Okay, well I don't know what category you could put this in


I was just hoping this would go sinking into the black muck or somehow burst into flames and dissapear. Well...the hell with it...

Happy Dance

:nana: :nana: :nana: :nana:
:nana: :nana: :nana:
:nana: :nana:
Some things were just meant to be...

Eclectics have the benefit of not fearing the different possibilities and trying to untie the bonds of specific religions. This thread, which i have not seen before, brings a lot of depth. I would sure rather enjoy this discussion than the ones we have now over votes and comments.
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oh lets not

The problem with a lot of the conversations were, at least from what i remember of my own perspective, a bit of hurt feelings and egos. There was less of a deep philosophical debate and more of a collection of small stabs that could have led to a deeper wound than it did. I have not problem with opening up discussion, but all envolved must agree to certain terms and not take anything personally. The later of that is far more difficult than one might imagine. I, myself, was many a time a victim of my own ego that had loosed itself and went on a rampage. I still feel a pang of guilt for what I see now as an attack on Owera and her belief system. Then I saw it as a justified way of defending what I believed. Now I realize that I was only lashing out blindly and missing the point entirely. I would, even though it is two years too late, like to apologize to all who were envolved and may have been pushed into an uncomfortable situation. I hope that my apologies are accepted and I will try my best to not be so hard-headed about listening to other people's views. I think I really missed out on something by not going into Owera's feelings about the issues deeper. She had a lot to offer in wisdom of experience and I may never have a chance to listen and absorb it again.
CrowSingsOver said:
I was just hoping this would go sinking into the black muck or somehow burst into flames and dissapear. Well...the hell with it...

Happy Dance

:nana: :nana: :nana: :nana:
:nana: :nana: :nana:
:nana: :nana:

sorry crow...I was commenting on the poem and did not read all the attachments when I posted a comment. Hope it will slip into the file cabinet and make a new thread <grin>
CrowSingsOver said:
The problem with a lot of the conversations were, at least from what i remember of my own perspective, a bit of hurt feelings and egos. There was less of a deep philosophical debate and more of a collection of small stabs that could have led to a deeper wound than it did. I have not problem with opening up discussion, but all envolved must agree to certain terms and not take anything personally. The later of that is far more difficult than one might imagine. I, myself, was many a time a victim of my own ego that had loosed itself and went on a rampage. I still feel a pang of guilt for what I see now as an attack on Owera and her belief system. Then I saw it as a justified way of defending what I believed. Now I realize that I was only lashing out blindly and missing the point entirely. I would, even though it is two years too late, like to apologize to all who were envolved and may have been pushed into an uncomfortable situation. I hope that my apologies are accepted and I will try my best to not be so hard-headed about listening to other people's views. I think I really missed out on something by not going into Owera's feelings about the issues deeper. She had a lot to offer in wisdom of experience and I may never have a chance to listen and absorb it again.
Whoever you are I applaud you.
Really, really, think this should be read and taken to heart, as opposed to writing from the heart.
CrowSingsOver said:
The problem with a lot of the conversations were, at least from what i remember of my own perspective, a bit of hurt feelings and egos. There was less of a deep philosophical debate and more of a collection of small stabs that could have led to a deeper wound than it did. I have not problem with opening up discussion, but all envolved must agree to certain terms and not take anything personally. The later of that is far more difficult than one might imagine. I, myself, was many a time a victim of my own ego that had loosed itself and went on a rampage. I still feel a pang of guilt for what I see now as an attack on Owera and her belief system. Then I saw it as a justified way of defending what I believed. Now I realize that I was only lashing out blindly and missing the point entirely. I would, even though it is two years too late, like to apologize to all who were envolved and may have been pushed into an uncomfortable situation. I hope that my apologies are accepted and I will try my best to not be so hard-headed about listening to other people's views. I think I really missed out on something by not going into Owera's feelings about the issues deeper. She had a lot to offer in wisdom of experience and I may never have a chance to listen and absorb it again.

Are you sure she just didn't treat you like a piece of shit and you are trying to rationalise it to be your fault because you still fly a flag for her? Women use that not listening argument and needing to discuss things deeper as a prelude to dumping you anyway. It's a phallacy that women are more loyal then men, they just need assurance the man is loyal to her while she is casting around. I had that lack of intimacy disccussion with a woman who I got sick of telling me how loyal, how much integrity she had, how trusting she was and how intelligent she was with her double degree and her masters, yet she couldn't fucking articulate what this missing intimacy was or how deep I had to dig. To Australia maybe?Believe me, you're probably better off without her and treat the experience as a lesson learnt.

You're better off being the other man in a woman's life, rather than the bloke bringing home the bacon. It's cheaper, less stressful and far more fun! Yeah! It's very very much cheaper too. With the money the woman cost me that I'm talking about, I could have had a high class whore every night for the rest of my life. Hell, I could have died through an excess of hedonistic pleasure! Yet all I got from this woman was pain, pain, pain,pain pain!

Talk about love being a madness, it's not even an enjoyable madness so why bother?
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bogusbrig said:
Are you sure she just didn't treat you like a piece of shit and you are trying to rationalise it to be your fault because you still fly a flag for her? Women use that not listening argument and needing to discuss things deeper as a prelude to dumping you anyway. It's a phallacy that women are more loyal then men, they just need assurance the man is loyal to her while she is casting around. I had that lack of intimacy disccussion with a woman who I got sick of telling me how loyal, how much integrity she had, how trusting she was and how intelligent she was with her double degree and her masters, yet she couldn't fucking articulate what this missing intimacy was or how deep I had to dig. To Australia maybe?Believe me, you're probably better off without her and treat the experience as a lesson learnt.

You're better off being the other man in a woman's life, rather than the bloke bringing home the bacon. It's cheaper, less stressful and far more fun! Yeah! It's very very much cheaper too. With the money the woman cost me that I'm talking about, I could have had a high class whore every night for the rest of my life. Hell, I could have died through an excess of hedonistic pleasure! Yet all I got from this woman was pain, pain, pain,pain pain!

Talk about love being a madness, it's not even an enjoyable madness so why bother?

a little to the right, the hole - New Zealand, not Australia. Weather's better.
twelveoone said:
a little to the right, the hole - New Zealand, not Australia. Weather's better.

Thinking about her just has that affect on me. Nowhere on this planet is far enough away from her, though a pointless dig to New Zealand would have been a far less waste of energy than any spent on that woman.
to bogus

I'm sorry you had a horrible experience with a woman, but you completely missed the point of my post. Perhaps you did not read the bickering and anger of the earlier posts in this thread. I'm not just some woman trying to dump a guy, I am someone who is sorry for misstreating a friend two years ago...who also was a woman, thank you. And for your information, I've never dumped a guy. The three I've dated so far all dumped me. The first because I got mad at him for blowing a date off he had set with me a week in advance so he could go play pool with a friend...actually becuase that sort of thing happened several times...I should haved dumped him, I was completely blinded and fooled by what I believed was love on both of our parts. The second guy dumped me after visiting me from Canada, he completely ignored me for a week, then said something about not being able to handle the long-distance thing. And the last guy dumped me because he didn't want to hold me back from going to college...which not even the national guard could hold me back from doing, thank you.
So, as you see, I really don't think I diserve to be put in the same category as the woman you are speaking of.
CrowSingsOver said:
So, as you see, I really don't think I diserve to be put in the same category as the woman you are speaking of.

I didn't think I did. As I said, that woman just gets me going.

Those excuses by those guys were pretty transparent. See how love and infatuation blinds.

Sheesh. I'm misreading genders now. That damn woman so fucked my head up.