The books you hated!

Ah, unsatisfactory endings of the book series that I enjoyed... I read plenty of those although I am not always sure I can separate an ending that I simply didn't like, from an ending that is just badly done. In extreme examples, it's easy to tell, but when those two are intertwined...

There is one fantasy series that feels as if an alien entity took over the author's body and wrote abominable sequels to an outstanding first book.

This is the first book a coming-of-age fantasy story that was really well done. I enjoyed it very much. The sequels though... 🤢
The going to the well too many times syndrome. Chronicles of Thomas Covenant was excellent, the follow up series even better and with a definitive ending, then years later, but wait, there's more! It was just freaking awful I got through 1 1/2 books out of four and said fuck this.

Similar with Eddings the Belgariad which I enjoyed, then he comes with with the mallorean and shits on every single thing, and many characters from the first.