Online Submissive To Real Life:other Issues Involving It, Open Thread

Re: Hello again dream!!

SierraMoon said:
Glad you started another thread, dream.. i'm sure you will have better luck with this one....
Well, i don't have much to add to this thread, as of right now.. i am having my first r/t play date tomorrow, so maybe i can contribute some after that.. just wanted to pop in and say hello!!! Wish me luck!!! :p
take care, and hugs to you and your Master, Artful!!! :rose: sierra

How exciting!

You must come back and share!

*crossing my fingers that you have a wonderful time*

With Artful's permission,

Hello beautiful Sierra,i'm hoping you have a Wonderful time on your date and so very nice to see you again,come back often,and do let me know how it goes ok? <<<huggs>>>:rose:
a little nervous here..... lol

Thank you Misstaken, and dream, for your kind wishes... i will definately let you guys know how it goes.. i probably won't shut up about it for weeks!!! :p
I am so glad

Good evening all of you at this board.

I have serched this internet for so long to find a place like this and I am so happy to found this.

Most of the places I have been are strange but this is like a place with lots and lots of information.

I have read the posts and are amazd at all of the wonderful information from so many likely people.

I am new to this BDSM but am so exsited to learn.

I have many many questions but now I am happy to just read.

Thank you

With Artful's permission,

Welcome Goldenwheat:
I am new to BDSM also,so please do not feel alone.
You are most welcome to visit or post any questions or comments tht you have.
I am a new submissive myself and have found it quite a challenge yet very rewarding so far.
Again,huggs and welcome.:rose:
Shadowsdream said:

~~~smile~~~ no not referring to the check lists....I don't believe they have any real use to someone so new to BDSM...many that have been interested for a very long time are even confused by some of the questions on it and the very new can be scared to death of the extremes there. The check list can be a useful tool for those who already have at least some realtime experience though.

My apologies, Shadowsdream, I was referring to artfuls dream.
I will have to be more careful with that. I regret that I unintentionally mischaracterized your views.

Please don't give it a second thought....I hope I didn't look defensive...I was just trying to be clearer.
Shadowsdream said:

Please don't give it a second thought....I hope I didn't look defensive...I was just trying to be clearer.

You did not look defensive at all, you were gracious as always.
With Artful's permission,

HMMM well maybe not the checklist,but a safe word WOULD be wise..
I have a question open to all:
How does a sub go about making it up to her Master when she has "pissed Him off"?
I have found out that by displeasing Him I am also hurting myself and I know I have a problem with jealousy(prefer to call it possessiveness) when He is apart from me .Him ,i do trust ,my wandering mind however ,i do not.
i am also very impatient at times and have a lil bit of a bad temper but My Master i feel Sometimes,must have the patience of a Saint with me . lol any comments will be appreciated on this question.:rose:
Shameless bump

Artful's dream said:
HMMM well maybe not the checklist,but a safe word WOULD be wise..
I have a question open to all:
How does a sub go about making it up to her Master when she has "pissed Him off"?
I have found out that by displeasing Him I am also hurting myself and I know I have a problem with jealousy(prefer to call it possessiveness) when He is apart from me .Him ,i do trust ,my wandering mind however ,i do not.
i am also very impatient at times and have a lil bit of a bad temper but My Master i feel Sometimes,must have the patience of a Saint with me . lol any comments will be appreciated on this question.:rose:
With Artful's permission,

I figured it out all by myself ... just submit!!!:)
Re: With Artful's permission,

Artful's dream said:
I figured it out all by myself ... just submit!!!:)


I believe that I have said or thought the same thing, at times!

Anyway, as far as "pissing him off", for me, if it has to do with situations outside the scene, we manage as I would in any relationship. We talk about it. Work out the issues and move forward.

In the scene, I hope never to "piss Him off." I don't want a Dom who resorts to angry behavior behind closed doors.

Of course, for purposes of the scene, if I am being bratty to get a reaction, then I will expect a sound spanking or other punishment as part of our play.

I don't know if this helps as I am not sure what you are asking about, but those are a few thoughts.