Of Friendly Faces (Invitation only)

Shivers as seems to fall limp ontop of you, tail slipping around your arm to show the enjoyment as a low purr vibrates throat, eyes fluttering half closed.
Hint of a chuckle released, eyes soft and gentle, slowly stops and just lets hand rest on the mid of your back
Purrs and shivers as my body relaxes, blushes but peeks up at, shyly licking your jaw with a purr of your name as my eyes close.
A faint shiver at the lick, blinking and chuckling, growling teasingly low at, tangles hand in hair
A light blush covered my cheeks at the growl before blinking at the tangle, head lowering with a purr as I giggle dazedly.
Lets off a small chuckle, shifting and rolling her onto her back, licking slowly at her neck, gently nibbling as hands slip up the back of her shirt again
A quicker blink then a soft gasp and purr, a mix of the cold touches causing that sound as I squirm but arch to your hands, head tilting back as my tail curls around your waist yet again.
Chuckles quietly and growls softly, lapping softly at your neck and pressing mouth to it... Sucks gently as lets hands slowly explore your stomach and back, slowly creeping up
Another light, happy sounding whimper escapes as you start sucking, shuddering and taking a more noticable arch as my hands shift to hold your shoulders, muffling a hint of a moan with a purr as ears flick.
Eyes flicker to just a bit darker, growling low as gently bites as sucks, hands slowly shifting up to stroke near underside of breasts, looking to for rejection

...Stop, little One...?
Another low gasp and a heavier shudder, purring deep before a flicker of a soft, addictive moan escapes. Catching the words, my opaque eyes flicker and I shake my head quick, before blinking and blushing dark at myself with a sheepish smile.

"N-no please, mistress..."
Smiling lightly then, growling low, pinning hands gently above you, a talon extending and slowly moving down your front, slowly removing your shirt by it

Hm... Forgive me, I will buy you another, Pet...

Watching you with a smile, licking neck slowly, slipping a wing over the both of us
I lightly blink and my head tilted back further to look at my hands, shifting them almost playfully before looking back down, shaking my head with a darker blush at the apology. The lick earning you a sensitive purr as tail flicks to the side underneath us both.

"Nu needing forgiven, Aya-sama"
A faint twitch at the feeling of the tail, growling your name low and gentle. My hand moves back up, the talon sheathing itself, and I slowly kiss down your neck, letting the remains of the top fall away from you
Shivring at a mix of the growl and your cool lips, I purr deeper and lightly lay there as my face takes a light red tinge from pink. The young adult body small besides chest size as my hands curl gently in your grip, my head rolling to the side.
A soft murmur of 'beautiful' escaping my lips, I shift down and gently kiss around them, watching the tips harden by the cold... Thinking, a slow lick to one, watching up to your face for a reaction
My blush darkens with a soft but deeper whimper, my chest gently, barely arching upward as my eyes fall half closed with a small moan. The cold causing a quiver then a sharp gasp pulled from my lips along with a soft but shaky moan, much more noticeable as I squirm unconsiously.
Strong but gentle hands keep you pinned, and I slowly tease your nipples with cool licks, growling and nibbling softly at your arches. The constant moaning has my eyes darkened, intent at the reactions you give, keeping my talons from manifesting and injuring.
Whimpers and odd mewls from a fox escape my throat, head often rolling once to the side then to the other as my chest arches once again, groaning your name with a flushed face and very gentle panting as I swallow, the nipples hardened completely from the air and your cool tongue.
My chuckle is low as I slowly tease... Murmuring your name gently, gently pinning, growling in a tender voice
Falcon wanders in...takes a glass of white wine at the bar, and settles into her loveseat, gazing quietly into the fire...hint of circles under her emerald eyes this evening...

...debates a second glass, opts for something a little stronger...
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Falcon decides to curl up where she is and go to sleep for the night...wings settled around herself, needing more warmth than the fire alone can give her.
Wanders in, looks around then sits on the floor where she is, stretching with a content smile