Once Again, Who is reviewing which day?

Uh, I don't understand why anyone is upset about this. I go to Amazon and review jazz cds (and in the process recommend them or not), and I've never taught jazz nor do I know how to read music or play an instrument. It's just an opinion. Some people will appreciate it, some won't. Some people will consider anything except "great job" to be harsh, and some people will accuse reviewers of being too easy.

I consider anyone who takes the time to read and say anything about the new poems to be doing the forum a great service. And it doesn't matter to me what we call the thread: I have equal regard for everyone who freely gives of themselves to do what is basically a thankless task. Of course, I've always thought that by trying to say something meaningful about a poem, you have to think about it in a way that ultimately helps you as a writer.

Oh well. Guess I'm just out of the loop again. :cool:
Oh well. Guess I'm just out of the loop again. :cool:

We're renaming the new poems thread: New Poems Reviews, Recommendations, Loops, and This Forum is Fruit Loops. :D

SB, honey, that thread name change was blood in the water for you, wasn't it? Seriously, let's just drop reviews, recommendations, and just call it the New Poems thread. But you guys decide or just ignore it. It's just a silly thread title.

Anyway, I'm out of here. Time for me to hit the road and go see my Hugo. bye, bye, kiss, kiss.
I think Recommendations works fine. It sounds loose and casual and open and qualifies almost anyone to offer their recommendations, not necessarily based on their poetic merits but as who they are as persons, which allows room for the dabbling layman like me, to the super sophisticated. By comparison, Review sounds more ominous, like, "Dear Poet, will you please come into our office, we'd like to discuss a few matters with you, and take a look at your performance" and you know your fate is fucked.

And, you know, sometimes, as a poet, the idea of knowing every poem submission stands a good bit of scrutiny, can be uncomfortable. Sometimes, the submission is not to get a comfy pat on the rear, or seriously critiqued as to how well it complies to the standards of quality poetry, but something you just feel you need to do, and that will preferably not receive too much notice. So I think it's a good change.

Thank you.
I think Recommendations works fine. It sounds loose and casual and open and qualifies almost anyone to offer their recommendations, not necessarily based on their poetic merits but as who they are as persons, which allows room for the dabbling layman like me, to the super sophisticated. By comparison, Review sounds more ominous, like, "Dear Poet, will you please come into our office, we'd like to discuss a few matters with you, and take a look at your performance" and you know your fate is fucked.

And, you know, sometimes, as a poet, the idea of knowing every poem submission stands a good bit of scrutiny, can be uncomfortable. Sometimes, the submission is not to get a comfy pat on the rear, or seriously critiqued as to how well it complies to the standards of quality poetry, but something you just feel you need to do, and that will preferably not receive too much notice. So I think it's a good change.

Thank you.

And sometimes a comfy pat on the rear is just the ticket. Sometimes you feel like a nut and sometimes you just mix your metaphors. :D

Forum Fruit Loop
As a very new poet, I very much like the change of title. It gives the thread a less stuffy, formal feel to it and seems more open to people of all skill levels. I'd be happy to help out with certain days if you need more recommenders. I can't suggest that my reviews wouyld be worth much, but I know what works for me.
Oh of course.
Comfy butt pats are divine. No quarrel on that. Not from me. Not here. Not now. Not never. If given the choice between comfy butt pat and no butt pat at all, or butt pat and brass knuckle sandwich...
So, if there's a doubt, the slimmest reasonable doubt, go butt pat.
So now can we have a recounting of who is doing what when on which day? I'm lost about it again. Which is not so unusual, as I spend a great deal of my life being lost. But just to be sure.

So now can we have a recounting of who is doing what when on which day? I'm lost about it again. Which is not so unusual, as I spend a great deal of my life being lost. But just to be sure.


Monday: Donald Duck
Tuesday: Newt Gingrich
Wednesday: Alanis Morrisette (how ironic)
Thursday: Little Bill
Friday: Kaiser Soze
Saturday: Kaiser Soze (he likes to do the double shift)
Sunday: John the Baptist
Monday: Donald Duck
Tuesday: Newt Gingrich
Wednesday: Alanis Morrisette (how ironic)
Thursday: Little Bill
Friday: Kaiser Soze
Saturday: Kaiser Soze (he likes to do the double shift)
Sunday: John the Baptist
Bastard CANNOT have the day Remec and I share. Nuh uh! We will not stand for it!
Or sit, or lie down, or anything...for it. (!)

I want to watch him bitchfight over it with Alanis, but you know she's way too zen for that now. She actually washes her hair. :(
Bastard CANNOT have the day Remec and I share. Nuh uh! We will not stand for it!
Or sit, or lie down, or anything...for it. (!)

I want to watch him bitchfight over it with Alanis, but you know she's way too zen for that now. She actually washes her hair. :(

keep your britches on, damn girl keep reviewing like that and um.... I don't know what is the reward for kick ass reviews? More reviews? :cool:

How about THANKS! Much appreciated!
keep your britches on, damn girl keep reviewing like that and um.... I don't know what is the reward for kick ass reviews? More reviews? :cool:

How about THANKS! Much appreciated!
But what if I don't want to keep my britches on, Lady A? :cool:
Well. Thank you. For saying that. About the stuffs I posted. :eek:
You are much too full of sweetness. (*sings* I need a little sugar...in my bowl...)

In other news, I've asked Logan to split the Sunday reviews with Pandora and he has graciously accepted, which makes me verra happy indeed. Happy huglings all around.

Mkay, so far as I can tell, the current lineup is this:

Monday: Still the lovely Sheila (LadynSt), I'm guessing?
Tuesday: Our very own King of Coital Horror Sharing, Darkmaas
Wednesday: The very fluffable Annaswirls
Thursday: A frighteningly talented WickedEve
Friday: Anyone? Bueller? Bueller?
Saturday: Remec (very goodly, studly, and loveable chap)/Bluebell (flowwer)
Sunday: PandoraGlitters (positively stunning)/LoganForester (wonderful reviewer-in-waiting)

Please to correct if I'm wrong or missing something (or god forbid, someone).
You are like Julie the cruise director.

And I cannot believe you called me fluffable. Last night I had a dream I was in a high production porn film. It was frightfully realistic. There was initiation involved, including that huge old moustached man from that weird reality show.... good lord, it was just crazily detailed.


I don;t know something pulled my trigger

Thanks for being so organized.

I will try my best to do a halfway decent job tomorrow :eek:

Mkay, so far as I can tell, the current lineup is this:

Monday: Still the lovely Sheila (LadynSt), I'm guessing?
Tuesday: Our very own King of Coital Horror Sharing, Darkmaas
Wednesday: The very fluffable Annaswirls
Thursday: A frighteningly talented WickedEve
Friday: Anyone? Bueller? Bueller?
Saturday: Remec (very goodly, studly, and loveable chap)/Bluebell (flowwer)
Sunday: PandoraGlitters (positively stunning)/LoganForester (wonderful reviewer-in-waiting)

Please to correct if I'm wrong or missing something (or god forbid, someone).
You are like Julie the cruise director.

And I cannot believe you called me fluffable. Last night I had a dream I was in a high production porn film. It was frightfully realistic. There was initiation involved, including that huge old moustached man from that weird reality show.... good lord, it was just crazily detailed.


I don;t know something pulled my trigger

Thanks for being so organized.

I will try my best to do a halfway decent job tomorrow :eek:
Anna my sweet, you always do more than a halfway decent job. And if you were a fluffer I'm sure you would do that just as well. Because you're the awesomeness, you know?

If you don't agree then I will have no choice but to thrust a white wine spritzer on you at the lido deck. I know a spritzer is more of a night drink, but my aim, after all, is to get you drunk and test your fluffing skillz.


Can someone do Wed for me? It is spring break and I have out of town guests --

thanks muchly in advance. If someone wants to pull a double shift, I can pull an extra one next week.
TY Julie, I am pleased to no longer be a dead guy with a water fetish.

I could take this Wednesday, Anna, if you wish.
I imagine myself more of a lube girl than a fluffer. Is there such thing? I think it would be a fun career making sure everyone had the proper greasings.

I am going to agree while pretending to protest because I could really go for a spritzer.

Anna my sweet, you always do more than a halfway decent job. And if you were a fluffer I'm sure you would do that just as well. Because you're the awesomeness, you know?

If you don't agree then I will have no choice but to thrust a white wine spritzer on you at the lido deck. I know a spritzer is more of a night drink, but my aim, after all, is to get you drunk and test your fluffing skillz.


But what if I don't want to keep my britches on, Lady A? :cool:
Well. Thank you. For saying that. About the stuffs I posted. :eek:
You are much too full of sweetness. (*sings* I need a little sugar...in my bowl...)

In other news, I've asked Logan to split the Sunday reviews with Pandora and he has graciously accepted, which makes me verra happy indeed. Happy huglings all around.

Mkay, so far as I can tell, the current lineup is this:

Monday: Still the lovely Sheila (LadynSt), I'm guessing?
Tuesday: Our very own King of Coital Horror Sharing, Darkmaas
Wednesday: The very fluffable Annaswirls
Thursday: A frighteningly talented WickedEve
Friday: Anyone? Bueller? Bueller?
Saturday: Remec (very goodly, studly, and loveable chap)/Bluebell (flowwer)
Sunday: PandoraGlitters (positively stunning)/LoganForester (wonderful reviewer-in-waiting)

Please to correct if I'm wrong or missing something (or god forbid, someone).

It looks to me as if Tuesdays and Fridays are open. Would anyone like to take either of those days? I know we haven't been seeing reviews on other days as well but Annaswirls is on vacation and Eve is in the process of moving. I think they'll both be back for their respective days soon, certainly by September.

Anywho if you are on the list currently and able to continue doing reviews, please pop by this thread and say so. If you can't do them anymore or need a break, let me know here (or via pm). And if you want to do reviews, remember that anyone can make recommendations in the New Poems thread any day. :)
It looks to me as if Tuesdays and Fridays are open. Would anyone like to take either of those days? I know we haven't been seeing reviews on other days as well but Annaswirls is on vacation and Eve is in the process of moving. I think they'll both be back for their respective days soon, certainly by September.

Anywho if you are on the list currently and able to continue doing reviews, please pop by this thread and say so. If you can't do them anymore or need a break, let me know here (or via pm). And if you want to do reviews, remember that anyone can make recommendations in the New Poems thread any day. :)

I'll do tuesdays, cuz I still don't like Darkmaas.
Can I switch from every other Sunday to every Friday? It would be easier for me to remember. I'll do this Sunday since I saved a spot.
I'll do tuesdays, cuz I still don't like Darkmaas.

He hasn't been around for a while, so thank you for picking up Tuesdays. I used to review on Tuesdays, and it's usually a fairly light submissions day. I cannot say the same of my other past revew day, Friday.

Can I switch from every other Sunday to every Friday? It would be easier for me to remember. I'll do this Sunday since I saved a spot.

Oh, Friday eh? Do not look at my response to bflagsst. :D

Yes, of course it's fine. And thank you both for your willingness to do this for the forum. I happen to think it's very helpful to do for yourself, too. All that reviewing gets one thinking about what works and what doesn't. It's a good learning experience imo.

It looks to me as if Tuesdays and Fridays are open. Would anyone like to take either of those days? I know we haven't been seeing reviews on other days as well but Annaswirls is on vacation and Eve is in the process of moving. I think they'll both be back for their respective days soon, certainly by September.

Anywho if you are on the list currently and able to continue doing reviews, please pop by this thread and say so. If you can't do them anymore or need a break, let me know here (or via pm). And if you want to do reviews, remember that anyone can make recommendations in the New Poems thread any day. :)

I'll continue to do Thursdays (Eve had PM'd me about that a little while back),
but will need someone to do it in a couple of weeks (Aug 20), when I'm on vacation.
I'll continue to do Thursdays (Eve had PM'd me about that a little while back),
but will need someone to do it in a couple of weeks (Aug 20), when I'm on vacation.

Ok, and thank you too, EO, for doing this for the forum. It makes such a difference when we have a daily reviewer--and I think most poets really appreciate the mentions they get.

You'll just be gone that one week, right?

Anyone want to pick up the week of 8/20? If you've considered doing reviews but just want a trial run, this is a great way to do it. :)