
i am not "owned", nor have i ever been.. but it is something that i strive for, in the distant future, as i am too new right now to be able to serve someone so completely and i can't imagine being worthy of being owned.. right now .
When i first started learning about BDSM, back in January, i outright asked a very special Master friend, if he would accept me into his House, and he turned me down.. i was crushed.. since then, with reading, and talking to people, i realize how naive i was in asking for something so meaningful, when i had no idea what it encompassed.. my friend the Master and i still talk everyday, and he has become a very important addition to my life, owned by him or not, and i hope that one day, i will be deserving of his collar, and his day to day guidance....
(sorry if i went off topic a bit, Shadows :( )
cellis said:
I am not a slave. I have a problem with that word in context to me only. I have talked to slaves and find the prospect of having a slave exciting.

But when I read your words, Shadowsdream, I thought about my heart. If Himself owns my heart, then he owns me. My heart does indeed belong to him.

So there is a dichotomy... I reject the word slave for myself, but call Himself "Master".

welcome to this conversation cellis

submissives are just as deeply owned as are slaves...and slave is a word I often have difficulty with Myself. One is no more important than the other..it is simply how the partnership sees their relationship actually.
SierraMoon said:
i am not "owned", nor have i ever been.. but it is something that i strive for, in the distant future, as i am too new right now to be able to serve someone so completely and i can't imagine being worthy of being owned.. right now .
When i first started learning about BDSM, back in January, i outright asked a very special Master friend, if he would accept me into his House, and he turned me down.. i was crushed.. since then, with reading, and talking to people, i realize how naive i was in asking for something so meaningful, when i had no idea what it encompassed.. my friend the Master and i still talk everyday, and he has become a very important addition to my life, owned by him or not, and i hope that one day, i will be deserving of his collar, and his day to day guidance....
(sorry if i went off topic a bit, Shadows :( )

OMG I already adore this Master for His common sense and care for you. He did you a great service by turning you down. He showed His belief in you by continuing the conversation to this day. He allowed you to discover yourself so that you truly have submission to offer and not fantasy. you are a lucky sub!

He sounds like a wonderful Master to earn the honor of being owned by.
Shadowsdream said:
Many cringe when they hear the word *Owned* as in I own you/him/her body, heart and mind.

i need to be *owned* completely and in all ways!

Some find the term to be degrading to humanity and others find it a soft caress of the depth of their devotion on either side of the whip.

I own My slave as deeply as one human being can own another, and with this acceptance of ownership I commit to a massive responsibility for his safety and happiness. his desire and need to be owned by Me cements his joy in his obedience and service. W/we both like the sound of the word *owned* whether it is uttered from his lips or Mine. It is a private ingredient in O/our every day lives.

Other submissives I have guided and Dominated have brought Me equal joy and have had different personalities that could not fathom the word *owned*. They were almost as committed and brought me incredible joy and responsibility as well.

Anyone care to join this conversation from your own point of view?

i need that possessive feeling of being owned. i need to hear 'I own you'. i breathe a sigh of utter relief and peace at the word 'owned'. i belong at that moment, sometimes more than at any other moment, with Him, to Him. Fierce possession and deep devotion...owned, wanted, desired...seeps into my submissive soul and draws out those last vestiges of uncertainty of being.

i am owned...not by law, but by His Dominance...and in that, i am free...

Re: Re: Ownership

spankableBelle said:

i need that possessive feeling of being owned. i need to hear 'I own you'. i breathe a sigh of utter relief and peace at the word 'owned'. i belong at that moment, sometimes more than at any other moment, with Him, to Him. Fierce possession and deep devotion...owned, wanted, desired...seeps into my submissive soul and draws out those last vestiges of uncertainty of being.

i am owned...not by law, but by His Dominance...and in that, i am free...


There you are!

Each and every word you have typed speaks volumes to the beauty of the word *owned*


your final sentence may be the most beautiful sentence a submissive can ever utter belle.

I must thank you for joining in this conversation as W/we all journey together into this fascinating world of Domination and submission.
Shadowsdream said:

OMG I already adore this Master for His common sense and care for you. He did you a great service by turning you down. He showed His belief in you by continuing the conversation to this day. He allowed you to discover yourself so that you truly have submission to offer and not fantasy. you are a lucky sub!

He sounds like a wonderful Master to earn the honor of being owned by.
Yes, Shadows, he is a wonderful man, it's no wonder i find myself so attached to him. He has taken so much time with me, explaining things to me, encouraging me to read, and listen, even when i thought i knew it all...
When i read "Screw the Roses", the part in there about the 'Perfect Dominant', all i kept doing was nodding my head, while thinking of him. i am truly lucky to have him in my life in any way.
Reciting history is a great way to illustrate how fortunate we are or in illustrating how to avoid pitfalls...but it's still the past and I generally prefer to look forward. For me, it's an interesting place to sit and see both paradigms. D/s seems to offer some of each, I think.

Shadowsdream said:

Perhaps you and I are fortunate to have lived through both sides of the issues of freedom in the day to day choices now taken for granted.

Perhaps it gives us more responsibility to teach the beauty of freedom of choice in sexuality.

Or perhaps not?
Re: Re: Re: Ownership

Shadowsdream said:

There you are!

Each and every word you have typed speaks volumes to the beauty of the word *owned*


your final sentence may be the most beautiful sentence a submissive can ever utter belle.

I must thank you for joining in this conversation as W/we all journey together into this fascinating world of Domination and submission.

Thank You... :rose: for making me look into my submissive soul for what being submissive means to me... as You do with all of Your threads...
Lancecastor said:
Reciting history is a great way to illustrate how fortunate we are or in illustrating how to avoid pitfalls...but it's still the past and I generally prefer to look forward. For me, it's an interesting place to sit and see both paradigms. D/s seems to offer some of each, I think.

D/s truly does allow us live with one foot in both eras persay..the choices are ours and ours alone. The moment is the magic´for Me as it gives the opportunity to create the future in some small unique memory created just for those involved to savour for a life time.

I am enjoying this conversation you have brought to Me this day Lance
Re: Re: Ownership

spankableBelle said:

i am owned...not by law, but by His Dominance...and in that, i am free...


Belle, how beautifully you speak. Your words touch my soul.

Re: Re: Re: Ownership

Shadowsdream said:

There you are!

Each and every word you have typed speaks volumes to the beauty of the word *owned*


your final sentence may be the most beautiful sentence a submissive can ever utter belle.

i agree, Mistress Shadowsdream and belle......it is under someone's Ownership that a slave/submissive is truly free:

free to live their life as they were meant to be........

free to worship Another in all its meaning and splendour......

free to concentrate in that aspect of their life which has the most meaning and purpose.......with the burden of decision-making removed from their reality......

and.....another way of looking at it........a person in tight bondage is even free from having to make the decision whether or not to get up in the morning!! :D
Shadows, Thank you for this thread. Its yet another that makes me (and others I see) think.

I am owned. I belong to my Master, heart, mind and body. Honestly, I feel free to be myself under His ownership. He completes me, as I complete Him. I feel lucky to have such a wonderful Master.

dixicritter said:
Shadows, Thank you for this thread. Its yet another that makes me (and others I see) think.

I am owned. I belong to my Master, heart, mind and body. Honestly, I feel free to be myself under His ownership. He completes me, as I complete Him. I feel lucky to have such a wonderful Master.


And I feel lucky to be able to peek inside the journey you present so faithfully and lovingly.
Re: Re: Re: Re: Ownership

luvsubbbbb said:

i agree, Mistress Shadowsdream and belle......it is under someone's Ownership that a slave/submissive is truly free:

free to live their life as they were meant to be........

free to worship Another in all its meaning and splendour......

free to concentrate in that aspect of their life which has the most meaning and purpose.......with the burden of decision-making removed from their reality......

and.....another way of looking at it........a person in tight bondage is even free from having to make the decision whether or not to get up in the morning!! :D

you are one lucky subbie to not be FREE under My Domination since I adore getting out of bed at 7 am or earlier lol... Oooops I may have just sent out a world wide warning to those who like to sleep in...arghhhhh...the fingers are often faster than the brain!

Freedom and Ownership...the perfect fit for many in this lifestyle.
I enjoy anything that allows and encourages me to live my life with the greatest possible menu of choices in front of me.

Those things that limit are generally brushed aside, except as deemed necessary by society or for the common good.

With me, I know this point of view and practice is sometimes seen as arrogant, confrontational, brusque, insensitive, etc....or perhaps just dominant.

I see it as self-aware and confident and always look to create a series of what you referred to more eloquently as unique memories.


Shadowsdream said:

D/s truly does allow us live with one foot in both eras persay..the choices are ours and ours alone. The moment is the magic´for Me as it gives the opportunity to create the future in some small unique memory created just for those involved to savour for a life time.

I am enjoying this conversation you have brought to Me this day Lance
I'm just back from my long weekend with my Master. I flew hundreds of miles to see him. He was supposed to have a couple days off. We were going to hang out in Las Vegas and play.

That didn't happen.
I flew into LV and he the first words he said to me when he saw mein the airpost were, "I have to work. Both days."

"Why" i asked, suddenly filled with a tumult of emotions, all of them in the not-so-good category. (Scared, confused, angry, etc.)

He explained. He's some kinda problems-it guy in his company, someone who fixes really serious and potentially actionable screw-ups. His company makes pipe. They make pipe for oil wells and water lines and gas lines. They make pipe for international companies, for foreign governments, for big municipalities--not for individual homeowners. And Tex wanders around all over the country (and out of it?) to identify and quantify the problems that inevitably occur with such an endeavor.

Anyway, there are bad pipes all over the western US right now - and Tex is finding out about those. He's been away for more than two weeks and this was going to be our first time together, of course, since he'd left.

Now he had to work. It was Saturday night, he had to work on Sunday and Monday, the day i was supposed to return. I already knew that when he worked, it was 10, 12, 14 hours at a time. They used the daylight and they went to where the pipes were bad, trips that took them into often inhospitable places and left Tex really tired at the end of the day.

"Why didn't you call me before i got on the plane?" i asked, struggling to keep vast disappointment and petulence out of my voice. "Maybe i should just turn around and go back now." He watched me silently while i changed my ticket and got one for a return trip in the morning, first plane out.

Then we went to the parking garage, got in his truck and began to drive away, into the night, going north out of Las Vegas.

"Shouldn't we find someplace to stay closer to the airport," i ventured aloud as the miles flew past.

"No," he said. "We're not going to stay here. We'll drive back up to my hotel room in Cedar City and you'll just wait there for me while i'm working. We need this time together, whether i'm working or not."

I felt like stomping my foot and yelling at him that i didn't want to sit in a fucking hotel room and wait for him for days while he was away. But i didn't. Instead, we drove to Cedar City.

It was, i realized, his call.
He is my Master.
More than that, when i gave him my submission, i gave it wholly. It didn't come with any reservation, no part of me held back.

In truth, he calls me his slave.
In truth, there's enormous comfort in opening myself to that level of commitment, in being cared for with that kind of focus, in being free to reutrn to him that kind of respect and admiration and concern.

So i spent a lot of this weekend i'd so looked forward reading the books i'd brought along and watching TV and taking a few short walks, but more importantly, i spent a couple nights sleeping with him and holding hands and talking quietly and playing, some, too.

It was good time, quality time, time we needed. I remained confused about a few things with regard to our bond, but i have no doubt the bond is there, one of strength and caring and ownership, too, him of me.

It sounds like it was an absolute precious weekend of time, of discovery, of realization...even if there wasn't as much time in one another's physical presense as first planned, you were there, He had to work but would come back to you...

i took a lot from your own discovery of submission and your own realization of being owned...of the bond that you and He share...

Always words of wisdom that i can learn something from...~smile~

cym - I agree with Belle. Even though there might have been some disappointment, it sounds as though something much bigger was gained. It also sounds as though you have found some one who understands this, and that is far more precious than anything else.

Thank you for sharing. I'm certain more than person needed to hear this.
Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Ownership

Shadowsdream said:

you are one lucky subbie to not be FREE under My Domination since I adore getting out of bed at 7 am or earlier lol... Oooops I may have just sent out a world wide warning to those who like to sleep in...arghhhhh...the fingers are often faster than the brain!

Freedom and Ownership...the perfect fit for many in this lifestyle.

I am chuckling SD, cause to me rising early is a punishment.

However, I do have a job, so I am forced to get out of bed to go the the job.

Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Ownership

Ebonyfire said:

I am chuckling SD, cause to me rising early is a punishment.

However, I do have a job, so I am forced to get out of bed to go the the job. all of my subs are early risers <yawn>

SexyChele said:
cym - I agree with Belle. Even though there might have been some disappointment, it sounds as though something much bigger was gained. It also sounds as though you have found some one who understands this, and that is far more precious than anything else.

Thank you for sharing. I'm certain more than person needed to hear this.

Chele...i have to say, and i've felt this for a while, that if you agree with something i've said, i must be doing something right...i'm not sure i can explain why that is, but there's something in your thoughts and comments on different topics that always always always makes me take a step back and look at myself...and for you to agree with me on anything, i feel honored...

That's all...:rose: Back to topic now...

The feeling of being owned can be overwhelming at first. I feel that MASTER knows what is best for me sometimes more than I do myself. Being owned is more a commitment to your relationship you are letting that one person into your heart, as well as your body and soul. You are giving more of yourself than you have ever done before in any relationship.

Yes I feel owned he owns all of me my love and commitment to us. I know that this that by being owned I know that HE is there for me and will help and protect me. Sometimes it can feel scary by saying you are owned, but knowing it also helps you to feel secure and knowing that your MASTER or MISTRESS is there for you. They don't want anything to happen to you, I am owned and would not have it any other way My MASTER has opened so many things for me and being with him and knowing that I am owned by HIM. I know how much he loves me and, and I feel that love and acceptance in everyday life

Ownership doesn't just mean force, it is more of a commitment between both parties.
Lancecastor said:
Not so long ago, women were thought of in Western cultures as chattel, owned by their men like other possessions and expected to obey in return for protection.

The Women's Movement and society at large decided to change all of that.

Yet the paradigm continues in BDSM and elsewhere.

Now being owned is by choice of both master and servant.

And the paradigm of "love, honour....and obey" is considered, by and large, a silly, antiquated notion.

As modern women, does submission strike you as a contradiction?


A good question, yet one that is simply answered. This is a topic that my Dominant and I have discussed at length and often. W/we believe that what the Womans Movement did was create for women the right of choice as to what they wanted in life. So now instead of there being an expectation that I will obey, it is something that I choose.
While I am sure there are still "Feminists" who would say I am a victim of a "patriarchal society", the simple fact that it was/is my decision to submit, negates that fact.
I consider myself a "feminist". I believe women are equal in intelligence, strength (although not always physically) capability, and rationality. So no, submission does not strike me, U/us, as a contradiction, but as one of the many choices that have been opened to females, thanks to the Womans Movement.

:rose: subtledecadence

I am owned, by choice. In O/our sex life I am His slave. His submissive in all other aspects of O/our life. My body is not mine to do with what I will. I have given it over into His care for His pleasure, and O/our mutual enjoyment. My mind is open to His thoughts and teaching. My heart is filled with Him. I am owned, and in His ownership, I am free to walk through life secure in the knowledge that He is there to guide and protect me. What is there, in that, which degrades me? Nothing what so ever. ~smile~

:rose: subtledecadence