panties yes or no

Yes, wearing panties now.

I usually wear them when I go out but not always during the summer.
Yes, wearing panties now.

I usually wear them when I go out but not always during the summer.

That's good to know thanks and I'll look forward to hearing when you don't wear them when you go out or during the summer ;)
does crotchless count as a Yes or a No? ;-)

hmm, throwing out the difficult questions right off the bat StaciRay! Although crotchless does provide easy access I'm going to say they count as wearing panties still. Now, do you always wear crotchless panties or is it just special occasions such as when your wild side comes out? :devil:
Right now I am, it is 19 degrees outside.. Don't want frostbite. But during the summer months I will often forget to cover up under a skirt, or pair of shorts.
Right now I am, it is 19 degrees outside.. Don't want frostbite. But during the summer months I will often forget to cover up under a skirt, or pair of shorts.

Well, I like the thought of summer and you "forgetting" to wear any under a skirt!
got to say, I love your ass it's so yummy :devil:
That just makes me want to growl and hoowwwllllloooooooooooo:devil:
Looking at that picture reminds me of when it was taken. It was very very cold in the bedroom, which you can see by the goosey bumps ;)
Hell yeah! it's cold out here and I don't want to be any colder than I have to be

Looking at that picture reminds me of when it was taken. It was very very cold in the bedroom, which you can see by the goosey bumps ;)

Thank you for the sacrifice;) I think the goose bumps make it that much more sexier:kiss:

Looking at that picture reminds me of when it was taken. It was very very cold in the bedroom, which you can see by the goosey bumps ;)

goosey bumps on women makes everything yummy and want me to warm her up starting with my mouth on a hard nipple :devil: