OOC: Ward of Darkness (Casting call.)

Hmmmmm I am also thinking the wraith you mentioned might be fun to play especially due to my lack of knowledge with regards WoD though I must admit I am loving what I am learning.:rose:

I've got a pretty good idea for a wraith character actually. Jerome Manning had a troubled daughter, feeling deep inside that she just didn't belong. Her mother died during her birth. Jerome did the best he could to raise her, while hiding his grief over losing his wife. As she grew up the sense that she wasn't ment to be grew, and she attempted suicide. Jerome was aware enough of the signs that he was able to stop her, but he knew he couldn't keep an eye on her all the time. So, he had her put in Bishops Gate, where he felt she would be safe. Over the years it seemed she was making progress, slow, but progress none the less. At 18, she was mere days away from being declaired competent and free to leave, so everyone's guard was down, even Jeromes, allowing 'Maya' the chance she had been patiently, and carefully waiting for. She hung herself the night before she was to be released.

This sent Jerome on a downward spiral, leading him to his own death, which allowed the fallen Enumael access to his body. The price being that part of Jerome has merged with Enumael.
Okay, so we have:

Jerome Manning (Claimed by Ravenloft.)

Margaret (Claimed by Luna_Wolf72)

Eloise (Still up in the air, between Darkened Star and Yeishia)

Son... Er, Daughter of Ether mage? (Played by Cheska.)

Carlita (Claimed by La Reina)

Jessica (Claimed by Darkened_Star, may be replaced by Melinka's changling if Star takes Eloise)

Karen (Claimed by Virgininneed.)

Maya (Possible wraith character for Yeishia, if she would prefer.)

Changeling orphan (Melinka's working on.)

An orderly who serves the Wyrm and Pentex (Possibly played by Sean.)

I think thats everything so far.

So, how do we want to work this?
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La Reina - Werewolf options.


Garou society is divided into five auspices, or spiritual life-paths that a Garou is born with. They are tied to the phases of the Moon and considered gifts from Gaia's sister Luna. These auspices determine (to some extent) a Garou's Rage, or violent predatory instinct. The auspice system is one of the pillars of Garou society as it helps to describe social caste, predisposition, and calling. The auspices are:

Ragabash: Auspice of the new moon, the Trickster. The Questioner of the Ways. Ragabash have a duty to question Garou society and, by so doing to show what needs to be changed and what doesn't.

Theurge: Auspice of the crescent moon, the Seer and Shaman. The Searcher of the Ways. The Theurge serve as intercessors between their Garou brethren and the spirits.

Philodox: Auspice of the half moon, the Mediator, Counsellor and Judge. The Keeper of the Ways. The Philodox are tasked with knowing the laws of the Garou by heart, thus discerning right and wrong as well as settling disagreements.

Galliard: Auspice of the gibbous moon, the Bard. The Lover of the Ways. The Galliard remind the other Garou of their heritage and history with their passion for the ways of the garou.

Ahroun: Auspice of the full moon, the Warrior. The Protector of the Ways. While all Garou are warriors, the Ahroun excel at the arts of war, even if they are often unstable. Their task is to enforce the ways with skill, tactics and, if necessary, with brute strength.

Garou Tribes

Garou tribes resemble human tribes in that they are a community of members sharing common lineage, traditions, rites and values. The Garou tribes each claim descent from the human peoples of particular geographic areas or demographic subset of human/wolf society (or claim that the particular human culture descended from the Garou tribe). There were once sixteen tribes, but only thirteen remain servants of Gaia in the modern age. Twelve of these tribes form a great alliance known as the Garou Nation. They are:

Black Furies: The Black Furies are of an amazon-like society as they are a tribe of avenging and warrior-like (usually) female werewolves.

Bone Gnawers: The Bone Gnawers, the Children of the Totem Rat, are the lowest of the Werewolf along the World of Darkness and the History.

Children of Gaia: The Children of Gaia represent a smoothing factor as their primal interest is joining together all of Gaia's creation to save the world and to accomplish that they need to unite all of the tribes as one.

Fianna: The Fianna, a passionate tribe of Garou, descended from Celtic cultures. Widely known for their storytellers, bards, musicians, poets and other artistic types, the Fianna are a tribe whose love for parties, music and company is coupled with a strong sense of honor, potent ferocity, and strength in combat.

Get of Fenris: The Get of Fenris trace their roots to Germanic tribes and wolf packs of Germania and Scandinavia. They are known as fierce and unforgiving warriors.

Glass Walkers: The Glass Walkers are the wolves of the cities, sharing that realm with the Bone Gnawers. Whereas the latter tribe holds the streets and slums as its domain, the Glass Walkers are in the thick of the financial and technological flow, fighting their battles as often with guns, computers, and bank accounts as with fang and claw.

Red Talons: Red Talons are the most separatist of the Garou tribes, camping in the far wilderness far from humanity, whom they despise. Red Talon beliefs hold that man, including all human kinfolk, is a "cancer" upon the earth completely corrupted by the Wyrm.

Shadow Lords: The Shadow Lords are a tribe of manipulative Garou, originally of Slavic origins, but the tribe's main focus is on ability rather than race. These black-pelted followers of Grandfather Thunder are masters of diplomacy and Machiavellian intrigue. Waiting for the right moment to strike is essential to the members of this tribe.

Silent Striders: The Silent Striders were exiled from their homeland of Egypt by the Followers of Set by means of a magical curse, and have been roaming the world ever since. They are involved in the world of Wraith: The Oblivion and Vampire: The Masquerade more than any other werewolf tribe. Since their exile, they have traveled the world, and their kin are now the Gypsies, better known as the Roma.

Silver Fangs: The Silver Fangs are the traditional rulers of the Garou Nation, with literally millennia of selective breeding and heroic tradition behind them.

Uktena: Uktena are said to be animistic peoples from all over the world. Most are of Native American heritage, though adopted werewolves are from a variety of backgrounds. The Uktena are a tribe of mystics, shamans and arcanists; because of their close ties to the magical and knowledge of the arcane many fear that there are those among them who may be turning to the Dark Arts, and their history of having their land gradually taken from them have made some of the Uktena very bitter indeed. Their main talent lies in the sealing of Banes, and as such they may have deeper knowledge of the Wyrm than the other tribes are comfortable with.

Wendigo: The Wendigo are wolves and indigenous peoples of the Arctic and Sub arctic of North America. Unlike their Brother Tribe the Uktena they have not actively begun to include other cultures outside of their traditional Kinfolk into the tribe. As a whole the Wendigo tribe carries a grudge against the rest of the Garou Nation (of which they consider themselves only nominally part) for the conquest of their caerns and protectorates during the European colonization of North America. It was this reckless time period that lead the Wendigo and Uktena to refer to non-Native Garou as Wyrmbringers. The grudge against Wyrmbringer Tribes can be expressed as mild condescension and mistrust among mainstream Wendigo to violent confrontation and guerilla warfare among the more extreme groups of the Tribe.
Darkened Star - Changeling options.

Seelie Court

The Seelie have a reputation as the guardians of fae traditions. They are the peacekeepers, protectors of the weak, and the ideals of chivalry. Most seelie seek the reunion between the mortal world and the dreaming, and would like to be back to the time before the realms became divided.

The Seelie Code

Death before dishonor: honor is the most important virtue, the source of all glory.

Love Conquers all: love lies at the heart of the dreaming. True love transcends all and epitomizes what it means to be Seelie.

Beauty is life: beauty is a timeless, objective quality that, while it cannot be defined, is always recognized for itself.

Never forget a debt: one gift deserves another. The recipient of a gift is obliged to return the favor.

Unseelie Court

Where the Seelie dedicate themselves to preserving the traditions of the fae, the Unseelie style themselves as mockers of those traditions. They stand for the principles of constant change and impulsive action. They have a reputation for fostering war and madness, despising those weaker than themselves, and valuing freedom and wildness over any chivalric code. The unseelie see themselves as radical visionaries, bringing about vital change and transformation through whatever means necessary, including violence. Most members of the unseelie court believe that the dreaming has abandoned them, and therefore, that they owe no special loyalty to it or to their lost home of Arcadia.

The Unseelie Code

Change is good: security does not exist. The slightest of circumstances can transform a king into a peasant. Chaos and discord rule the universe. Adapt or die.

Glamour is free: glamour is worthless unless used. Acquire it by any means possible, and you will never be without a constant supply.

Honor is a lie: honor has no place in the modern world. It is a fairy tale constructed to cover the essential emptiness behind most traditions.

Passion before duty: passion is the truest state of the fae spirit. Follow your instincts and act on your impulses. Live life to the fullest without regard to the consequences, they will come about regardless of what you do. Youth passes quickly, so have fun while you can. Death can come at any time, so live without regret.

Kiths (Races basically)

Boggan - workers and busybodies, house fairies, gnomes; The dream of the home and the hearth and the people who tend it.

Eshu - African or Indian spirits; travellers, storytellers, adventurers. The dream of foreign and exotic people and places, and the freedom of travel.

Nocker - technological beings, like dwarves and gremlins. The dream of technological creativity and creation of your dreams, but also the frustration which people feel when their dreams fail to meet up with reality.

Pooka - tricksters, shapechangers, animal spirits. The dream of a carefree and less controlled life, similar to that of animals which the pooka have affinities with.

Redcap - murderers and cannibals, monsters, hobgoblins; Formed from the bottomless hunger which people felt in the depth of winter and the desperation which people felt to fight their hunger.

Satyr - lovers and revellers, horned god, Pan. Formed from the deep passions and lusts of mortals

Sidhe - the nobility, Lords and Ladies, elves, the Shining Host. The dream of all that is noble and honourable in leaders, but also the arrogance of many leaders

Sluagh - keepers of secrets, bogeymen, shadows. The dream of all creepy-crawly which crawl about in the dark of the night, tap on the windows and can never be seen in the clear light

Troll - honour-bound warriors, titans, giants. The dream of the honorable and chivalric warrior.
Virgininneed - Hunter options.


The Imbued are relatively new to the World of Darkness and, unlike Kindred or Garou, have little in the way of a coherent society of Hunters. The closest thing to a social organization for Hunters is "Hunter-Net". Although Hunters are generally unaware of the labels, a Hunter is defined by their Creed. Additionally, Creeds are grouped by a primary Virtue that engenders the Creeds. A Hunter's creed is chosen at the imbuing directly related to their actions. Hunters creeds and powers are given for a reason. You will not find any pacifist Avengers.

Virtues & Creeds

The ways of hunters differ radically according to the personality and the type of imbued. They develop a strong tendency of how to deal with monsters and how to protect humanity. This leads to three main virtues a hunter may follow in an active, an assessing and a passive way.


Those hunters that tend to show compassion towards creatures of the dark, and attempt to persuade the dark supernatural forces to turn to light, follow one of the Mercy Creeds. The Mercy Creeds are:

Martyrs: Those who sacrifice their all for their cause.

Redeemers: Those who wish to bring the monsters back into the light.

Innocents: Those who refuse to prejudge the supernatural.


Those hunters that are unforgiving and dogmatic in their belief that humanity is meant to "Inherit the Earth", and that the dark supernatural forces are arrayed against this manifest destiny of mankind, tend to be one of the Zeal Creeds. The tendency of these hunters to be warriors/soldiers among a group of Hunters gives these Creeds the stereotype as brute "zombie-killers." These Hunters do the dirty work out of a passion few humans may understand.

Avengers: Those who seek revenge for the harm done by creatures of the dark.

Judges: Those who mete out punishment based on how monstrous the creatures have acted.

Defenders: Those who safeguard and protect the innocent from the darkness.


Understanding and information gathering are the primary gifts of these Creeds. Originally charged to lead the Imbued in their war against the unnatural powers of the world, the Visionary Creeds consist of one viable Creed and two "Lost Creeds." In theory, these "Lost Creeds" consist of people who were granted too much insight for the mortal mind to handle and have ended up either deranged or overly violent due to this Calling. However, there is some implication throughout the different source books that these "Lost Creeds", specifically Waywards, ended up precisely how the Messengers wanted them.

Visionaries: Those who seek to understand the greater meaning behind the imbuing and the existence of the supernatural.

Waywards: Lost Creed. Imbued who have become overly violent towards the dark. Many Waywards suffer from some sort of mental derangement. They should have been the strategists and tacticians of the Imbued; however, Waywards cannot turn the benefits of second-sight off, and are subject to supernatural visions at any time. This tends to cause extreme mental trauma. Though some Waywards can handle this mental strain, the constant reminder of the supernatural can, and sometimes does, turn some Waywards into psychotic killers. Because of either psychosis or Calling-inflicted violent rage, Waywards often see only the need to destroy the enemy, and are known to cause large amounts of collateral damage in the completion of this task.

Hermits: Lost Creed. Imbued who receive psychic static near other Hunters and supernaturals. They should have been the intelligence gatherers for the Imbued, receiving information directly from the Messengers. The unfortunate side effect of Hermit's powers result in debilitating social anxiety around any form of the supernatural.
Yeishia - Wraith options.

The Artificers: Wraiths skilled in Inhabit, the art of possessing inanimate objects, and traditionally the masters of Soulforging, the practice of forcibly and permanently molding another wraith's corpus (their physical body) into hard, metallic, inanimate objects.

The Chanteurs: Wraiths skilled in Keening, the art of inducing emotion through song.

The Harbingers: Wraiths skilled in Argos, the art of travel, especially in the Tempest.

The Haunters: Wraiths skilled in Pandemonium, the art of causing chaos in the traditional "ghostly" manner. Haunters are usually used to scare the living out of areas frequented by wraiths. Its arts are wildly unpredictable.

The Masquers: Wraiths skilled in Moliate, the art of bodily transfiguration. Moliation can be made permanent and used to fabricate soft goods such as fabrics and woods in the underworld in a process similar to Soulforging.

The Monitors: Wraiths skilled in Lifeweb, the art of manipulating Fetters and their connections to the wraiths who possess them.

The Oracles: Wraiths skilled in Fatalism, the art of reading the mark of fate on the soul and thereby determining a being's past, present, and future.

The Pardoners: Wraiths skilled in Castigate, the art of taming the Shadows of other wraiths. While not formally recognized as a guild, Pardoners are tolerated by all Underworld factions for the simple reason that they exist to help wraiths retain their identities and fight Oblivion.

The Proctors: Wraiths skilled in Embody, the art of manifesting their corpus in the mortal world.

The Puppeteers: Wraiths skilled in Puppetry, the art of possessing mortals.

The Sandmen: Wraiths skilled in Phantasm, the art of interacting with the dreams of mortals and creating illusions and stories in the underworld.

The Spooks: Wraiths skilled in Outrage, the art of using telekinetic force, usually manifesting as traditional "poltergeist" activity.

The Usurers: Wraiths skilled in Usury, the art of manipulating and drawing on Pathos, the emotional energies upon which the dead thrive. Also allows wraiths to give or take Corpus to and from other wraiths, and even the living in conjunction with Arcanoi that can cross the Shroud.

The Alchemists: Wraiths skilled in Flux, the art of controlling the state of matter of the mortal world.

The Mnemoi: Wraiths skilled in Mnemosynis, the art of controlling memory.

The Solicitors: Wraiths skilled in Intimation, the art of manipulating the wants, needs, and desires of others. Intimation is highly feared for its ability to numb Passions or implant obsessions, and can affect the living as well as the dead.
Whew, got all that folks? That was a hell of a task... Thank goodness for Wiki's!
yeishia: Okay I understand now. No pressure. I'm not sure of WoD either, but I've been wiking and googling the information so Raven doesn't get too mad at me. :D

Raven: Sweet. I'm assuming Homid form is that she's born a human yes? I think I decided on ... Warrior Class as the Black Furies. I like that she'll be mostly doped up so that stops her transformation and I think I have a good baseline and story now thanks to your help.

Quick Question: Even without the change is she still strong? Like stronger than most girls her age. I'm thinking she'll have 3 - 5 seconds of raw brute strength before she's just weakened. Mostly from the drugs in her system.

I'm also thinking that she can't control the 'gift' due to the drugs. So she could be walking down a hall and suddenly (for ex.) she's in a dark field being called and she follows the voice, can smell, taste, etc the wild and when the 'vision' clears she's in the basement with a knife staring at a group of orderlies or something. just an example.
yeishia: Okay I understand now. No pressure. I'm not sure of WoD either, but I've been wiking and googling the information so Raven doesn't get too mad at me. :D

I wouldn't get mad, but it sure does make me glad to know you care enough to read up on your own. :)

Raven: Sweet. I'm assuming Homid form is that she's born a human yes? I think I decided on ... Warrior Class as the Black Furies. I like that she'll be mostly doped up so that stops her transformation and I think I have a good baseline and story now thanks to your help.

Yep, homid it is. Unless you would really like to be metis LOL! Black Furies sounds good to me. Happy to help.

Quick Question: Even without the change is she still strong? Like stronger than most girls her age. I'm thinking she'll have 3 - 5 seconds of raw brute strength before she's just weakened. Mostly from the drugs in her system.

That can be entirely up to you actually. I'll post up the basic character generation rules right after this, so that you and the rest who would like to actually quantify your characters attributes and abilites can. I won't expect a complete run down on everything, but it would be nice to know everyone's general ability.

I'm also thinking that she can't control the 'gift' due to the drugs. So she could be walking down a hall and suddenly (for ex.) she's in a dark field being called and she follows the voice, can smell, taste, etc the wild and when the 'vision' clears she's in the basement with a knife staring at a group of orderlies or something. just an example.

Thats perfect actually, and in Carlita's case, it wouldn't be so much that her vision is actually changing, it will be that she's unwittingly physically stepping in and out of the spirit world. So, of all the characters, Carlita could, if Yeishia does play the wraith, have actuall physical contact with her character.

How your characters see.

Margaret - unless there is a vampiric discipline that she can use to see into the umbra, she's blind to the spirit world. Others may help her see though.

Eloise - Depends on what spheres of magick she knows, there is a very good chance that she would have learned spirit and time magick.

Carlita - Carlita physically steps into the spirit world.

Jessica - I'm going to rule that fae characters have full spirt sight, just for ease of play. The down side is that they can't 'shut it off'.

Karen - Karen has spirit sight, that for the most part, she can chose to turn on and off at will. But sometimes it will trip on by itself, to warn her of danger. When she turns it on, she lights up like a roman candle to any other supernatural beings. When it trips on its own, she doesn't light up.

Maya - Wraiths have no problem seeing into the spirit world, they live there after all. And I'm going to rule that its like the movie, Ghost, she can see the world of the living just fine as well.
Okay, so we have:

Jerome Manning (Claimed by Ravenloft.)

Margaret (Claimed by Luna_Wolf72)

Eloise (Still up in the air, between Darkened Star and Yeishia)

Carlita (Claimed by La Reina)

Jessica (Claimed by Darkened_Star, may be replaced by Melinka's changling if Star takes Eloise)

Karen (Claimed by Virgininneed.)

Maya (Possible wraith character for Yeishia, if she would prefer.)

Changeling orphan (Melinka's working on.)

An orderly who serves the Wyrm and Pentex (Possibly played by Sean.)

I think thats everything so far.

So, how do we want to work this?

an he forgets about me an my mage. :(
generating character stats

Your attributes all start at a rating of 1 and you have alotments of 7, 5, and 3 points to prioritize between your characters:

- Strength
- Dexterity
- Stamina

- Charisma
- Manipulation
- Appearance

- Perception
- Wits

Simple enough, right?
I'm only passingly familar with the World of Darkness and most of that comes from being fairly familiar with Vampire the Masquerade, Fallen (Whatever the demon one is) and a bit the Hunter stuff. What's up with this Wyrm? I was really leaning closer to a Fallen/demon but I can probably work for the Wyrm either as an alternate idea or not. I did quick brush up on the WoD and they have these neat as shit Geist guys now that I think would be flawless for this sort of situation.
I'm only passingly familar with the World of Darkness and most of that comes from being fairly familiar with Vampire the Masquerade, Fallen (Whatever the demon one is) and a bit the Hunter stuff. What's up with this Wyrm? I was really leaning closer to a Fallen/demon but I can probably work for the Wyrm either as an alternate idea or not. I did quick brush up on the WoD and they have these neat as shit Geist guys now that I think would be flawless for this sort of situation.

Demon: The Fallen, damn good setting actually.

The Wyrm is what werewolves call the pervasive spirit of corruption that is killing their mother, Gaia.

Geist: The Sin Eaters is from the New world of darkness... I don't know anything about it because I boycotted the new books. LOL!
Name: Briana Bailey.
Age: 19.
Height: Five feet.
Weight: 105.lbs.
Sholder length black hair, trim clean nails.
Any clothes she gets, she tries to fashion into a more Miedical/Scientific appearance, she frequently request her own lab coat.

Briana presently resides within Bishops Gate Asylum by her parents will. Thinking her mentally unbalanced, they decided that it was best for their darling child to be institutionalized.

Briana knows better, that her parents are the mad ones.

She placed in Bishops gate because of a “Delusion” that her mad inventions could work if she was simple able to harness the power of the Ether, a mythic force of energy as yet unknown to modern science.

The reality is that she is correct, her inventions would indeed work, if it were not for agents of the Technocracy and a Quintessence lock that they have placed upon her in Subspace.

If this lock were to ever be undone or broken, she would be unleashed upon a helplessly prosaic world.

Briana is, by all rights, a mechanical genius. She is also a bit obsessed with neatness.
One of the few inmates who keeps her 'Room' neat and tidy, save for the technical scrawlings she has on her walls, full of Formula and schematics.

Briana was scheduled for Electro shock therapy, and she seemed in favor of this. But she wanted to make a few adjustments to the machine.
Her goal was increase her own intelligence, so it may be safe to say that Briana might actually be a bit insane after all.

Str: 1
Dex: 3
Sta: 2

Cha: 2
Man: 3
App: 4

Per: 3
Int: 4
Wits: 3

Matter: 2
Mind: 2
Forces: 1
Prime: 1

She is interested in Correspondence, Time, and Entropy.

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Barrowing Cheska's format....


Name: Rosemary Goodfellow
Kith: Satyr (Changeling)
Age: 18
Height: 5'6"
Weight: 120 lbs.
A vision of Gaelic beauty, Rose is pale-skinned with emerald eyes and a thick mane of tight red curls that falls just past her shoulder blades (as wild and free as the woman who wears them).

Rosemary Goodfellow was abandoned at birth and raised in a New York orphanage, and later traded between a number of foster homes during her teens. She was an undisciplined girl with a deep disdain for authority that frequently got her into trouble with the law. After dropping out of High School in her senior year she decided to make her living through her considerable passions and began dancing at one of Manhattan's premier Gentleman's Clubs. She quickly became a heavy draw... one might even say the audience was hypnotized and transfixed by her dance.

This attention earned her many opportunities to earn a little extra money as an escort (although she honestly couldn't care less about the money), and week after week her price continued to rise. She became the favored 'date' to a local senator, and one night her 'fairy tale' life came crashing down. The senator offered her some new drug that was all the rage overseas... something that would open her eyes to the dream around her.

Never one to pass down a new thrill, Rose enjoyed her share of the drug... and everything went dark. She awoke the next morning to find the senator slaughtered, their hotel suite covered in blood. She was arrested for his murder and found to be insane... crazy ramblings about seeing the 'truth' no one else could see.

Since then she's been locked away at Bishops Gate. She still sees disturbing half-truths in the world around her (most troubling of which is her own horned reflection in the mirror). Rose has had few good nights sleep since her imprisonment, but even on those nights she doesn't dream. Hasn't dreamed since that drug 'awoke' her... woke her from her slumber with such terror that she may never dream again.


Physical (5)
- Strength: 1
- Dexterity: 4
- Stamina: 3

Social (7)
- Charisma: 3
- Manipulation: 4
- Appearance: 3

Mental (3)
- Perception: 3
-Intelligence: 2
- Wits: 1

Arts: Chicanery, Primal, Wayfare
Realms: Actor, Nature, Prop

I've been looking around for a picture that is suitable, but am coming up emty so far. :(
Name~ Margaret "Maggie" Johnston
Age~ 20
Height~ 5' 4"
Weight~ 135 lbs
Physical Description~Maggie is of mixed ethnicity and her features show that. She is a gorgeous shade of caramel with coal black, waist length hair. Her features have a sort of Asian/Indian cast though her lips are rather full and mobile, much like her mother's~who was black. She is very curvy with wide gray eyes.


Once upon a time there was a young girl. This young girl was small, lithe, a quick thinker. This didn't stop the bad thing from happening to her, though. It never stopped the bad thing from happening to her. And that bad thing happened so very much, so very often, that the young girl began to think of herself as two very distinct people.

There was Margaret~the bad one, the one who invited these things by being so utterly dirty. (She never could figure out how being built like her mother at a young age was her fault but HE said it was...and so it must be true.) Margaret was a slut, a whore. Something that needed to be used and mistreated.

Maggie though, Maggie was the good one. She fought him, all the time. She KNEW he was dirty and a pervert and it was Maggie who first found their special friend. The Angel that promised to keep the good (and bad) pair safe.

It took a few years, but eventually, HE left them alone. By then Maggie knew what her Angel was. She knew what she was. A Vampire. The thirst was undeniable. And when she finally killed HIM....well, she ended up...


In Bishop's Gate.

And now she sees colors, sometimes. Now she is really strong...like when they try to make her do something she doesn't want, sometimes. Now she gets hints of things she shouldn't know, sometimes.

She fits here.

Random notes for Usage later
For now, I am writing Maggie as a Ghoul...and giving her points accordingly (6/4/3)
This is the count~ including the initial free point on each Attribute.

Physical (4)
Strength 2
Dexterity 3
Stamina 2

Social (3)
Charisma 2
Manipulation 2
Appearance 2

Mental (6)
Perception 3
Intelligence 3
Wits 3

Disciplines (EEK!! Forgot my Freebies)
(only two)
Potence 2
Auspex 2
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I just wanted to let everyone know that it is with deep regret that I have decided to withdraw from this wonderful thread.

When Ravenloft offered me the part of Eloise I was delighted to accept and toddled off to do my research and work up a bio. I have learned much but am still having difficulties understanding the intricacies of the World of Darkness, I am so out of my depth it's simply isn't funny. :eek: I have no wish to be the weak link that spoils your collective efforts.

I was happy to read that Darkened Star would like to play Eloise so I feel everything is working out as it should.

I am very excited to follow along with your thread and learn all that I can about WoD in an effort to improve my understanding, which I am hoping will translate to the one on one thread I am doing with Raven. I am especially hoping to grasp how stats (the points especially) translate to the writing of a story plot rather than the actual playing of a game.

Big hugs and happy writing to you all.:rose:
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I figure character stats will mostly just be a fall back for any time a player feels they might need to justify their character's success in something...

Say, there is a direct physical confrontation between Briana (str 1) and Rosemary (Also str 1), They would be pretty evenly matched, but if they were to continue struggling with one another, Rosemary (Stamina 3) would be able to outlast Briana (Stamina 2), and eventually overpower her.

As another example, If Margaret (Manipulation 2) were to try and lie to Briana (Perception 3) She would most likely see through it.
I just wanted to let everyone know that it is with deep regret that I have decided to withdraw from this wonderful thread.

When Ravenloft offered me the part of Eloise I was delighted to accept and toddled off to do my research and work up a bio. I have learned much but am still having difficulties understanding the intricacies of the World of Darkness, I am so out of my depth it's simply isn't funny. :eek: I have no wish to be the weak link that spoils your collective efforts.

I was happy to read that Darkened Star would like to play Eloise so I feel everything is working out as it should.

I am very excited to follow along with your thread and learn all that I can about WoD in an effort to improve my understanding, which I am hoping will translate to the one on one thread I am doing with Raven. I am especially hoping to grasp how stats (the points especially) translate to the writing of a story plot rather than the actual playing of a game.

Big hugs and happy writing to you all.:rose:

*hugs* :(

Well, see you in Vassal. :rose:
I just wanted to let everyone know that it is with deep regret that I have decided to withdraw from this wonderful thread.

...Big hugs and happy writing to you all.:rose:

Sorry to hear that, Yeishia! I hope maybe things work out where you can join in later!

~M :rose: