Patting the backs and tooting each others horns

Fair enough. Though I'll bet I can be more embarrassed than you can. I have (ahem) more cause.

I think we should lobby Evie to take off her handcuffs long enough to submit some of her spectacular poems to Some Really Good Journal. (Well, I guess, given her amorous configuratory, maybe have her beg Mr. Hugo to remove the cuffs or whatsis long enough for Eve to type up the cover letters and package up her stuff. I get confused about any relationship stuff, let alone the deluxe model.)

By the way, Ms. Jazzaline, that would apply to you as well. (Not the handcuff part, I think, but then, what do I know? :) )

And add to that a whole swell bunch of other Litizens. I talk about software for a living, but in my dimwittedly, though intense, opinion, there is a lot of very very good poetry that shows up here. Go get it posted elsewhere, people!

Or not. Your life, not mine. There ain't fortune in it, and little fame.

Hey. Speaking of fortune, anybody know anything about setting up environment variables in Visual C++ Express?
Fair enough. Though I'll bet I can be more embarrassed than you can. I have (ahem) more cause.

I think we should lobby Evie to take off her handcuffs long enough to submit some of her spectacular poems to Some Really Good Journal. (Well, I guess, given her amorous configuratory, maybe have her beg Mr. Hugo to remove the cuffs or whatsis long enough for Eve to type up the cover letters and package up her stuff. I get confused about any relationship stuff, let alone the deluxe model.)

By the way, Ms. Jazzaline, that would apply to you as well. (Not the handcuff part, I think, but then, what do I know? :) )

And add to that a whole swell bunch of other Litizens. I talk about software for a living, but in my dimwittedly, though intense, opinion, there is a lot of very very good poetry that shows up here. Go get it posted elsewhere, people!

Or not. Your life, not mine. There ain't fortune in it, and little fame.

Hey. Speaking of fortune, anybody know anything about setting up environment variables in Visual C++ Express?

I've been bugging her about this for years. I think we need a thread devoted to this.

<rushes off>

(I am sending another batch off to Brilliant Corners, the jazz journal. They haven't taken me yet, but it's my holy grail. If you look at who they publish, you'll see why it's so hard to get in there. OTOH, Chris's success has me stoked. And I love wasting postage!)
Congratulations Christian. You are a wonderful poet that I'm glad to number amongst the names I'm gathering of "I-knew-him/her-whens".
Chris's success has me stoked. Why I is babbling.

Yo, C! I really am not jealous.

Much. :)

I'm jealous in a good way. Like you are. :)

Chris has worked so hard at his writing, just plugged away at it and he's a natural and he keeps getting better. I'm happy for him as I know we all are. But the lesson in this for me, for any of us who think "I could be in a journal like that" is keep submitting. I get discouraged and slack off on submitting and that's a mistake. I can think of a half dozen poets here off the top of my head whose poetry could hold its own in the "best" journals. But you have to really work at submitting to get the break. I suspect Chris has really applied himself to that (feel free to answer Chris lol--I don't mean to put words in your mouth), and he's beginning to reap the rewards.
Thanks everyone for your kind comments. I appreciate it mucho.



Thanks guys. Your support is much appreciated.



Congrats to my favorite simian, Tathagata, on his publication here!
My congratulations as well to a fine poet, gentleman, and Red Sox fan. I want to wail Tath! Come back, Tath! but I would be ridiculous in that rôle


though I do kind of like our Mr. T. as a leather-wearing gunslinger. With a Baastaan accent, of course.

And I would really really hate to be known as "Little Joey."

Though Jean Arthur does fill that Oedipal Mom thing pretty well. So to speak. :cool:
My congratulations as well to a fine poet, gentleman, and Red Sox fan. I want to wail Tath! Come back, Tath! but I would be ridiculous in that rôle


though I do kind of like our Mr. T. as a leather-wearing gunslinger. With a Baastaan accent, of course.

And I would really really hate to be known as "Little Joey."

Though Jean Arthur does fill that Oedipal Mom thing pretty well. So to speak. :cool:

Nice hat. Lester Young had one like it. :)
Congrats to my favorite simian, Tathagata, on his publication here!

Congrats, Tath! What a trippy zine. Do they publish in real paper as well? I have to wait until morning to read, my eyes can't read it (I have a smallish screen) and when I zoom in, I get dizzy.....

at any rate, cool beans, you go boy!
I got an acceptance from The Kenyon Review. Well, kind of. The print publication is full until Fall '09, so the Editor is putting my poetry in a new online part of the journal's website called KR Online which is launching in Spring.

congratulations, Christian. that's terrific news. :)

and for the other acceptances as well. keep it up.



I really enjoyed both those poems.

Inventive, erudite, lyrical--
with much heart to round it out :heart:

Bravo! :)

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