So, you really, really, really hate Trump

Own libs?? Most of my posts are targeted to constitutional issues. Equal application of the law, equal protection under the law and due process. The reason your less than average intellectual capacity canā€™t understand why I post the material I post is because you canā€™t process any information outside the *ORANGE MAN BAD* concept, or youā€™re suffering from acute indigestion from consuming too many French fries.
Ohhh is the constitution the theme for next monthā€™s happy meal? Or just the second amendment?

I know the foods good for me, just know how hard you work at it so I want to celebrate your efforts.

You got the golden fry pin?
Own libs?? Most of my posts are targeted to constitutional issues. Equal application of the law, equal protection under the law and due process. The reason your less than average intellectual capacity canā€™t understand why I post the material I post is because you canā€™t process any information outside the *ORANGE MAN BAD* concept, or youā€™re suffering from acute indigestion from consuming too many French fries.
Take away the ā€œRā€ next to his name, put ā€œDā€ and then tell me how your thoughts change. Look, magic.

Twice impeached, and now convicted.

The man who was responsible for the day of Jan 6, at least it was said by the Republican leader of the Senate.

Try having some actual values aside from owning the libs and a conversation can be had.

I see smoke, did you leave a batch of hashbrowns in too long again while you pouted in the corner?

They keep you on when you do that?
Take away the ā€œRā€ next to his name, put ā€œDā€ and then tell me how your thoughts change. Look, magic.

Twice impeached, and now convicted.

The man who was responsible for the day of Jan 6, at least it was said by the Republican leader of the Senate.

Try having some actual values aside from owning the libs and a conversation can be had.

I see smoke, did you leave a batch of hashbrowns in too long again while you pouted in the corner?

They keep you on when you do that?
Itā€™s easy to convict in a kangaroo court.

Ponder this, a NY state court is having a massive effect on a national scale. That in itself is unconstitutional. NY is interfering with a federal election cycle. A NY state court prosecuted federal statutes outside their jurisdiction. Ponder this, the federal charges used to resurrect NY state misdemeanor charges *bootstrapped* were not provided to the defense till after the final closing arguments by the prosecution and in accordance to NY state law the prosecution has the last say. The defense was denied due process by not being allowed to address each underlying federal charge bootstrapped to state misdemeanor charges, unconstitutional and considered by many legal scholars to be a reversible error and should be considered by SCOTUS as needing immediate relief due to its national impact and extremely time sensitive disposition, petitioning the court by either a cert writ or common writ or both. Ponder this, each federal statute was not only outside the jurisdiction of the state court but, Iā€™m almost certain, that each federal charge should be prosecuted using federal guidelines meaning if the charge is a felony charge than the jury is required to vote unanimity on each charge to convict, not mix or match like French fries and hash browns. I used terminology youā€™re accustomed. imho
Itā€™s easy to convict in a kangaroo court.

Ponder this, a NY state court is having a massive effect on a national scale. That in itself is unconstitutional. NY is interfering with a federal election cycle. A NY state court prosecuted federal statutes outside their jurisdiction. Ponder this, the federal charges used to resurrect NY state misdemeanor charges *bootstrapped* were not provided to the defense till after the final closing arguments by the prosecution and in accordance to NY state law the prosecution has the last say. The defense was denied due process by not being allowed to address each underlying federal charge bootstrapped to state misdemeanor charges, unconstitutional and considered by many legal scholars to be a reversible error and should be considered by SCOTUS as needing immediate relief due to its national impact and extremely time sensitive disposition, petitioning the court by either a cert writ or common writ or both. Ponder this, each federal statute was not only outside the jurisdiction of the state court but, Iā€™m almost certain, that each federal charge should be prosecuted using federal guidelines meaning if the charge is a felony charge than the jury is required to vote unanimity on each charge to convict, not mix or match like French fries and hash browns. I used terminology youā€™re accustomed. imho
You MAGAts sure do bitch a lot.

Go outside and get some fresh air.
Very rarely are politicians prosecuted for mishandling classified material. Weā€™ll see how that goes with the trial. NARA should never have gone to the DOJ. Everything could have been handled between NARA and Trumpā€™s White House counsel. Fair and equal application of the law.
I canā€™t understand how or why you continue to equate Bidenā€™s ā€œoh shit, yeah come on in and see if thereā€™s more and please do take themā€ with trumpā€™s willful, deliberate and at the time ongoing obstruction in trying to keep dozens of boxes of classified documents.

Itā€™s easy to convict in a kangaroo court.

Ponder this, a NY state court is having a massive effect on a national scale. That in itself is unconstitutional. NY is interfering with a federal election cycle. A NY state court prosecuted federal statutes outside their jurisdiction. Ponder this, the federal charges used to resurrect NY state misdemeanor charges *bootstrapped* were not provided to the defense till after the final closing arguments by the prosecution and in accordance to NY state law the prosecution has the last say. The defense was denied due process by not being allowed to address each underlying federal charge bootstrapped to state misdemeanor charges, unconstitutional and considered by many legal scholars to be a reversible error and should be considered by SCOTUS as needing immediate relief due to its national impact and extremely time sensitive disposition, petitioning the court by either a cert writ or common writ or both. Ponder this, each federal statute was not only outside the jurisdiction of the state court but, Iā€™m almost certain, that each federal charge should be prosecuted using federal guidelines meaning if the charge is a felony charge than the jury is required to vote unanimity on each charge to convict, not mix or match like French fries and hash browns. I used terminology youā€™re accustomed. imho
Then it should be easy to get it overturned, right?
I canā€™t understand how or why you continue to equate Bidenā€™s ā€œoh shit, yeah come on in and see if thereā€™s more and please do take themā€ with trumpā€™s willful, deliberate and at the time ongoing obstruction in trying to keep dozens of boxes of classified documents.

Then it should be easy to get it overturned, right?
Biden was a senator, a VP and the president, the violations are not *oh shit* violations. All high level elected and non elected officials that are granted access to sensitive material are briefed on the proper handling of sensitive material.
Biden was a senator, a VP and the president, the violations are not *oh shit* violations. All high level elected and non elected officials that are granted access to sensitive material are briefed on the proper handling of sensitive material.
Well, that certainly sheds a light, lol
You MAGAts sure do bitch a lot.

Go outside and get some fresh air.
As a US citizen you should be terrified on how our justice system was used for political expediency as a substitute for justice.
Trump shouldn't have committed a crime.

Interesting to blame the justice system rather than the criminal. Especially when that is not the usual approach.
As a US citizen you should be terrified on how our justice system was used for political expediency as a substitute for justice.
Actually, as a US citizen, I am proud that a jury found him guility of illegally covering up information that was relevant to his 2016 election. I mean, that asshole even denies that he had sex with Stormy, let alone cover it up to mislead the voters!

You are a traitor defending a crook lying about this cover-up.

But feel free to carry on making an ass of yourself. That's what MAGAts do best.
Biden was a senator, a VP and the president, the violations are not *oh shit* violations. All high level elected and non elected officials that are granted access to sensitive material are briefed on the proper handling of sensitive material.
So to be clear about what Iā€™m asking, some clarification. Both Biden and trump were in possession of classified documents they shouldnā€™t have had, with trump having dozens of boxes. When ā€œdiscoveredā€ Biden immediately cooperated and invited the FBI to search wherever for more and returned them with no issue or delay. trump, on the other hand, deliberately lied about having them, shuffled them around, refused to give them back to NARA and obstructed their return until the FBI had no other recourse than to send in agents to retrieve them.

So the question is how can you equate these two vastly different scenarios? If trump had simply returned them back he wouldnā€™t have Smith on his back and Cannon having to slow walk things.
Itā€™s easy to convict in a kangaroo court.

Ponder this, a NY state court is having a massive effect on a national scale. That in itself is unconstitutional. NY is interfering with a federal election cycle. A NY state court prosecuted federal statutes outside their jurisdiction. Ponder this, the federal charges used to resurrect NY state misdemeanor charges *bootstrapped* were not provided to the defense till after the final closing arguments by the prosecution and in accordance to NY state law the prosecution has the last say. The defense was denied due process by not being allowed to address each underlying federal charge bootstrapped to state misdemeanor charges, unconstitutional and considered by many legal scholars to be a reversible error and should be considered by SCOTUS as needing immediate relief due to its national impact and extremely time sensitive disposition, petitioning the court by either a cert writ or common writ or both. Ponder this, each federal statute was not only outside the jurisdiction of the state court but, Iā€™m almost certain, that each federal charge should be prosecuted using federal guidelines meaning if the charge is a felony charge than the jury is required to vote unanimity on each charge to convict, not mix or match like French fries and hash browns. I used terminology youā€™re accustomed. imho
Who did you copy-pasta that off of this time?

Or was that voice to text? I can almost read the part where the fry buzzer went off.

Charges werenā€™t unanimous? The couple truth social folks on the jury even went against the Orange Jesus. Imagine that, having access to actual facts instead of propagandaā€¦

SCOTUS is just waiting to refuse to hear this case. They have been overly excited to push off the other cases as well, what makes you think they want a part of this one? You say so? They are always excited to hear the fry jocks opinion.

If your savior didnā€™t want a case brought in NY, donā€™t break the law in NY. Just because you MAGA Republicanā€™ts canā€™t seem to wrap your head around it-he is a 100 time over loser that keeps finding a way out of being held responsible. Heā€™s been now held accountable twice and has helped the Republicanā€™ts lose ground since he took officeā€¦ but yet you still love him.

The first step is admitting you have the problem. But you canā€™t even get to that stage. The call has been coming from inside the house for YEARS nowā€¦ at some point you will understand that and address it instead of accepting it since you want to own the libs.


That whole batch of fries burned. Need to use the other fryer and clean out all that oil now. Look one bad apple does spoil the whole bunch, except you have plenty others with you head to help make it even more rotten.
So to be clear about what Iā€™m asking, some clarification. Both Biden and trump were in possession of classified documents they shouldnā€™t have had, with trump having dozens of boxes. When ā€œdiscoveredā€ Biden immediately cooperated and invited the FBI to search wherever for more and returned them with no issue or delay. trump, on the other hand, deliberately lied about having them, shuffled them around, refused to give them back to NARA and obstructed their return until the FBI had no other recourse than to send in agents to retrieve them.

So the question is how can you equate these two vastly different scenarios? If trump had simply returned them back he wouldnā€™t have Smith on his back and Cannon having to slow walk things.
You're trying to reason with someone who has the IQ of a potato šŸ„”.
Actually, as a US citizen, I am proud that a jury found him guility of illegally covering up information that was relevant to his 2016 election. I mean, that asshole even denies that he had sex with Stormy, let alone cover it up to mislead the voters!

You are a traitor defending a crook lying about this cover-up.

But feel free to carry on making an ass of yourself. That's what MAGAts do best.
So, you must've been outraged when Biden campaign surrogates like Blinken conjured up a disinformation letter further promulgated by 51 NSA officials that the Hunter Biden's laptop was Russian disinformation to influence an election.
As a US citizen you should be terrified on how our justice system was used for political expediency as a substitute for justice.
For years you screamed that it didnā€™t, never had, and shouldnā€™t be discussed. Itā€™s amazing how quickly youā€™ve changed your tune.
So, you must've been outraged when Biden campaign surrogates like Blinken conjured up a disinformation letter further promulgated by 51 NSA officials that the Hunter Biden's laptop was Russian disinformation to influence an election.
You almost had it right. You were so close.

The Russians hacked the laptop and released the contents to influence an election.

There, read it again and memorize.
Ponder this, a NY state court is having a massive effect on a national scale. That in itself is unconstitutional. NY is interfering with a federal election cycle. A NY state court prosecuted federal statutes outside their jurisdiction.

Youā€™re full of shit and the proof is below.

Give it up. All of what you said is inaccurate wishful MAGA lack of thinking and displays ignorance or denial of the facts.

A presidential candidate is not immune to prosecution for illegal acts regardless of whether there is an active campaign.

NY state law has its own statutes the conviction was brought on. Can you read?

Ā§ 175.10 Falsifying business records in the first degree.

A person is guilty of falsifying business records in the first degree
when he commits the crime of falsifying business records in the second
degree, and when his intent to defraud includes an intent to commit
another crime or to aid or conceal the commission thereof.

Falsifying business records in the first degree is a class E felony.

Hereā€™s the NY state election law that makes the business records falsification a felony:

Ā§ 17-152. Conspiracy to promote or prevent election. Any two or more
persons who conspire to promote or prevent the election of any person to
a public office by unlawful means and which conspiracy is acted upon by
one or more of the parties thereto, shall be guilty of a misdemeanor.
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So, you must've been outraged when Biden campaign surrogates like Blinken conjured up a disinformation letter further promulgated by 51 NSA officials that the Hunter Biden's laptop was Russian disinformation to influence an election.
So outraged. Even more when it couldnā€™t be connected to the President. They should have made up more like the WMDs in Iraq with W.

[TD]In a classified operating environment, all unclassified items must be marked in addition to all classified items. For instance: In areas where any classified equipment such as servers, client workstations, printers, routers, crypto, etc. are being used - all classified equipment, media and documents must be properly marked with classification levels and handling caveats - AND ALL UNCLASSIFIED equipment (servers, client workstations, printers, routers, crypto, etc.), media and documents must also be properly marked as unclassified and with handling caveats such as FOUO, when appropriate. This total marking of all assets in a classified environment eliminates the assumption that anything not marked is unclassified. Hence, all equipment, media and documents within SCIFs, Vaults, Secure Rooms and classified Controlled Access Areas (CAA) must be marked with classification levels and handling caveats.

SPECIAL NOTE FOR MONITORS: Monitors connected to SIPRNet/NIPRNet are inert items of equipment in that they do not store/retain classified data. Typically, in a mixed classified/unclassified environment it is appropriate to physically label a monitor classification based on the system to which it is connected.

If a classification banner is displayed on an active monitor screen then the physical monitor is not required to have a SF 710 (unclassified) or SF 707 (secret) sticker. Regardless, there is no prohibition against also using the SF labels as an additional identifier but it is not required.

Typically, most monitor screens connected to the DISN do have classification banners displayed - so placement of SF stickers on monitors is practically a non-issue.

Also, consider that many workstations are using KVM switches to share monitor screens between NIPRNet and SIPRNet. Hence, the single monitor will be unclassified or classified depending on the network it is connected to at a particular moment; making placement of physical classification labels impractical.

TACTICAL ENVIRONMENT: This check is applicable in a tactical environment if classified documents or media are created/extracted from the SIPRNet. The only exception will be for urgent (short term) tactical operations or other contingency situations where fixed facilities and equipment are not yet present or incapable of being used. All deployed SIPRNet equipment should already contain applicable classification markings/labels. [/TD]

[TH]Fix Text (F-35848r4_fix)[/TH]
[TD]Ensure ALL equipment/media/documents in the areas housing SIPRNet assets contain proper classification markings. In a classified operating environment, all unclassified items must be marked in addition to all classified items. For instance: In areas where any classified equipment such as servers, client workstations, printers, routers, crypto, etc. are being used - all classified equipment, media and documents must be properly marked with classification levels and handling caveats - AND ALL UNCLASSIFIED equipment (servers, client workstations, printers, routers, crypto, etc.), media and documents must also be properly marked as unclassified and with handling caveats such as FOUO, when appropriate. This total marking of all assets in a classified environment eliminates the assumption that anything not marked is unclassified. Hence, all equipment, media and documents within SCIFs, Vaults, Secure Rooms and classified Controlled Access Areas (CAA) must be marked with classification levels and handling caveats. [/TD]
You are too deep into this rabbit hole and fixated on something that bears little weight to the discussion. You are now so off-track that you can't even remember the original statements you made about Biden taking SCIF documents makes it a felony.

After all that fumbling about, it turns out you have no way of knowing if those documents were in an SCIF, as I pointed out. Nothing in Hur's report shows that they were marked SCIF.

So, your statement that it was a felony because they were in a SCIF has no basis in fact.

If you are interested in SCIF violations check this article out:

Take a deep breath. Give it a rest. You are not making any points with your sputterings and copy-paste dump.
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