Not Smoking

Day: Whatever?


Went a whole night & today with out a Tic Tac.

Having a compulsive, addictive personality is a bitch! :(
Still not a smoker. Don't even think about it as much anymore.

The wife, because of being afraid for her life has stopped smoking. If she gets some good test results back on her blood clot she may get to come home Monday or Tuesday...this time.
Congratulations to everyone who has managed to quit.

I do have a word of caution though, if you get drunk you may relapse, alcohol really screws with your willpower.

Although I know that your evil self doesnt care its great that you have quit. I am in month 5 of my quit and have divided into 2 personalities. My good and evil self. My evil self does not care how much more energy i have or how i can have sex for much longer periods of time or how i smell better. Oh well I made the choice to quit just as you have and just know you are not alone :) .

Here is a quit counter i look at whenever i start to feel real bad.

Wow Tasha! By not smoking you have saved 10 days of your life! My name is Tasha, and I am a nicotine addict. I have stopped nicotine for 5 months, 7 days, 11 hours, 53 minutes and 9 seconds (160 days). I've not smoked 2889 death sticks, and saved $668.85. I've saved 10 days and 44 minutes of my life!

My stats so far. Keep it up i know its hard but its definately worth it.
OK, THEN! :)

A little over a year ago now!

(Pats self on the back.)

The main factor, the grace of God and I was ready to stop.

You don't think so?

Get really addicted to a substance and try to quit.

That foxhole isn't that deep.
Congratulations on the one year anniversary!

I too celebrated my first year yesterday.

Now if I could just lost the twenty pounds I packed on while quitting I'd be greatful LOL But I can honestly say that I would never entertain the thoughts of starting smoking again.

Cheers to all of us who have quit!!! :nana:
Congratulations to you all

I'm not a smoker and never have been, but my mom smoked from the ages of 19-59. I know how hard it was for her and for my step-father, they both relapsed several times.

Mom has been smoke free for 4 years now and she's so happy and much, much healthier.

I wish all of you the best as you quit smoking and remain smoke free.
Keep up the good work!

Let me ask a question to the ex-smokers:

When people nagged you to quit, did it help you decide to quit, or did it just make you dig your heels in and light up another? I would dearly love for my son to quit smoking, and I'd be happy to nag. But I have the feeling it won't help.
Five years five months and twenty days and I have only fallen off the cold turkey wagon six times, but I will admit I have wanted one 20 or 30 times in the five plus years.

Keep going, it is just a matter of a day at a time, an hour at a time, a minute at a time or a second at a time. I can breath and so can the family, I don't smell of stale smoke now (unless I am cooking over the charcoal smoker in the back yard).

Bobsgirl the more they nagged the more I would keep going, it was love and expressions of love that help (and try not to just nag and then say that that is you expressing your love, offering support of all kinds hypnotherapy, patches, gum or even money if they quit worked better with me than nagging). I smoked two packs or more a day for 25 + years, so the struggle is not over it still goes on day after day, hour after hour, minute after minute.
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congrats on quitting.. good luck

It would take a hell of a lot out of me if I ever had to "quit" something addictive like that... the main reason I never started (well that and both my grandfathers died because they smoked)

Way to go, friend!

fgarvb1 said:
OK, THEN! :)

A little over a year ago now!

(Pats self on the back.)

The main factor, the grace of God and I was ready to stop.

You don't think so?

Get really addicted to a substance and try to quit.

That foxhole isn't that deep.
As I said before, probably in this thread, I smoked over a pack a day for 25 years, + That other stuff too for another 15 years. I have been smoke-free for 20 years now! YEAH! 5 more years and I'll be back where I started at age 12!!!! healthwise anyway (Pack/day from 14 on)

Yes, I had urges often for years, but they became less frequent.
No, I didn't really have peer presure to quit, and it would not have helped. There WAS a case where I was around people who didn't smoke, and THAT HELPED me.

In fact, I go out of my way to avoid smokers now, like Friday when I walked behind the plants by the building so I wouldn't have to walk downwind through 3 smokers taking a break. I don't care what THEY think, as I'm not willing to breathe their toxic poison any more.
I also don't go visit my best friend because he has become a chain smoker.
Every time I go there, I get sick, so I can't do it any more. :-(

Isn't it much more pleasant to be with people who DON'T smoke?
Just say NO!

Way to go, fgvarb
Suzins said:
Congratulations on the one year anniversary!

I too celebrated my first year yesterday.

Now if I could just lost the twenty pounds I packed on while quitting I'd be greatful LOL But I can honestly say that I would never entertain the thoughts of starting smoking again.

Cheers to all of us who have quit!!! :nana:

Oh, man! I never get "full" I just stop when I see that I've ate a reasonable amount! yeah! I gained about 15 lbs. that I didn't need!

No people getting on my case about not smoking didn't help at all... probably hurt.

My wife still smokes and I 'm around people smoking at work. i try to avoid THAT smoke like any other that i encounter there. It doesn't really bother me.
I stop smoking cold turkey about 2 and a half weeks ago and for me it was hard but when you have motivation and faith it all works out for you!

Congrats on your progress, you can do it :)
I don't even think about smoking anymore.

Yes, I try to avoid second hand smoke like any other smoke or poison vapor.

The wife still surprise there.

Her smokes are over $60.00 per carton, before the latest increase.:eek:
If you make it 90 days without smokes your odds of quitting are pretty good. It's easy to slip up before then.

60 dollars? Damn, I was getting them for 47 cents a pack.
fgarvb1, congratulations! Doesn't it feel good to be free? Someday you'll be an inspiration to your wife. Until then, I'm sure you remember what it was like having know-it-all's tell you what's good fo ryou.
fgarvb1, congratulations! Doesn't it feel good to be free? Someday you'll be an inspiration to your wife. Until then, I'm sure you remember what it was like having know-it-all's tell you what's good fo ryou.

Sometimes I wonder what my wife really thinks of me. I know my actions and reactions to various sundry things still puzzle her even today.
I commend you on getting smoke free! I too was a smoker, at times up to 3 packs a day, generally between 1 and 2. I don't remember now how long ago that was, somewhere around '96 or '97. The first year was the toughest, and most of that was learning how to be a non-smoker. So many of the daily activities revolved around a smoke, so without that I no longer took breaks throughout the day, making for very long and tiring times. I finally found my stride, however, and it got easier every day. Thankfully, I never smoked in my vehicle and I was the only smoker in the house, so my cigs were relegated to the garage and outside. When I quit I didn't have the added reminder and enticement of another smoker around. Even to this day, on occasion I could really go for a smoke, but I stay strong. I don't think one cig would revert me back to the old days, but I'm still not willing to take that chance just yet.
Again, Kudo's! :rose:
Way to go!

You should be proud.
I know how it is.

Started smoking in the early 80's. I think it would have been an even bigger challenge for me to quit if my husband were a smoker. He was a big support to me.
Smoked my last cigarette in late November 2006.

It's easy as pie now. The freedom is comparable to nothing else.

I don't even think about smoking anymore.

Yes, I try to avoid second hand smoke like any other smoke or poison vapor.

The wife still surprise there.

Her smokes are over $60.00 per carton, before the latest increase.:eek:
:eek: The wife is talking quitting smoking. :eek:

This i have GOT to see.:D
Good luck to your wife, and congratulations to you. I've never smoked, but I did watch my mother take four years to die of lung cancer. That was fun for no one.
Day six years and some weeks.

Doing good.

Hell must surely be getting colder!

And..she is seriously trying to lose weight!

The second coming can't be far off now.
Congrats again

It's now been 25 years smoke-free for me after 25 years of smoking.

I'm sure I'd be dead now if I hadn't quit, especially after having a heart attack during surgery 3 months ago. It's great having my lungs helping my heart.

Good luck with the wife quiting. You are a good inspiration for her. Keep it up.:heart: