Patting the backs and tooting each others horns

The Winter Issue of Mannequin Envy is up and running!

See if you can detect the literoticans in this pack of wildly talented writers.

Thanks to Epmd607 for helping out as guest editor while TheRainMan takes a well deserved break. :kiss:

I second the MUST read of this issue, ( well, they all are must reads.) The first delicious fruit I read was from one of my most favorite poets that I ever read here at Lit ( or anywhere) and that would be 1201.

Anna, you and your staff have put forth another awesome issue and as I read G's first poem , I realized how much I adore that man and how i have missed his presence here.

So, I thank you for posting your note about the new issue up, I saw it before I saw the notice in my email.

Keep up the good work and give G a cyber-hug from me.

Thanks Maria! For visiting the site and for your kind comments. There are many good poems and flash stories on the site, it makes me happy when people get to go read them.

You should go give G a hug on your own-- they don't transfer well! :)

I second the MUST read of this issue, ( well, they all are must reads.) The first delicious fruit I read was from one of my most favorite poets that I ever read here at Lit ( or anywhere) and that would be 1201.

Anna, you and your staff have put forth another awesome issue and as I read G's first poem , I realized how much I adore that man and how i have missed his presence here.

So, I thank you for posting your note about the new issue up, I saw it before I saw the notice in my email.

Keep up the good work and give G a cyber-hug from me.

Keep it up Chris! Do you have a checklist of all of the places you want to get your work into? Cross them off as you go?
Congrats Anna! The Winter Melt issue looks wonderful and you've such terrific poetry in it. Your featured poet especially impressed me.

Go read it poets! It's good to the last drop.
Thanks Ange and Eve! You know it is your home too-- your poems share an apartment together on the second floor.
Keep it up Chris! Do you have a checklist of all of the places you want to get your work into? Cross them off as you go?

Thanks for the kind words, Jenn

I have a little list of journals I like to submit to (going down slowly, bit by bit)
I second the MUST read of this issue, ( well, they all are must reads.) The first delicious fruit I read was from one of my most favorite poets that I ever read here at Lit ( or anywhere) and that would be 1201.
consider the implications of "delicious fruit" I'm not:rolleyes: I've often thought of my self as more just tooth decay.
But holy cow, really?
consider the implications of "delicious fruit" I'm not:rolleyes: I've often thought of my self as more just tooth decay.
But holy cow, really?

Yeah, really, you ornery precious friend, you. I have always adored your writing and you and you know it.

Should I have written, "fruits of labor?"

I never thought of you in the context with anything that was decaying, never in any foul or cavity inducing way. I always appreciated that you would tell me what I wrote sucked or otherwise, you have always been honest with me and I am very thankful for that.

Glad to see you here, in as much as you or anyone can be "here." :)

be well

fruits of his loins?

Yeah, really, you ornery precious friend, you. I have always adored your writing and you and you know it.

Should I have written, "fruits of labor?"

I never thought of you in the context with anything that was decaying, never in any foul or cavity inducing way. I always appreciated that you would tell me what I wrote sucked or otherwise, you have always been honest with me and I am very thankful for that.

Glad to see you here, in as much as you or anyone can be "here." :)

be well

Yeah, really, you ornery precious friend, you. I have always adored your writing and you and you know it.

Should I have written, "fruits of labor?"

I never thought of you in the context with anything that was decaying, never in any foul or cavity inducing way. I always appreciated that you would tell me what I wrote sucked or otherwise, you have always been honest with me and I am very thankful for that.

Glad to see you here, in as much as you or anyone can be "here." :)

be well

I never...because what you wrote never sucked...just like everyone's could be improved...I try to be honest, and if it helps...sometimes I'm wrong.
Four of my poems are being published in a small literary magainze, one of which won first place in their literary contest. $100 bucks baby!
Four of my poems are being published in a small literary magainze, one of which won first place in their literary contest. $100 bucks baby!

Hey you! Congrats. Do you have a link you can share with us to an associated site or maybe you could just write a few poems here again. :)

I was just talking about you the other day. It's great to see you around again. I was thinking of that excellent review you gave Tess's cathedral poem. Yep, I still remember.
Hey you! Congrats. Do you have a link you can share with us to an associated site or maybe you could just write a few poems here again. :)

I was just talking about you the other day. It's great to see you around again. I was thinking of that excellent review you gave Tess's cathedral poem. Yep, I still remember.

Thank you! No, I don't have a link, they're a print publication and they've got the serial rights to the poetry. I might write a poem. I've finished the poetry portion of my degree, all that's left is the last half of a fiction semester. I like writing poetry.

I can't believe some of the fabulous work you people are just giving away here! Go forth and get published, you! You, Tess, WickedEve, just to name a few.
Thank you! No, I don't have a link, they're a print publication and they've got the serial rights to the poetry. I might write a poem. I've finished the poetry portion of my degree, all that's left is the last half of a fiction semester. I like writing poetry.

I can't believe some of the fabulous work you people are just giving away here! Go forth and get published, you! You, Tess, WickedEve, just to name a few.

Most of us have been getting published too over the years, none as much as we'd like I'm sure, but we are. I actually need to start submitting stuff again. I've been slacking off on that the past few years. I'm still writing, just not pushing on submitting.

Did you see we (thanks to Lauren) got a poetry Survivor contest going? People are writing some amazing form poetry for it (and free verse, but mainly form right now). I know you must be busy with your dissertation, but you'd be wonderful in that contest. Just a thought. Yes, I'd love to read you here regularly.
Most of us have been getting published too over the years, none as much as we'd like I'm sure, but we are. I actually need to start submitting stuff again. I've been slacking off on that the past few years. I'm still writing, just not pushing on submitting.

Did you see we (thanks to Lauren) got a poetry Survivor contest going? People are writing some amazing form poetry for it (and free verse, but mainly form right now). I know you must be busy with your dissertation, but you'd be wonderful in that contest. Just a thought. Yes, I'd love to read you here regularly.

I've been watching the contest. Not to the dissertation stage yet. Got the bachelors in sociology last year, getting the bachelor's in creative writing this year. I start the masters program in creative writing next August. Me a teacher, whoa. My current plan is to get the MA in my currect school, then find an MFA program that'll finish it. After that, it's off to a big U for my PhD in sociology. Or, I might just go get a PhD in English.
I can't believe some of the fabulous work you people are just giving away here! Go forth and get published, you! You, Tess, WickedEve, just to name a few.

Congrats on the publication. By the way, long time no see.
And thanks for the compliment. Coming from you, it really is. :rose:
I've been watching the contest. Not to the dissertation stage yet. Got the bachelors in sociology last year, getting the bachelor's in creative writing this year. I start the masters program in creative writing next August. Me a teacher, whoa. My current plan is to get the MA in my currect school, then find an MFA program that'll finish it. After that, it's off to a big U for my PhD in sociology. Or, I might just go get a PhD in English.

I would think you'd do extremely well in a literature PhD program. You're so good at critique, you seem to have the right kind of mind for a graduate program in literary crit. Soc is probably more realistic in terms of finding work. Then again people with an advanced degree in English who can write well are a good (and rare) commodity. I got my master's in education, but I always got jobs on the basis of being a good writer. Of course it depends on where you are, too. I have a much harder time finding work now because there ain't much publishing industry (or corporate writing) happening north of Boston. A smart woman like you should do well no matter what you end up choosing.