One in Three Republicans Now Think Donald Trump Was Wrong Candidate Choice

How would I know? I'm not a mind reader. I will say it won't be moving to the left.
It’s a fairly common question. It’s called building your bench, and people generally have an idea of who’s on deck.

Who else would you vote for for President from your party?
For MAGAts, there is no "after Trump".

Just like, for cultists, there is no "after". The things they want either happen, or else it's Kool Aid drinkin' time.
I can’t imagine what comes next for them. I bet a lot of them would be happy if Trump won and never left office like the other dear leader Putin.
I can’t imagine what comes next for them. I bet a lot of them would be happy if Trump won and never left office like the other dear leader Putin.
I’m going to have to disagree, but not to be disagreeable. Certainly a huge ego is required to run for office but these m’fers (Haley, Cruz, Desantis) are power hungry bastards and secretly want nothing more than to be where trump is as the top dog. In private - they HAAAATE him.
My rich AF in-laws are Trumpsters only for the money. Among their 20+ progeny is exactly one Trump voter. 😅
I’m going to have to disagree, but not to be disagreeable. Certainly a huge ego is required to run for office but these m’fers (Haley, Cruz, Desantis) are power hungry bastards and secretly want nothing more than to be where trump is as the top dog. In private - they HAAAATE him.
Of course there will be people that want to run for office. That was not the point of my question. I want to know who the republicans voters will support. Who will the diehard Trumpers rally behind.
I’m going to have to disagree, but not to be disagreeable. Certainly a huge ego is required to run for office but these m’fers (Haley, Cruz, Desantis) are power hungry bastards and secretly want nothing more than to be where trump is as the top dog. In private - they HAAAATE him.
Also, you can always disagree with me. I don’t have a problem with differences of opinions. :) You were not wrong in what you said, either.
Of course there will be people that want to run for office. That was not the point of my question. I want to know who the republicans voters will support. Who will the diehard Trumpers rally behind.
BSG posed this question and I maintain, unfortunately, that there is none. No one. This ship is too big to turn around. Trumpers time and time again have shown that nothing will wane their support. The establishment is too feckless to mount opposition. During the primaries, with the exception of Chris Christie, they all took care in criticizing trump hedging their bets that if they lost that they would still be in the running for vice president. It’s trump or die.
Politically? Yes! I would love to see a fractured RNC, but I just don’t see it happening. I mean it’s already clear that Trump has taken over the party. The RNC is funneling all its money towards Trump.
Also, you can always disagree with me. I don’t have a problem with differences of opinions. :) You were not wrong in what you said, either.
I figured as much. 😀
Wanted to let you know. I am an admitted troll. A hammer looking to pound on a conservative nail. I value righteous people seeking honest truth. Glad to have your voice here.
BSG posed this question and I maintain, unfortunately, that there is none. No one. This ship is too big to turn around. Trumpers time and time again have shown that nothing will wane their support. The establishment is too feckless to mount opposition. During the primaries, with the exception of Chris Christie, they all took care in criticizing trump hedging their bets that if they lost that they would still be in the running for vice president. It’s trump or die.

It’s wild that they are in such a bubble of hyping each other up, that can’t see they are going up in flames. Their ship is headed straight for an iceberg. Their losses have been staggering, and Trump is no king maker. They have no bench, only Trump.
It’s wild that they are in such a bubble of hyping each other up, that can’t see they are going up in flames. Their ship is headed straight for an iceberg. Their losses have been staggering, and Trump is no king maker. They have no bench, only Trump.
I do not get it either. He has no wins. Never won the popular vote. If he cannot pay a court fine or delay, then he will lose.
People are capable of remarkable change. It’s not uncommon to meet elder people who had totally different views when they were younger.

The changes don’t always happen in the direction we might prefer, but change does happen.
As an old fart I believe my views are basically the same,it's society as a whole that has moved.
E.g I thought racism was wrong in the late 50's and still do.
I do not get it either. He has no wins. Never won the popular vote. If he cannot pay a court fine or delay, then he will lose.
You've been able to make that prediction for six years now. You just keep dusting it off and trotting it out.

The guy somehow got to be President by losing everything. Nobody you know voted for him.
You were more flabbergasted than Hillary when he was asked to take the oath of office.
Now, he's a criminal and nobody ever votes for crooked politicians.

That's why it's Joe in a landslide. He's the good guy!
The Biden family is driven Snow White.
The very definition of propriety.

Trump just cannot ever win.
Conventional Wisdom.
Dwarf fucker!

... and we'll have fun fun, fun, fun, fun 'till Hunter's daddy takes the corvette keys away...
... fun fun, fun, fun, fun 'till his daddy takes the corvette away...
Tomorrow, tomorrow, there's always tomorrow, it's only a day passed away...

... yesterday, when all your troubles seemed so far way...
Already done: There must have been a door here in the wall when I came in...
Who are they polling?

People who lack lives?

It's June. Not even July...
I said it’s early, but the needle did move.

If you’d like to know who they are polling that info can be found. Sorry you feel the need to insult the respondents, because you to not like what they said. That doesn’t change the data. May you never post a poll yourself, love.
I know where RealClearPolitics is and use it all of the time.

I don't do polls and the reasons are myriad.

At best, a poll is some idiot trying to look smarter to a person (pollster) they don't even know or will ever encounter again in their life. People can say anything in a poll like how one in ten Democrats, one in one-hundred living Democrats, are breathlessly waiting to pull the lever for President Harris in the upcoming election.

June's, "I cannot wait to get out and vote," becomes November's cold rain...
How do I know that no one is seriously thinking about the election?

The two main themes are not being employed and will be kept dry until October, as late as possible.

Some of it is out there, because it never went away and is always babbling like an idiot brook, and here it is:

Trump is Hitler. As soon as he gets in office, he's never leaving.
Republicans are going to outlaw abortion.

When that does not work there is the final fallback position:
They want to put you back in chains and they want you barefoot, in the kitchen, and pregnant. They want to make your chidden speak English in school.

But wait! There's more! Act now and we'll prove to you that the world is about to die if you don't kill your car!
I know where RealClearPolitics is and use it all of the time.

I don't do polls and the reasons are myriad.

At best, a poll is some idiot trying to look smarter to a person (pollster) they don't even know or will ever encounter again in their life. People can say anything in a poll like how one in ten Democrats, one in one-hundred living Democrats, are breathlessly waiting to pull the lever for President Harris in the upcoming election.

June's, "I cannot wait to get out and vote," becomes November's cold rain...
Okie dokie
How do I know that no one is seriously thinking about the election?

The two main themes are not being employed and will be kept dry until October, as late as possible.

Some of it is out there, because it never went away and is always babbling like an idiot brook, and here it is:

Trump is Hitler. As soon as he gets in office, he's never leaving.
Republicans are going to outlaw abortion.

When that does not work there is the final fallback position:
They want to put you back in chains and they want you barefoot, in the kitchen, and pregnant. They want to make your chidden speak English in school.

But wait! There's more! Act now and we'll prove to you that the world is about to die if you don't kill your car!
Do you often find yourself arguing against points no one is trying to make?
It’s a fairly common question. It’s called building your bench, and people generally have an idea of who’s on deck.

Who else would you vote for for President from your party?
I'd be inclined to seek a candidate from the private sector. Sadly, the political landscape seems rife with corruption and susceptibility to the influence of wealthy donors. Presently, Trump appears to be the lone contender with sufficient nationwide backing and the determination to steer us away from our current trajectory. Your question is important; it's evident that rectifying the turbulence caused by the Democrats will require more than a mere four-year term.