Open Mic Poetry Readings

WickedEve said:
And they would be saying that because they want me. Everybody wants me. Well, they do! (I even want myself.) Oh, that reminds me of the poem I was going to write. Must go write it before I forget about it again.

lol. I swear I was going to say in my last post that even I want you.
Angeline said:
awww i bet you say that to all the girls.

anyway, somebody on this forum has to be straight. well, besides eve, who's y'know straight yet twisted. :p
Only my right toe is twisted. I think my left toe may possibly be gay. The rest of me is straight.
WickedEve said:
I hope monkey doesn't see your post.

i think he did and spontaneously combusted. it's why he hasn't been in this thread yet.

I did that reading for the kiddies, I think there were about 100 in that room. My son made sure all his friends showed up. They at least seemed interested. The teacher liked it. I do quite a bit of public speaking so it was a little easier for me. Just remember to breathe. Talk so they can hear you. And what you have to say is important. And if all else fails. Thank of them all being nekkid!!!!...

WickedEve said:
I hope monkey doesn't see your post.

I saw it. You too are gonna be lezzie lovers for sure and you better take pictures......:devil:
The_Fool said:
I did that reading for the kiddies, I think there were about 100 in that room. My son made sure all his friends showed up. They at least seemed interested. The teacher liked it. I do quite a bit of public speaking so it was a little easier for me. Just remember to breathe. Talk so they can hear you. And what you have to say is important. And if all else fails. Thank of them all being nekkid!!!!...


Thank you. I remember when you did that. And how bad could it be? Did I ever tell you I taught study skills to a big 10 conference football team? (Stop laughing. Right now!) Now they were a tough sell. (When they didn't answer my questions, the coach yelled at them--it was pretty awful, lol.)

And Eve and I do love each other, but I doubt it will ever be consummated. It will have to stay carnally unrequited for the betterment of somethingkind. :D
flyguy69 said:
What is the date of the event? I want to cross my fingers, squeeze my eyes shut and push good thoughts your way! You'll know I'm thinking of you when a paper cup inexplicably tips over on a table near the door.

oh i just saw this. :)

I'll let you know--it's right near halloween (how perfect, haha). And just because it is, don't you be messing up my big debut with poetic poltergeist stuff. :D


I went to regular Tuesday night poetry readings for over a year until they stopped abruptly about a month ago.

I must say I did a lot of testing of my poems there. And some were better spoken than read...

Oh... and Doug did get to (sort of) hear one of my readings on my cell phone. He said it was hard to hear, so I gave him a private reading later. Damn cell phones.

I suggest just getting up and reading them. Pick out one person in the audience who looks sympathetic (preferably someone you don't know), and read to that person. It helped me. It also got me a marriage proposal... Guess I should be careful which poems I read...

Anyhow, good luck. YOu have a fabulous voice. You'll be great.

Angeline said:
And Eve and I do love each other, but I doubt it will ever be consummated. It will have to stay carnally unrequited for the betterment of somethingkind. :D
Ohhh, that's sad. Unrequited faux girl+girl love. Bless our painfully straight hearts.
Cordelia said:
Oh... and Doug did get to (sort of) hear one of my readings on my cell phone. He said it was hard to hear, so I gave him a private reading later. Damn cell phones.
I think D. had everyone read poetry to him over the phone. :D I read him the Spider and Fly, among others, since it was the poem I had to read aloud in school. lol
That's what we should do. Start a poetry phone reading club. We take turns calling each other and reading a poem. That's it. You get to hear a poem and end of call. Of course, I'll be charging 19.95 ;)
WickedEve said:
I think D. had everyone read poetry to him over the phone. :D I read him the Spider and Fly, among others, since it was the poem I had to read aloud in school. lol
That's what we should do. Start a poetry phone reading club. We take turns calling each other and reading a poem. That's it. You get to hear a poem and end of call. Of course, I'll be charging 19.95 ;)

Don't we at least get the first three minutes free? And a tarot card reading?
WickedEve said:
Ohhh, that's sad. Unrequited faux girl+girl love. Bless our painfully straight hearts.

My love for you is on a higher plane of consciousness. Well...for here.

WickedEve said:
I think D. had everyone read poetry to him over the phone. :D I read him the Spider and Fly, among others, since it was the poem I had to read aloud in school. lol
That's what we should do. Start a poetry phone reading club. We take turns calling each other and reading a poem. That's it. You get to hear a poem and end of call. Of course, I'll be charging 19.95 ;)

Eve...if I may inappropriately comment on your current av....

you do demure so very well.......

at least from the skirt hem down...


(do you take visa/mc?)

tungtied2u said:
WickedEve said:
I think D. had everyone read poetry to him over the phone. :D I read him the Spider and Fly, among others, since it was the poem I had to read aloud in school. lol
That's what we should do. Start a poetry phone reading club. We take turns calling each other and reading a poem. That's it. You get to hear a poem and end of call. Of course, I'll be charging 19.95 ;)

Eve...if I may inappropriately comment on your current av....

you do demure so very well.......

at least from the skirt hem down...


(do you take visa/mc?)


no higher plane of consciousness for you, eh dearie.


Angeline said:

I'll let you know--it's right near halloween (how perfect, haha). And just because it is, don't you be messing up my big debut with poetic poltergeist stuff. :D

Remember, I do have A Certain Kind of Magic! But I only use it for good, never evil.

WickedEve said:
I hope monkey doesn't see your post.

Oh I haven't been lurking here savoring every minute
waiting for eve's skirt to blow up, blueskys net to fall down . and ange to throw on her Dom outfit and spank you both.

I dare to dream
Tathagata said:
Oh I haven't been lurking here savoring every minute
waiting for eve's skirt to blow up, blueskys net to fall down . and ange to throw on her Dom outfit and spank you both.

I dare to dream

Angeline has a Domme outfit???? :D
Tathagata said:
Oh I haven't been lurking here savoring every minute
waiting for eve's skirt to blow up, blueskys net to fall down . and ange to throw on her Dom outfit and spank you both.

I dare to dream

musta been the wind!:D
shyly curious said:
Simply gorgeous pic,
wind is my friend,
are you cold?

well that depends. are you female?

then i'm cold, and certainly would love to be warmed.

if your male, then i'm cold..period!!

i'm also peckerphobic! :D
BlueskyBeauty said:
well that depends. are you female?

then i'm cold, and certainly would love to be warmed.

if your male, then i'm cold..period!!

i'm also peckerphobic! :D

rules me out,
born a male,
still am one.
BlueskyBeauty said:
well that depends. are you female?

then i'm cold, and certainly would love to be warmed.

if your male, then i'm cold..period!!

i'm also peckerphobic! :D
Now you're calling yourself peckerphobic? I bet you have posters of rocket ships and trains speeding through tunnels all over your bedroom.
WickedEve said:
Now you're calling yourself peckerphobic? I bet you have posters of rocket ships and trains speeding through tunnels all over your bedroom.

you do realize that comment was all about you darling???

..all about you!!

ok here's one

I'm thinking about reading. This and another few that I just unearthed.

Bird's Nest

No proof. No proof
but damn cute. Tan
suede miniskirt, lace tee,
long boots. Hair, too,
waist long, but sweet 16,
and not a damn clue
of that power.


or I wouldn't be here,
shuckin outside, smoking
these classy-ass jive Dunhills.
Wise ass little girl,
trash talkin the bouncer,
who laughs and says


I'd be at the bar
with gin, frosted sloe,
grenadine sweet, me big-eyed,
eyeballing the scene,
watching my Joey, my G
and those long-fingered
Hofner fret runs.
His backbeat lady
eight days a week.

I'd be with my buds,
blue-eyed soul team,
barnstormer bros, drinking
and nodding:

You sing it.
It's true. You are
My Pride and Joy,
my best friends.
All of you.

In-between sets
we walk by the river,
smoke silly high and giggle
sneak through the alley
back door to dancing,
laughing with Barb.

Then someone, who was it?

James Joyce was a baaad boy.

Green eyes stopped me.
Took my drink away.

Silly girl! Watch out
for sloe gin and black light.

Goddamn you green eyes!
You never said watch out
for kisses on Jacob’s Creek Road
in your blue Fiat Spyder
later that night.