOObs tends to be let off lightly at first....
no. you don't get it.

le sigh.

sometimes people are dicks. it's because they are people.

you have the right to express your opinions, as does he. it's ok to not agree with another's pov. when someone behaves too much like a dick, they tend to get ignored. this has happened before, and no doubt will again. when a writer gets ignored, it can be frustrating. they either leave or ameliorate their posting attitude, or continue blithely, certain that they are right and everyone else is wrong. it happens.

nOObs tends to be let off lightly at first....
Thanks for enlightening me.
Thanks for enlightening me.
no charge :rolleyes:

now, how about posting some poetry, tek? or commenting/critiquing someone else's?
there's teh limerick thread if you just wanna knock one off the cuff, so to speak....
no charge :rolleyes:

now, how about posting some poetry, tek? or commenting/critiquing someone else's?
there's teh limerick thread if you just wanna knock one off the cuff, so to speak....
No thanks. My ego's too fragile to deal with such harsh rebukes. :rolleyes:
When it shall post relevant criticism, be it constructive or otherwise, perhaps it will be worth listening to (I doubt it, though.)
Get a degree in lit crit if it's so important to you. *hat tip*
An MFA? Or something more specific? What are they teaching nowadays?
canon to the left of us, canon to the right of us
old bloom volleyed and thundered
sorry I prefer Frye, any Frye
over the top hundred

Senna is worth listening too. If only to disagree with half of it.
senna is always worth listening to. and then it's up to the individual to weigh his words and make up their own mind. they have had significant contribution to the forum, posting information as well as 'judgements'. take an opinion as just that, though always ... always ... consider the source. senna's comments do not come from a place of ignorance, even if his manner can sometimes be brusque and bordering on churlish. he has offered a lot of wisdom alongside his less-edifying posts. now when senna posts as if he gets that his opinions on others' writes are just that, opinions, then there'll be fewer ruffled feathers all round.

at the end of the clichéd and proverbial day, tek, he has contributed a whole lot more than you have (so far) and ... and this is the important part ... you are perfectly free to disagree with his interpretations/style of delivery.

seempuls. :rose:
ignore me at your own peril, i am right about half of the time, and I just get worse at time goes by, topping out at 12.01 on the dick-o-meter scale
Desejo told me so.
There have been times when Senna and I have clashed head to head and I have cursed the ground he walks on but that doesn't alter the fact that the man can bloody write and nobody can better him at the Haiku. Therefore my advise is skim the bits that get your hackles up and or swear back occassionally, but when it comes to advice on poetry listen you just might learn something
My life is like waves crashing on the shore

Hi Hottie!
I don't give advice cuz I'm not really any kind of poet. Just sometimes I get lucky when I open up and let the words out.

That being said whenever I think that "I am like" or mumblemumble 'as like' mumble mumble it means STOP. Say it a different way. You could say "I am a wave crashing on the shore."

Just a thought.