Older man, younger woman...

Where did I say I was in a bar? Oh, that's right, in this day and age, EVERYONE goes out and drinks. Duh, how stupid of me.

I meet younger women...

At coffee shops and cafes;
At bookstores;
In parks, malls, restaurants.

Get your facts straight BEFORE you try to denigrate. Without them, it makes you look foolish.

I think the point he made was so what if some girls talked to you. It was not a date and you did not get laid. So basically your point, well there is none.
Generally I do not date young girls in their early 20's. Fuck yes, date no.

Generally, but not always, a girl in their early 20's lack the sophistication I enjoy in a more mature lady. I do not mean this as an insult it is just the way of things. As we age and experience life and hopefully gain a measure of wisdom we also become more sophisticated.