Ordinary Things People Don't Believe You've Never Done

I've never broken a bone
I've never been hunting, swimming, or fishing
I've never had an alcoholic drink
I've never smoked anything or done an illegal drug
I've never been arrested
I've never missed a day of work
I've never stolen anything from work
I've never hooked up in a parking lot (inside joke)
I've never had sex with a stripper/prostitute
I've never cheated with a married woman
I've never been to a swinger's club (working on it)
I've never had sex in a bed or a hotel
I've never had an STD
I've never had sex with more than one woman at once (although I've had multiple guys regularly)
I've never done anything sexual for money
I've never taken an x rated picture of a woman (although I've been given serveral)
I've never taken off a woman's bra
I've never sent a text message from a phone
I've never watched the show 24
I've never drunk Jolt cola
I've never been fired from a job (it's been rumored from everything to having an affair to punching out the manager, though)
I've never played Halo
I've never lost a match in a Magic the Gathering tournament to a female opponent
I never went to a prom or a college party
I've never cheated on my wife

Oh and i have never seen tropic thunder
I never learned to ride a bike

For Dutch children, learning to ride a bike is not a skill to be learned, it's a necessity (well, sort of; children in the part of Amsterdam where I live are lazy and use public transport almost exclusively); non-white Dutch colleagues usually look at me like I'm crazy when I tell them I ride a bike to work.
I've never broken a bone...or sprained one.. or a fracture.. actually, i haven't been to the hospital since I was born I think.
I've never swam..or even seen an actual ocean :(
I've never been more then a three hour drive away from my home.
I've never gossiped about anyone.
I've never cheated on a test.
I've never told my father that I loved him (purely for his actions. He wasn't the touchy feely kinda guy. It just wasn't said between us.)
I've never fallen in love.
I've never eaten fish.

I'm sure there are more, but my brains a bit.. woo. :)

xx, Sophiee.
I've never had Tai or Indian food
I've never had a professional massage
I've never owned a dog
I've never seen a live magic show
I never had a crush on any teacher I've had
I've never regretted breaking up with anyone
I've never had my hair highlighted
I've never worn a mask for Halloween
I've never thrown a party at my house
I've never lied to someone about their appearance to make them feel better
I've never eaten sushi
I've never lost my temper at my parents
I've never seen E.T.
I didn't learn to drive til I was 40
I've never eaten lobster
I've never lied to a lover (whether as an act of commission or omission)
I've never owned a cat
I've never stolen anything
I've never broken a limb
I've never had a best friend who was female
I've never seen Love Story
I've never drunk sherry
I've never been fired from a job
I've never been skiing
I've never been with a chick
I've never had tomato soup
I've never eaten tapioca without my gag reflex rejecting it (seriously)
I've never had my ears (or anything else) pierced.
I've never gotten a speeding ticket (have been pulled over 7 times).
I've never had a one night stand.
I've never let a guy I didn't know buy me a drink.
Never cheated on my S.O., although I admit being tempted a few times.
Never been high.
Never been to Europe.
Never been to California, unless one counts changing planes on my way to Asia.
Never got naked at a party, or even down to underthings.
Never been arrested.
Never taken nude pictures nor had them taken of me.
Never 'cybered' or 'cammed'.
Never been to Boston in the fall (okay, this may be the wrong forum for that allusion!)
1. I have never smoked a cigarette
2. I have never done any sort of illegal drug
3. I have never broken a bone
4. I have never been to Europe, though I would love to go some time

...that\'s pretty much it, I\'ve experienced a lot of cool shit in my life
I have never been at fault for an automobile collision and every vehicle I have owned (except the current one, yet) has been smashed into and totaled by another driver, all eight of my vehicles.
I have never paid a mechanic to fix anything.
I have never hired a repair person of any kind.
I have never lied on the Internet.
I have never learned to type properly.
I have never called tech support of any kind.
I have never broken a bone.
I have never wanted to change my past mistakes.
I have never written down an appointment.
I have never missed an appointment.
I have never kept my mouth shut when I should have.
I have never asked anyone for anything that I would not be willing to do myself.
I have never seen a television show on it's original air date.
I have never seen any reality TV.
I have never felt threatened.
I have never NOT made a psychologist I have spoken to cry.
I have never called out of work.
I have never heard my parents say "I love you" or "good job" ever.
I have never been envious of another person.
I have never remembered a person's name that I haven't met 10 times.
I have never driven faster than 175mph.
I have never been caught, I've only admitted freely.
I have never entered a contest intentionally.
I have never seen an entire music video.
I have never followed a trend or fad.
I have never found a subject I could not beat to death.
ooo, hmm, let's see:

I have never been really drunk
I have never smoked anything
I have never fallen off a bike
I have never gone to the beach without getting a sunburn.
I have never dyed my hair
I have never gotten a tattoo
I have never closed my blinds at night

hmm... cant think of much else that's very "ordinary" that i've never done...
I've never replied to a thread listing things I've never done... oh, never mind :)

I'm currently living in southern Germany, where there are lots of mountains nearby almost every town and there's often quite some snow every winter. But I lived in northern Germany most of my life, which is as flat as the Netherlands and has a much annual snow as Spain. Skiing is only for rich snobs who go on vacation a week every winter. :D
I've never had a cup of coffee.
I've never danced while sober, as an adult.
I've never had a manicure.
I've never wanted to have children.
I've never had my hair highlighted.
I've never owned real estate.
I've never been married.
I've never looked good in hats.
Never been to Boston in the fall (okay, this may be the wrong forum for that allusion!)

'Cause we're the pirates! who don't do anything! we just stay at home and lie around! and if you ask us, to do anything! We'll just tell you:


Or maybe there's another allusion that I don't know of ><