OK you've pasted the "NEW" phase, What's harder than you thought?

I love the looks on peoples faces. Quite confused. As I stand in the hardware store and check the streingth of a spring clip or the swing of a long handled paint brush against my palm.

If they only knew what was going through my mind.
Not calling him Master when we're not playing. Finding time to get a good session in (without worrying about waking neighbors and roommates). And not having enough rope.
I,ve learned that I can have more intense sessions while correcting my submissive. I call it Mad Doming. Don't get me wrong I'm not so much angry as focused on reminding them who and what they are as we have sex. I knew I would have trouble explaining as it still sounds different than what I'm trying to get across. For example if they had a doubt that they were pleasing me, I might go into detail about it as we have sex. Hearing them profess their submission as we well fuck and me reminding them they yes if I was displeased they'd know it. That I possess them and will always. It really charges me up and I go into Hyper Dom mode. Just something I wanted to share and wonder if others experience it?
Spanking and toys etc...

I love it, I love them ... I've already said to myself, I want one of everything regardless if I use it or not.

But is there an easy progression?
spanking with his hand I love because it brings us closer, and there is alot of control and many things he is able to do.

But on halloween, I borrowed a friend's pingpong paddle, it had rubber on both sides (I was someone from the Beauty books) and we ended up using that. It was nice... did the rubber make any difference on it at all, or could I just buy a wooden one/rubber/plastic ...

Is there a progression I can follow into the spanking portion of bdsm... from hand to paddle, then this... then that... ?

I know they all hurt differently, paddles, floggers, whips, cats, quirts etc... but what is the degree order from 1 (not so bad) to 10 (lots of pain)

AND I know everyone is different ... oi, did I just answer my own question? ::sigh::
Spanking and toys etc...

I love it, I love them ... I've already said to myself, I want one of everything regardless if I use it or not.

But is there an easy progression?
spanking with his hand I love because it brings us closer, and there is alot of control and many things he is able to do.

But on halloween, I borrowed a friend's pingpong paddle, it had rubber on both sides (I was someone from the Beauty books) and we ended up using that. It was nice... did the rubber make any difference on it at all, or could I just buy a wooden one/rubber/plastic ...

Is there a progression I can follow into the spanking portion of bdsm... from hand to paddle, then this... then that... ?

I know they all hurt differently, paddles, floggers, whips, cats, quirts etc... but what is the degree order from 1 (not so bad) to 10 (lots of pain)

AND I know everyone is different ... oi, did I just answer my own question? ::sigh::
Like you said everyone is different. The user makes more of a determination on the effect than the device.

Other differences wide things make more noise, psycological fun and thin things tend to have more sting.

I have seen a master do a hole sesion with a bamboo cane, holding it between thumb and forfinger and bairly moving his arm go from not leaving even a red mark to causing bruses.

Another thing that is quite interesting to watch is a sesion done to music and when a beat is missed or offset what it does to the sub.