OOC: Ward of Darkness (Casting call.)

Thanks for the assitance, Cheska. It's too bad you're not interested, it would be nice to have someone who knows a bit about the setting join.

If you do not mind. I would have to think on it an what type would be open?

You Have
and Maybe Wraith.

Hey now, no fair! What did you say here?!

It is a secret message.. an Yeishia is asleep by now in the RW.. I should be to.
You Have
Werewolf. (any)
Vampire. (Nosferatu)
Mage. (Cult of Ecstacy)
Changeling. (any)
and Maybe Wraith. (any)
(And a Hunter) (any, but most likely leaning toward the visionary side)

I suppose it wouldn't hurt anything to double up on any of the above, considering the variety of each. What would you prefer?

There was mummy, but I never got the book, so know nothing about them, and quite frankly can't imagine how one would fit into this story.

Kindred of the East too, I got into that one a little bit, but again, its a bit on the fringe as far as what I am going for.

It is a secret message.. an Yeishia is asleep by now in the RW.. I should be to.

And here I lost my decoder ring... Damn.
Well, Luna wants to be a Werewolf.. an I think she is a Natural.. lemme think on a Vampire or a Mage.. throw an idea or three your way an see what you like.
Luna wants to be a werewolf? I thought she wanted to be Margaret, the Nosferatu's blood doll... (I was hoping to do a twist where we capture the nosferatu and end up turning him into Margaret's blood doll in the end. LOL! She'd become a 'super-ghoul')

La Reina called werewolf

Sorry Raven I deleted because I realized I had no business putting my nose in as I wasn't a cast member * blushes*

Thank you for the invite but as you know I do not know enough about the setting yet. :rose:

Another time.

I shall take the time to perfect my werewolf in our other setting.

You have a great cast of writers I'd never keep up plus my posting ability is sparodic at best.

I shall follow along and learn with pleasure :rose:
Hi everyone!

Ravenloft and I have been discussing my character and have decided my concept is better suited for a Changeling Satyr than a mage. Therefore I'll be writing up a new character tonight and Eloise is up for grabs to anyone who wants her! :)
Hi everyone!

Ravenloft and I have been discussing my character and have decided my concept is better suited for a Changeling Satyr than a mage. Therefore I'll be writing up a new character tonight and Eloise is up for grabs to anyone who wants her! :)

*blushes* It looks like she might well become mine *rubs the bruises on her arm grinning.*

Hello everyone :rose:
Wow, any room for more?

Perhaps you would be interested in playing an orderly who conciously serves the Wyrm?

See, for the most part all the regular employee's of Bishops Gate would be little more than mindless puppets doing the bidding of the horror that dwells beneath the asylum.

Just out of curiosity, has anyone picked up on the thought that I am using Sucker Punch as a basic template for the Asylum?
Perhaps you would be interested in playing an orderly who conciously serves the Wyrm?

See, for the most part all the regular employee's of Bishops Gate would be little more than mindless puppets doing the bidding of the horror that dwells beneath the asylum.

Just out of curiosity, has anyone picked up on the thought that I am using Sucker Punch as a basic template for the Asylum?

I thought I felt a Sucker Punch vibe here..
Hmmmmm I am also thinking the wraith you mentioned might be fun to play especially due to my lack of knowledge with regards WoD though I must admit I am loving what I am learning.:rose:
I wouldn't mind another werewolf. I was thinking of making Carlita 'think' she's a werewolf with no evidence to back it up except for her crazy delusions, finding herself naked with no knowledge of what had happened, and the 'sight' as she's going to call it (her gift). I was hoping that maybe she can't change either until she's part of a pack so she has no physical evidence... not sure. I'm still trying to figure out how to keep her penned up in the asylum and not able to just break free. What do you think?
Perhaps you would be interested in playing an orderly who conciously serves the Wyrm?

See, for the most part all the regular employee's of Bishops Gate would be little more than mindless puppets doing the bidding of the horror that dwells beneath the asylum.

Just out of curiosity, has anyone picked up on the thought that I am using Sucker Punch as a basic template for the Asylum?

For the moment I was just checking if you had room for more. An orderly is as good as anything else. If you're using Sucker Punch as the template I'd rather either be the cook so I have a regular role or the High Roller as a genuine outside motivation so it's not just the girls who are concerned but the males are somewhat concerned about not pissing me off. That's up to you. It's not my story.
I wouldn't mind another werewolf. I was thinking of making Carlita 'think' she's a werewolf with no evidence to back it up except for her crazy delusions, finding herself naked with no knowledge of what had happened, and the 'sight' as she's going to call it (her gift). I was hoping that maybe she can't change either until she's part of a pack so she has no physical evidence... not sure. I'm still trying to figure out how to keep her penned up in the asylum and not able to just break free. What do you think?

That sounds like a fun idea.

I am learning about being a werewolf in another thread we have, I am not sure if learning one character at a time would be a better bet for me.
Well, Luna wants to be a Werewolf.. an I think she is a Natural.. lemme think on a Vampire or a Mage.. throw an idea or three your way an see what you like.


Luna wants to be a werewolf? I thought she wanted to be Margaret, the Nosferatu's blood doll... (I was hoping to do a twist where we capture the nosferatu and end up turning him into Margaret's blood doll in the end. LOL! She'd become a 'super-ghoul')

Yes .

I very rarely dig blood doll characters. (Hell my very first V:tM character was mortal who was owned by a friggin Tremere...and then committed suicide once she was turned...)

But it seems I can have loads of fun with M. and sooo...I opted for her

(Couldn't we make her a Malkie blood doll???)

That sounds like a fun idea.

I am learning about being a werewolf in another thread we have, I am not sure if learning one character at a time would be a better bet for me.

Not sure what you meant here?
Not sure what you meant here?

La _Reina I have been trying to decide on if I should accept Ravenlofts offer to join this thread.

Due to my inexperience with this subject matter I have been simply testing the waters to get a feel for the people I might be writing with.

With that aim I said a general hello...to which Cheska responded :)

And I replied to your comment in a small effort to be friendly.

I am a tad shy as a rule and I am guessing my clumsily phrased reply was simply reflective of that fact. :eek:
I wouldn't mind another werewolf. I was thinking of making Carlita 'think' she's a werewolf with no evidence to back it up except for her crazy delusions, finding herself naked with no knowledge of what had happened, and the 'sight' as she's going to call it (her gift). I was hoping that maybe she can't change either until she's part of a pack so she has no physical evidence... not sure. I'm still trying to figure out how to keep her penned up in the asylum and not able to just break free. What do you think?

Carlita would no doubt be put on sedatives, which could block her from using the 'rage' needed to transform, but wouldn't stop her from using her gift of sight.

By the way, as far as her tribe/auspice/breed are concerned, the only thing I would require is for her to have been born in Homid form. So, the phase of the moon she was born under (Werewolf's way of ascribing a social class) and what tribe she belongs to is up to you. I'll list details on the tribes and auspices in another post, so you can pick what you like.
For the moment I was just checking if you had room for more. An orderly is as good as anything else. If you're using Sucker Punch as the template I'd rather either be the cook so I have a regular role or the High Roller as a genuine outside motivation so it's not just the girls who are concerned but the males are somewhat concerned about not pissing me off. That's up to you. It's not my story.

Sucker Punch is just the loose template I was using. There could always be room for a visit from a high level Pentex employee which would be much like the high roller's character. Only he would come to find out how the 'corruption' of the inmates was comming along, and to collect any formori already made. Being an orderly would just be the most immediate way to participate in the thread. (And quite honestly would be about the only constant character who could put Jerome in check, as he would not be able to enact his personal plans for the girls if someone is keeping a close eye on him.)
That sounds like a fun idea.

I am learning about being a werewolf in another thread we have, I am not sure if learning one character at a time would be a better bet for me.

I'd prefer not to double up on Garou, they're just too damn powerful...
Yes .

I very rarely dig blood doll characters. (Hell my very first V:tM character was mortal who was owned by a friggin Tremere...and then committed suicide once she was turned...)

But it seems I can have loads of fun with M. and sooo...I opted for her

(Couldn't we make her a Malkie blood doll???)


I'd love to hear the story of that character some time, sounds interesting.

Most definately, we can change over to a Malkavian, it would certainly suit the thread alot better actually. I guess I was just thinking Nosferatu because I've been watching the Subspecies series recently, and dug the way Radu talked.

I'll go edit the vampire to Malkie now. :)