
spankableBelle said:
It sounds like it was an absolute precious weekend of time, of discovery, of realization...even if there wasn't as much time in one another's physical presense as first planned, you were there, He had to work but would come back to you...
Oh yes, belle! Thank you for your generosity in seeing this.

A weekend that began with some simmering resentment on my part became days that were of incredible value to us as Dom and sub, Master and slave, man and woman. It became so valuable because he chose what was best for us, what he needed from me--and i did what i needed to do, what i had to do, and submitted to his control, to his decisions.

He wanted me, though it was only going to be for a very few hours out of the whole weekend. He wanted me with him. And so i stayed.

This weekend, i learned to rely on him more easily and fully, and to trust his judgement more quickly. He learned that i will bend to him even when i don't necessarily want to, and that i will be to him what he needs.

It was, indeed, a valuable few days for us.

And we got to sleep together, too, for a couple nights. I've always thought that sleeping with someone, just sleeping, is incredibly intimacy-building. Tex is really good to sleep with.
SexyChele said:
Even though there might have been some disappointment, it sounds as though something much bigger was gained. It also sounds as though you have found some one who understands this, and that is far more precious than anything else.
"Someone who understands this."

Do you know how long i've been looking for "someone who understands this"?

In my experience, they're actually pretty rare, dominants who really understand what it is to dominate, to be dominant, to control the power in a power exchange relationship. They aren't around in droves, in packs, but singly, in a solitary fashion, alone--and infrequently.

Tex is the third one to whom i've offered my submission in my life.
He may well be the last.

Precious indeed, chele.
Re: Owned

subtledecadence said:
I am owned, by choice. In O/our sex life I am His slave. His submissive in all other aspects of O/our life. My body is not mine to do with what I will. I have given it over into His care for His pleasure, and O/our mutual enjoyment. My mind is open to His thoughts and teaching. My heart is filled with Him. I am owned, and in His ownership, I am free to walk through life secure in the knowledge that He is there to guide and protect me. What is there, in that, which degrades me? Nothing what so ever. ~smile~

:rose: subtledecadence

well stated, subtledecadence.....as a matter of fact, the "not so mere" fact that your Master found you worthy to own is a tribute to your character and self-esteem, i would venture to say......and your submission to Him would, by its very nature, elevate you to a higher level of personal fulfillment, i have no doubt!!

cymbidia said:

Tex is the third one to whom i've offered my submission in my life.
He may well be the last.

cym,...I am overjoyed to read this ONE sentence, and for some reason,...I feel as though Tex is gonna be *IT*, for you, and for Him. I am glad! :rose:
Lancecastor said:
As a north-american raised man of an age that formed me in both pre and post feminist society, I have a sense of duty and obligation from my early upbringing as well as the awareness of the need for mutual choice in any pairing learned as an adult.

D/s seems to parallel and mirror that social dichotomy or complexity or flashpoint....there are several words that work.

So, D/s is a resource to me in terms of understanding and satisfying my sexual-social self in a changing world.

I see a thread in here somewhere Ma'am. How about you?

Re: cym

artful said:

cym,...I am overjoyed to read this ONE sentence, and for some reason,...I feel as though Tex is gonna be *IT*, for you, and for Him. I am glad! :rose:

and i echo Artful's comments, cymbidia..........you seem to have been energized by the Man in ways that i, too, am now experiencing with Mistress VP.........a steady and strong hand guiding you.......taking from you what you freely give........nurturing you in ways that only a true Dominant can do.......making you whole..........one step at a time ....... :)

thank you for sharing your experiences with us, cym....that way we will all grow as you grow..........:rose:
A Desert Rose said:

I see a thread in here somewhere Ma'am. How about you?


Too many big words in one day. Gave me a headache. I need a beer.

Eb<reaching for a Rolling Rock>
cymbidia said:
I'm just back from my long weekend with my Master. I flew hundreds of miles to see him. He was supposed to have a couple days off. We were going to hang out in Las Vegas and play.

That didn't happen.
I flew into LV and he the first words he said to me when he saw mein the airpost were, "I have to work. Both days."

"Why" i asked, suddenly filled with a tumult of emotions, all of them in the not-so-good category. (Scared, confused, angry, etc.)

He explained. He's some kinda problems-it guy in his company, someone who fixes really serious and potentially actionable screw-ups. His company makes pipe. They make pipe for oil wells and water lines and gas lines. They make pipe for international companies, for foreign governments, for big municipalities--not for individual homeowners. And Tex wanders around all over the country (and out of it?) to identify and quantify the problems that inevitably occur with such an endeavor.

Anyway, there are bad pipes all over the western US right now - and Tex is finding out about those. He's been away for more than two weeks and this was going to be our first time together, of course, since he'd left.

Now he had to work. It was Saturday night, he had to work on Sunday and Monday, the day i was supposed to return. I already knew that when he worked, it was 10, 12, 14 hours at a time. They used the daylight and they went to where the pipes were bad, trips that took them into often inhospitable places and left Tex really tired at the end of the day.

"Why didn't you call me before i got on the plane?" i asked, struggling to keep vast disappointment and petulence out of my voice. "Maybe i should just turn around and go back now." He watched me silently while i changed my ticket and got one for a return trip in the morning, first plane out.

Then we went to the parking garage, got in his truck and began to drive away, into the night, going north out of Las Vegas.

"Shouldn't we find someplace to stay closer to the airport," i ventured aloud as the miles flew past.

"No," he said. "We're not going to stay here. We'll drive back up to my hotel room in Cedar City and you'll just wait there for me while i'm working. We need this time together, whether i'm working or not."

I felt like stomping my foot and yelling at him that i didn't want to sit in a fucking hotel room and wait for him for days while he was away. But i didn't. Instead, we drove to Cedar City.

It was, i realized, his call.
He is my Master.
More than that, when i gave him my submission, i gave it wholly. It didn't come with any reservation, no part of me held back.

In truth, he calls me his slave.
In truth, there's enormous comfort in opening myself to that level of commitment, in being cared for with that kind of focus, in being free to reutrn to him that kind of respect and admiration and concern.

So i spent a lot of this weekend i'd so looked forward reading the books i'd brought along and watching TV and taking a few short walks, but more importantly, i spent a couple nights sleeping with him and holding hands and talking quietly and playing, some, too.

It was good time, quality time, time we needed. I remained confused about a few things with regard to our bond, but i have no doubt the bond is there, one of strength and caring and ownership, too, him of me.


Looks like you have finally met your match. Congrats.

Eb<stating the obvious>:D

Ebonyfire said:
I am missing Shadowsdream, so I am bumping one of Her threads.

me too~

Perhaps this is known by many but she is coming back, isn't she?

I'm usually in the dark...and have noticed she's been away for some time now~:( ~ is this just a temporary hiatus?

please share if you will
Me three.... hope Shadowsdream returns soon, miss Her wisdom and thought provoking posts.

Oh she will be back... she is just in canada... has very poor internet service... she has not deserted us... just has trouble getting through to us is all....

I think we all miss her wisdom... she should be back in the next month or so...
In honour of Shadowsdream, thought it fitting we do more than bump the thread, so am going to jump in and post something on the topic.

I consider myself owned in the extreme, and also a slave. I have no problems with either terminology, nor what it represents. I can relate to the discomfort with the word 'slave', and share the abhorrance for that part of human history as it was in the most inhumane and disempowering representations. I also acknowledge there were some positive stories to emerge where love was experienced, even when frowned upon by society as a whole, and though the road to that love may not have been wholesome, sometimes the outcomes were very respectful and loving, and in their own way protecting the disempowered slave from the fate which befell many others.

Though I see similarities for me, the difference in my life as a slave is I chose this of my own free will knowing I had a choice, which is far different. I also chose a relationship type that was more than just mindless servitude of another human being, instead incorporating the aspects of love, intimacy, and validation I needed. In this I have found a freedom I never knew before.

I am owned in every way possible by Master; my heart, mind, body, soul, all that I am. We are not in a relationship we consider can end at any time. This is not blind love saying nothing will ever go wrong. We have our differences, which is natural with 2 strong personalities and any relationship which deals with reality. The difference is we both have committed to the full responsibility of this life in that we are lifetime partners, be it good or bad...all will be dealt with in whatever way is needed, the one certainty being we are not free to walk out the door and like unwanted trash throw away the responsibility we assumed when we knowingly agreed to my giving myself to Master as his owned property.

Though I still struggle with some of Master's wishes, I continue to try as that is the least I can do. He in turn reminds me what it means to be owned, helps me by reminding me I am no longer responsible for myself as I am part of him. The translation? If he asks me to do something that is totally the opposite of who I was in my previous existence, I obey as I am no longer responsible to others for my actions, only to him, and as his property my actions reflect on him, not me; I am a part of him....so why should I feel any reluctance, embarrassment, unbearable degradation. It is not mine to feel. I understand and agree with this, but it takes time to make it ingrained, but I will succeed in his honour, and with his patient guidance.:heart:

i am not as wordy as some of the people whom have posted here...but i want to post my say. i have been owned for quite some time now and i can say my heart and soul rejoiced on that day. it was what W/we both wanted, and i am honored to be his. it's the happiest feeling for me, and on a number of occasions he has told me how proud he was that i was his in every way:)
Re: Shadowsdream

ethereal~minx said:
me too~

Perhaps this is known by many but she is coming back, isn't she?

I'm usually in the dark...and have noticed she's been away for some time now~:( ~ is this just a temporary hiatus?

please share if you will

A temporary hiatus, for sure, but I am confident she will read this and be cheered.
SubChristy said:
i am not as wordy as some of the people whom have posted here...but i want to post my say. i have been owned for quite some time now and i can say my heart and soul rejoiced on that day. it was what W/we both wanted, and i am honored to be his. it's the happiest feeling for me, and on a number of occasions he has told me how proud he was that i was his in every way:)

I am so glad you posted to this thread, please do not hesitate to tell us more about yourself and your journey.
cellis said:
Oh she will be back... she is just in canada... has very poor internet service... she has not deserted us... just has trouble getting through to us is all....

I think we all miss her wisdom... she should be back in the next month or so...

She is reading the threads too.
catalina_francisco said:
In honour of Shadowsdream, thought it fitting we do more than bump the thread, so am going to jump in and post something on the topic.

I consider myself owned in the extreme, and also a slave. I have no problems with either terminology, nor what it represents. I can relate to the discomfort with the word 'slave', and share the abhorrance for that part of human history as it was in the most inhumane and disempowering representations. I also acknowledge there were some positive stories to emerge where love was experienced, even when frowned upon by society as a whole, and though the road to that love may not have been wholesome, sometimes the outcomes were very respectful and loving, and in their own way protecting the disempowered slave from the fate which befell many others.

Though I see similarities for me, the difference in my life as a slave is I chose this of my own free will knowing I had a choice, which is far different. I also chose a relationship type that was more than just mindless servitude of another human being, instead incorporating the aspects of love, intimacy, and validation I needed. In this I have found a freedom I never knew before.

I am owned in every way possible by Master; my heart, mind, body, soul, all that I am. We are not in a relationship we consider can end at any time. This is not blind love saying nothing will ever go wrong. We have our differences, which is natural with 2 strong personalities and any relationship which deals with reality. The difference is we both have committed to the full responsibility of this life in that we are lifetime partners, be it good or bad...all will be dealt with in whatever way is needed, the one certainty being we are not free to walk out the door and like unwanted trash throw away the responsibility we assumed when we knowingly agreed to my giving myself to Master as his owned property.

Though I still struggle with some of Master's wishes, I continue to try as that is the least I can do. He in turn reminds me what it means to be owned, helps me by reminding me I am no longer responsible for myself as I am part of him. The translation? If he asks me to do something that is totally the opposite of who I was in my previous existence, I obey as I am no longer responsible to others for my actions, only to him, and as his property my actions reflect on him, not me; I am a part of him....so why should I feel any reluctance, embarrassment, unbearable degradation. It is not mine to feel. I understand and agree with this, but it takes time to make it ingrained, but I will succeed in his honour, and with his patient guidance.:heart:


As usual, you state your opinions admirably!
cellis said:
Oh she will be back... she is just in canada... has very poor internet service... she has not deserted us... just has trouble getting through to us is all....

I think we all miss her wisdom... she should be back in the next month or so...

I came back to this thread this-morning in hopes that someone would share and I am so happy to hear this!
cellis, thank you for sharing what you know!!!!
Ebonyfire said:
She is reading the threads too.

And this brings tears to my eyes, to know she's 'watching'
this unfold~~ Ebonyfire, thank YOU for bumping this thread!!!
You are a wonderful bright light and a great friend for sure.

To EB & Shadowsdream & this wonderful place of love, light & growth!!
ethereal~minx said:
And this brings tears to my eyes, to know she's 'watching'
this unfold~~ Ebonyfire, thank YOU for bumping this thread!!!
You are a wonderful bright light and a great friend for sure.

To EB & Shadowsdream & this wonderful place of love, light & growth!!