New to this Board...With a Gripe

Just_John1 said:
Gauche, I am awed and envious... Can I be your poor wall flower friend that gets your left overs? I'm not picky or particularly particular... I'll even drive the car... and get the beer. And I don't eat much or make many noises... Really I promise.


Dear John,

I always wanted to start a letter like that. Anyway. Awe and Envy, yeah right. A hatfull of red 'H's next to nearly all your stories and you're envious.

If I could earn half as many then I wouldn't need to call everybodies attention to me on the boards.

We'd still be attracted to you cute little face, Gauche, even if you weren't so worried about your precious attention.

(trying to hold that knee down - sorry, couldn't help it - you don't know how long I've been waiting for an opening to use that word)

-FF (and no that doen't stand for frodo feelgood)
Just_John1 said:
If 93% of people are made of water the other 7% HAVE to be full of shit...

Always remember and never forget:
Shit Floats To The Top. :(
No wonder I'm not published - never did get good at floating.

Oh, so that's it, I'm dense. Who woulda ever guessed.
There's been lots of talk about bad characters being better parts in movies (fillums), which I don't agree with by the way, it all depends on your calibre as an actor, nasty parts don't take as much acting. The best character from The Rings is definitely Gollum. Stole the books and the movie in my opinion.

Which reminds me of a v.famous actor who would mark his scripts in the margins, like you do, and one of the acronyms he used was N.A.R. When asked what it meant he replied "No Acting Required". Sounds like he was pushing the Strasbourg envelope to the limit.

Wish I could remember who it was.

You know, that great philospher, Red Skelton, said:
"The first three things you lose as you get older are;
your memory and I forget the other two."

-FF (I think)
gauchecritic said:
There's been lots of talk about bad characters being better parts in movies (fillums), which I don't agree with by the way, it all depends on your calibre as an actor, nasty parts don't take as much acting. The best character from The Rings is definitely Gollum. Stole the books and the movie in my opinion.

Which reminds me of a v.famous actor who would mark his scripts in the margins, like you do, and one of the acronyms he used was N.A.R. When asked what it meant he replied "No Acting Required". Sounds like he was pushing the Strasbourg envelope to the limit.

Wish I could remember who it was.


Edited to include research results: Gregory Peck
Edited a second time to include: I pressed the quote instead of edit button. Twat.
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Oh, now you remember, after me combing my memory (or what's left of it) and coming up with nothing. Come to think of it, that was my hair.
No Acting Required

Not long ago when Gregory Peck died I watched a doc. on him. He used to pencil that acronym in his scripts. It's been a common term in Hollywood since, e.g., one speaks of an N.A.R. production, or an N.A.R. part. Nothing to do with The Method.

No Acting Required

To find the lead for his directorial debut, The War Zone, Tim Roth placed an advert in a London magazine, specifying 'No Acting Required'. Freddie Cunliffe landed the part -- and changed both their lives. :(

Why don't you ring up Roth and ask him who he stole the line from :confused:

Edited to explain: "Slow Modem!"
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No Acting Required


I don't mind that my modem is slow,

I only mind when my modem stutters! :mad:
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Re: [b]No Acting Required[/b]

Quasimodem said:
Why don't you ring up Roth and ask him who he stole line from :confused:

I found that in my research. Then 4 pages later an article about G.Peck.

I included Strasbourg's 'method' as being equable (equateable?) with NAR, ie equal tosh.

But then us 'luvvies' (ask Og) can't agree on anything when it comes to acting.

Hey, who requested my ID be withheld? And gods I can't spell that word.

On a serious note, Gauche, you ARE brilliant, in several meanings of the word :)
gauchecritic said:
It's purely hypothetical based on one source. Me. I tend to click back on about a 1/3 of the stories I read, for various reasons. It's highly likely to be incorrect, but I consider myself as an 'average' reader so I applied it to everybody regardless. Like you do.
Thanks for the answer. Since I don't get much feedback, I get typical writer's insecurity and sometimes wonder if anybody, except for the people who actually vote, is actually reading my stories to the end.

You make me feel much better.
gauchecritic said:
Dear John,

I always wanted to start a letter like that. Anyway. Awe and Envy, yeah right. ...and you're envious.

If I could earn half as many then I wouldn't need to call everybodies attention to me on the boards.


But you don't call their attention! They give it freely and willingly... and you deserve it... you either crack me up or spark deep thought... Did I ever tell you that you give me a headache? And, btw, I've been watching that gollum dude... sneaky little bastard he is... reminds me of Yoda on a really bad day. When I read the books I didn't imagine him like that, I imagined him more as a rolly polly kind of little scary dude... I like the way he looks in the movie and your AV better than I had imagined him. Still wish they'd done the scene where Bilbo got the ring from him... It would've been a really good introduction.

Apart from standing here jumping up and down screaming "notice me! notice me!" I'll revert back to the wallflower or lurker as the case may be...

If we're lucky, they'll go back with Bilbo and Gollum and Gandalf and remake The Hobbit - I wonder who would be the voice for Smaug.

-FF (from the west side of the pond)
ffreak said:
If we're lucky, they'll go back with Bilbo and Gollum and Gandalf and remake The Hobbit - I wonder who would be the voice for Smaug.

-FF (from the west side of the pond)

Obvious choice isn't it? That would be Awsome! That's the book that sucked me in in the first place... Would love to see the scene with the spiders in the forest... and Smaug's lair would be cool too...

JJ1 (also from the west side of the pond but the east side of the island...)
They don't get much better than Sir Ian, that's for sure (either of 'em)
ffreak said:
If we're lucky, they'll go back with Bilbo and Gollum and Gandalf and remake The Hobbit - I wonder who would be the voice for Smaug.

-FF (from the west side of the pond)

Sorry people. Years ago I read the National Lampoon version of Lord of the Rings ("Bored of the Rings) and haven't been able to get into Tolken since.
my Stupidity runs rampant...

Prolly should've included the name of the voice "that's the obvious choice..." James Earl Jones would make an awsome Smaug...

As long as it doesn't sound like Mel Brooks or Ben Stiller or Adam Sandler.