OOC: Ward of Darkness (Casting call.)

Name: Karen Brown
Age: 18
Height: Four foot ten
Weight: 100 pounds
Long auburn hair
Karen usually wears an old black leather jacket with a shirt, jeans and combat boots. When going somewhwere formal, however, she tends to wear something girly and flowy with her jacket.

Karen's parents were murdered when she was a child, so she was raised by her aunt and uncle, who didn't believe in anything they couldn't see oe touch. They were detremined to raise her as a normal child, but in her early teens, it became clear she wasn't. She'd been moved from place to place to find a cure for her so called insanity.

Karen had no idea what was happening to her and concluded that she was losing her mind. She didn't fight the psychiatrists, and told them what she saw. They tried so many things, but nothing worked. Her aunt and uncle gave up and sent her to Bishop's, hoping they wouldn't have to deal with her anymore.

But when she arrived, everything seemed to become worse. She stayed in her room a lot, afraid of the other patients. She'd seen a werewolf, a fae, and other things she didn't understand. Her shyness didn't help either. She avoided the others as often as she could.

What she didnt know because her parents never had the chance to tell her, was that she was a hunter, specifically a hermit. She doesn't understand anything about her powers yet and isnt sure she wants to.

Str: 1
Dex: 3
Sta: 2

Cha: 2
Man: 3
App: 5

Per: 2
Int: 4
Wits: 2
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Name: Carlita Benetti
Age: 20
Height: 5'6
Weight: 130lbs (mostly muscle)

Carlita doesn't remember 'before.' No, that's not accurate. She catches glimpses of what it was like before she started "attending" BGA. She remembers she has a family: mother, father, baby brother, older brother, but they don't visit so she doesn't know what has happened to them. Or if they were apart of her imagination. Carlita's not sure what is 'real' or not. The doctors keep her doped up, because she is violent and tends to be stronger than a girl her age, height, and weight should be. The drugs keeps her mostly controllable.

Carlita knows the truth. She's a monster inside. Sometimes she hates herself and just wants to end the monster. Especially when she starts to get immune or used to the drugs and she can't tell one reality from the other. She hates waking up and finding herself in a strange place or doing something and in a blink of an eye back at BGA. Other times. *smirks* Other times she wants to let the monster free. For honor. To fight. To protect, but protect what she's not sure. When she's feeling in her 'Free' mode no one is bullied around Carlita or she snaps to protect them. No matter if she likes that person or not.

STR: 3
DEX: 2

CHA: 1
Man: 1

PER: 4

Edit: Opps Sorry.

Oh and one gift: Moonshadow
I didn't think you meant one gift from each of those categories. Did you?
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I been adding the numbers up on Physical/social/mental attributes.. an Bwa!?

One person had a 9 to put into something?

the max you can have is 7/5/3.
I don't mean to step on anyone's toes but I've brought stats down to within the 7/5/3 alotments as fairly as I could.
La Reina, be aware that with a natural strength of 5 Carlita will be rocking a full crinos form strength of 9!

Also, you get to chose one gift from each of the following catagories:

Breed - Homid

Master of Fire (Homid Rank 1)

Once humans tamed fire to keep them warm and to drive off the wild beasts, they were on their way to civilisation. Werewolves with this Gift invoke humanity's ancient pact with the spirits of fire. The spirits of flame agree to hold back their hunger when the werewolf touches them. An ancestor spirit or fire spirit grants this Gift.

System: This Gift allows a werewolf to heal fire damage as if it were bashing. This requires the expenditure of a Gnosis point; the effects last a scene
Taught by: fire spirit, ancestor spirit
Book: WW3e

Persuasion (Homid Rank 1)

This Gift allows a homid to become more persuasive when dealing with others; his statements and arguments are imbued with meaning or credibility. This Gift is taught by an Ancestor-spirit.

System: The Garou rolls Charisma + Subterfuge (difficulty 6). If successful, the difficulties of all Social rolls are reduced by one for the remainder of the scene.

Smell of Man (Homid Rank 1)

Creatures of the wild have learned well that man if often a bringer of death. With this Gift, the Garou greatly enhances the human scent around him, causing animals to feel uneasy and nervous. This Gift is taught by an Ancestor-spirit.

System: All normal animals (not including supernatural creatures in animal form) lose one die from their Dice Pools when within 20 feet of the Garou, and are likely to flee. The Garou may use this Gift at will; she simply states when she is activating it or turning it off.


Auspice - Ahroun

Battlesense (Ahroun Rank 1)

The Garou can sense the best direction from which to make an attack, taking into account the terrain of the battlefield, the numbers and placement of the enemy and the available forces at the Garou's command or allied with her.

System: The player spends a point of Gnosis and becomes aware of the tactical forces involved in an impending battle. The Storyteller informs the player of the numbers and placement of opposing forces. The player can then use this information to her character's advantage.
Taught by: Nerigal
Book: RatH

Inspiration (Ahroun Rank 1)

Other werewolves look to the Ahroun for leadership in combat. The Gift of Inspiration is one reason. The Garou with this Gift lends new resolve and righteous anger to his bretheren. This Gift is taught by a Lion or Wolf spirit.

System: The Garou spends one Rage point. Comrades automatically receive one success on any Willpower rolls made during the scene. Not that this Gift does not affect its possessor.

Razor Claws (Ahroun Rank 1)

The Garou may hone his claws to razor sharpness. This Gift is taught by a Cat or Wolf spirit.

System: The Garou spends one Rage point and takes a turn to scratch his talons over a hard surface, such as a stone. Claw attacks then do an additional die of damage for the remainder of the scene.

Rouse to Anger (Ahroun Rank 1)

This Gift enables the Garou to say or do something that causes her target to refresh her inner Rage. This might involve shaming an individual, slapping her in the face or telling her something to arouse her anger. The Garou can also summon within herself a memory or an emotion that assists her in replenishing her own capacity for righteous anger.

System: The player rolls Manipulation + Empathy (difficulty 8) and spends a Gnosis point. A successful roll enables the character to speak or act in such a way that her target gains a point of Rage. Each additional success allows the character to affect another individual, including herself.
Taught by: Rorg
Book: RatH

Spur Claws (Ahroun Rank 1)

Some Garou take the bee as a role model for their cause. The bee is so devoted to her queen that she attacks her enemies with no care to the inevitable fact that she will die in the attack. For those Garou who feel similarly, bee spirits may teach them how to turn their claws into stingers that stick in their opponents. Such poison as they excrete won't kill their opponents, but neither will it kill the werewolf in question.

System: The player spends one Rage. The next successful claw attack the character makes will bury her claws into the victim, where they stay stuck after they rip from the Ahroun's fingertips. Until the victim takes the time to pull them out (which takes a full turn) they will suffer a +2 difficulty on all actions. However, the Garou's claws take a full turn to regenerate and can't be used in that time.
Taught by: Bee spirits
Book: PG3e

Steadfast (Ahroun Rank 1)

No matter the task, the Ahroun does not tire. This Gift allows the Garou to work, run, or fight far beyond her normal limits. A Horse-spirit teaches this Gift.

System: The player spends one Rage point. For the remainder of the scene, her Stamina doubles any time she has to roll it. This Gift does not affect soak rolls.
Taught by: Horse-spirit
Book: Wild West Companion

The Falling Touch (Ahroun Rank 1)

This Gift allows the Garou to send her foe sprawling with just a touch. The Gift is taught by any aerial spirit.

System: The Garou rolls Dexterity + Medicine (difficulty of the opponent's Stamina + Athletics). Even one success sends the opponent to the ground.


Tribe- Black Fury

Arion's Burden (Black Fury Rank 1)

The Black Furies had many tribeswomen among the ancient Scythians, who were renown for their use of cavalry. During their battles with other Garou tribes, the Furies often surprised their enemies by showing that they too could employ cavalry, thanks to this Gift. Most animals shy away from creatures of high Rage, and even the Glabro form tended to make a werewolf heavier than the horse could handle. But this Gift perfectly calms the mount's mind and makes the Black Fury as light as a child to it. It is taught by an avatar of Pegasus.

System: The Black Fury rolls Charisma + Athletics (difficulty 6). A simple success is all that is needed to keep this Gift active for the rest of the scene. While this Gift works to calm any animal normally friendly to the Black Fury, it is most commonly employed on horses. Riding in Crinos form, even with this Gift, is a tricky business, requiring a Dexterity + Athletics (difficulty 7) roll.
Taught by: Pegasus
Book: PG3e

Breath of the Wyld (Black Fury Rank 1)

As the Furies see it, the problem with most humans (and some Garou) is that they have forgotten that the energy of Creation is nourishing, refreshing and ever present. With this Gift, the Black Fury may intill a feeling of vitality and life in a living being. A spirit servant of Pegasus teaches this Gift.

System: The Fury must touch her target's skin, and this Gift must be used outdoors in a natural setting (a city park is sufficient for the Gift to function). The player rolls Gnosis (difficulty 6 for humans, 5 for Garou). Success grants a rush of energy and clarity of thought. In game terms, this Gift grants one extra die on all Mental rolls for the next scene. Its also adds one to the difficulty of any Rage rolls the target makes in that time.

Taught by: Spirit servant of Pegasus
Book: WW3e

Find the Child Within (Black Fury Rank 1)

With this Gift, a Garou can play upon an individual's instinctive response to parental authority or affection and convince that person to follow a command ("Don't leave without me") or respond favourably to a suggestions ("Let me take you somewhere safe") that they might otherwise rebuff. The target of the Gift cannot already be engaged in battle with the Gift's user or with another opponent. The Garou can, however, use this Gift to forestall an impending battle or elude a situation that might turn dangerous.

System: The player makes a resisted Charisma + Empathy roll vs the target's Willpower. One success allows the character to make as simple suggestion to the victim; the suggestion must be one that a young child would find reasonable. Additional successes either extend the duration of the effect or else enables the character to convince her victim to do something he might not be otherwise inclined to do - such as coercing a Get Ahroun to back down from a fight he would certainly lose. Failure means that the suggestion has no effect, while a botch angers the victim and makes him impervious to further attempts to use this Gift for 24 hours.
Taught by: Tambiyah
Book: RatH

Heightened Senses (Black Fury Rank 1)

The Garou may vastly increase her sensory input for a short time. When in Homid or Glabro form, her senses become as sharp as those of a wolf, while in her wolf forms, her senses become preternaturally potent. This gift is taught by Wolf-spirits.

System: The Garou spends a Gnosis point. The effects last for one scene. Homid and Glabro forms: Perception difficulties are reduced by two; roll Perception + Primal-Urge (difficulty 6) to perform sensory feats impossible to humans. Crinos, Hispo and Lupus forms: Perception difficulties are reduced by three; +1 to Primal-Urge Dice Pools.

Moonshadow (Black Fury Rank 1 - Moon-Daughters)

By calling on their kinship with Luna, the Daughter may use a moonlight to smooth the way between worlds. The Fury may substitute moonlight for a mirror, making themselves one with the light itself. This Gift is taught by a Lune.

System: No roll is necessary to activate the Gift - the Fury may step sideways as if they stared into their reflection. In addition, the difficulty due to the Gauntlet is lowered by one.

Mother's Touch (Black Fury Rank 1 - Order of the Merciful Mother)

The Garou is able to heal the wounds of others, aggravated or otherwise, simply by laying hands over the afflicted area. The Garou may not heal herself with the Gift. This Gift is taught by a Unicorn-spirit.

System: The Garou spends on Gnosis point and rolls Intelligence + Medicine (difficulty of the wounded individual's Rage, or 6 for non-Garou). Each success heals one Health Level. Even battle scars may be cured in this manner, but this must be done in the same scene the scar was obtained and requires the expenditure of a Gnosis point. There is no limit to how many times this may be used on a person, but each use requires a Gnosis point.

Owl Speech (Black Fury Rank 1)

Black Furies may invoke the kinship between their tribe and the owls of Athena. The Fury may speak clearly with any owl that she meets. The owls will often be easily persuaded to do small favours, such as acting as messengers or spying out enemies. This Gift is common among the Temple-Keepers of Artemis and the Sisterhood. Many of their Kinfolk also share this Gift, and new sisters often receive it as an initiation Gift. It is, unsurprisingly, taught by an owl spirit.

System: The Fury must make an Charisma + Animal Ken roll (difficulty 5). If the rolls is successful, the owl recognises the kinship and behaves accordingly. Each success is one 'favour' that the owl will do before moving on with their own concerns.

Sense Wyld (Black Fury Rank 1)

The Garou invoking this Gift may sense Wyld energies or spirits in the nearby area. This Gift is taught by a Wyld-spirit

System: The player must roll Perception + Enigmas. The difficulty is based on the strength of the local influence (a Garou in a forest would be difficulty 5).

Sense Wyrm (Black Fury Rank 1)

The Garou can sense manifestations of the Wyrm in the nearby area. This Gift involves a mystical sense, not a visual or olfactory image, although Garou using this Gift are likely to say, "This place stinks of the Wyrm." This power requires active concentration. This Gift is taught by any spirit servant of Gaia.

System: The Garou rolls Perception + Occult. The difficulty for this Gift is based on the concentration and strength of the Wyrm's influence (sensing a single formor in a room would have a difficulty of 6). Vampires can be sensed using this Gift, but only those with Humanity scores lower than 7.
Mortal name: Jerome Manning
Celestial name: Enumael
Player: Ravenloft

Celestial house: Devils; The former "nobility" of Heaven, charged with seeing that the divine plan was carried out. Now they are master manipulators and deceivers.

Faction: Faustians who believe that harnessing the power of human faith is the best way to go about changing the world (and making it their own, in many cases). As their name implies, they often do this through demonic pacts with mortals.

Age: 47
Height: 5' 6"
Weight: 220 lbs

Jerome had the perfect life, a loving wife, a job he loved, and a child on the way. But things would not remain perfect for long... He lost his pregnant wife during child birth. She died from complications, but their daughter survived. Jerome did his best to raise his daughter alone, keeping the grief and anger he felt walled away from her. His daughter, Maya, began expressing feelings that she 'didn't belong' from a very early age, how she 'never should have been.' Nothing Jerome could say or do seemed to reach her and bring her around to feeling different. He was alert to her behavior, seeing all the signs that she would try to commit suicide, and was there to save her the first time she tried.

He moved way from the house he'd bought for his dead wife after that first time, hoping that getting away from the place where all the pain in their lives seemed to be rooted would help Maya. He got the head psychiatrist position at Bishops Gate, and enrolled Maya in school and moved into a new home. Things seemed okay for the first several months, but Jerome kept a close eye on Maya, catching her with a bottle of sleeping pills and a fifth of vodka.

He knew he couldn't leave her alone after that, and had her placed in Bishops Gate, where he could keep her safe. Years passed and it seemed that Maya made slow progress, but progress none the less as she approached the age of 18. Dispite all his misgivings, Jerome began to believe Maya was indeed comming round...

She appeared happy, and would talk optimistically about the future, something she had never done before, in those last few visits he had with her... So he began to let his guard down, and allowed her more and more freedom, and on her 18th, he would sign the papers to have her set free. All the other employees began holding her up as a shining symbol of hope for all the rest of the inmates, and even went so far as to plan a large party in her honor.

Tragedy struck Jerome's life for the second time the day of Maya's 18th birthday, the day of her party. She was found dead in her room, she'd hung herself. No one knew where she'd gotten the rope. Jerome broke down and was put on payed leave to grieve. The walls he'd built up all those years ago crumbled and without any close friends to keep an eye on him, Jerome tried to follow Maya into death.

That was what drew Enumael to him, like a moth to a flame. Enumael took posession of the body from which Jerome fled. The man's soul passed on, but the flesh and blood he left behind contained the echoes of his life, and pain, which melded with Enumael's own. It took Enumael several hours to expell the pills which Jerome had used to flee and adjust to wearing a physical form...

Carefully searching the home of Jerome Manning, Enumael found documents pertaining to the man's work. This intregued Enumael, and he spent the remaining leave time Jerome had studying them. No wonder he was drawn to Manning, this was the perfect place for him. A place where he could work closely with such fragile things... If he were careful, he could very likely draw some of them under his wing. Help them fight away their torment and nurture their dying faith... In him of course.

Physical (3)
Strength 2
Dexterity 2
Stamina 2

Social (7)
Charisma 4
Manipulation 4
Appearance 2

Mental (5)
Perception 2
Intelligence 3
Wits 3


Humanity 1 (1 Translate: The Fallen may speak with any mortal, regardless of language.)

Radiance 2 (1 Voice of Heaven: The Fallen's voice penetrates all other sounds, and either single mortals or everybody within range feels compelled to obey. 2 Exalt: The Fallen encourages a number of mortals to greatness, allowing them to add a number of dice equal to the Fallen's successes to any action.)

Appocalyptic form:

Qingu: beautiful, statuesque, radiant winged creatures, with eyes that pierce all concealment.
Edited above. Sorry about that. Is that more accurate? Excuse me for being slow, but I just don't get the attribute adding up thing. (Maybe I'm really slow or stupid) so if it's still incorrect. Shoot me.
Yes, you get three gifts, one from each catagory. Homid, Ahroun, and black fury.
Hey Ravenloft, did you check my little profile to make sure it fit the parameters of our story?
La Reina, you're not stupid, but now you are short changing your character.

Okay, all your stats start at 1

Then, you chose physical, social or mental as your primary set of abilities, at which point, you get to add a total of 7 points to. I'm guessing you would want physical as her primary. So how does this setup sound?

strength 4 (Which only costs 3 of your 7, cause it started at 1.)
dexterity 3 (so you've now spent 5 of 7.)
stamina 3 (which makes 7 of 7 points.)

Your social stats are correct at 3 points spent.

Your mental stats are also correct at 5 points spent.
Hey Ravenloft, did you check my little profile to make sure it fit the parameters of our story?

Yes I did, it was damn good!

Are you sure you don't want at least one rank of Dementation for Margaret? I'm guessing she has a split personality? Perhaps she could only use it when in her naughty girl persona?

I've copied and pasted everyone's profiles into my first post to the thread, for ease of reference as well, even my own.

I think the only things missing are Eloise's 6 points of magick spheres, two of Carlita's gifts, Jessica's 3 arts and 3 realms as well as Karen's 3 edges.
I did think on dementation but decided we could give it to her later, if the story allows. My concept for her is the good/bad split was caused by her molestation but the split is not real. Only in her head. There fore only the heightened strength and ability to see colors, read moods, actually fits.

(I swear you should meet the Malkie elder I used to play~almost 4 years running. You would LOVE her.)
Is it okay to spend "Freebie Points" to raise my Arts/Realms? If I understand things right (and forgive me, I'm new to this) with Chicanery-1 and Actor-1, I can only use my powers to confuse and manipulate someone who is a really close friend... which kinda defeats the purpose, right? That's the last person I'd need to use my powers on (probably).

So can I use the "15 Freebie Points" to buy Chicanery-2 and Actor-4? That way I can be a little more useful to the group?
Is it okay to spend "Freebie Points" to raise my Arts/Realms? If I understand things right (and forgive me, I'm new to this) with Chicanery-1 and Actor-1, I can only use my powers to confuse and manipulate someone who is a really close friend... which kinda defeats the purpose, right? That's the last person I'd need to use my powers on (probably).

So can I use the "15 Freebie Points" to buy Chicanery-2 and Actor-4? That way I can be a little more useful to the group?

I'll allow everyone their 15 freebie points, but raising a supernatural power by 1 costs 7 freebie points and raising attributes by 1 costs 5 freebie points.
*does happy dance*

Are we going to have a proper posting order??

Obviously, your guy is the main carrier for the story order as our thread GM (kinda) but how shall the various girls go about posting?

*is so excited can't THINK*
Sorry. Okay so for my two additional abilities: Master of Fire and Battlesense.

As for physical Stat:

Thanks for explaining that Stat thing to me. That made sense to me and I still feel a lil stupid cuz everyone else got it. Anywho thanks again
*does happy dance*

Are we going to have a proper posting order??

Obviously, your guy is the main carrier for the story order as our thread GM (kinda) but how shall the various girls go about posting?

*is so excited can't THINK*

You are free to post any time you like. An intro post, establishing what you're currently doing within the walls of Bishops Gate would be fine.

Perhaps how your character feels about Jerome (Who you would most likely percieve to be the one holding the keys to your freedom from BG.) How you feel about the appearance of his daughters recovery followed by her tragic suicide, his breakdown over it, his absence. And now, you know he's due to return today.

How your character feels about themselves as well as the other players characters. Have any supernatural events already happened to your character while being locked within Bishops Gate? What were they? Ghosts, demons, the other girls appearing as monsters.

After everyone has had the chance to make their intro posts I will have Jerome bring each of you into a private session with him so that I get the chance to interact with each of your characters one on one. (That doesn't mean everyone else has to stop posting, feel free to have things going on outside of Jerome and ??? private session!)

So, the real question is who would like to be the first to have their session with Jerome?
I'll allow everyone their 15 freebie points, but raising a supernatural power by 1 costs 7 freebie points and raising attributes by 1 costs 5 freebie points.

Really? I could've sworn I read it was 5 for Arts and 3 for Realms. Bummer... I guess make it Chicanery-1 and Actor-3 then?
Really? I could've sworn I read it was 5 for Arts and 3 for Realms. Bummer... I guess make it Chicanery-1 and Actor-3 then?

Actually, that could very well be true, seeing as their powers are split between Arts = The effects and Realms = The targets of those effects.

Go ahead and use those freebie point costs. That would give you up to 3 more ranks in arts OR 5 more ranks in realms. Or a combination between the two...
I have spoken at length with Ravenloft and have decided to grow a back bone and simply jump in at the deep end and learn as I go along.

With such a supportive and knowledgeable cast of writers I realize I have many whom I can ask for help if I find myself drowning.

I have fallen in love with Maya and look forward to playing her. Sorry about my flip-flopping. *blushes*

I shall have my bio up by the end of the day . I just have to figure out the allotment of my freebie points for my Arcanos. :rose::)
I have spoken at length with Ravenloft and have decided to grow a back bone and simply jump in at the deep end and learn as I go along.

With such a supportive and knowledgeable cast of writers I realize I have many whom I can ask for help if I find myself drowning.

I have fallen in love with Maya and look forward to playing her. Sorry about my flip-flopping. *blushes*

I shall have my bio up by the end of the day . I just have to figure out the allotment of my freebie points for my Arcanos. :rose::)

I am VERY happy about this!!

Welcome aboard, my friend.:rose:
Maya's Bio


Name: Maya Manning
Player: Yeishia
Age" 18
Height: 5' 2"
Weight: 110 lbs

http://pinterest.com/pin/48765608434600147/ I added this link to a larger picture as I really want you all to see her expression.


Maya’s mother had died during child birth. Complications; the baby had its umbilical cord wrapped around its neck which had led to an emergency caesarian section, an omen perhaps of what would follow. The beautiful fair skinned child had been placed upon its mother’s belly presenting an exquisite contrast of gentle pink tones against rich burnished darkness. Weakened her hemorrhaging mother had stared in horror at the flesh of her flesh, knowing that she had never strayed from her husbands bed. Her startled eyes sought out Jerome’s bewildered ones and her heart simply stopped beating. This shock on top of all of the blood she was rapidly losing from her herniating placenta was simply too much for this fragile women’s heart there was no saving her.

Maya was Jerome’s child paternity tests had proven that fact beyond a doubt but sadly her mother would never know for she had fled into the Abyss almost mad from her despair.

Jerome adored his only daughter and their first three years together could have been something out of a story book his precious daughter was outgoing and vivacious. Then as all children do there comes a time when they begin to notice the world around them and the nature of the people in it; she began to comprehend she was not the same as her father for he was brown skinned she was not. The seed of doubt was planted and began to flourish fueled by her father’s evasive answers to her many questions.

Slowly as she grew Maya began expressing feelings that she didn't belong that she should never should have been born. The climax came when she found a picture of her mother hidden in the false bottom of the beloved musical box which had been a legacy of her beloved mother. As Maya stared at the unfamiliar picture she could find no resemblance to herself at all; something fundamental died inside the young girl on that fateful day. It was shortly after that that she attempted her first suicide.

Her father transferred his daughter to Bishop’s gate thinking that keeping her close was his only answer. Maya did seem to improve; distracted by the other inmates whose pain she felt even more than her own. She was to spend her formative years within it's walls loved and adored by the inmates and staff alike.

Things changed as she approached 18 and was told by her loving father that she was ready to finally return home. The poor man was oblivious to her real state of mind his professional awareness clouded by his love for his only daughter who he never really understood. He blithely planned her birthday party he even had a beautiful grown up dress, a delightful pink concoction, made especially for her special night.

Maya gave her father that one evening dancing with him with gay abandon, the huge hall reminded her of the miniature scene from her dead mothers music box, even down to an orderly all tuxedo-ed up playing the piano.

The festive evening ended and Maya returned to her room where she carefully retrieved the thick noose she had spent the best part of the past 3 months painstakingly making. Dragging her dresser stool into the middle of the room she climbed on and affixed the heavy rope to the ceiling. Climbing back down she returned to her dresser and stared at her reflection in the antique mirror, she would find her mother she would have her answers.

Removing the picture of her mother still hidden on the underside of her music box she popped it against the glass. Smiling she choose a resin disc, a favorite childhood tune of hers; it reminded her that even in the darkness of her small world there had always been hope that one day she would find the light, find her mother, tonight she finally would. Maya placed the disc on the mechanism and lowered the arm.

The overly calm girl undid the locket that her father had given her for her birthday from around her neck opening it to gaze upon his likeness one last time. “I never belonged in this world Papa. I love you, please try and understand.” Maya flipped the switch on her music box and the gentle music floated all around her bathing her in serenity. She glanced into the mirror a final time smiling at the young girl reflected there, she still had the innocent face of an angel though that was not how Maya saw herself, at all she saw a lost and lonely child one who was simply out of place in the world she had been trapped since birth.

Clutching the locket in one hand she turned and climbed up on the silently waiting stool carefully placing the noose around her neck. Ironically this was the way she had entered the world and it was somehow fitting that this would be how she would finally escape its confines.

Maya was still smiling as she stepped off the small stool.

The haunting strains of Au Clair de la Lune floated around her like a soft cocoon as she struggled to take her last breath on this earth…

[[Side note: Jerome turned her room at Bishops gate into a shrine leaving it exactly as it was on that fateful night even to leaving the noose hanging from the rafters, a potent reminder of his failure and guilt. The room would later be thought to be possessed of something evil judging by the unnatural goings on within its walls.]]


Physical (5)
- Strength 2
-dexterity 3
-stamina 3

Social (3)
- Charisma 1
-manipulation 2
-appearance 3 (? Clear Thinker)

Mental (7)
- Perception 3
-intelligence 4
-wits 3


Keening: Level 2
Control emotions and minds through music. Also allows various other music related tricks. (1 Dirge: A Chanteur can strengthen the darker emotions in others [sadness, anger, grief] 2 Ballad: A Chanteur may inspire the higher emotions in others [love, happiness, joy].)

level 1
The art of causing chaos in the traditional "ghostly" manner with all kinds of terrifying effects. (1 Weirdness: A Haunter can cause a small, limited effect on a lone target. 1.2 Scripture: A Haunter may communicate with the living by writing with their Corpus, this causes them pain, dealing a level of damage for each sentence they write.)

Level 1
The art of using telekinetic force, usually manifesting as traditional "poltergeist" activity. (1 Affect Speed of Object: A Spook can alter the velocity of an object in motion. 1.2 AfterImage: A Spook may mark a Fetter, object, or place with a sign to show their presence. 1.3 Breath of the Grave: The Spook creates a small icy breeze across the Shroud.)

Level 1
The art of manipulating dreams and creating illusions. (1 Elysia: A Sandman may pull a sleeper’s soul from their body. 1.2 Lingua: A Sandman can communicate through a dream, regardless of language.)

Governing Passions.

Positive passions
: Her deep LOVE for her father. EMPATHY for the plight of others. he deep routed need to PROTECT and NURTURE others. (never herself)

Negative passion: Active intense dislike for Enumael who had stolen her father’s body which I am thinking will turn to hate/revenge as she sees what he plans for her beloved friends the inmates.

Driving Passion.

Her driving passion in life was the fact that she felt she did not belong, which drove her need to follow her mother into death.

She had fled into the shadowlands with the aim of finding her mother. It was the love of her father and her need to protect him that kept her there, unfortunately before she could actively return to the skinlands she bore witness to Jerome"s own suicide and another (Enumael) possession of his earthly body. She watched this through the shroud impotent and unable to prevent its happening. Her driving passion in death became to set her fathers body free from the Demon that held it captive.

Minor passions

-Help the inmates withstand Enumael’s influence

-Figure out who the unusual inmates are and if she can help them or them her.

-To mess with the one who possessed her father’s body.

-Revenge on the one who possessed her father’s body (her shadow will push for this)

-The young untried woman /child would secretly love to feel the embrace of a man other than her father.

- She would like to experience loves first kiss.

- Retrieve the photo of her mother that she had left behind, it was the only thing her father removed from her bedroom and hid somewhere.


Primary fetter: Her father (after his death his essence remained strong despite Emumael's possession.)

Secondary fetters.

1] Antique musical box that had belonged to her mother’s which still rests on her dresser in her old room at Bishops Gate


2] The swing her father made her located in the bishop gate grounds.


3] The Piano on which she took her lessons located in the main hall where her birthday party had taken place.




As well had her party clothing she retained the gold locket containing her father’s picture that was clutched in her hand when she killed herself.

Her Shadow side.

I want to develop her Shadow as we go along. I love the idea that Maya’s 'light side’ wants to continue existing while her shadow will subtly offer her help in times of need feeding off her growing hate for Enumael thereby acquiring power, until it can take over and try to make Maya destroy herself. It in effect is emulating the struggle that she had when she was a member of the living. I would love to explore this further during our tale.

I may write her Shadow myself or ask another more experienced cast member with a compatible writing style to mine to help by writing it. If I do explore this I am assuming her shadow has its own sets of stats ect?

Maya's Mentor.

Upon awakening in the shadowlands she had been freed by the shadowy figure of an old man named Umbrel, it was he who had mentored and protected her during her awakening. It was to him whom she would return to for advice and guidance in the days to come. ( We may never know who he Truly is and neither does Maya I shall play with this concept as we go along if I may.)

Who she is now?

Maya is still very much the caregiver with many aspects of the child who never truly became a woman buried within her psyche.

Your will soon learn soon that I am a bit of an edit junkie …if I make any changes to this I shall let everyone know *blushes*
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