Night and Day (Closed)

"ooh, really... I am your only VIP? I bet you tell all your VIP that..." He moaned and really had to fight the urge to climax. He wanted to win, so he turned it up a bit more on the remote. "Come on Miss Nova... you know you want to cum..." He thrust his hips up hard into her, wanting to get it in her wet pussy... but good thing for his pants and you know... the rules... He was going crazy here, fighting the urge to cum, wanting nothing more than to just take her right here...

But he saw Veronika... and knew the rules of the relationship... and of course, he knew the rules of the joint... what was he doing... He thrust his hips in time with her grinding down on him. He turned the remote up to the second to last notch. Really wanting her to moan for him.
The way he was more aggressively thrusting his hips and goading her into cumming was really getting to her. She could almost imagine his cock slipping inside her pussy and stirring her up. Nova couldn't help but let a cascade of lustful noises pour from her lips as she bounced on his lap. Her breasts bounced with her movements, and she could definitely feel the fabric of her panties was soaked. The toy was buzzing very insistently now, and she wasn't sure how much more of it she could take.

"Oh fuck..." she moaned, "You're going to make me cum! Oh fuck, Wyatt!"

They didn't have to wait long, as soon she was crying out with bliss, her body trembling and her eyes closing as she reached her orgasm.
The way she spoke, through her pleasure was so erotic. He knew she was really getting off and that made him groan out and let loose his cum. How it seeped through the fabric of his dress pants, it was a lot to, just a hot, sticky mess. He moaned and panted, his breathing heavy, she knew how much he could cum, and he let out that much if not more. "Fuc... fuck... wait... wait..." He tried to catch up to his breathing, he accidently clicked on the highest setting to the the toy. "Miss Nova... mm fuck..." he chuckled.
Her eyes popped open in surprise before rolling back at the intensity of the vibe. She was still sensitive from the orgasm she had just come off of, so the intensity was almost painful at first. Her body squirmed and tried to get away from the buzz, but there was nowhere for her to go. Instead, she found her body being forced into another orgasm, the woman's eyes watering as she came once more.

"Please... I can't take anymore...." she begged, her body having collapsed on top of him again as she twitched and squirmed.
He chuckled at her pleading. "Guess I won..." Still panting, she laid on top of him and this felt so comfortable, he wanted to hold her, but when she twitched and squirmed, he turned the remote down to the lowest setting. "Sorry Miss Nova... your orgasms are so hot. But I think I got to go clean up now, I should head out. Thank you so much, that was a lot of fun. And not breaking the rules." He slid gently out from beneath her and made sure she did not fall, still not touching her. "Miss Nova... you are a Angel... just like Veronika... thank you." He went into his pocket and pulled out a fat stack of bills. "This is for you." If she counted it, it was 2000 dollars. He collected himself, slicking his hair back and smiling at her. "How do I look?" He smiled and headed out, feeling the stickiness in his pants, and walking funny from it. He headed out and past his buddies and got into his car. He looked at himself in the mirror and started the car, should he tell Veronika about this?
Nova smiled at him as he left, wishing him a goodnight. However, she now felt a bit weird about accepting cash from him. Perhaps she would hold onto the cash and return it to him if things went badly at the big reveal.

She pulled out her phone and texted him as Veronika saying: hey. :) Can you meet me at the coffee shop tomorrow in G-Street? The one called, Sip and Steam?
As he was driving home, he got a text, he looked to his phone and he lit up with a smile seeing Veronika texting him. He replied "Hey baby, how are you. I miss you, I just left the club. Hows work? Of course Ill meet you, I cant wait to see you. What time babe?" He was so happy he was going to see her. It felt like an eternity, and they were neighbors... he parked his car and headed to his place, quickly getting his sticky pants off and peeling the rest of his clothes off to hop into his shower. When he got out and was drying off, he picked up his VR goggles and put them on, to see both Veronika and Nova, he smiled seeing the two most beautiful women, both in the game and in his life...

The next morning he wore a simple white button up shirt with a black tank top and shorts. He smelled nice and his eyes were covered by his shades as he grabbed a seat at the coffee shop. He looked around for Veronika. Getting there early, like he was most of the time.
She had texted back: "I'm doing good, but I miss you too. :) I'm looking forward to seeing you. Let's say 10:30?"

The next morning to say she was nervous would be an understatement. This was the moment in which she was going to be revealing who she was and what she did for a living. She was at risk of losing a very important client, but more importantly she was at risk of losing Wyatt as a friend and lover. Veronika didn't need his money, but she would be very disappointed if he was angry and decided he never wanted to see her again.

When the time came, she walked in wearing a cute little red dress with red 2-inch stilettos. Her eyes found him and she smiled warmly, taking a seat opposite him. "Hey there Wyatt. I um... Well I wanted to meet with you to talk about something important." She started to look very nervous. "But um, why don't we get coffee and something to nibble on first?"
When he saw the beautiful Veronika, he jumped up and waved to her, waved like a cool guy, shades still on. When she got close he took her into his arms and held her, holding onto her for a good 10 seconds. "Oh, good, you are real... this is not a dream." He chuckled and let her sit down. Hearing her words. Seeing the look on her beautiful face, he got worried than. "Oh... um... that kind of talk, and we are in a public place, soo you feel safer?" Wyatt did not sit down, he looked as if he was going to run away, he expected the worst words... "I can get us drinks and breakfast, don't worry, tell me what you want and I will go order, umm, yeah." He shook his head, oh shit! The club... she must have been testing him... she was pissed to know that he went... fuck. He looked down. "Im sorry that I went to the club, you had said you were okay with it... I did see Miss Nova and she gave me the most wonderful dances... but I followed the rules and even told her about them, she was fine with them and we are under the club rules so she cant do things like that..." Fuck, fuck, fuck... it was over, before it really started...

He was freaking out inside his head. He stood there staring at her.
Once she sat down and he started talking, she looked at him in confusion. Was he worried about having done something wrong? She supposed she would assume the same thing if she was in his shoes. After all, she had chosen a public place just in case he got angry.

Veronika waved her hand and quickly said, “no, no. It’s not about you going to the club. Well, kind of, but not like you’re thinking.” She sighed and reached for her bag. Out of it, she took out a little case for contacts, a very high-quality black wig, and a pair of glasses. The woman then proceeded to put each item on. When she was done, she looked… remarkably like Nova. The contacts changed her eye-color to a dark brown, while the glasses she wore were just for show.
He watched as she started to change in the booth. He didn't understand. "Did you want something..." she finished than and he looked at Miss Nova than... he saw the little fuzzies in his eyes than, he grabbed the seat to steady himself. "Miss Nova... umm Veronika... what?? I don't understand... you are her??" He was stunned, a bit shocked, and betrayed. This whole time, they have lived next door, and there time together... and last night...

"Veronika... you..." He sat next to her and looked into her eyes. "You are amazing..." He leaned in and kissed her lips, giving her a deep and passionate kiss. After a bit, he broke the kiss and looked at her. "You know how long I have wanted to do that for?" He just smiled at her, holding her hand
At first his reaction was mostly what she had expected: confusion, shock, and betrayal. She had braced herself for him to reprimand her, averting her eyes in shame. However, the next moment she heard him call her amazing. She had looked up in surprise when she felt his lips upon hers, his tongue following shortly after.

When the kiss broke, she stared at him, her cheeks pink. "I didn't know how to tell you... I was afraid that you might be disappointed in who I was. Like, a lot of men like who I am in the club, but wouldn't actually want to be with me since I'm... well, since I'm a stripper. You're not... disappointed?"
He shook his head. "Veronika, Miss Nova, everything I said last night to you, I meant. I mean, I really just want you. You made rules right... I stuck to the rules. I want to be with you Veronika..." He sounded like he was pleading to her, fighting to be with her" some people looking at him. His hand squeezed hers. "It does not matter to me what you do, you are an amazing person, Miss Nova or Veronika. It's you I am in love with." He looked right into her eyes.
Her cheeks went into an even darker shade of pink and she felt her heart flutter at that confession. "Are you sure? Other guys are going to still be able to look at me, and I'll still be doing lap dances for other men. I mean, not like the dance I gave you last night, but the normal sort. Are you really okay with that?" Veronika took the stack of cash he gave her last night out of her bag and put it on the table, held together by a rubber band. She slid it over to his side to return it to him.
"I understand what you have to do at your job. I cannot ask you to quit, that would not be fair. I accept you for you." He looked to the money. "Miss Nova does not work for free baby. Keep it, cause I get free lap dances now." He grinned at her. "What did you think of me the whole time I didn't know?" He got up and slid the money back to her. "I'll get the drinks babe, and breakfast."

He walked up and did not take his eyes off her. He ordered what she wanted and his own, coffee and food. He came back to the booth and took her hands in his. "You are amazing Veronika."
She put the money back in the bag, thinking to herself that he was generous as always. When he came back, she smiled softly at him and shrugged.

"Well, at the beginning I thought you were handsome, but a little awkward. You started to grow on me, and I also noticed that you were respectful, generous, and you were actually one of the few that saw me as a person and not just a thing. Over time I considered you a friend and then... well, I guess you could say that while I always considered you off-limits due to you being a client, I always wondered what it might be like. There were times here and there where I thought about you... in bed."

Veronika quickly added, "I've always thought your friends were boneheads, though, I have to say." She then took a drink of her coffee.
He leaned over and kissed her again. His tongue finding hers quickly. She knew how much he loved to kiss, he wanted to grope her breasts, not being able to touch them drove him crazy. He pulled back and just looked at her. "You know every time I saw you in the hallway, or parking lot, mail box. I would often have to go and you know... but when I saw you at the club, when I saw Miss Nova, you were aggressive, you took what you wanted. I really loved that about Miss Nova, yeah, I know its your job. But I think you treated me a bit different. I always dreamed of being with the both of you, last night... I was going to ask Miss Nova if she would ever be up to talking with you and you know..." He chuckled. "When you went that hard in the dance, that was the most aggressive you have been, well, other than on my birthday..." He smiled and drank his coffee.

"Yes, they are boneheads, but they are coworkers, and there my friends." He ate his breakfast sandwich. What would happen now. He hoped things would keep going...
She looked at him fondly and shrugged, "it's okay if your friends are boneheads- that doesn't mean they're bad people, I guess. I'm not one to tell you who to be friends with if you have fun with them and they make you happy. Anyway, I guess you could say that when I'm Nova, I feel more confident in myself, so that's why I came off as more aggressive. You could say I'm a switch. Sometimes I like to be the one pinned down, and other times I'll spank you if you talk back to me." He was given a wink as she took a sip of her coffee.

Veronika remembered jerking him off on his birthday. It was one of the only times she had actually touched him as a stripper. They were in the private room and she had suggested it to him. He had seemed excited but very hesitant, being that he hadn't wanted to get her into trouble. She had to coax him into it before he let her stroke him to the finish line.
He just smiled at her. Not being able to take his eyes off of her. He was so lucky, he had not only a beautiful girlfriend, but a wonderful, exotic stripper. He took her hand and kissed it, like Gomez Adam's. "My sweet beautiful Veronika... you better take the Nova attire off, before I take you right here..." she saw the lust in his eyes.

"You know all the nights I left the club with a raging hard on that would not go away, even jerking off 2 times wouldn't have it go down... the thought of you... lasted for nights. Until I saw you, Miss Nova again the next time, but the cycle continued..." He drank his coffee down and finished his sandwich. "So Veronika, what do you want to do? Do you want to hang out? Are you tired from last night?"
There was a little smirk on her lips as he kissed her. What a charmer. She definitely didn't want to be fucked on a coffee shop table in public, though the fantasy of it was pretty hot. As requested, she took off the wig, contacts, and glasses, carefully putting them back in her bag

"I'm not too tired- I got home at about three, woke up at ten, and jetted over here first-thing, so I'm in decent shape. Do you want to see a movie?" Veronika asked, taking a final bite of her muffin. By that time her own coffee had been consumed, as had her delicious blueberry muffin. She thought going on a more typical date might be a good idea for them at this point.
He smiled when she took the Nova look off. "Wow, still just as beautiful Veronika. You know, everytime I saw you in passing, I had to do a double take, thinking you were Miss Nova... makes sense." He chuckled. "What movie you want to see, horror, action, romance?" He collected there trash and leaned in to kiss her lips. "This is so awesome..." He went to throw the trash away and came back. "So, all the times I came to see you, how many nights did you have to get off at home? It's ok if there are none... I'm just curious."

He was ready for bad count.
“Horror or romance, I think,” she replied, mulling over his next question.

“It’s not necessarily the that the sight of you made me need to- it’s more that when I did feel like touching myself, you were a favorite fantasy of mine.” She got up from the table and started moving toward the door with a flirty smile and continued, “one of my favorites was imagining you fucking me in front of your jealous friends.”
He followed her "Ohh, they would be so jealous. Two of them even wanted to pay me to join in, if that ever happened. But I said Hell no" He grinned at her. They headed to the movie theater, with Wyatt driving them. "Hey, can I still come to see you at the club? I will still be your number one VIP, and of course you are working, so I can still pay you, or would that be werid to you?" He got out of the car after he parked and ran to open her door for her. "Mi Lady."
"Why thank you, sir." she chuckled, getting out of the vehicle. "As far as coming to the club, you're more than welcome to come, but if you want my time while I'm at work then you're going to have to pay for it. I'm more than happy to give you all my attention when I'm off the clock, but that's how I make my money, babe." Veronika started walking to the theater, her hips swaying as she did so.
"Of course I would pay, and I don't want to be too clingy. So... please tell me if I am getting to you. I don't want to annoy you." He said that and put his head down. "What if I told you that no matter what, you wouldn't have to worry about money ever again. I can take care of you, I make more than enough for both of us. You can do what you want to do, of course I am not saying that. But I will always be here for you babe, you know you get knocked in the head for you." He giggled as they got to the movie theater, he could not help but to watch her hips sway as she walked. "Fuck... you are so hot... I don't know if I will be able to keep my hands to myself..." He than remembered "Slow... slow..."