Once Again, Who is reviewing which day?

Ok, and thank you too, EO, for doing this for the forum. It makes such a difference when we have a daily reviewer--and I think most poets really appreciate the mentions they get.

You'll just be gone that one week, right?

Anyone want to pick up the week of 8/20? If you've considered doing reviews but just want a trial run, this is a great way to do it. :)

Yes, just 1 week - and hopefully my vacation will give me some new material for my poetry.
but Annaswirls is on vacation and Eve is in the process of moving. I think they'll both be back for their respective days soon, certainly by September.
September should be a go for me -- maybe a little before September. I'm only partially moved. I'm mostly busy with remodeling the house. There is so much to do and it just doesn't end, and now I have two kids to get ready for back to school in less than two weeks. Sigh... I miss poetry.
I got Monday's covered. I go on vacation next week, but my mom assures me that there is free Internet access in the rooms of the resort. Doing a review will be a welcomed break from being with my parents, my sister, her three kids, my brother, his daughter, and my three kids. LOL
So how about we get the week covered

I got Monday's covered. I go on vacation next week, but my mom assures me that there is free Internet access in the rooms of the resort. Doing a review will be a welcomed break from being with my parents, my sister, her three kids, my brother, his daughter, and my three kids. LOL

So from what I can gather

Monday: LadynStFreknBed
Tuesday: ?
Wednesday: ?
Thursday: EroticOrogeny
Friday: PandoraGlitters (But she may want to change)
Saturday: ?
Sunday: ?

So sign up if you want to provide a service to humanity. The only qualifications required for the position are that you have an opinion and don't mind if others add to what you have to say on your day.

So from what I can gather

Monday: LadynStFreknBed
Tuesday: ?
Wednesday: ?
Thursday: EroticOrogeny
Friday: PandoraGlitters (But she may want to change)
Saturday: ?
Sunday: ?

So sign up if you want to provide a service to humanity. The only qualifications required for the position are that you have an opinion and don't mind if others add to what you have to say on your day.


I have to spend Monday, Wednesday, & Friday at the hospital for awhile. The estimate is about three months of treatment. I was going to snag another spot, but maybe it is best if I just step down until after treatment.
So from what I can gather

Monday: LadynStFreknBed
Tuesday: ?
Wednesday: ?
Thursday: EroticOrogeny
Friday: PandoraGlitters (But she may want to change)
Saturday: ?
Sunday: ?

So sign up if you want to provide a service to humanity. The only qualifications required for the position are that you have an opinion and don't mind if others add to what you have to say on your day.


I would be pleased to switch and do Tuesdays or to do Fridays on Saturday mornings (only going to be able to do one or the other though).
I'm not able to commit to any specific days for this right now, but will be happy to add my comments to pieces I see up in the forum, as I did with poetedge's work.

Actually, I'm not even certain what this review process is - could someone give me the cliff notes for it, please?
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I'll continue to do Thursdays.
One thing I try to do and find helpful is to have a link to the page as well as individual poems and poets.
I'm not able to commit to any specific days for this right now, but will be happy to add my comments to pieces I see up in the forum, as I did with poetedge's work.

Actually, I'm not even certain what this review process is - could someone give me the cliff notes for it, please?

It seems that when there is someone committed to each day , one can click on the recommendations thread at the top of the page and find a list of recommendations for that day. If you think something that you like should have been mentioned, you just add your own recommendations.

However, if you want to discuss what someone else has recommended, then you take that to the "To keep the review thread clean..." which originally started as a conduit for banter and thank yous but later become a place for discussion.

Naturally, I may have this all confused. If so, I would welcome clarification from those who are in charge here.:)
Well I thought there was someone already doing Saturday but if not, I'll happily take Saturday. Anyone doing Saturday?
The roster

So currently we have:

Monday: ?
Tuesday: ?
Wednesday: ?
Thursday: EroticOrogeny
Saturday: PandoraGlitters?
Sunday: ?

With WickedEve willing to do whatever is open

Remember, all you need to qualify is a liking for poetry and the time. Genius is not a requirement.
So, basically, if I offered to take on Wednesday, does that mean I review them and recommend on the Thursday morning? I could do that, I suppose, since work Tuesdays, Saturdays and help for a third day where they need me to cover but that varies as to which day it is. Or would I just see which are already up new during the day on Wednesday and post the recommendations by the evening? how does it pan out, guys?
From my point of view either would work.
I generally complete my reviews sometime during the evening.
Sometimes I'll do an initial post and then come back to edit, to avoid losing all I had typed in.
so ... what'd work best for me is looking at what's up as new Wednesday morning, and putting the review in by the evening. If that's acceptable, I could probably manage it.
the roster continued

Right, so currently we have:

Monday: ?
Tuesday: ?
Wednesday: chipbutty
Thursday: EroticOrogeny
Saturday: PandoraGlitters?
Sunday: ?

With WickedEve willing to do whatever is open.

That leaves three to go.

Come people, we need you. :kiss::kiss::kiss:

Remember, all you need to qualify is a liking for poetry and the time. Genius is not a requirement.
From my point of view either would work.
I generally complete my reviews sometime during the evening.
Sometimes I'll do an initial post and then come back to edit, to avoid losing all I had typed in.

I like this idea of doing an initial post early in the day just as an indication that you are on the case and no-one needs to jump in because you've ended up stuck in traffic halfway around the world.:)

Saturday is perfect then. I'll take it.

Eve can you take Mondays? That'd be in the middle of the vacant days, sort of.