Once Again, Who is reviewing which day?

I'd like to keep Sunday's, supposed to be my day:eek: But I can't guarantee what my schedule will allow.
Review/recommendation roster

Currently we have the following days taken care of by committed friends of the Poetry Forum:

Monday: ?
Tuesday: ?
Wednesday: chipbutty
Thursday: EroticOrogeny
Friday: ?
Saturday: PandoraGlitters?
Sunday: ?

I have been doing Friday's for a while but I cannot be relied on so I'm not putting my name in there. For now I'm doing it until someone else takes it or or I hit the next crisis in my life and disappear for a few months.:rose:
perhaps we need to encourage posters like sean nelson to simply comment on a 'when they have time' basis rather than commit to specific days. Not everyone has the free time, especially when there might be 18+ poems in a day.

coming at this from a slightly different angle, lorencino, but how much benefit do other poets here gain from the review page? how many actually are interested enough to take a look and read the poems reviewed, possibly leaving a comment for the poets there? is it even a valued exercise?
perhaps we need to encourage posters like sean nelson to simply comment on a 'when they have time' basis rather than commit to specific days. Not everyone has the free time, especially when there might be 18+ poems in a day.

coming at this from a slightly different angle, lorencino, but how much benefit do other poets here gain from the review page? how many actually are interested enough to take a look and read the poems reviewed, possibly leaving a comment for the poets there? is it even a valued exercise?

I know that when I first came here sometime in 2007, it was called the "Review thread" and had a person taking care of each day. The reviews were of a good quality and I checked the review of the day, every day before reading anything else. This went on until fairly recently and though I would go through periods of visiting every day and then skip for months at a time, whenever I came back the reviews would be the reliable feature I always used. I got to know the tastes of the reviewers and thus could use their advice with reliable results.

On my most recent return to Literotica, I found that the word "Review" had been replaced by "Recommendations," the majority of days were not being taken care of, and rather than any discursive entries (which I had really enjoyed in the past), the postings were often little more than a list of recommendations. Which is consistent with the name change so I don't criticize those doing the day's recommendations but do miss the way things used to be

To quote a tired old cliché: “One man's meat is another man's poison.” This means that I prefer how things were in the past but hesitate to pass judgment on the way things are done now. I was not here for the discussion that changed things and have no idea if the changes were caused by the dropping out of reviewers or if the reviewers dropped out because of the changes.

My current experience is that this place is not as congenial or as interesting as I remember it, which is why I have been trying to prod things along by posting the entries to the recommendations thread that I have over the past six weeks or so.

My subjective impression is that my efforts have been futile and, in fact, things have gotten even worse since I first returned here. For all I know I may even be the cause of that for stirring around in a brew I don't really understand.

Perhaps it needs a concerted effort by a team of people who understand what they are doing and who have a united purpose.:rose:
I know that when I first came here sometime in 2007, it was called the "Review thread" and had a person taking care of each day. The reviews were of a good quality and I checked the review of the day, every day before reading anything else. This went on until fairly recently and though I would go through periods of visiting every day and then skip for months at a time, whenever I came back the reviews would be the reliable feature I always used. I got to know the tastes of the reviewers and thus could use their advice with reliable results.

On my most recent return to Literotica, I found that the word "Review" had been replaced by "Recommendations," the majority of days were not being taken care of, and rather than any discursive entries (which I had really enjoyed in the past), the postings were often little more than a list of recommendations. Which is consistent with the name change so I don't criticize those doing the day's recommendations but do miss the way things used to be

To quote a tired old cliché: “One man's meat is another man's poison.” This means that I prefer how things were in the past but hesitate to pass judgment on the way things are done now. I was not here for the discussion that changed things and have no idea if the changes were caused by the dropping out of reviewers or if the reviewers dropped out because of the changes.

My current experience is that this place is not as congenial or as interesting as I remember it, which is why I have been trying to prod things along by posting the entries to the recommendations thread that I have over the past six weeks or so.

My subjective impression is that my efforts have been futile and, in fact, things have gotten even worse since I first returned here. For all I know I may even be the cause of that for stirring around in a brew I don't really understand.

Perhaps it needs a concerted effort by a team of people who understand what they are doing and who have a united purpose.:rose:

I did reviews for years here, Lorencino, as you know. Tuesdays and Fridays. I burnt out on doing them. I'd put a good effort into doing them and most of the time no one thanked me and sometimes people got pissed and argued lol. So silly. And this whole business about reviews versus recommendations, well they are always recommendations no matter what we call them, at least in my opinion. We've changed what we call them and tweaked this or that over the years, but essentially there's always someone unhappy about it, someone whose feelings were hurt because they didn't get a gazillion compliments or some flunky (like me or you lol) dared to "review" their opus. So I gave up. And I suspect many other old timers did too because few want to do them anymore. I have a lot of respect (and appreciation) for those who soldier on and do them, but I doubt we'll ever have people doing them every day anymore. But anyone can do them, whether they agree to take on a particular day or not. We only ever assigned review days to try and ensure that someone would say something about the new poems posted each day.
I did reviews for years here, Lorencino, as you know. Tuesdays and Fridays. I burnt out on doing them. I'd put a good effort into doing them and most of the time no one thanked me and sometimes people got pissed and argued lol. So silly. And this whole business about reviews versus recommendations, well they are always recommendations no matter what we call them, at least in my opinion. We've changed what we call them and tweaked this or that over the years, but essentially there's always someone unhappy about it, someone whose feelings were hurt because they didn't get a gazillion compliments or some flunky (like me or you lol) dared to "review" their opus. So I gave up. And I suspect many other old timers did too because few want to do them anymore. I have a lot of respect (and appreciation) for those who soldier on and do them, but I doubt we'll ever have people doing them every day anymore. But anyone can do them, whether they agree to take on a particular day or not. We only ever assigned review days to try and ensure that someone would say something about the new poems posted each day.

Why is the truth so saddening? It seems that all good things must inevitably face decay. I used to enjoy your regular contributions here and should have been more vocal in showing that I appreciated the effort that was involved. Perhaps we should approach the Harper government about public funding for a program to nurture new poets testing their wings on Literotica.
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Why is the truth so saddening? It seems that all good things must inevitably face decay. I used to enjoy your regular contributions here and should have been more vocal in showing that I appreciated the effort that was involved. Perhaps we should approach the Harper government about public funding for a program to nurture new poets testing their wings on Literotica.

All things must pass? In some ways that applies here.

I've just been having a lovely pm convo with Chipbutty about a lot of this. I think maybe we need a poetry telethon or some such where poets pledge to bring in x new poets (or old ones hah) and write x new poems or do x reviews. We all need to work together to generate the excitement here that makes people want to stick around and write. And if we don't, we get what we have now. And I would think that is most saddening (or maybe frustrating) to folks like you, Pandora and Ariel, LadyS, UYS and others who work to keep it going. I'm open to suggestions. :)

PS That was small of me to bitch about not being thanked. Sorry lol. It's a gray icky day here. It got the best of me. :D
PS That was small of me to bitch about not being thanked. Sorry lol. It's a gray icky day here. It got the best of me. :D

we're all only human - it's NICE to get a little recognition for stuff we do, even if it's considered our 'job'.

here's hoping your grey skies pass swiftly :kiss:
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EroticOrogeny - tough day for reviewing! Sometimes it's best to draw a veil over things ...

we're all only human - it's NICE to get a little recognition for stuff we do, even if it's considered our 'job'.

here's hoping your grey skies pass swiftly :kiss:

Yep, yep human nature.

Well it coulda been worse. It was in the 50s here today. It could have been snow. We had 14 inches one Thanksgiving day here. But it's my last winter in Maine, and I'm quite happy about that. :kiss:
We all need to work together to generate the excitement here that makes people want to stick around and write. And if we don't, we get what we have now. And I would think that is most saddening (or maybe frustrating)

So I'm new here, but I have to say that I think this is very nice poetry group. It is interesting and exciting to me. I appreciate the people who created the forum and the people who run it and everyone who comes to the forum and contributes and reads.

I wonder if there has been a conversation in years past about what the goals of the the poetry forum are? Is the goal to get as many members as possible? To get as many poems posted as possible? To offer as much support and feedback as possible? To provide a place where poems can be posted and read by other poets? To provide a place where poems can be workshopped? To provide a place that encourages productivity among its members? To provide a place for poets to do poetry? To provide a place for poets to make small talk? To provide a place for poets to discuss serious issues of philosophy and esthetics? Is there one goal or many?

And I wonder what people's personal goals are?

I think a person's personality will partially determine how they define the goals of the forum and how they define their personal goals and how they see their role in the forum.

I've never been a big poster in any lit forum. I don't know why. That's just my personality. I suppose I'm more of a lurker. But I certainly do post when I have something to say. When a poem moves me to give feedback, I will give feedback. When a poem moves me to send a PM to a person, I will send a PM. I think I could be a little better about complimenting and supporting people when the opportunity arises, but I don't think I'd ever feel comfortable (nor do I have the time) to work real hard at doing some sort of membership drive. I suppose that makes me rather selfish. I try to get in at least three hours of writing a week (not all posted here, of course). That is not very much. If I had my druthers I'd do between five and forty hours. I just feel very compelled to write poetry when I come here, to read bit, to give a bit of feedback, and to give a bit of praise. For me personally, I don't have time to pump up other people on a daily basis. I like feedback and praise when I get it. And I try hard to give as much as I get. But I write to get my shit right and I will always do that no matter what kind of feedback I'm getting and I hope that others are the same way, though to think that everyone is the same as me is some kind of blindness I'm sure and I'm pretty sure I don't even have myself nailed LOL.

I am glad this poetry forum exists, and I am so thankful to the creators of the forum, to the moderators, to the regular contributors, to the newbies, and to everyone who makes it what it is.

Sorry if this is off topic. If there isn't already a "goals thread," that might make for some interesting conversation. :D
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Would you like to borrow my druthers? They're not doing much to makle my life bearable.

So I'm new here, but I have to say that I think this is very nice poetry group. It is interesting and exciting to me. I appreciate the people who created the forum and the people who run it and everyone who comes to the forum and contributes and reads.

I wonder if there has been a conversation in years past about what the goals of the the poetry forum are? Is the goal to get as many members as possible? To get as many poems posted as possible? To offer as much support and feedback as possible? To provide a place where poems can be posted and read by other poets? To provide a place where poems can be workshopped? To provide a place that encourages productivity among its members? To provide a place for poets to do poetry? To provide a place for poets to make small talk? To provide a place for poets to discuss serious issues of philosophy and esthetics? Is there one goal or many?

And I wonder what people's personal goals are?

I think a person's personality will partially determine how they define the goals of the forum and how they define their personal goals and how they see their role in the forum.

I've never been a big poster in any lit forum. I don't know why. That's just my personality. I suppose I'm more of a lurker. But I certainly do post when I have something to say. When a poem moves me to give feedback, I will give feedback. When a poem moves me to send a PM to a person, I will send a PM. I think I could be a little better about complimenting and supporting people when the opportunity arises, but I don't think I'd ever feel comfortable (nor do I have the time) to work real hard at doing some sort of membership drive. I suppose that makes me rather selfish. I try to get in at least three hours of writing a week (not all posted here, of course). That is not very much. If I had my druthers I'd do between five and forty hours. I just feel very compelled to write poetry when I come here, to read bit, to give a bit of feedback, and to give a bit of praise. For me personally, I don't have time to pump up other people on a daily basis. I like feedback and praise when I get it. And I try hard to give as much as I get. But I write to get my shit right and I will always do that no matter what kind of feedback I'm getting and I hope that others are the same way, though to think that everyone is the same as me is some kind of blindness I'm sure and I'm pretty sure I don't even have myself nailed LOL.

I am glad this poetry forum exists, and I am so thankful to the creators of the forum, to the moderators, to the regular contributors, to the newbies, and to everyone who makes it what it is.

Sorry if this is off topic. If there isn't already a "goals thread," that might make for some interesting conversation. :D
... so Pabla

where's your 'goals' thread, hmmm? c'mon. :cool:

True to form, I went ahead and created my own sketchbook thread instead of starting a thread for the betterment of the group LOL.

Tell you what, let's give it a few days. If nobody else starts a goals thread in that time, I will start one. I think it would be kind of fun. Look for it early next week. :)
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True to form, I went ahead and created my own [a href= "http://forum.literotica.com/showthread.php?t=682552" >sketchbook thread[/a] instead of starting a thread for the betterment of the group LOL.

Tell you what, let's give it a few days. If nobody else starts a goals thread in that time, I will start one. I think it would be kind of fun. Look for it early next week. :)
I certainly shall, Stanley :D
Well, good news! If you haven't already caught a mention of this in hmmnmmish's thread, I was discharged from the hospital program on Monday. woohoo!

Now, I don't plan on jumping right back in faithfully doing reviews. booo! LOL

I'm getting caught up on schoolwork and my paid writing work for the next week or so, but I miss doing reviews. So, I'll throw my hat into the ring again soon. For me, doing a weekly review can be difficult, but I like the way it pushes me to keep learning about poetry.

I lost a lot of fire about my reviews when I was attacked in the review thread, forum, and on my poems because of my reviews. People mistakenly think that because we share our opinions about poetry that we consider ourselves poetry gods. I don't think I ever approached a review with a holier-than-thou attitude, but I guess it was somehow perceived that way by some people.

I love poetry. Actually, I love all forms of art whether I agree with the message or not. What is poetry without freedom of expression? As for the craft of a poem, yes, I might share my opinion, usually in the form of a suggestion. Since it was changed to the "Recommendation" thread, I've done less of that by only mentioning the poems that I really enjoyed. I was blasted for that too. People assumed I was part of some clique that focused on patting each others' backs. I'm not sure who they assume is in this clique.

So, basically, if you critique a poem, you get attacked. If you give kudos, you get attacked. Not to discourage people from becoming reviewers, but they should know the reality of it so they aren't blindsided like I was.

Despite these issues that reviewers face, the learning experience is worth it to me. When I'm ready, I'll see if any days are open.
Well, I'm still not ready to jump in with reviews. The reviews themselves aren't a problem. I just don't feel like becoming a target like I did in June. I noticed that my reviews really suffered after that, and that's not fair to the people who submit poetry and want helpful feedback. So, for now, I think it's best if I avoid reviewing until I know I'm well enough that idiotic attacks won't affect my reviews and my already damaged opinion of this forum.
Well, I'm still not ready to jump in with reviews. The reviews themselves aren't a problem. I just don't feel like becoming a target like I did in June. I noticed that my reviews really suffered after that, and that's not fair to the people who submit poetry and want helpful feedback. So, for now, I think it's best if I avoid reviewing until I know I'm well enough that idiotic attacks won't affect my reviews and my already damaged opinion of this forum.
I am sorry to hear that, Lady. I'd just try my best to avoid the idiots (they are everywhere) and focus on commentary that is useful. Let go of the rest. No point in caring about it because everyplace has jackasses and this is a place like any other except that there are some really cool people here, too. :rose:
I am sorry to hear that, Lady. I'd just try my best to avoid the idiots (they are everywhere) and focus on commentary that is useful. Let go of the rest. No point in caring about it because everyplace has jackasses and this is a place like any other except that there are some really cool people here, too. :rose:

I was trying to understand why it still bothers me so much. Then, I had an epiphany. There are certain emotional similarities between what happened here and the attacks that caused my PTSD. Now, that I understand it, I'll try to work through it. It's just going to take time.
They used to

have avatars here

back in da day

was the sexual tension too much to bear as, it appears, it almost was for NCIS?


PS and what happened to TARA