off topic posts removed from simpler days thread

PatCarrington said:
what's a sonnet?

Oh I think cat and I would be happy to help you write one, isn't that right cat? :D

(cat, did you see Evie's poem in pic-a-thon? lol) ;)
Angeline said:
Oh I think cat and I would be happy to help you write one, isn't that right cat? :D

(cat, did you see Evie's poem in pic-a-thon? lol) ;)

We would! We would!! :devil:

(Nope I didn't see it. I will go take a look... :cool: )
Eve has a giraffe poem and we don't Ange!!! I feel like a failure. I have failed to represt the long-necked creatures of this world in my poetry....*sob*
*Catbabe* said:
Eve has a giraffe poem and we don't Ange!!! I feel like a failure. I have failed to represt the long-necked creatures of this world in my poetry....*sob*

Maybe she wrote it for us. Yeah, that's the ticket.

PatCarrington said:
i would like to meet with you two ladies privately to discuss this tutorial. :)

I'm game as long as we get to bring the giraffe.
*Catbabe* said:
I'm game as long as we get to bring the giraffe.


i'm bringing a midget sumo wrestler.

it opens up all sorts of possibilities.
PatCarrington said:

i'm bringing a midget sumo wrestler.

it opens up all sorts of possibilities.

Is that your way of telling us you arent very tall? :devil:
PatCarrington said:

it's in case we write haikus instead. :rolleyes:

I guess a midget sumo wrestler is better than a full sized one....he can't go for rides on our giraffe though..let's get that straight right now.
*Catbabe* said:
I guess a midget sumo wrestler is better than a full sized one....he can't go for rides on our giraffe though..let's get that straight right now.

he'll be upset.

i told him he could, while you two girls were.........teaching me sonnets. :cool:
PatCarrington said:
i would like to meet with you two ladies privately to discuss this tutorial. :)

Ok, but you know you're not getting out of that "meeting" without writing a sonnet. lol.

I don't know why you're so resistant. I have no doubt you'd write a wonderful sonnet. In fact, you're being worse about this than Fooly. He made faces, but he wrote one. Of course, he's still pissing and moaning about it....

Angeline said:
Ok, but you know you're not getting out of that "meeting" without writing a sonnet. lol.

I don't know why you're so resistant. I have no doubt you'd write a wonderful sonnet. In fact, you're being worse about this than Fooly. He made faces, but he wrote one. Of course, he's still pissing and moaning about it....


i prefer to piss and moan before, not after. :)
Whats going on here? Pat's a midget? Ange and Cat are doin giraffes? Yikes... And what the hell is a Vile Sonnet?? lol

Y'all can hijack the thread but you can't hijack the contest! I wanted to make it a sonnet challenge but everyone gets mad at that, and besides we have a Sonnet Challenge thread goin.

So quit lollygagging and go write!!
BooMerengue said:
Whats going on here? Pat's a midget? Ange and Cat are doin giraffes? Yikes... And what the hell is a Vile Sonnet?? lol

Y'all can hijack the thread but you can't hijack the contest! I wanted to make it a sonnet challenge but everyone gets mad at that, and besides we have a Sonnet Challenge thread goin.

So quit lollygagging and go write!!

Thank heavens--a voice of reason. I had an idea for a poem that I liked and I was dreading having to piece it into some iambic horror, lol.

And anything you heard about me, *cat* and a giraffe are strictly rumors. Harpoon started them after he broke my keyboard.

Angeline said:
Thank heavens--a voice of reason. I had an idea for a poem that I liked and I was dreading having to piece it into some iambic horror, lol.

And anything you heard about me, *cat* and a giraffe are strictly rumors. Harpoon started them after he broke my keyboard.


Well... lmao I've been called a LOT of things, but never the voice of reason!!

Should I ask "Who is Harpoon?" or should I just leave it alone? :confused:
BooMerengue said:
Well... lmao I've been called a LOT of things, but never the voice of reason!!

Should I ask "Who is Harpoon?" or should I just leave it alone? :confused:

um you know who it is. lol. i'll pm you.
PatCarrington said:
i prefer to piss and moan before, not after. :)

see where using this language with you ends up?

i'm sorry boo. we made your thread all furblungit. But I'm gonna try to write a really good poem for your challenge, which should be fairly easy for me because all my days seem simpler than whatever one I happen to be living in. :rolleyes:
Angeline said:
I refuse to write this thing until someone explains to me what it is. I think that's fair, don't you? :D

Unless of course you just want a vile sonnet. I have some of those I could adapt...


Iambic Pentameter of course....

Lines A1 and A2 are repeated. A rhymes with A1 and A2. B doesn't.....:D

Furblungit?? Thats a real word?

*fallin over laughin @ Harpoon!

It's ok you hijacked... as long as the night before the 13th which will be the 12th you come in and delete all this. lol