One Handed Autumn Snacks

Angeline said:
How geographically correct. <snicker>

Ain't it just! Cheap, plentiful seafood makes up for... actually, nothing! It's just one of the bennies for living here.

For those less fortunate, trout, bass, etc. all work. And you can use the frozen stuff.
The_Fool said:
Jeez, just goes to show how provincial I am. I thought the ideal One Handed snack was a beer...

Not only is it ideal, but it's great exercise.... all those 12 ounce curls!
The_Fool said:
Jeez, just goes to show how provincial I am. I thought the ideal One Handed snack was a beer...

No worries...what came to my mind was so much worse than beer.;)

Ange, never even SAY sesame and keyboard in the same sentence!!:eek: ;)
*Catbabe* said:
No worries...what came to my mind was so much worse than beer.;)

Ange, never even SAY sesame and keyboard in the same sentence!!:eek: ;)

I got your one handed snack right here Kitty cat...

I want to hear the sesame story...:D
What's the fuss? A beer in one hand and.... well, the only thing you have to worry about is not shaking the damn beer!

(Imagine how cool it would be if the body could be redesigned with a retractable hand & arm hidden in the belly-button!).
Tathagata said:
uh huh
i saw the trapeze box in your trash...

is that so?

if you saw a trapeze box, cheeta, there was a box for traction stuff next to it--I'm too old for circus acts.

and what are you doing lurking around my um dumpster?
Angeline said:
is that so?

if you saw a trapeze box, cheeta, there was a box for traction stuff next to it--I'm too old for circus acts.

and what are you doing lurking around my um dumpster?

traction stuff??
ooooh kinky
lemme adjust this counter weight and we'll have us a good ole time

looking for poetic inspiration??
Angeline said:
you could always read that other chick's poems. she's due to write a new one soon, anyway.


i'm at work
if i started reading that stuff i'd melt
*Catbabe* said:
You underestimate the power of the sistahood Monkey man...

:p ;)

But not the power of the ancient art of drunken monkey innuendo.....
jd4george said:
What's the fuss? A beer in one hand and.... well, the only thing you have to worry about is not shaking the damn beer!

(Imagine how cool it would be if the body could be redesigned with a retractable hand & arm hidden in the belly-button!).

you don't have one of those?

so many uses...
I can smell recent shade oak
below in the lesser's room

small grave whispers creep
into my eyes
and make my blood cold

the blood splash of red sugar maple
grining pumpkins of
slasher mind

shutting down
for the celebratory season
taking in all the dead

a handful of peanuts
redskins papyrus
to be wiped on your leg
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Tathagata said:
But not the power of the ancient art of drunken monkey innuendo.....

The truth is it's kind of a boring stupid story anyway.

I have no doubt that *cat* will corroborate that. :D
Tathagata said:
I can smell recent shade oak
below in the lesser's room

small grave whispers creep
into my eyes
and make my blood cold

the blood splash of red sugar maple
grining pumpkins of
slasher mind

shutting down
for the celebratory season
taking in all the dead

Slumber Party

Little sugar skulls,
candy corn fingernails.
Wax lips.
The peeled grapes
are his eyes,
the cold spaghetti
his gooey intestines.
The liver is cold, slimey,
but the popcorn is ready
now turn on the lights,
pour the cocoa,
and I'll tell you a story
about the hookman
who still haunts
Crematory Hill.
Angeline said:
Slumber Party

Little sugar skulls,
candy corn fingernails.
Wax lips.
The peeled grapes
are his eyes,
the cold spaghetti
his gooey intestines.
The liver is cold, slimey,
but the popcorn is ready
now turn on the lights,
pour the cocoa,
and I'll tell you a story
about the hookman
who still haunts
Crematory Hill.

oh man we had those parties
spaghetti and grapes

down the bulkhead
is a haunted house
where evil lurks
next to dryers
in glass bowls
next to caramel apples
and the back road
where there's a mad man
with a missing hand
I'll stay here
with the spaghetti guts
Angeline said:
The truth is it's kind of a boring stupid story anyway.

I have no doubt that *cat* will corroborate that. :D

The truth is inexplicable and would make Ange and I appear less than sane so it shall not be shared.;) :p
this thread made me chuckle..even 2 handed snacks are 1 handed for me..bit savage at times but even thick burgers with extra everything are 1 handed snacks:D

and it's quite obvious if i'm typing where my fingers aren't:eek:

they sure aren't snacking:p