New Years Resolutions

Dream, stay positive, have resilience, it will be a great year for you, stay the course.


First poop unattended.
Drink less beer.
Try my hardest to be less cynical and access my inner caprice and whimsy. I mean, it must be hidden somewhere under all the layers of stuck up jadedness, right?
Read the Harry Potter books. (I think being able to access my whimsical side might help me enjoy and appreciate the books a bit more.)

And I'll try to post more.
I don't usually make them but I did this time around. I have this posted all over my house.

2019 New Year’s Resolutions

Attract money like a magnet. Bring abundance to this house and those around me. Put myself first in all financial matters. In order to live in abundance, I must make sure that I myself have abundance. I will not loan or give money to others just because they ask. Doing so defeats my purpose/goal. I do not have “spare” change. All money has value. All money matters. I must have abundance/money to take care of my financial matters and to help others. Money is a wonderful thing! Spread light and love. Be grateful for all of the good things in my life! Happy 2019!
I believe I'm going to have sex. For the first time in forever. :eek:

I'm not 100% sure, cuz you know, another person. But my lady parts are on board.

I'd love to help you fulfill that particular resolution, in the name of fulfilling a resolution of my own involving generosity. ;)
Not post resolutions when I've been drinking. :eek:

2019 is the year to text reconnect with the world. Find a new way to grieve, move forward, find a job, be sweeter, more open. Travel.

I, for one, am glad to see 2018 go.
I’m hopeing 2019 will not be the roller coaster 2018 has been.
At present, no resolutions. I’m like a chicken. Every day is a new day and I need to survive it.

That said, Happy New Year!!
No resolutions. They're never kept.

I hate making a promise or statement that will be forgotten or broken even if it's only to myself.

I hope that 2019 is less of a bumpy ride for me and for everyone that got a little wooled around and beat up by 2018. So I wish for more mental peace and emotional joy in the coming year for us all.
No resolutions. They're never kept.

I hate making a promise or statement that will be forgotten or broken even if it's only to myself.

I hope that 2019 is less of a bumpy ride for me and for everyone that got a little wooled around and beat up by 2018. So I wish for more mental peace and emotional joy in the coming year for us all.

This is how I feel.
No resolutions. They're never kept.

I hate making a promise or statement that will be forgotten or broken even if it's only to myself.

I hope that 2019 is less of a bumpy ride for me and for everyone that got a little wooled around and beat up by 2018. So I wish for more mental peace and emotional joy in the coming year for us all.

I don't mind saying something out loud for myself - getting it out of my head and in to the air around me. Makes it more than just a thought bouncing around my head. Sticking to it has to be a day to day thing.

2017 was my beat up year. 2018 a bit of recovery. So I'm all about 2019 allowing the emotional joy.

I don't mind saying something out loud for myself - getting it out of my head and in to the air around me. Makes it more than just a thought bouncing around my head. Sticking to it has to be a day to day thing.

2017 was my beat up year. 2018 a bit of recovery. So I'm all about 2019 allowing the emotional joy.


I think resolving to do joy is a most excellent idea. :rose:
I believe I'm going to have sex. For the first time in forever. :eek:

I'm not 100% sure, cuz you know, another person. But my lady parts are on board.

Tee hee! Thats my goal too! I want to have sex with some one else in the room before I die! :D....:cattail:
I, for one, am glad to see 2018 go.
I’m hopeing 2019 will not be the roller coaster 2018 has been.
At present, no resolutions. I’m like a chicken. Every day is a new day and I need to survive it.

That said, Happy New Year!!

I don't mind saying something out loud for myself - getting it out of my head and in to the air around me. Makes it more than just a thought bouncing around my head. Sticking to it has to be a day to day thing.

2017 was my beat up year. 2018 a bit of recovery. So I'm all about 2019 allowing the emotional joy.


I think resolving to do joy is a most excellent idea. :rose:

I remember my Gf asking me about 6 years ago, not counting kids, what was my joy?
I had no idea of what she spoketh.

Now, I know. It’s me, looking for it and being open hearted.
I want to be less cynical too and try to remember that everyone is doing there beat.
I dont do resolutions. I do goals.
I spend time and energy writing them and focusing on them daily. Last year was all about " appreciate and be appreciated." I was told to plant joy, but I failed that one.

Right now I've written 7 goals related to:
Health, listening, silence, concentration, amenability, priotitization, and peace. There are two life lessons I'm also working on that are related, but separate:

Which do I judge based upon: intent or effect?

Living in the present vs in the hope of the future.

If anyone has any insights on the latter two please feel free to message me. I have not yet had my "own it moment" related to them. :( I dislike not being able to suss out where I stand on things.

Happy New Year Y'all!

( fun fact: people get a kick of me saying "Assalam Alaikom y'all." Someone near me teases me: "howdy, wa rhamatuLlahi wa barakatu")
I also do goals.

This year my goal is to have less.

As in buy less.

Sort through and get rid of the massive amounts of stuff we do have.

Appreciate having fewer physical things.
I also do goals.

This year my goal is to have less.

As in buy less.

Sort through and get rid of the massive amounts of stuff we do have.

Appreciate having fewer physical things.

This strikes me as wise, says the guy whose office most closely resembles a walk-in junk drawer. :eek:
First, I wanna camp more and use my neglected camping hammock and accompanying mosquito netting.

And second, I wanna go all Marie Kondo on my house’s overstuffed, hardieplank ass.
How's everybody doing with their resolutions?

I hate mine.

The Harry Potter books have been kinda okay, I guess.