only naked person in a room of clothed people


I would ohh soo enjoy doing this ..... even once in my life !! Without getting arrested of course haaaa !
I think it's kind of funny whenever I see these kinds of pictures and many people in the background seem to be oblivious to it all. Do they not know there is a naked girl in the room?
This last image looks like it's a product of some work with Photoshop. I wonder if that's the case with a lot of these images, though some might be real. I am definitely suspicious of an image of a naked woman in a bar filled with men and none of the men are even looking at the woman. That does not compute.
For a long time, I have this fantasy to be naked alone in front of a group of opposite sex in a room. I always wondered if people are more comfortable about nudity. If you like, can we discuss about the plans that could (hope so) work out to make such a fantasy possible? Here is an idea which came up to my mind -

A girl is arranging a party for a group of guys at her home (may be 4-5 guys to start with). During the party, the girl gets into an argument with one of the guys about a specific fact. She pretends she is pretty sure about her answer. After a lot of arguments, both the girl and guy get into a bet. If this guy is an arrangement, he tells the girl that she has to host 5 parties naked for these guys if she lose the bet. At first, the girl acts reluctant but she girl is very sure about her part, and finally says that the whole guys should attend 5 parties naked if she wins. Also, everyone agrees that whatever happens should stay as secret within themselves. Finally, they check and find answer (may be google) and then the girl realizes that she lost the bet. She has to be naked during this party. Also, she has to host another 4 parties naked. In the first one, she will be nervous but slowly she will become comfortable. By the end of 5 parties, she would become completely confident to be naked in front of a lot of clothed guys.

Hope this can be done by some of the girls here who are interested in this fantasy. Also, welcoming better ideas from everyone here. :)
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This last image looks like it's a product of some work with Photoshop. I wonder if that's the case with a lot of these images, though some might be real. I am definitely suspicious of an image of a naked woman in a bar filled with men and none of the men are even looking at the woman. That does not compute.
From many nudist experiences, after a while my curiousity is fulfilled and the naked person becomes a natural part of the scene.
Yes times a million.

This is my number one fantasy, just such a great coalescence of humiliation and exhibitionism and social non-conformism.
The CFNM scenario is one I've had a fantasy of for a while but have yet to check off of the fantasy list.
I seriously would love to walk into one of my husband's meetings where they're on a nationwide conference call ............. dressed or ummm undressed this way ;) !!!

The reaction on their faces ohhhhh myyyyyyy !!!

My reaction would be in my pants. ;)