Nothing makes Democrats more angry than the popularity of Chick-fil-A

Chic Fil-A is not yet local for me, so I ate at one only once. It is currently the best in fast food chicken sandwiches. Closed on Sundays is quite reasonable. Most unions want more than just one day off.

Never been to a chick fil a or a taco bell.
I think Popeye’s is better.
Me too.
If Chick suddenly said they observed Sunday’s off for Hamas, BLM, global warming, trans awareness and satanism, they might get a pass. God forbid religious freedom for anything Christian is observed. If it’s right, it’s wrong.
You don't really believe the fact that they're closed on Sundays is what the left dislikes about them, do you? No, I don't believe you do, you're just looking for an argument where there isn't one.
I like Chik-fi-la. I hate their religion but that's not the reason I don't eat there. The only one near me isn't between anything and anything else for me. In fact its in a fairly high traffic area where even if it was between me and work I'd go one street up or down just to avoid that intersection. The other reason is they serve their food hot. And I mean if you have 30 minutes to get from work to there and back you don't have time because it won't have cooled down enough to put in your mouth by then. Last I checked they wrap in tinfoil or whatever tinfoils substitute Wendy's uses.
i might be in the minority here but I think their food is bland and significantly overrated
i might be in the minority here but I think their food is bland and significantly overrated

You're allowed your opinion. I've only had it a handful of times for the above listed reasons so it might have just been a novelty to me.
Every restaurant chain from McDonald's to Popeyes wants to take down Chick-fil-A, but its hold over customers is tighter than ever.

Since its founding in 1967, Chick-fil-A has grown to become the third-largest restaurant chain in the U.S. by systemwide sales, despite having fewer locations than Sonic Drive-In or Papa John's. The chain is barreling toward holding the majority market share of the chicken fast-food category.

The chain has demonstrated a resistance to controversy, as well. Chick-fil-A has come under fire in the past for the family foundation's donations to anti-LGBTQ organizations and comments from former CEO Dan Cathy about same-sex marriage. Despite backlash, Chick-fil-A has opened locations in liberal bastions such as New York City and Seattle.

Still, Chick-fil-A remains on top. Its market share grew to 45.5% in 2023 from 38.3% in 2022, according to Barclays research.
Wtf? Why would I be angry at chick-fill-a. I love their chicken sandwiches. Their politics other than needing to be open on Sundays when i want one of their sandwiches have nothing to do with their popularity.
Wtf? Why would I be angry at chick-fill-a. I love their chicken sandwiches. Their politics other than needing to be open on Sundays when i want one of their sandwiches have nothing to do with their popularity.
I've never had chick-fill-a, but them being closed or open on any certain day wouldn't matter to me.
By what measure are they the 3rd largest chain? I can stand on the roof of my car and find a Jack n the Box or McDonalds. Wendy's is a bit harder but not by a lot. Farmer Boys are just well placed. They aren't everywhere, just where its important. For some reason Carl's are in all the wrong places but I know where they are. There is ONE Chik-fi-la near me. I have to go out of my way to get to them.
Democrats don't hate Chick-fil-a some like it some don't.

Evangelical Conservatives like to think Democrats hate Chick-fil-a but like the War on Christmas it only exists in their imaginations. Its made up..

As for New York state and Chick-fil-a the law that food outlets on thruways must stay open is way overblown. Only food outlets which are located in state run rest stops are affected and only if other food outlets are not nearby. Only nine Chick fil a are located at state rest stops and all nine have other food outlets besides Chick-fil-a at those locations. As such not a single Chick-fil-a will forced to be open on Sundays..

This is politics that is to say an issue that is fabricated to get votes but not a real issue at all its just made up..
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Democrats don't hate Chick-fil-a some like it some don't.

Evangelical Conservatives like to think Democrats hate Chick-fil-a but like the War on Christmas it only exists in their imaginations. Its made up..

As for New York state and Chick-fil-a the law that food outlets on thruways must stay open is way overblown. Only food outlets which are located in state run rest stops are affected and only if other food outlets are not nearby. Only nine Chick fil a are located at state rest stops and all nine have other food outlets besides Chick-fil-a at those locations. As such not a single Chick-fil-a will forced to be open on Sundays..

This is politics that is to say an issue that is fabricated to get votes but not a real issue at all its just made up..
It is my reading that when this new bill becomes law, once the leases are up at the state owned locations, chick-a-fill will have to be open on Sundays, since that will be part of the new agreement.
It is my reading that when this new bill becomes law, once the leases are up at the state owned locations, chick-a-fill will have to be open on Sundays, since that will be part of the new agreement.
I haven't yet seen a single person show that any locations would be impacted.
I haven't yet seen a single person show that any locations would be impacted.
Rick states 9, this article states 7, while I don't know which is correct, it appears there will be a handful affected.

While that would not have much of an impact on most other restaurants operating at rest stops, the bill's language specifically mentions Chick-fil-A by name in its justification for the proposed law. There are seven Chick-fil-A's at newly renovated service areas across the state, according to the bill.
I can't muster up one iota of indignation for Chick-fil-a, Hobby Lobby, Home Depot, or any other successful business that supports the conservative agenda. Their success is predicated on a healthy American capitalism and today it's the liberals who seem to be more free market than the conservatives. I don't personally frequent these establishments but I will admit that Chick-fil-a makes some damn fine chicken.
Democrats don't hate Chick-fil-a some like it some don't.

Evangelical Conservatives like to think Democrats hate Chick-fil-a but like the War on Christmas it only exists in their imaginations. Its made up..

As for New York state and Chick-fil-a the law that food outlets on thruways must stay open is way overblown. Only food outlets which are located in state run rest stops are affected and only if other food outlets are not nearby. Only nine Chick fil a are located at state rest stops and all nine have other food outlets besides Chick-fil-a at those locations. As such not a single Chick-fil-a will forced to be open on Sundays..

This is politics that is to say an issue that is fabricated to get votes but not a real issue at all its just made up..
Best post on this thread. It’s all MAGA make-believe. Side note: Bing Crosby was singing about “Happy Holidays” back in 1942, so blame it on him...
It is my reading that when this new bill becomes law, once the leases are up at the state owned locations, chick-a-fill will have to be open on Sundays, since that will be part of the new agreement.
The law offers exception to establishments that have other food venues in the same locale..

The law says a food outlet must be open to the public 7 days a week if they are the only food venue at that location.
With a quick search using the Chick-Fil-A website only nine CFAs are located at NYS rest stops. None of these CFAs are the only food outlet at these locations. I strongly suspect CFA and other fast-food outlets had a good deal of input into this law..

CFA has a team of lawyers and that team will use every legal trick in the book to make sure a law doesn't affect CFA in a negative way.. Those lawyers want their billable hours and year end bonus and the continued contract with CFA..
Best post on this thread. It’s all MAGA make-believe. Side note: Bing Crosby was singing about “Happy Holidays” back in 1942, so blame it on him...
It's all bullshit but it great politics.

MAGA republicans don't spend the time and energy to make laws and policy to help their constituents that's hard work so they have to come up with someway to get reelected. To do that they pick something their people care about and tell them the other side is trying to take it away.

The MAGA crowd isn't only to check the details all they hear is the present administration is attacking the word of God and it is their sacred duty to Remember the sabbath day, to keep it holy. :Exodus 20:8-11