Of Friendly Faces (Invitation only)

Sweeps into the room, wing still firmly around Kalika....settles onto her loveseat, pulling the fox-girl into her lap, and hoping that Aya won't mind if they cuddle a while...not really interested in crossing Aya...
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Kalika clung to her softly, blinking and relaxing as she looked up to her, smiling and hugging her arm.

"Thank you Falcon-chan..."
My pleasure. <settles in, nesting her wings around the fox-girl> Not going to last much longer, I fear...but this is very nice...<smiles, kisses forehead>
Smiling and purring gently at her touch, she nods and lays her head on the angel's shoulder.

"As long as you are able to sleep well, I'm happy, and I'm sure Aya-sama will be as well..."
<laughs quietly> I love that you and your Mistress call me an angel...hardly that, but I do want happiness for others... <snuggles in, warm and protective>
Giggling as well, nuzzling her nose into her shoulder.

"Thats good enough to be called an angel, and Mistress will be on to say goodnight in just a moment if you can stay up, seeing her log in now..."
Here...<giggles> watching husband do card tricks for the cat...only one who will sit through 20 rehearsals of the same trick...
Blinks and giggles as well, nodding happily as her ears twitch upward.

"Does that cat have a lot of patience?"
Most cats do...this one's a Cornish Rex, she's a little hyper, but she adores him. And loves to make happy feet on his tummy, so she'll forgive him almost anything.
Blinks and giggles as well, nodding happily as her ears twitch upward.

"Does that cat have a lot of patience?"

Sweeping in quickly to the room, just caught wind of a certain annoyance, scooping the little foxling into my arms

Are you all right, Kalika-chan?
Giggling at Falcon's explanation, I smile and nod before squeaking at the familar touch, looking up to mistress and smiling as I nuzzle her jawline.

"I'm okay Aya-sama~"
A soft nod, eyes flickering constantly, holding her close and snug before looking to my Angel, bowing my head low

You have my thanks, Angel, for getting her out of there...
"It was my pleasure to be of service...to both of you, Aya-sama." I smile, kissing Aya warmly...giving up my place on the loveseat. "Past my bedtime, I fear...enjoy yourselves, ladies, and sleep well when the time comes..." Slips out quietly...
I smile to them both, kissing them both on the cheek, hugging Falcon as a goodnight before again hugging onto my mistress as my eyes close.

"Night, rest well please..."
Tugging her back for a deeper kiss, growling gently before releasing her

Next time, let's just say I owe you... Angel...

Shifting arms around my Pet again, eyes flickering constantly, closing eyes
Watching both with a smile, I nuzzle into my mistress as opaque eyes close again, relaxing easily as my tail slips around her stomach.
Eyes focus down to her, hint of a purring growl as my eyes shift shut

Mm... Far too happy...

Can't help a small smile, hand stroking slowly through hair
Smile widens as you speak and purrs, giggling faintly with a nod then a low purr as you stroke through my hair.
Shivering but giggling at the growl, I quiver more as my head falls back to the tug, tail flicking with a purr.
Sighing quietly and shaking head, pulling her close and tight, nibbling on her neck

Just eat you right up....
A small giggle escaped then a low shuddery purr at the nibble, smiling with a shy grin as I hug around your neck again, head staying back happily.
Faint hint of a laugh, shaking head slightly, tugging absently at shirt, cool hand slipping under it to slowly stroke her back
My head tilts then a soft squeak escaped, followed by a shiver with an almost unnoticable arch. Purrs as head goes to your shoulder, nuzzling there limply as tail curls.
Hint of a smile, slipping you to lay fully on me, enjoying your warmth as I slowly stroke along your back with a cold touch