Nicest thing said to you

Eilan said:
Duh. How could I forget this?

Some of you know from my other posts that my husband had infertility issues in the not-so-distant past. So we were a bit surprised when we decided to try for a baby and conceived our now-three-year-old on the very first cycle.

The night we brought her home from the hospital, my husband was cradling her in his arms and he looked up at me with tears glistening in his eyes and said, "Thank you."

That is infinitely better than my second husband, who wanted a child desperately, and then when he had one was grossed out by the entire affair and then said on his son's first night home "Damn, this kid has GOT to learn to sleep through the night."

That was my first serious "Uh Oh" moment. Didn't get better.
Best thing anyone ever said to me was "You compliment my evil side nicely."

Wish that one hadn't ended.. =/
Nicest thing ever said to me:

"Okay son, we'll let you go this time. But pour that beer out and keep your car between the lines!"

I was 18. Young and stupid. lol
One of the nicest things somebody ever said to me was they told me I inspired them to be a better person.

But the best thing anybody's ever said to me, bar none, and as cheesy and corny as it sounds. Someone told me with all honesty and sincerity "I love you".
This is a wonderful thread!

I got one today: "Erika, you've touched me in a substantial number of ways, too many to enumerate, and I miss you bitterly." That's heartwarming because it was said by someone who doesn't express emotions often.

Others include my mom saying, "I'm so incredibly proud to have you as my daughter," and, "I'm so lucky to have you in my life. You make me a better person, and you make me happy," from a friend.

A very poignant moment was last summer when my husband turned to me, hugged me so tight it almost hurt, and was overcome with emotion when he said, "Thank you for taking care of my mom." I had simply offered to move in with his parents to help with his mom's care when she was dying (I think something anyone with half a heart would do), so I didn't understand why my husband thought of it as a big offer or seemed so emotional and grateful right away. However, a few moments later, I realized he meant, "Thank you for taking care of ME," as well. It was his way of telling me he was really struggling, needed me, and appreciated the care and toll the stress had taken on me. :heart:

So, I guess many times for me it's how something is expressed, the meaning behind it, not the words, that make it so special.
SweetErika said:
A very poignant moment was last summer when my husband turned to me, hugged me so tight it almost hurt, and was overcome with emotion when he said, "Thank you for taking care of my mom." I had simply offered to move in with his parents to help with his mom's care when she was dying (I think something anyone with half a heart would do), so I didn't understand why my husband thought of it as a big offer or seemed so emotional and grateful right away. However, a few moments later, I realized he meant, "Thank you for taking care of ME," as well. It was his way of telling me he was really struggling, needed me, and appreciated the care and toll the stress had taken on me. :heart:

Something anyone wiht half a heart would do? No, it's not, but the fact that you feel that way is what makes you so special. The other beautiful thing about hat is that your husband recognized not only the offer, but the selflessness behind it. :rose:

SweetErika said:
So, I guess many times for me it's how something is expressed, the meaning behind it, not the words, that make it so special.

Absolutely true! Ever have those times when someone's looked at you, or you've looked at them, and they've just been too choked up to speak, but you knew exactly what they wanted to say? Sometimes it's those unspoken expressions that are the most poignant.
This is a lovely thread :)

My Joe is always telling me such wonderful things that leave me breathless. But, one night he said something that I instantly saved so that I would never forget the exact words.

"You are the answer to all the questions I've ever asked… all the hopes I've ever had… all the need I've ever felt… with you, I'm one happy Daddy."
huh, all the nicest things said to me are kinda really hateful for the sake of myself.

that is kinda depressing.

i wish the person that said those things to me was here. she was so nice to me.

"I promised i wouldn't love you, a promised that i would not let you be sad because of me. but i cant hide it, i love you, and when i leave, you will be sad. its all my fault, im sorry."
Last night my step-daughter came to me in the living room and after a short conversation, she looked at me and said "You must know about Splenda." I was confused but just let it pass with a smile.

Later that night, My fiancee and I were watching TV and I saw a commercial for Splenda. In it, they said "Only the sweetest Dad's know about Splenda" It brought a smile across my face that took the rest of the night to chisel off. Please keep in mind that this is a little girl who never expresses her feelings to me. To say the least, I was touched!!!

Hope You Hear Nice Things Too,
Last night, after my boyfriend and I made love, I started to get up out of bed to head for the bathroom, and he said "Don't be long, because I just want to keep my arms wrapped around you."

Needless to say, I melted.
My 17 year old son saying "You're my role model Mom." Now either that's the sincerest thing to ever come out of his precious heart, or he's a cross dresser! :D
I think the best one I ever had was a long time guy friend of mine who came to visit me several christmasses back...I was very ill, on steriods, fat from them about 50lbs overweight, and bald from chemotherapy....told me that he thought I was beautifull and gave me a very nice sweet long kiss. I almost cried.
NymphGoddess said:
I think the best one I ever had was a long time guy friend of mine who came to visit me several christmasses back...I was very ill, on steriods, fat from them about 50lbs overweight, and bald from chemotherapy....told me that he thought I was beautifull and gave me a very nice sweet long kiss. I almost cried.

Wow, I almost did just now! Just when you got the guy figured out he gets all mushy on you. Men! Ain't they great? :D
KarenDee said:
Wow, I almost did just now! Just when you got the guy figured out he gets all mushy on you. Men! Ain't they great? :D

fer sher, and that one's a keeper!! :nana: :devil:
quoll said:
After coming off life support and defying the odds my wife telling me "I came back, for you." :heart:

Quoll, that is precious. And it made me start to think about, who would you come back for? That quote is a feed-my-soul moment for sure.

A few weeks back, my 23-year-old son said to me, "Everything inside of me that's good is from you, Mom." Now, whose heart wouldn't just turn to mush? :heart:
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I've been called "gorgeous" twice in my life. Highly unusual for a man other than a model to be called something like that. Honestly.
"You're the older brother I wish I had grown up with."

I only knew Michael five years, but I'll miss him every day for the rest of my life.